OH SHIT, Nolan's next movie is kino of the century

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I'm not reading all that shit. Greentext it.

It's worth the read. Hell of a story if true, definitely kino of the century tier.

>girl gets into porn
>makes it big
>quits and disappears to live a normal life
>mafia approaches her, they're buying a studio or something and her pornos are attached to it, they need her signature or they need to make her disappear
>she comes out on top of it
>all true and happened IRL
holy fugg

What does any of this have to do with Nolan? All I see is dumb shit about porn actresses.

Literally read the damn thing, he's gonna direct it.

not interesting at all

They should use this song in the credits SRS
would be unadulterated KINO, it fucking fits the theme


bad bait
why would there be so much secrecy around it and a shitload of actors of all ranges being interested in starring in it?

sounds like it could be good, the hollywood drama is dumb though

Of course it's not real. Why on earth would they be worried about sexual misconduct? If their offices are whirlpools of rapists then why would any other non-porn movie not also have the same rape misconduct problems in production.

The whole story is counting on retards with the pattern matching abilities of a Down's Syndrome kid to think that because a film is about sex then somehow sex will totally be likely to happen backstage.

You could can even google the porn actress and get nothing about this story. Add to that Nolan's frigidness when it comes to sex in his movies.

It's all bullshit.

nooo it looks ebin it must be a real movie I refuse to accept otherwise!

i tried reading it and got bored before it finished explaining how hard i is to keep this movie a secret

>still believing blind items
Nolan already said his next movie is a cross between North by Northwest and Inception.

It's basically the story of the fall of the Gambino's as told from a recovered porn stars point of view. It's a pretty good fucking story, sex/violence/mafia gritt/Hollywood glamour but you really can't do it justice if you pull your punches on any of the sex and drugs and murder. The Mob got into porn in the 70's and made a ton of money but the irony is getting out of porn (with a payday) sunk the last huge American mob family and the irony with shooting this kind of a film post #metoo is 'the movement' has made these extreme secrecy/security features neccessary and might end up sinking the last great Hollywood movie.

He said going to be a "romantic thriller" and that's how they'd phrase the movie described here. In 12 months I'll be accepting your apology. You doubters are wrong every time.

ooh good
it's gonna be sensational

>Wrong Everytime
Entertainment lawyer guy is wrong 90+% of the time, and the time he's "right" is when the rumors are already publicly known like the nxvim stuff.

Three minutes of my life I'll never get back. Eat a dick, OP.

>Emma Watson could be getting her nude brapper out on display in Nolan Kino next year


>why would any other non-porn movie not also have the same rape misconduct problems in production.

Did you not know what happened on the Caligula set?

>why would there be so much secrecy around it
Because Hollywood right now is a fucking powder keg with all these faggot journos putting people's heads on pikes on the altar of gender politics and a film like this would make every last one of them kvetch until production got derailed. Look at what happened with fucking Green Book.

Based rock-dwelling retard poster

Attached: download (12).jpg (247x204, 9K)

Nolan didn't say those words faggot, some journo did

>this is the pornstar

holy shit

Attached: download.jpg (200x180, 7K)

Disagree. Just this write-up was interesting as fuck, this is a fucking story. Could be a great film if done right.

She is also the chick posted here constantly, that sfw webm where she has the sunglasses on.

what a cancerous crop, you fucking faggot

Wew just looked up Stacey Donovan and it's her. What are the chances she's already a minor meme.

Hot as fuck too, will fap to her later.

>tfw reading this on a ultrawide screen

Good choice.

I don't understand why this thread keeps getting posted
It sounds like it'll be a standard good Nolan movie not some life-changing event

Absolutely 100 percent kino if true and if false. I'll see it day one regardless, based Nolan can do no wrong.

>making anything other than PG-13 blockbuster
I doubt it.