Do you believe the Earth is flat? Dome or no Dome?
I just finished watching this documentary. I don't personally believe the Earth is flat however, I do feel sorry for the people who have alienated their self from their family and friends by coming out about their beliefs. They even bought the Ring Laser Gyroscope and tested it. The guy fucked up his laser test experiment as well. Also, have you seen the documentary?
>I do feel sorry for the people who have alienated their self from their family and friends by coming out about their beliefs Flat Earthers are the new gays LMAO
Easton Morris
Jaxon Rivera
I'm watching it as this thread was posted. Do you guys think Mark is nailing Patricia?
Landon Hughes
He definitely seemed like he would be up for it. It just depends on her. I would.
Gavin Kelly
Sphere cucks are the worst. It's flat. End. of .story.
Angel Bell
How much would it cost to send an expedition of flat earthers to the edge of the earth? I genuinely want to fund this
Anthony Wilson
Pedophiles are the new gays smoothbrain
Wyatt Watson
I like the aesthetic of a flat earth.
Josiah Parker
Way too much
Adrian Thompson
They were so smug with themselves
Fuck the idiots
The fact Mark couldn't even start a ride in NASA shows how much of a clown he is
Chase Scott
So what's the idea behind flat earth? Why would the powers that be lie and say it isn't flat?
Matthew Campbell
Yeah, I noticed that they panned to the green button that he didn't press after he tried to touch the non-touch screen.
Aiden Reed
The govnement keeps the edge off limits. You simply cannot reach it unless you are an big army
Kevin Gutierrez
Sphericity of Earth was empirically proven by human beings between 1955-58 with Fuchs/Hillary Cross-Antarctic Expedition. Of course we could say it happened even earlier with Cook's circumnavigation of the southern ocean or Amundsen and Scott's journeys to the South Pole but those didn't go all the way. Perhaps first journey from Santiago de Chile to Wellington could also be cited as a proof?
Ryder Hughes
It used to be flat, before the reshaping of Eä, and the breaking of the Nine realms. Now the world that is has been cleaved, lesser than the world that was, and the splintering of worlds and stars shall continue until the Dagor Dagorath
Oh we all know it's been proven, but flat earthers (like all conspiracy theorists) say this was just fabricated by the government. I want a group of the most respected and outspoken flat earthers to make a trek to what they believe the edge to be and document it all.
Ryder Reyes
Honestly stopping at the beginning of Ross Ice Shelf is cheating. It should be from coast to coast.
Samuel Kelly
>He isn't a Hollow Earth-er smdhtbhfamalam
Hudson Walker
Better yet, pay for a suborbital tour for them.
Kayden Bennett
Why? Flat earthers would just say that's fake too and the people who did it sold out
Asher Morgan
It wouldn't change anything for them. They'd just perform mental gymnastics and change the goalposts.
>I do feel sorry for the people who have alienated their self from their family and friends by coming out about their beliefs I could be supporting you on this, but then you meet a relative that is deep full on tinfoil tier shit not necessarily a flatter but other things and then you forget about your compassion and just want that fucker out of your circle.
Ryan Reed
I think some of them secretely want some cool free ride.
Liam Fisher
>flat earthers How convenient that everything that disproves your shoddy theory is fake and a hoax.
Alexander White
Natural phenomenons made them think they crossed but in reality they traveled in circles
Jeremiah Roberts
The most popular answer I've found is the religious angle, being, they are hiding proof of God and Creationism from us. Globe Earth apparently discredits God. But it varies from people believing it's all covered up by NASA, the CIA, Jews, Masons, Rothschilds, Aliens, Reptile People.
Owen Gonzalez
Oceanfag here. I go to a maritime school where every summer we sail across the Atlantic. The dumbest kid I know was arguing with the 2nd mate about flat earth being real and got laughed off the bridge when the mate asked him “if the earth is flat, why do we use mercator routes?” The dude responded with “because it’s traditional”
It also ignores the really obvious fact that most of the world is religious.
Colton Ward
>the government Which government?
Josiah Morris
THE government.
Parker Powell
The nebulous government
Evan Fisher
THEY I hope they don't track me down, this is so woke.
Christian Clark
They usually start south of Argentina and end their in journey in New Zealand, usually Christchurch. Not sure why Weddell is often the starting point, most expeditions during the Heroic Age started from the Ross Sea. I guess it's better to cross the most difficult part when you're still fresh and strong but at this point both routes should be well-known.
Dylan Edwards
But the church was at its most powerful when globed earth was discovered and accepted
John Bell
Flat earth theory is just controlled opposition.
Noah Jackson
the government of the oblate spheroid?
Benjamin Peterson
It's a jarring reminder of how good life in America truly is if people are so bored they're turning to this shit.
Aaron Harris
Opposition to what?
Jayden Cooper
They say the Church is Satanist.
Blake Parker
Hollow earthers.
Blake Sanders
>I do feel sorry for the people who have alienated their self from their family and friends by coming out about their beliefs.
Why? They're fucking idiots and deserve nothing but mockery
Cameron Watson
basically the premise of Idiocracy, yes, it was a prophecy
Carson Morgan
>sandy hook was fake? what's next flat earth lmao
Ian Harris
>God is all-powerful >but he can't make gravity work in three dimensions
Met a flat-earther. His explanation is basically "humans are flawed, so nothing can be trusted, so anything is possible because reality is subjective."
Jason Gomez
I've been looking into conspiracy theories lately and it feels like daily life becomes more interesting if everything is a conspiracy, agencies and groups of people are in control and pulling the wool over our eyes.
Dylan Allen
The big large government that has its fingers in whichever pies are required to make my shit theory work.
Isaac Nelson
Conspiracy theories are exciting and it's cool to think everything has some big secret organisation and shit behind it, but surely you'd choose a better one than flat earth to get behind
Andrew Garcia
you need the Shock Factor Marketing 101
Bentley White
Flat Earth, for many people, seems to tie in with their belief in jew conspiracies, 9/11 (if the government can hide 9/11 they can hide anything) etc.
Asher Sanders
Let's unpack this.
I can understand that most conspiracy theories have a sort of logic behind them, but this makes zero sense. What would government gain by teaching that the earth is a globe instead of a flat disc? Who would benefit from it and how would accepting that the earth is in fact flat change our lives?
Mark Sargent is a fake and doing it for the money. I know because he lives a short ferry ride away from me. His Whidbey Island home has a complete view of the sound judging by what was shown in the Netlfix documentary. I’m on the opposite side facing him and none of these homes are cheap. Must be great living in a +1 mil home doing absolutely nothing but shilling some absurd theory.
Jeremiah Adams
This is what I don't understand. Everyone in the documentary has a strawman agency that is behind everything but they're yet to simply explain why. Why would they do that? What would they gain? What difference does the shape make?
Joshua Powell
This is why postmodernism is so cancerous
William Green
He lives with his mom though.
Christopher Gonzalez
It's not about making sense, it's about starting with the conclusion (a flat earth) and working backwards, without ever stirring from the conclusion. It's not even about the flat earth either, if it wasn't that it would be some other outlandish crap. Stupid know-nothing people want to feel smart like those fancy professors and scientists without having to actually learn or know anything, so they make up a world where they're the only smart one.
Jose Cooper
I believe the logic is
>The spherical Earth was created by scientists (demons) to shake people's faith in the Church as church teaching never mentioned this >People start to perhaps think that if the Church are wrong in this case, then the Church can be wrong in others >People question God and turn their backs on the church >Scientists win as everybody rejects teachings of God and turn to evil
It was an incredibly niche belief until recent years
Hunter Murphy
This. He is a bored spoiled rich incel mommy's boy. He wants to tap that horrible plastic surgery monster but he is obviously too beta.
Jaxon Rogers
>His explanation is basically "humans are flawed, so nothing can be trusted, so anything is possible because reality is subjective."
Welcome to the cancerous world of philosophy undergraduates
Jason Ross
>2018: These crazy people believe the earth is flat! >2020: These crazy people believe there are only two genders! >2022: These crazy people believe there are genetic differences in IQ!
>the mate asked him “if the earth is flat, why do we use mercator routes?” The dude responded with “because it’s traditional” Prove him wrong, spherecuck.
Mason Perry
Jeremiah Turner
Did you read the post before typing this?
Aaron Reyes
I mean the world is controlled by a small elite group but I doubts it's only Jews or reptiles or some shit and it's mostly to do with money and not so much education and every day Life
Parker Fisher
>Montunui hold up, >Mata Nui Hoe come it was OK for Disney to use Maori, but the Lego group could not? fucking Oceania fags
Ethan Gray
>Do you believe the Earth is flat? No, its a CIA psyop to distract people from the fact that Earth is hollow.
the earth is actually a dodecahedron in a heliocentric solar system orbited by a flat moon
Ryder Walker
propaganda user has arrived
Jacob Campbell
Tyler Morris
Flat Earth is a psyops to discredit valid consipracy theories like Northwood,9/11 and moon landing.
Charles Watson
>space station model being held up by the boom operator every time
Elijah Reyes
Ar-Pharazôn really fucked up shit for everbody.
Jacob Lee
in english, doc?
Benjamin Johnson
I can never figure out just why any government would spend the money to bother with this. What is the goal to keeping the whole flat Earth thing a secret? How does this help any aspect of the world? Who does this keep in power, or rich by doing so?
Aiden Taylor
Motunui isn't specifically Maori, it's just 'big island' in several polynesian languages.
Matthew Gray
shut the fuck up, seriously
Jason Davis
Your conspiracy theories are shit, too. Don't delude yourself.
Ethan Thomas
lol why use fisheye if it's all cgi
Owen Sullivan
Flat Earth is a psyop to discredit all conspiracy theories.
Joshua Barnes
Go back to r3ddit
Caleb Ortiz
>can't show flat earthers the earth is round >if you put them in a rocket or in a ship they'll just say it was fake What evidence would they even accept and not claim it's fake?
Owen Brooks
The world would be cooler if it were really an infinite plane like that one guy said it was. How sick would that be? You could just travel out forever. There would be endless things to discover. It would probably be better for humanity too. Don't get along with your neighboring country? Just move thousands of miles away from them. There could be totally isolated communities that moved away hundreds of years ago and could have developed a totally unique culture way out on the plane somewhere. Not to mention that there would be limitless material resources. Is there a scifi/fantasy book or something set in a world like this?
I don't understand what you're trying to say here, can you elaborate please?
Xavier Baker
that's the point, flat earth was originally an exercise in showing that no proof is ever sufficient (even for something as asinine as "is the earth round") if someone has already decided what the answer is. it eventually became a "those who get their kicks pretending to be retarded will eventually find themselves surrounded by actual retards" thing
Asher Peterson
They don't. Most FE retards have YT channels and make money off then, they will never admit they are doing it for money.
Ethan Perez
It's like saying what could you show a religious person to convince them a God isn't real, it's a faith based belief, you can't use evidence to discredit it
Nathaniel Martin
Is it fair to say that the information age was a mistake?
Michael Bell
muh NASA consipracy Flat Earth is THE MOST STUPID SHIT TO BELIVE.
Caleb Moore
When the hell did Arda have nine realms?
Isaiah Brooks
I have an uncle who is really I to this stuff to the point where it’s all he talks about regardless of the subject. Me and my dad kind of lost interest in talking to him and I recently found out that his sons did to aside from calling him once a month for a wellness check.
Ethan Flores
Hell's Gate sorta Instead of an infinite plane there is an infinite number of portals that link parallel reality uninhabited earths. World 1 has a portal to world 2, which has another portal to world 3, etc. Except the plot is about an industrial revolution earth encountering a magic using earth dozens of worlds down the line and going to war.
Tyler Baker
They can't. They are in too deep.
Hunter Young
Maybe it's some mantle each ruling faction holds, only to pass it on to the next guys after their empire falls. The British handed it over to the Americans after WWII, then the US is getting ready to give the mantle of hiding the edge over to China.
Alexander Butler
seems pretty cool
Landon Miller
They are not interested in being wrong.
Nolan Howard
My sister and mother were talking about this movie the other day. My sister spoke as if flat-earthers were insects, and she truly despised them. I tried to ask her how she could possibly feel that way, but instead of explaining, they both accused me of being a flat-earther.
Adam Fisher
Over $20,000
Jayden Butler
Whatever, flat earther.
Joshua Gonzalez
When you read history and philosophy, this is the only model that really makes sense 2bh
Feels good that NASA have never been caught lying about any of its photos, footage or in fact any mission that I can think of (can't speak for the entire shuttle program it's quite boring so I didn't read too much about it).
Christopher Ward
>Any flat earthers >Respected Lmao
Josiah Jenkins
Also applies to evolution deniers, bigfoot enthusiasts, climate change deniers, and anti-vaxxers. It's people who don't understand basic science, thinking they do and thinking they're smart or special for their ignorance.
Adam Johnson
It's not a documentary trying to prove flat earth. It's just a look at the community, their points of view, the view of academic and physicists etc. They even show two experiments that prove the Earth has curvature and that there's a 15 degree rotation of the Earth every hour.
Mason Cruz
This is like the "well I guess flat earth is dumb, but I refuse to accept the mainstream narrative" choice?
Noah Jenkins
You guys are waaaaay over thinking this. The transits of satellites in the sky appears to us to be circling a ball earth, sane with more traditional navigation aids. But in reality the actions of gravity, magnetic fields and transiting through low Earth orbit are fantastically complex. That's why ball earth appears, our senses and minds are not fully able to see things as they truly are. We think we walk around a sphere but in the real we've travelled in complex circular formations. It's like being an ant on a table leg, he had no idea the true nature of his physical position for his senses cannot truly perceive it as it exists.
I want to know why they think the governments would lie to us about the earth being a globe.
Nathaniel Carter
Tolkien missed the part where Arda split into the Nine realms. Muspelheim is the remnants of Utumno, Alfheim is the part of Valinor where the elves came to live, and Jotunheim was forged from the sunken wreckage of Beleriand.
Matthew Torres
to facilitate their idiot theory
Eli Reyes
Further evidence of my assertion is found in so-called "dark matter". We cannot reconcile our observations with reality, this is a manifestation of flat Earth when one assumes ball Earth us real. It's hard to wake up, I know. But open your eyes and no longer be a rounder!
How do flat earthers explain the day and night cycle
Daniel Baker
i think the fact that flat earth has spread so much is because it literally can't be disproven. if you could disprove it with science then these people wouldnt exist. it's like the whole god argument
Chase Gutierrez
Why is eddie bravo such a pussy? Jones said he would pay to send him on a ship to prove the world is round and he won’t do it.
Caleb Butler
Lights in the sky that rotate or some believe that the flat earth is covered by a dome like in The Truman Show and the skybox we see is actually made up of displays and screens. The idea of a massive screen as the sky is how they prove an eclipse can occur.
I've just find it difficult to accept that there is nothing beyond the wall. Some people say the second ice wall, but when you ask what is beyond that? Silence.
There absolutely are genetic difference in intelligence, it's just that the in-group variation is larger than group to group variation and that the /pol/ concept of "races" is largely a social construct when it comes to actual genetic science.
Gavin Martin
I read the first 3 books of "The long Earth" recently. Multiple earth's all slightly different due to an event. Nice ideas, not great but ok
Xavier Watson
They can't go into that because a billion triggered Christ cucks will cry out for you to stop bullying their totally believable and not made up religion that's 100% more believable than flat earth
Kayden Parker
Outer space is just the way our minds conceive of the outter planes beyond the wall. It's like a simplified conceptual model so we can wrap our minds around it all. It's like how you tell a kid gasoline is carfood. It's a simplified model.
Jeremiah Long
The long earth Pratchett and gaiman did a collab
Julian Russell
>this thread >allowing flat-earthers to live inside your head rent-free Holy shit, you realize that by responding to them you’re giving them precisely what they want right
Easton Reed
Problem is, governments change all the time to many different people, some which really don't like one another. Surely by now if this were true, someone would've spilled the beans.
Robert Torres
>Be self confessed big brain >Need to prove just how smart you are >Take the time out of your day to actually explain to legitimate brainlets and trolls how the Earth isn't flat
Literally the lowest class of pseud I've ever seen. What other tricks do you mongos perform? Proving water is wet? Proving that dogs bark? Regale us with more tales of amazement. It's unironically like you think you're fucking Galileo by spouting things you literally learn in primary school. I will guarantee right now that the same people who waste their time with this shit are the same ones who believe that trannies aren't mentally ill because it's how they (((identify))). Literal and unironic bottom feeders.
Juan Garcia
>I'm an ATHEIST and that means I'm against ALL RELIGIONS, but I also think ALL BELIEFS and FAITHS should be respected. Now let me tell you the problems with Christianity and why I hate it...
Execute yourself, Rabbi.
Liam Powell
ive seen you post this same sentiment in another flat earth thread a few days ago
what does that make you then, mister take the time out of your day to actually explain to the lowest class of pseuds hes ever seen that they are stupid for responding to trolls? you're totally out-pseuding them right now bro
Aiden Thompson
flatfags go back to /x/
Juan Thomas
>primary school. US education is even worse than bong education, sometimes you need to explain simple shit, like the confirmation bias or self-serving bias.
Jayden Gray
I’ve managed to map out some locations he visits on Whidbey Island theoughout the documentary.
Lucas Roberts
So, if the earth is flat, then that would mean every single employee of both the aviation and nautical industries are in on it. Along with every single person who has ever traveled in a boat or plane. And that places today are so flat you can actually see the curvature of the earth are, what, really elaborate props?
Charles Bennett
Flat earthers never present any actual evidence for their claim. They just claim the globe is fake, like somehow their flat earth idea is the default.
They're literally too dumb. Most flat earthers haven't gotten to the formal operation cognitive stage yet.
Austin Smith
>that would mean every single employee of both the aviation and nautical industries are in on it
No not all they merely perceive it as round, they don't notice that the "line" they fly is twisting and turning. To them they are going straight but not in actuality.
Ryder Murphy
It should be pretty obvious dark matter/energy is one of those placeholder ideas that will get fixed in a few hundred years, kind of like the aether/luminous winds were
Dylan Rivera
“The powers that be” are literally normal people, neighbors, geologists, weatherman. The amount of people that would actively have to be covering it up numbers in the billions
Austin Wright
I have no sympathy for people that riddled by delusions and conspiracies. That can be easily remedied with logic and reasoning. How does gravity work on flat world? Why can I observe the other planets to be round with any commercial available telescope? How does plate tectonics work on flat earth. What about the coriolis effect, how does that work on flat earth? These people are idiots that can't answer any of these questions.
Levi Cook
You're just in on it like the rest.
Connor Torres
There is no edge, you just hit an invisible wall and a message saying "You cannot proceed any further. " pops up
Thomas Allen
+ The whole night sky doesn't make sense, lunar eclipses don't make sense... and again you need a whole new theory of gravity, even though relativity works perfectly
Ethan Sanchez
Flat earth owns not because it's real but because it trolls science fags who are basically just reddit tier psudeo intellectuals at this point.
Easton Harris
All pilots and anyone who owns a boat is in on the cover up too.
Caleb Hill
It's all a simulation that went live in 2012. You aren't even the original version of yourself.
Zachary Perry
On the globe conspiracy? I've never been in contact with anybody I can't conspire without cohorts. or I am delusional for buying the "globe myth"
Justin Watson
What about the night sky doesn't make sense? Our current theories of gravity are incomplete but that doesn't our current understanding is completely wrong.
Zachary Reed
THERE IS NO COVER UP BY RANDOS Humans perceive ball earth, so they become rounders. People who question and I quite find that in reality what feels like a sphere is actually flat in reality as it truly exists.
I'm working on some maps to show how you can travel, say straight across the south Pole, but in bonafide reality it's a much more twisted circuitous path you move on while you cannit u aided perceive the twists and turns.
Carter Sullivan
Just like Newtonian science described 99.9% of things accurately so to does current science. It gets 99.99% right but we have to conjure ten dimensions and dark matter. Our science isn't reflective of reality, including the true flat Earth.
Zachary Reed
Explain day and night.
Luis Baker
The transit of the sun, moon and stars in twisting coiling paths in the plane of the sky that resides above us but never below.
The only coherent explanation ive ever heard them put forward is that its to fake a cosmos where god seems less likely because it serves the agenda of the elites for people to be non-religious. This may be because it allows them to propogate ideas that go againt natural order and gods law, or because theyre actively satanic and making people atheist is an end in itself.
Christian Jackson
Simple question: Why can't I see the North Star from Australia?
Levi Cruz
People who engage in magical thinking past the age of 8 shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
Adam Watson
Yeah but relativity/gravity should 100% work on a disk the size of the earth. But if it did you would weight more and more the more you go to the edge, so ironically the flat earth wouldn't feel flat at all, more like climbing a mountain. But that doesn't happen, you weight the same everywhere almost like you were on some... sphere. Or gravity is just wrong but that contradicts pretty much everything we know.
Caleb Anderson
>s actually flat in reality as it truly exists. Show evidence
How can Antarctica have and East and a West? Shouldn't all sides be North?
Jordan White
That's a cliff, you retard.
Ryan Cox
>The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy or the grey aliens or the 12 foot reptiloids from another dimension that are in control. The truth is more frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless. - Alan Moore
A rock on a string will do just fine to prove the curvature of the Earth. Here we go: We get a plane, tell the pilot to level off, and maintain heading.....and this is the MOST important part of the experiment....The plane has to fly through the air level, and in a straight flight path, no nosing down, no pulling up...maintain heading for ONE hour. That's all and I will prove to the ENTIRE WORLD the Earth is NOT A MARBLE.
For the HOUR on the the plane while we fly level and maintain heading. I will have a rock tied to a piece of string. It will be dangling from the ceiling of the plane, and there will be a piece of paper taped to the floor under it, with a black dot drawn on it. So that the rock on the string will point to straight down, and the black dot on paper will show if the rock is pointing straight down.
If gravity is what is keeping the people in China from falling off, then flying level and straight on that plane should make that rock start to get pulled back some, because straight down is no longer from where we took off.
Think about that. This experiment can be done quite easily. If the Earth is round, then flying level and straight for an hour will change where straight down is, and the rock will point to it. Very simple test to finally settle the argument
Connor Powell
*you would get pulled to the centre of the disk, thats why I mean a climb, while on a sphere you are pulled towards the ground
Leo James
The same way Asia is considered the East and Europe and the Americas are considered the West. The mapping follows a Eurocentric view.
Joshua Baker
Wouldn't work as all pilots are part of the conspiracy. They would say they're flying level but are actually angling it slightly without telling you.
>why would they lie about trump being racist >why would they lie about dinosaurs existing >why would they lie about evolution >why would they lie about a global flood event >why would (((they))) lie about the holocaust seeing a running theme here yet?
Jack Stewart
>seeing a running theme here yet? Yes, you are low iq
Ryan Young
The roundness of the Earth was known and proven hundreds of years before the incarnation of Christ.
Aaron Edwards
Um, sweaty... everyone thought the earth was flat until Columbus proved them wrong. His own crew was ready to mutiny because they didn't want to sail off the edge of the world!
Jason Rivera
Did anyone else get the feeling that Mark doesn't truly believe that stuff anymore and only keeps doing it because he likes having people look up to him and all his friends are flat earthers?
Gabriel Turner
>my younger cousin who I used to watch the moon and planets on a telescope started sending me flat earth shit >I'm a geologist and he wants me to listen to their arguments I feel like I've failed him
Based Hollow earth>Regular earth>power gap>flat earth I liked how all the flat earthers experiment failed in that documentary. Also, the guy lives with his mother and looks like a fucking loser.
Brandon Price
Agree with this. I almost got a fake judaism certificate just to get a free trip to israel. Ironically, that would be a really jewish thing to do.
Gabriel King
>replying to a sweaty post stop falling for obvious bait
Aaron Stewart
You could try to listen to his shit and then show him how he's wrong
Connor Jones
"I liked how all the flat earthers experiment failed in that documentary."
Best part was when that one guy proved (or didn't disprove) the curvate of the earth "interesting". Kek
Henry Hall
I don't understand how people can perform literally all the steps of an experiment multiple times, arrive to the same conclusion multiple times, and still reject the evidence
like those fucks with the gyroscope. >b-but we need to use bismuth to stop the heaven's rays!! how do you come to close to enlightenment and then fuck it up?
John Garcia
this model is so fucking retarded. According to this, flying from canada to sweden should be a really short trip and going from sau paulo to west africa is at least 5 times the lenght.
this niggers never jumped on a transatlantic flight in their fucking life. I been in 4 different continents flying from south no north and this is so fucking retarded. In fact, according to this shit, going from peru to north of japan is closer than brazil-afica. Holly shit,. this is way too retarded.
Noah Rodriguez
You do realise gravity always acts towards the center of the earth, and you do realise that altitude is your height above the surface of the earth, right? You also realise that unless extra energy is expended a plane will not gain altitude, right?
Christopher Smith
>flying from canada to sweden should be a really short trip and going from sau paulo to west africa is at least 5 times the lenght
Duh, the airlines are in on it too, dummy.
Ayden Rogers
of course its fucking flat only retards actually believe whatever comes out of the governments mouth
Jason Cook
Arguing with this guys is like talking with those evangelics that when any proof of evolution is shown, they just say "the devil put that shit in there to test our fate" Even if they got a free trip to the ISS, they will come back saying "i was stuck in a elevator for a few days, the windows where actually flat screens with some special tech to look real and we didnt have gravity cos it was in a free fall for all the days we where in there"
Yeah, even the slutty bitches serving food in there are part of the conspiracy. the food in there have drugs to make you think you are actually flying, but you are in a subway and all the planes taking off in airports are holograms.
I fucking hate humans. You are worthless pieces of shit and deserve anihilation..
Brayden Hill
>The long Earth >Pratchett and Gaiman Cool, gonna look it up. Thanks anons
Ethan Thomas
imagine being 15 and posting this thinking you’re smart and saying something profound. That other guy is right, retards going on about how much they hate flat-earthers without actually having the scientific knowledge to disprove them are the worst. You’re the sort of person that goes too far the other direction and just dehumanizes anyone with a controversial opinion. your virtue signaling isn’t necessary though I understand it’s the only thing you have to contribute
Jaxon Adams
where should i start with the discworld series?
Austin Reed
So the giant, impassable ice wall that towers above all the world's mountains (as seen in OP's picture) is about 100 feet tall?
Lincoln Powell
that’s easily explained and I’m not even a flat earthier. People coming in here thinking they can disprove it in one decisive post are dumber than the people who believe it.
Jaxon Sullivan
They conveniently avoid this and many other questions because they simply have no answer.
Chase Myers
Sup Alex?
Andrew Collins
Put them all in a line, then start from the middle and alternate left and right. Every fifth prime number you read the novel backwards.
Logan Cooper earth explanation why can’t we see the North Star from Australia? im sorry I realize you were busy virtue signaling, can see the stench of your worthless posts all over this thread. Again, I don’t believe in flat earth, but people like you are the worst. The type sitting on the sidelines cheering for “right side” even though you have nothing to contribute
Funny how nobody has taken video of said wall. You'd think these clowns would ride out and prove us wrong. But I think they would rather not because it would expose their bs.
Ayden Sanchez
you talk like a gaggle of hens getting their nails done
Eli Miller
So nothing? Just like the north star argument. Absolutely pathetic. Again, I live close to Mark Sargent. He's doing it to make money off you fucking idiots. Comfy home by the water and all you need to do is shill some nonsense online. Nice.
Carter Martin
I don’t believe in flat earth. I’m just commenting on how much of a precocious little faggot you are and I pity everyone who wasted time reading your shallow insults
Oliver Harris
>I don’t believe in flat earth. Yes you do. You wouldn't give a shit to reply to me unless I hurt you, and it's clear that my words did, if you're this assmad.
Genuinely saddening. Hopefully you can get his head straight before he goes out into the world spouting that shit.
Angel Robinson
I saw your post in the last thread, some people are beyond saving. Hopefully, he'll come to his senses some time in the future.
Ryder Allen
there are direct flights from chile to australia, which are literally impossible using this flat earth model (they would be longer than the max distance a plane could fly). flat earthers literally claim the flights are made up.
This. Otherwise, it's just a fun exercise for argument's sake.
Adam Murphy
If you see a a flat earther, ask them why countries south of the equator can see different stars from countries north of it. If Earth was flat, the night sky would look the same for people living in Argentina and people living in Norway since earth would face up the same way. This is literally how navigators like Magellan and Vespucci figured their way through the sea.
Wyatt Thomas
Not him but I share his sentiment, and I do have the scientific knowledge to disprove them, care to provide an argument for a flat Earth so I can debunk it?
Matthew Sanders
You haven't given me anything yet to prove the theory. Your link is a joke and doesn't explain anything. There's still no video or pictures of this magnificent ice wall. I've seen all the threads and discussions before. All of you faggots are elusive and when he debate gets too hard, you just disappear. It's pretty clear the leaders of the movement do it for money which is fine I guess. The followers do it because they know they're fucking losers and want to stick it to society. "Look at me I'm better than you because I know a secret!" You are a fucking joke.
John Nelson
If you actually clicked your own link instead of ranting at the non-retarded people ITT you would see that no actual consistent explanation is shown
Gavin Watson
Look I don't have all day to sit and explain the reason and logic behind it, I don't have much time for shitposting with my job as a computer engineer. but please be certain there is a reason for the mass media push against people who know the earth is flat, and it's because the people in charge don't want people to understand that the universe isn't what they think it is and we're a lot closer to god than they want us to believe.
>I'm totally not a flat earther you guys >I'm just going to angrily respond to any post making fun of the laughable FE movement because I totally don't believe it either
Lmao but you can’t prove god isn’t real dumb pseud
David Johnson
So most of the worlds great thinkers through history? Guess sub 120 IQ incels like you should carry the mantle of man instead
Lucas Nguyen
why not just do it like this? go in the same direction and eventually you are supposed to be back at where you started. also by going vertically you don't have to go through the problematic antartica.
She def was hungry and they did mention at one point she was going to move closer but found a someone in UK but it didn't work out. Seems like he's too much of a wimp to just straight up ask her if she wants to have a go at a relationship. Honestly be a virgin, or haven't had sex in decades.
The part I was curious about was how Patricia was so loaded. She's driving a Benz got a nice house, travels, dresses well and appears to just do her YouTube shit for work. Mark mentions how expensive it is to ship all her cats to england when she moved lol.
Mark was just living with his mom so that made sense.
The bit I actually thought was good was the science guy saying how flat earthers are just sciencetists who got sent on the wrong path. I mean they are doing experiments (sound ones that unfortunately prove the earth is round) good way to think about it.
I think they didn't tackle proof the earth really is round - I mean take 3 minutes you know summarize all the points. They also didn't really cover the question why anyone would lie about the earth being round other than basically the lie has gone on for so long it's too hard to go back on.
Also I want more of that crazy angry dude who claims to be the Mastermind behind flat Earth and shit talks their conference. He looks like he has a cutie gf in the background when they show his YouTube video.
But yeah okay doc, they do a good job showing it's not all crazies who believe this but also there are definitely a lot of crazies in the mix too.
Liam Bell
Yeah I thought that guy's gf sat on the sofa looked pretty cute. I think his name is Matt.
Oliver Nelson
They cover that, mark went though all the conspiracy theories and this was the last one.
Bentley Sanchez
They looked like discs though not spheres. You fucked up user.
Bentley Rodriguez
I wonder if there is a Chad flat Earth meme with Matt as the Chad and mark as the beta.
Ethan Johnson
>Do you believe the Earth is flat? >Dome or no Dome? >I just finished watching this documentary. I don't personally believe the Earth is flat however, I do feel sorry for the people who have alienated their self from their family and friends by coming out about their beliefs. They even bought the Ring Laser Gyroscope and tested it. The guy fucked up his laser test experiment as well. Also, have you seen the documentary? I thinks it's a rock shape,not really a sphere.
Xavier Ross
Jack Martinez
>flat earth only in america you'd find "first world" people this stupid
Matthew Collins
I don't agree with the reality is subjective part, but humans do have limited perspective so it's true that we can't see everything that's happening. That's no reason to be a flat earther though.
Jacob Collins
If you accept that light bends around the Earth like magnetic lines of force, it's possible for the Earth to be flat, yet appear round, as it's the light that bends the Earth would visually appear to curve yet remaining flat.
Cyrus Teed explored this theory, and in fact land surveyors today don't take visual surveys for an hour or two around sunset and sunrise because light curves too much at that time of day. This is actually real, look it up, the bend can be as much as 16" in 1000'.
So why are the jews trying to convince us earth is flat?
Easton Morgan
See this kind of thing is why I won't ever completely dismiss flat earth or any other crazy theory. I don't anything about this so I'm not saying this proves anything. However, there is always a chance that everyone is missing something and the science will change. In the 60s we thought we knew almost everything about physics, then we learned we were wrong, this keeps happening and it will always happen. Science is just a best guess with what we think we know at the time. It can always change, so don't be so dismissive.
Elijah James
Yeah I think it's neat, I like it as a thought experiment. If you just literally can't even the idea of a flat Earth, but you can't mathematically prove why it's impossible without Wikipedia, your mind needs expanding. Flat Earth theory, for me, is introspective and lets me see my inherent biases especially toward hot issues like white male scienceism.
Alexander Thomas
Bunch of fucking morons.
Leo Flores
>white male scienceism. kys
Samuel Williams
I don't believe that it's flat, but I sure fucking hope that it is. It would make everything so much more interesting. Like if alien visitations and cryptids were real. You know? Shit like that.
Caleb White
>i perceive a pattern! i am so high IQ!
Angel Martin
Ask us how we can tell you're a woman.
Jaxon Reed
>faggots who failed at school have their revenge years later by spamming this hilariously stupid nonsense LMAO
Juan Moore
How do you explain satellite images then moron
Easton Fisher
Can confirm all of this. I have the documents, people!
Isaiah Roberts
[muffled bong rip in the distance]
Christian Williams
How can you tell that I'm a woman?
Samuel Evans
You sound like a jackass. I'm not making any claims so I don't need to explain anything. All I said was that science inevitably changes as we learn and discover more. You coming at me so fiercely just for the suggestion that we may not know everything, is so typical of common folk. The 'majority of scientists' have been wrong so many times you'd have to be a fool not to question what they say is true.
Women have a unique way of posting and I have been training a machine learning algorithm to detect it. Only issue is if a man drinks enough S O Y L E N T I get a false positive.
Jason Perry
So you can't then moron
Thomas Baker
mosaics taken by conventional aircraft
Isaiah Adams
Why are people so concerned about the flat earthers is my question. There are plenty of crazy movements and groups. Usually we just say, ok crazy guys, believe whatever you want. With flat earthers people are going out of their minds trying to prove them wrong. If their theory is so crazy then they will realize it eventually.
Aaron Peterson
Nah you see that falls back into the original it's all lies bullshit
Blake Nelson
You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts. "Flat-earthers" are literally Scientologists without Xenu engaging in information warfare with misinformation.
They should be quarantined and gassed with the maximum amount of Zyclon B.
Jonathan Martinez
They're breaking the conditioning. Can't have that.
Ryan Bailey
You sound like a jackass. Science is always refining and learning new things ... The earth being flat will never be one of those things. Don't keep your mind so open that your brain falls out.
William Johnson
You can see something's fucky with the lower corners of the video, and if that needle is supposed to be straight, it just shows the video was counter-fish eyed to look flat.
Henry Scott
The woman who does the podcasts with the flat earth messiah is bizarre. When she walks onto stage in that gown I couldn't stop laughing. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them don't fully buy into the flat earth bullshit. It's just a fringe group like bronies, furies and weebs and the people who belong to those subcultures feel a sense of group solidarity being with other weirdos and outcasts.
Parker Rodriguez
I think that you got a false positive even though i'm probably more masculine than you are.
Christian Reyes
All bull dykes think they're more masculine than any man, it's a common delusion.
Do you have the buzz cut too?
Adam Barnes
What are you like?
Mason Thompson
>science fags You mean anyone who finished fifth grade?
Isaac Flores
I'm a twelve foot tall insectoid, half my body weight is this enormous venomous penis.
Ethan Howard
Justin Perez
The Nazis believed that beyond the sky dome there was pure isenstahl, ice steel.
Angel Collins
I'm pretty sure if humans really wanted to, we could completely avoid other groups, but we want to live together and fighting is part of that.
Cameron Green
Flat Earth is like the final boss of conspiracies. If you get there, there's no turning back. Even if you took these lunatics to the ISS they would deny, because they have to.
Logan Thompson
No they fucking didn't you retard.
Ryder White
yes they did
they even sent an expedition to greenland to see if they could bounce infra-red from dc to their electro optical telescope from which we invented the technology of night vision
Gavin Hernandez
I would agree with this for sure. To truly believe in flat earth, you'd have to completely distrust pretty much all authority in society. I don't think you could convince them. I think most of the flat earthers are just trying to be a part of a unique counter culture, even if it's stupid. It gives people a reason to talk to them.
Julian Adams
You believe everything any lunatic writes on his blog huh