Brie Larson's WIRED interview

Why is this woman so unlikeable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be extremely narcissistic

Good shilling, user.

>durr women bad

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bunch of incels!

ok I watched her answer questions on the first card. she didn't actually answer any of the questions though.
the normie YouTube comments also shitting on her give me hope.

Have sex

marvel woman bad

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here's a (you) for you guys. now fuck off back to Twitter

okay, she's not traditionally charismatic, but that doesn't mean she's a bitch: most probably she's just somehow insecure so comes up with that terrible attitude as a means to overcompensate for it
is not uncommon that a timid person is inadvertidely seen as stuck up or pretentious

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why'd she get so offended by the working out question lmao

How did she get big? She is unlikable, mediocre looking for an actress and wasn't in anything big. Also makes controversial comments

exactly what I was thinking. it's an uncontrollable schtick that she puts on due to the fact that she's self conscious and insecure. same reason why she attacks men, a lot of insecure people troll twitter to find a group they can belong to, she just picked the self hating/ pitying man-hate group.

I'm actually surprised she manages to keep herself sane with all the hate.

she looks like a blacked raw actress

you're giving her too much credit...

she has an incredibly boring personality

why would you bother recording yes/no one word responses

the later part with "brie larson dog" "brie larson jeep" is clearly people looking for picture/video of her dogs or the video of her pushing a jeep. why is she confused about those searches

>Did Brie Larson practice her ass

She's a good dramatic actress and that's why she has an Oscar. But she completely lacks comedic timing and charisma, so she shouldn't get movie star roles. The political comments doesn't help either and I say that as a very progressive gay man (that agrees with her comments).

On paper, she did a pretty good job here. But her tone and resting bitch face are pretty dislikeable. She's the kind of person who might be sweet but you have to be a long time friend with to understand.

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She has an ego the size of a planet, with literally no justification for it, she can't shut her mouth about her politics, and she thinks being a strong wahmen means being a wooden bitch.

She reminds me a lot of Ellen Page, minus the "talent".

Dyke when?

>criticism is hate

good one, goy. quit trying to divide us.

what about lady gaga

dicks or get the fuck out

My sides

realer than real life

>why are people searching this thing about me


She isn't going to fuck you.

>okay, she's not traditionally charismatic, but that doesn't mean she's a bitch
It's not hard for a woman to have a little charisma, it's practically built in to them. It usually means she's a bitch. And she is.

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Unattractive both inside and out. Whenever she talks about white men you really get the sense that she believes it with all her heart. She's a despicable person.

>what about lady gaga

if you actually search it, it answers itself immediately

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We don't give this excuse to dudes. "oh, he's just not traditionally charismatic", nah, you call him a dick and you're right 9 times outta 10.

Compare and contrast

She thrives off of it. She loves the attention.

She won an Oscar for Room and was actually quite good in it, but the boy who played her son was better.

>gee brie, how come you get TWO chins?

what's with the accent

>We don't give this excuse to dudes. "oh, he's just not traditionally charismatic"

Yea Forums does. But we just call them "based and redpilled".


>being misogynist

>being incel

>It's not hard for a woman to have a little charisma, it's practically built in to them.
This is just the excuse men use to be boring assholes

im both of those things but i'm also based and kino

>She won an Oscar for Room and was actually quite good in it, but the boy who played her son was better.

Let me explain why Cheese Noass has an Oscar. That shit is soo fucking politicized that all you need to do is make a movie that sucks up to women, niggers or fags and you'll win. Larson won because she played a woman imprisoned and abused by an EVIL WHITE MALE. The Shape of Water won Best Picture because it was about a degenerate whore who fucks a fish while her friends are a fat black woman and a gay man while the "villain" is a straight white male and the movie takes place in the 1950's which is vilified by Feminazi's and SJW faggot for being oh-so-oppressive because you couldn't act like wild animals and fuck up civilization as you have been doing for the last several decades. Moonlight won because it was about Gayniggers who were, sadly, not from outer space!!!FACT!!!

Any pictures of her pits? Asking for a friend.

Clearly, Robert Downey is a hard act to follow for any actor, but seriously, what was disney thinking?

A man smiled at me once but it didn't break me because I'm a powerful woman

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This bitch comes off so patronizing and pretentious, why can't she lighten up?

>everyone who isn’t an incel is an sjw.

Oh she knows how to handle it, Hell, once, someone told her to SMILE!!!!!!!!!

damn... she's powerful

Something about her is just so dishonest. I'll never forget how scripted and rehearsed her oscar speech was. Almost like she knew she would get it.

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I actually think she came off fairly well in this video. The premise is stupid, but she did what she could with it. Still not seeing CM, still think she's a dumb liberal, but I have to say I would.

>that like/dislike ratio

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she is the quintessential aging hollywood actress. like every other bartender and waitress in la she fucking sucks

What would she need to do to get Yea Forums to like her? She was doomed either way

do a porno where she is forced to clean her feet in the beginning

she cute keep seething

You are showing your protective side. But she seems like a kind of woman that will cause you a lot of trouble with that attitude. Not worth it.

Is she still thinking about Stan?

because you are an easily triggered dainty little bitchboy

dicks are often based and redpilled

She seems completely soulless, like a robot pretending to be a human. Does she have any Chinese ancestry?

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I'm surprised how good of a job she does to go out of her way to make people hate her

And why should we give a fuck? Be good in movies or get the fuck out, no one cares if you're an "introvert," you're an asshole if you act like one.

being a newer suv, it switched on the awd and traction control, causing extra mangling of her squishy body

incels arent people champ

>that weak tape removal technique
>that affectation and forced jesting
>that general lack of genuineness

For comparison, this is how you do a WIRED Autocomplete Interview properly:

>Where did 50 Cent die?
>50 Cent died in a relationship with this girl back in South Side Jamaica Queens, man.

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Very few of them are worth it, but I'm fucking stupid when it comes to women.

was he ok?

She came off a lot more likeable than she did talking to the cubicle spinsters about how white men shouldn't have an opinion.


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Brie-gade here. We love Brie, we post Brie, we fap to Brie.

Expect us.

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because she is the quintessential mediocre white woman...we all know her, went to school with her, went on bad dates with her, saw our friends marry her

You mean she's managed to cut herself from her public ?

Who would've guessed.

post her twitter where she advocates white genocide

jewish semen
jewish semen is a physical and spiritual poison for all women

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>every woman is the same hur dur
More like you're so dumb you don't get to see how people differ from each other, especially if they're a type that makes you feel insecure because you can't own up to the fact that you need/fear that type.

I fucking hate incels.

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> Larson was an awkward, home-schooled kid living with her divorced single mom and younger sister in a studio at the Oakwood Apartments in Burbank. Larson and her fiance of two-and-a-half years, musician Alex Greenwald, recently called off their engagement, a subject she declines to discuss. She is vague about where she lives now. "With my job, you kind of don't really live anywhere,"

Yes, this is her. In public, on a commercial airline.

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> Brie carries her own marinara sauce (Rao's) along in her backpack for when restaurants serve her favorite food, mozzarella sticks, with subpar dipping sauce.

>never flown first or business class in my life
>brie is an oppressed womyn

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Moonlight was a surprising win just for the fact the overall message of it was that you can be gay just don't be a whiny faggot about it.

>does Brie larson workout
>"is that a personal attack?"

This sounds like when Hillary Clinton tried to appeal to normies by saying she carries her own sauces in her purse.

She would hate you for objectifying her.

So what is actually wrong with her? Why doesn't she show any emotion? I'm expecting Weinstein got to her and she is part of some sex cult thing.

Trips of truth

>Actress starring as the protagonist in a big MCU movie
>Proudly shows off her disgusting fungus toes on the red carpet

Return to discord tranny.

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> Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh. She got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

Then everybody clapped....

> In the fall of 2017, in the weeks after the first Harvey Weinstein stories broke, Larson and her female acting peers began texting one another and having conversations about workplace concerns, including the discomfort of a sound man reaching inside your bra to pin a microphone. As for the microphone issue, she says she now mics herself in her trailer and advises her female friends on sets to do the same.

Everybody wants to rape me!

Shouldn't have become a celebrity then.

Sup tranny just a reminder that you will never be a real girl you will never be an airhead, a ditzy, or mediocre white WOMAN.

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You would have to be a literal retard to think her or lawrence legit "won" those oscars and Harvey had NOTHING to do with it.

post her disgusting feet

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i dont understand trannies, why would they want to be woman of any kind, female to male makes a ton more sense

Her ego knows no bounds.

Have have you done, user?? lmao

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Holy shit she looks horrible

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why did they hire her out of all actresses on the planet?

>those lines
>only 29
>she would reeeeeee about sexualizing/objectifying her if you pointed them out
Sure is nice to be mentally self-imprisoned to protect yourself from reality.

not exactly unlikeable she just does that thing where women who wanna have a more "alpha"/narcissistic persona substitute lots of confidence/edge for a real compelling personality.

She seemed pretty likable in this, honestly.

Kek this

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When people need to google if you work out, the most embarrassing thing you can say is "Yeah a lot can't you tell?".

Really? How is someone taking regular questions as personal attacks, likable?

I don’t have the image saved but its a good one floating around Yea Forums explaining there’s two types of trannies.
The first type are intelligent, socially awkward perverts, that will still look like males no matter how many surgeries (brianna wu types).
The second one stem from dumb, superficial gay guys, really effeminate, more passable than the first group.
I guess you think about the second group when replying to this picture.
The dumb trannies that want to be basic bitches

yes probably, the first type just want to steal used pads and rape terfs and kids


Has a single person taken up more real estate in Yea Forums's head than brie larson?


>>Is Brie Larson a gamer?
>>Good question. Duh!
WTF? So what's the answer?

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wtf she lifts her head up at :22. Was she faking it? If so her death was deserved

"i support the economical and political liberation of gamer people"

Imagine pretending somebody hit on you once so you could complain about people hitting on you. I mean gay guys might hit on her on accident.

this, he takes a lot of space

based china will save alita

I can think of a few guys who take up space.

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Is this bitch trying to be unlikable? I couldn’t make it through the whole video.

>Does Brie larson sing?
>duh! everyone sings
Is she that obtuse or is she pretending?


If Disney wanted a traditionally beautiful, charismatic and captivating actress they would have hired Dianna Agron but they went with Brie, and I think it was a good choice considering how bad of a character Carol is.

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does anyone else remember when google used to show "feet" in the search engine criteria, e.g. every popular actress used to be one of the top results .. and now they removed it.


Captain Marvel should have been a woman of colour.

Whew she seemed offended at that working out question.. Insecure as fuck.

Can someone tell me why Yea Forums is so obsessed with her? Why do we need a new thread every day, every hour hating on her movie and her political views? It's not healthy to be so fixated on hate.

whatd she say? i dont wanna give a view

She has some SERIOUS sanpaku eyes, like every 10 seconds

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>The premise is stupid,

Other actors have done it with laughs, even Michael Douglas who is a baby boomer had fun with the sketch. Look at Jennifer’s Aniston video, she enjoyed it and has more fame and credits than Brie

I watched Bryce Dallas Howard afterward to just compare, and fuck sake Brie Larson is insufferable.

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she has all the indicators of a person with low self confidence who masks it with poor attempts of humor which comes across as arrogant

>All these pent up incels

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did you start browsing this board last month?

I've referred to it as Crazy eyes.

ugh what are you a gamergater or something you fucking incel scum?

>durrrr women automatically good

>Is brie Larson a gamer?
>Great question

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sir, have a (you)

>Peter "Man of Spiders" Parker

Someone color these in PS so we have new reaction images.

why dont you want me to see captain marvel, uncle ben? its just a superhero movie

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You just know she's insecure about her 12 year old boy body.

she has such great tits

This is the kind of shit that proves you shouldn't allow gooks in your country. How can you trust a caste system of people that have no regard for human life?

>Why is this woman so unlikeable?
Brainwashed. She's been in Hollywood since she was 12.

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This cant be real.

i'm sure

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She's so fucking sexy idec.

>Bolshevik tanks are aiming their cannons at the people of Czechoslovakia because it is 1969

I dont wanna watch, how'd she react?

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make-up should be outlawed

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as if she'd been asked something extremely inappropriate

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>how'd she react

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I don't want to give it views, did anyone ask her about her feet?

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I didn't know she was a leaf. That explains so much.

Stan would've been alive if slim got the letters on time

It's the role she's assigned to play for the public. Hollywood is a TV show with interchangeable parts, Make the man mad, they'll cast you out, like a leper. You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.

nothing you just said made any sense


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> doesn't mention she had an actual album as a teenager.


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they're fake


She doesn't seem offended at all, and frankly I share her confusion about why were people searching "would" rather than "does"


Imagine if she went around all the critics houses and made them gag on them for poorly reviewing her movie hahaha XD.

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OK footfags -- fungus or no fungus?

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>why would you bother recording yes/no one word responses
Can you not see the aggressive editing? It cuts the second she finishes her first sentence in response to each question.

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not a footfag but this bitch is exactly why footfags baffle me, imagine you dont notice her disgusting condition at first and put her toes in your mouth or w/e the fuk you do

I always found these videos stupid, but holy shit this is the first time I'm seeing a celebrity be so much of a cunt about everything
What is her problem?

She should prac her ass

Right. A millenial feminist narcissistic socially conscious white female isn't watching her own social media 24/7. And people of this board are browsing only legally purchased porn of heterosexual married couples in strictly consensual missionary positions.

she sounds so miserable and bitter, jesus christ

Needs ass practice

My sides.

>same reason why she attacks men
Only reason she attacks men is because she feels 100% safe in doing so.

White girl has pretty standard white girl ass. More at 11.

so does she work out?

Because you are involuntarily celibate.

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>Why is this woman so unlikeable?
Nastiest feet in the business

Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

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talk about a charisma vaccuum

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There are two schools of feet fag. Those that like them pretty and perfect for them to lick and those that like them dirty and sweaty for them to be forced to lick.

>hip-thrusting 400 pounds

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>Imagine if she went around all the critics houses and made them gag on them for poorly reviewing her movie

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i can guarantee she can't deadlift 225

hip thrust is unironically one of the best ways to increase the load your glutes can handle without wearing out other muscles

DYEL detected
225 is achievable by literally anyone within a few months and doesn't even require significant mass increases, just the neuromuscular gains

Guess it didn't work for ole flat ass then

She cute

>she's not traditionally charismatic

She looks like she doesn’t traditionally wash her pussy either.

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She comes off as sort of a Cunt. The only complaint about Gal Gadot was that she was too skinny to be WW but other than that, she was likeable.

>that bounce
What the actual fuck

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strength != body fat levels, smartass

He's a big guy

unironically this. a cute mixed race would gain the male audience, and allow them to play also the race card
they never stated those were ALL the top suggestions

Not women tho you retard.

Also i deadlifted 375 x 3 today :p

great way to break your toe

>dog person

why am i not surprised

>not women though
keep telling yourself that when women being smaller actually gives them better leverages when starting to lift

maybe because she said she's deathly allergic to cats

Glutes are a muscle group, virgin dipshit. Never been in a gym before huh?

There are levels of dog people. If she treats it like a human or actual child then she is seriously disturbed. Maybe she lets the dog lick her toe fungus her something...

Are you retarded or completely ignoring the point that was made

>this is the first time I ever googled myself
absolute lie

>trains for nine months
>somehow 225 is unbelievable in that gigantic fucking time frame
are you a dumbass?

Bravo, Marvel.

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This clip doesn't look like it was filmed after her movie training

"i beleive that feminists will love alita and feel a lot of satisfaction, and i beleive that first and foremost alita is a relatable film for ALL genders"

God Rosa is such an intelligent, charismatic and non-polarising individual

I am not worthy of coloring this masterpiece, but i did it anyways

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>hip thrusting 400lbs
I thought only /fit/ lied about this shit.

fucking based



>looks 45 even as a teenager

She can't even rip the pieces of paper off properly Jesus Christ


There has to be people being paid to shill hate on this woman'/movie, to create a reverse backlash that helps the movie.

No one could be this angry over someone doing a bit segment.

Her brain is literally POISONED by ideology. She CANNOT think outside of the parameters set by her radfem SJW beliefs. Every second of every day she sees the world in microaggressions, "privilege", potential rapists etc.

Pic 100 percent related and accurate.

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All women are the same in the fact that they have never or will never have a penis. After that a lot of women are different

Never underestimate the draw and power of the (You)
Everything on Yea Forums is shitposting for (You)'s
It's worse than any other board

She Ghostbustered it.

the native expansion needs to be removed. maybe notch will buy Yea Forums and save us
I don't think it takes anything more than a normal, rational person to see this video and find her humorless and pathetic.

>Imagine being the stuntman in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Brie Larson, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific necromancer fungus toes. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fap to Taylor Swift's feet. Like seriously imagine having to be that stuntman and not only get kicked in the air while Brie Larson touches your body with her naked rotten feet, the favorable lighting barely concealing her fungus and flat ass, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that kick. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking feet but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, BRIE LARSON LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fapping to nothing but grade A feet and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her feet as she writhes it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "fungesque'' (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking stuntman. You're not going to lose your future acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

none of these assholes are funny during these things. Not an excuse.

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Y ou think she has a choice? Blame the white and Jews at the top who are intent on using hollywood actors as political weapons against conservatives.

Why the fuck would she wake up and think "damn i better stick it to the kike, fuck my career!"

that makeup ain't saving shit

>how scripted and rehearsed

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Why is she so defensive about all the questions?

Why is she keep making these faces? Is she mentally ill?

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This thread wasn't made for you

>Is she mentally ill?
>Thinks she's actually Captain Marvel
>Thinks she has actual super-powers
>Thinks she's fighting nazis
checks out

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she's definitely a Cali girl but she wasn't horrible in this. she was still miscast, tho.

It's a shame, she was kinda hot in SP.

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I gotta see Captain Marvel to make a formidable opinion, I mean she's done OK in the past.

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she was the hottest in that movie.

You think she's sane? Lol what a fucking idiot.

>she's just somehow insecure so comes up with that terrible attitude as a means to overcompensate for it
That's a rather verbose way of saying "she's a bitch".

>she was the hottest in that movie
Was she insanely beautiful?
*pops open a silk*

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I've flown it once, because I had to get to a funeral and that was all that was available, but I would never be able to afford one of those bed tickets.

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what do I care about who some strange woman I don't even know personally has dated? are you an incel?

if you see a fucked up video from china, never doubt it

its how they live

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cats are no replacement for a husband and a family, ma'am

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She's kinda hot though

You need to color the eyes too, cunt

Her feelings are valid, yours are not.

if you ran your tongue up and down her soles, what would it taste like?

stfu faggot

cope more.

Because she's not naturally a happy person. Here's how a happy person reacts:
>would brie larson work out
"Oh hell ya! You might not have seen all of those Captain Marvel workout training montage videos. If you can't tell, my favorite exercise is X. So, short answer yes. Ha!"

I've known people who are lovely and they naturally assume the best of people. Brie does the opposite and it's no wonder why. She's a defensive single chick who's on social media too often and knows she's hitting the wall hard.

brie cheese



Compare this episode to Bryce Dallas Howard's and you can see who is genuine and who is faking their ability to relate to the audience

Brie Larson is probably a spoiled brat and has been from the day she was born, being a loud-mouth feminist is just another way of getting attention for doing absolutely nothing

>be such an insecure cuck that you care about the date of some actress you have and will never meet

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She's 29, and acts like a perpetually offended, condescending teenager.

Grow up Brie, people don't like how snarky you are.

>implying I care about some random coal burner
Projecting this hard user?

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you literally do care, enough to look up her history, screenshot it, and post it.

Oh my god she's such a insuffrable cunt. I literally did pic related while listening to her.

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>He thinks I'm the same user
good luck with that, newfag, now go back to your shithole.

That is not Knives....

holy shit


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Rolling her eyes or the AOC manson lamps. Yes she is mentally ill and probably on anti depressants.

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>Would Brie Larson work out

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>Don't forget I pushed my trainers jeep UP A SLIGHT INCLINE.

This bitch has no life and is completely addicted to me,me,me social media culture.

She was faking it so she could sue somebody, fucking idiot.

that image never fails to piss me off

I don't know anything about her so I assumed the hate was just a meme but I watched the video out of curiosity and holy shit she really does have zero fucking charisma.

A lot starts to fall into place when you find out that she was homeschooled as a child and her parents divorced when she was a teenager.

Pushing a car sounds impressive until you try it and realise it's actually not difficult.

Is there an explanation for why she thought it'd be a good idea to go with open toed shoes for all of those events when she had disgusting toe fungus?

Fucking kek

Why, just why she thought it would be a good idea to be shitty at every question like that

It's supposed to symbolize she's not afraid to show it and she has confidence. Girl power or something.

They had to edit out the production staff asking her about the college line because she failed to answer almost every single question up to that point and getting frustrated at her not elaborating at all on the one she did answer.

"Why didn't I go?"

except she is an international celebrity who once had a singer career. She is not shy, user. She honestly thinks she is being pretty cool.


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>Can Captain Narvel beat Superman
>"I can't believe you had to Google that. Duh."

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she's already empowering little girls!

it's because you didn't look at her feet

>Watch video expecting dumb bitch being obnoxious
>It's just like most other wired videos with sarcastic humoured celebrities
All of you are so gay, and the youtube commenters too

the question was actually about shazam, and so is google's answer


Attached: Brie Larson reveals behind-the-scenes scoop from Captain Marvel GMA wall over the hill.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

you need to be charismatic to pull off sarcasm without seeming like an idiot
it also helps to not be sarcastic about every single thing when it's not funny at all

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Top kek

Captain Fungal

Did you never hope for a daughter with a mustache, male pattern balding, and still living at home at age 28, Yea Forums?


Where's the Bob iger tweet?

>thinking about user. What a cuck. R.I.P.

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I know very little about this person.
I care even less.
My first exposure to her was that oscar picture that make her look like Elon musk put on a wig and dress.
The interview is the first time actually hearing her voice/watching how she acts. She comes across as a narcissistic cunt 100%

How did she not realize that's what people were googling about? Did she not know what she was parodying? Does she just do whatever a man in a suit tells her to do like a trained monkey?

hOLY Shit.
This is an 'all out to get me' mentality that I used to have when I was 15 and an edgelord while hating my parents. She needs a lot of fucking therapy if she isnt memeing.

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The combination of forced artificial "popularity" and her general aura of entitlement over it

The forehead shine is hilarious

kid was asking for it

fucked that little chink up lmao

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the wires didn't let her down fast enough

what's wrong with having a face mask pad thing on while you sit on a plane for several hours?

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