Admit it, most of you hated Enterprise just because of that (admittedly awful) opening theme song

Admit it, most of you hated Enterprise just because of that (admittedly awful) opening theme song.

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everyone I know likes that

the theme song is the only part of enterprise i did like

I actually liked the intro song. Years later after I grew up I heard the full song and was upset that it was Christian proselytism, but taken from the context of what was shown it fit right in.

The whole humanity reaching the stars was achieved nicely, the only song that has surpassed that feeling is sogno di volare, the intro song from civilization 6

also all the crew was shit except the doc who was ok

I really don't get the hate for the show. Yeah, the theme song was shit, but it had more likeable characters than VOY and was natively HD... what more do you want with Star Trek?

I'm watching it now, I'm up to episode 7 or something, I'm finding it generally pretty boring, I've watched TNG, DS9, and VOY so far.

nah, at first it's cringe, then you hate it and skip it but at some point you stop and start singing along with maniacal furvor.

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I didn't like it because it wasn't very good.

They didn't sexualize T'Pol enough for my liking


here, also T'pol is a fucking bitch, she probably warms up in the later seasons. Nice tibbies though.

The only way for that to happen was to turn the show into porn. I'd have been okay with that.

The opening song of the first two seasons of ENT is unironically AMAZING. It perfectly captures the adventurous and curious nature of humanity. Soulful song.

I watched the first two seasons and honestly the only episode I can say I enjoyed was when they were trapped in the shuttle about to run out of oxygen.

The rest just kind of meshed together into one long mediocre blur.

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>Vulcans are bitches
Well, yeah, that's pretty standard


Spock wasn't a bitch though


I hate everything and it has nothing to do with quality

What's that alien called in Star Trek that have different ears than Vulcans and their more suspicious or something? I always thought that was cool but I've forgotten the name of them


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ENT is good and I liked the original opening, but there are lots of things to dislike about it. Hoshi is a dead weight character even though they pretend she isn't. The helmsman whose name I can't remember is boring, acts like he's a greenhorn even though he grew up on a freighter. Reed is annoying in general and his use as a foil for Trip isn't worth his presence. If they replaced those three the series would have been infinitely better.
That's the worst one.

The only good episodes were towards the end of the show when they went to the mirror universe. Other than that it was shit.

ENT Vulcans aren't the same as later Federation Vulcans, they're a much more flawed society and it becomes a big plot point later on in Season 4

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Bullshit, Kirk, Spock and McCoy ended being pals but they all got upset at some point with Spock behaving like an Asperger idiot once in a while.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
>space AIDS

I forgot, are you referring to the xenophobic terrorist attacks or when they admitted they were afraid of humanity's fast development because they saw themselves in us but also watched how in only a century we managed to get our shit together?

I just wanted to see more of the "current year" Trek not distant past stuff.

That's the Vulcan Reformation arc, yes. It was supposed to be the opening arc towards a bigger storyline involving the Earth-Romulan war in Season 5 but the show got cancelled.

The episode was good, it discussed how rape victims don't want to report the crime due to embarrassment, fear, rejection, etc.despite being necessary to catch the culprits. It wasn't even the only time, Shinzon's aid also raped Deanna, then she used the same connection to pass the cloack and destroy the Scimitar

That's weird, I seem to remember an episode off a ST show that said there was an alien similar to Vulcans but they had different ears or something and were more sneaky and cunnning or something.

the theme song was based



this was me

The show and theme were good.
Get fucked, ENT haters.

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It was preachy and nothing more than a cheap setup for conflict with the high council. It felt like I was watching a teen drama and at the end of the episode jolene blalock was going to sit in front of the camera and do a PSA for a rape victim hotline.

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Bro, did you not hear the opening song? It has the words "faith" and "soul". Star Trek is literally, *literally* never going to get worse than this. This is the deathbed of Star Trek.

I liked Trip and the two main chicks who are hot as fuck but the rest of the main cast does nothing for me. I also hate the uniforms and the ship design

>Admit it, most of you hated Enterprise just because of that (admittedly awful) opening theme song.
It was a dumb song and I wish they'd used this instead:

Better reasons for hating it are:
1. Being a prequel, totally anti-trek move I want them to go forward not backwards
2. Time travel shenanigans, both undermining Archers accomplishments and dragging on for way too long
3. That finale being Cunt #1 and Cunt #2 taking a shit on the audience as a final fuck you for watching

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The opening is the only good thing I remember from it.