Dude, the 80s XD

Dude, the 80s XD

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i feel overwhelmingly nostalgic nostalgia for a time i wasn't even born in

why does tv attack the word nostalgia?

I was there. It was ok.

Pfft, 80s was so last year. 90s is the hot new thing to be nostalgic for now

The 80's is the worst decade post-war.

I can't stop looking at her dumpy ass it's like as long as her torso

Zoomers gonna zoom.

Is this a new promotional pic. I hate the CGI in this show

How can somone hit the wall at 15 good lord

>Duuuuude..... you seen E.T.?

Me on the left

Me second from the left

Me on the far right.

best decade for music though

Cringe, it's just a poster.

Holy shit no

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i don't remember wearing so many shorts back then

also, the female protagonist aged like milk

You haven't listened to the GOOD shit then. I feel bad for you.

Don't you guys find it strange that not many serial killers exist anymore, excluding shithole countries

how did synthwave meme music (which has fuck all to do with the 80's anyway) convince zoomers that 80's music was good?

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80s were only bad for the homosexuals

the 60s and 70s shit all over the 80s
the 90s are kind of a matter of opinion but they're certainly more interesting
those digital synths used in the 80s sounded and still sound like shit

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What the fuck is that Oompa Loompa ass?

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Alternative rock was also great in the 80s with seminal records by Sonic Youth, Pixies, Meat Puppets, Dinosaur Jr etc.

I miss going to 711 as a kid and picking up a Mad! magazine and a slurpee after class....better times

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. There's so much synth in a lot of 80's pop songs.

How nice of this 40-year-old lady to look after those kids.

Fuck Stanger Things, 80's music is incredible.





I didn't say it didn't
I'm just saying synthwave is a very poor and stereotyped imitation of the 80's sound

even that ass doesn't even

Mad magazine and collecting garbage pail kids

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Because nostalgia is a cheap trick to make you care for something that you wouldnt really care for otherwise.

>Hey, remember E.T, The Goonies, Nightmare On Elm Street, Back To The Future, The Thing, Cindy Lauper, Madonna, Motley Crue, Synthpop, Joy Division, Judas Priest, PacMan, Atari, Etc etc?
>Yeah I love that shit
>Well here's something that's vaguely similar so you can enjoy it again.

Like slapping vinyl crackle on a beat to make it feel more authentic.
It's nothing new, film and TV have always been guilty of beating you over the head with nostalgia when they do a film about a very specific decade, be it the 80's, 70's, 60's or 50's. And now more recently, the 90's.
>Remember the 90's?
>Cue the ska pop punk, flannel shirts, the simpsons and skateboards, radical dude.

You tried so hard to pull things out of your ass. You couldn't even think of stronger cases for the 80's you just came up with typical shit (and I bet you googled a few).


I was 11

Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Horror dominated the 80s. How can you not love it.

All of those things are in Stranger Things and I've only seen up to episode 4

here's your zoomer bro

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Oh, I haven't seen it ever and plan to never watch that garbage. I'd rather watch actual films from the 80's.

Cringe and Zoomerpilled

>Why does tv attack a popular thing


No, that’s current year.


>You couldn't even think of stronger cases for the 80's you just came up with typical shit
yeah nigga, that was the fucking point.
>Hey kid, remember The Killing Joke?
>eh not really
>ah, never mind.

Nostalgia doesnt really work as a tool unless it's broad enough to hit a wider audience, even people who wasnt alive at the time who are only familiar with things from the decade that has seeped into the collective unconscious.
Dense cunt.

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You don’t like Italo disco or early synth pop?

>corporatized media is so awesome, I love soulless franchises
All those genres existed before the 80’s

all my friends wanted to fucking kill me just because i never got around seeing 'stranger things'. all because i grew up in the 80's. it just didn't appeal to me.

i saw s1 and i hated it. other than getting massive boners for skinny girl that gets fucked while her chubster redhead friend gets dragged off. the show sucks.

You did a very bad job at conveying your thesis.

I want Finn Wolfhard in short shorts so bad



This will probably be better than seaosn 3

>getting massive boners for skinny girl that gets fucked
stopped reading there

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I had no idea this thing was in the third season already.
Don't pre-teens age real quickly? Like the girls could have boobs and the boys have their faces covered in acne and start getting thicker voices. It's a bit of a risk to extend a series that long with a cast around that age group. unless they're being given hormones to delay ageing

that's a very arrogant way of saying you're stupid.

only good thing in stranger things.

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>the 90s are best
Brie, plz go


Check em

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also that fat cop sucked. have no idea why people praised his fucking character.

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Dude, remember the 80s? Remember "Ghostbusters"? Remember synth music?

It was a nice way of saying you need to rework your comprehension.

no u

I love my childhood and I'm getting sick of millennial and boomer faggots cynically exploiting it. I hated every minute of enjoying the first season of Stranger Things because I could feel myself getting played like a fiddle.

I wonder if this is what women mean when they say that just because they orgasm during rape doesn't mean they enjoy it...

why do the boys look like pussies?

Profoundly underrated shop.


only reason i 'watched' s1. i heard that her friend was not even an after thought and the fans were pissed and somehow had to write in s2 that nancy tells redhead's parents about her death.

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>Don't pre-teens age real quickly?
Kids grow fast man.
You think they stay babies for years but it just takes four years to go from shitting their pants to walking and talking. Four years is nothing to you, but it's the difference between riding your bike to the candy store and getting drafted to fight in Vietnam.

>t. actual zoomer NPC
Until 2015 or so, it was universally agreed that the '80s were the worst decade for pop culture. The only good music from the '80s is music that doesn't sound like the '80s.

For some retarded reason I thought you asked "Do pre-genetic age real quickly?",disregard my faggotry.

What are the 70s?

fuck yeah.

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Bullshit the 70s got way more hate for disco and bellbottoms, it was only after "That 70s Show" that the 70s started getting respect.

First season was legit good but they are going to ruin it so hard.

That has to be one of the least sexy fifteen-year olds I have ever seen.

kike semen ruins careers

as opposed to 'illegitimately good'? think before you post, underage twitter nigger

your gay dude!

The '70s were not defined by disco the way juvenile songwriting and 808s defined the '80s. Hell, there isn't even a "'70s sound" because there was such an explosion of new styles at the time. Does funk define the '70s? Pink Floyd? Simon & Garfunkel? Crosby, Stills, and Nash?

That's not the '70s.

earth, wind, and fire. also all the other blacks you guys love even though their skin is black

The 70s had both infinitely better music and movies, what does this say about me?

>The '70s were not defined by disco
Maybe if you lived through it, but I can assure you that as someone born in the early 80s my generation's view of the 70s revolved entirely around disco and bell bottoms. Nobody was going to 70s theme parties in the 90s dressed as punks or Black Sabbath.

1978-2000 was the best musical and film period, with an honorabe mention to the 1966-1978 period before it. But if we narrow it down, the point of greatness is really around 1978-1983. Faggots still thinking in "decades" only engage in surface talk

>because I says so

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70’s nostalgia began strong in the mid 90’s. They tried “That 80’s show” and it was cancelled fast. “Freaks and Geeks” also failed

ban test

It is a little overused at this point. It's basically leeching off your affection for a different work than the one you're actually watching.

the 70's>the 80's
back in the 70's everything was better
interior design

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>wood panel walls
Every time

>he doesn't like dark wood
I bet you don't like colors either

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I didn't mean to imply it was bad, just that it was a huge meme in the 70s


Why the fuck would a 10 year old kid have a poster for The Thing in his basement?

1) Carpenter's Thing was critically panned in 1982. It had TERRIBLE box office performance. It took YEARS to break even.

2) It was clearly and explicitly rated R, and not for children. It was considered incredibly gory at the time.

3) No posters were available for purchase in the 1980s unless you worked at the cinema and took one home after its run. Reproduction posters didn't become available until the early 90s when the internet made it a sleeper hit.

Ah, sry user :( Have a nice pic from Johnny Carson's house. Now he was a TV host and a friend of good taste

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my parents had posters in the 80s for all sorts of things... sport, music and film. it was pretty easy to obtain them. in particular, you would purchase magazines that had huge posters inside the pages that you could pull out and unfold. you're just talking out your arse.

I doubt the Internet was used very often for selling posters in the early 90s, maybe some film discussion but you’re think of mid to late 90s when internet consumerism really popped off. What my real question here then is when did The Thing actually start to gain its cult status and selling merch for it and such? I’ll agree 82 was way too early but maybe late 80s after word of mouth got around?

guess it was just a matter of time before they casted a nigger kid

When are they gonna start copying the actually interesting parts of certain 80s movies like dirty dystopian New York or damn good silly but satisfying action movies.

the nigger was always there you retard, from the first episode.

The 80's nostalgia is still going, I'm suspecting it's because the 'Boomer' generation are the first to be women/menchildren

Are you fucking retarded what horror movies make bank in the box office and why would a kid give a shit you fucknut

millie looks older than kate beckinsale by like 20 years

>the 70's

Do you mean




Two different periods

how the fuck would I know I don't watch this shit

top comfy but still stylish

then don't comment on shit you have no clue about you absolute mongoloid. ishygddt

Neat looking place but seems like it'd be living in a department store.

anything you say reddo

anyone who is on Yea Forums and can remember the '80s needs to kill themselves asap

Comfy. Where is it located?

I mean't the early 70's mostly but late 70's didn't abandon all the principles of brown, beige and wood


In the 90’s as well. I remember exchanging specially marked cans of 7up for a Power Rangers movie poster at a local music store. Also some game mags used to have posters


There were NO posters for The Thing except at cinemas.
It was a commercial flop for years.
Internet didn't sell the posters, but made it into a cult success in the rental market.

dishonest shitposting

If newfaggotry was a clothing style.

I just want to point out that this guy looked just as dorky in the 80's as he does now.

>what are the 70s

>starting to feel nostalgia for the year 2012

>white kid Blacked and cucked
I hate this show

no one is going to disagree with that but are you seriously saying that duran duran or pet shop boys sound anything like com truise or perturbator? the synthwave style has very little to do with actual 80s synth pop and that isn't a bad thing, most of 80s pop music is horrible.

>same here but 2011

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Well at least he's got a nicer ass than Eleven by the look of it.


There’s always a war.

Here is your 14 year old protagonist, bro.

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Usually, Movie posters coincide with the home-release. The Thing wasn't released on home video until 1984.
The only way to get a poster before then would have been either a cinema event (The Thing never had these until much later when it became popular) or getting the cinema's copy when the film's run was over (usually requires connections to cinema staff or managers).

The Evil Dead poster is actually worse.


90s were such a shit time, the 2000s were far better.


Looks like some rich dude went to an interior designer
>How'd you want your home 'senpai?
>Just fuck my shit up.

I hear what you're saying. The problem is, the show is good.

>emo music and the dawn of cape shit
No thank you.

LOL now the zoomers are directly attacking the 80s. Oh the fucking inferiority is palpable!

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>Until 2015 or so, it was universally agreed that the '80s were the worst decade for pop culture.
By literally whom?

Are you joking? Posters on the wall were a big thing since the 70s, and before that magazine pages.

>nostalgia is a cheap trick to make you care for something that you wouldnt really care for otherwise.
Literally makes no sense and only proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.

70s were the worst in every regard. The music sucked, the fashion sucked, free love was gone along with most jobs, everything was depressing and ugly as shit. Imagine the 2010s but no internet.

1990s>80s>60s>early 2000s>50s>late 2000s>2010s>70s

2012 was objectively the last really good year though.

the 80s were unironically great

thanks for ruining my favorite Police song ST

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>tfw every breath you take was my ringtone for my girlfriend
>it's still the ringtone even though she's my ex now

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>keeping in touch with exes
never gonna make it