I thought this was a bland and disappointing movie

>I thought this was a bland and disappointing movie
Oh shit! Oh no no no no!

Attached: 1540928987972.png (1144x1319, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>No link
>Can't find it
Going to say fake

Have sex

WTF, Cuckman rated the Captain Marvel lower than Batman v Superman, this movie must be bad as fuck.

It's real

>Jahns negative
>Stuckman negative
>Screenjunkies negative

It's over

It's literally up right now retard

another while male who is CANCELLED

Attached: 1551797886301.jpg (904x380, 34K)

Thanks, I hope you have sex too.

See, sometimes Yea Forums has constructive posts.

Marvels finally losing it huh

Have sex

Said the white male

He looks brownish

Upcoming plot twist:
>Reddit Letter Media positive

>Chris Cuckmann.

>the 30 year old man who cried on camera when RLM poked fun at him
>the 30 year old man who wrote the most cringe inducing fan fiction for BvS and was vigorously mocked online for it, so he made a video crying about it and then proceeded to back pedal by saying he wrote his script off the cuff in 10 minutes but was then exposed when some user dug up a several month old video of his where he briefly shares the same BvS fan fiction script, thus, exposing him as an insecure liar
>the 30 year old man who has tattoos of anime and the signs dvd cover on his shoulder

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tell that to Fury's scratched eye

Yup. And he usually sucks Marvels salty cock, so the fact that he didn't this time...

Most of his praise was about the damn CGI.

These reviews don't count because they were written by white men who obviously have a bias against POWERFUL women. Let's see what woke wymyn have to say about this before rushing to judgment.

Red letter media is weirdly anti-DC and pro-Marvel and Disney the last few years...To a degree that's kinda creepy.

Jahns' review is not a surprise to me, but I'd have never guessed the other two. Maybe the shill accusations finally worked.

and C is the inflated score to not look "incel" whatever that means

>the 30 year old man who grew up with black people and thus isn't racist

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*blocks your path*

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is that richard spencer?

Thats not a twist, we know what those shills are gonna do.

These guys like fucking everything.

Are you smoking yet?

>has sex
>boosted confidence give him the strength to rate it D- instead of C
very nice

Attached: 1549579572169.jpg (1054x752, 74K)

He didn't grow up with it

>wearing graphic t-shirts as an adult in 2019

Attached: 11111111111111111.jpg (300x300, 23K)

Thanks, just called up my favourite escort

They always hated DC, and they shrug off Marvel films as "something to keep the normies happy". What are you talking about, Reddit?

hhahahha what a looser haha....


Attached: Screenshot_20190306_193634_com.twitter.android.png (1078x593, 149K)

DC should try not making shit movies if they want critics to like them.

They don't 'shrug off Marvel flicks' they fucking love it.
You fucking RLM shill.

My girlfriend really wants to see it so I guess I have to go watch it too.

honestly pretty based desu

Nigga pls, Aquaman was fun af and the RLM was just them crying at it because even when it was fun it keep the high stakes that are always lacking on the Marvel movies they like.
I get you are parasocial with them, but holy fuck if they don't show how fucking biased they are about Disney.

Doesn't matter. Movie wasn't made for him.

don't be a beta you cuck

Aquaman was not a good movie. It was entertaining, but it wasn't good.


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why do men think they can review this film? it's not for you

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Nice digits

>has one of the most androgynous persons on earth as avatar
kek you can't write this stuff up

Cant argue with those quads, Stuckmann btfo eternally.

Take her to watch Alita or another movie. Don't be a beta cuck.

I wish this kind of thing leaked into mainstream so people would simply not watch this flick

Reminder that several members on Collider (diverse staff) loved the film. Funny how you all fail to mention that, incels

Wait Schmoes liked it?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Honestly they're not even really critics. Even if Rottentomatoes counts them they're just dude-bros who talk about movies.

At least Stuckmann, who I've stopped watching a while ago because of his own tendencies for fanboyism, has a little knowledge of cinema and the art of filmmaking he incorporates into his reviews.

>yo holler dat at ma boi zod's fucked up neck

i don't get it. so a movie like Thor is not for woman or something? what is the thought process behind this

They thought Brie was great, but I mean the schmoes are basically professional shills at this point for literally everyone so its not shocking.
I dont think Collider is allowed to give movies bad reviews.

Are Schmoes shills for Disney, or other movie corps as well?

Also it's funny to watch TCM and see Alicia Malone on there when I first started watching her years ago on Schmoes. Glad she's moved up.


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sure, just not with your fat, blue-haired ass

They shill it all, Marvel and DC. They will accept everyones money.

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Is there a camrip for this movie yet?

Fucked a 10/10 chick last week, you know...a woman? With an actual vagina? The thing you'll NEVER be, you disgusting tranny freak?

Suicide now, it's your best option.

they shill for anyone that gives them money or early screenings

>defending Aquaman by attacking RLM
Let's be clear. Capeshit is capeshit is capeshit, and if you like it, regardless of whether it's DC or Marvel, kys right now.

yeah, well I fucked an 11/10 last night

It's one of Metacritic's editor's picks, it can't be that bad.

Attached: metacritic.png (959x353, 390K)

Chris is getting fat.

How would that change my political persuasion

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>reminder that several shills loved the film.

Got it. That's why I stopped watching YouTube critics.
Then again its clear even non-YT critics on RT (including those from """"prestigious publications/websites"""") are shills at this point - both for corporations and political agendas.

Critics blow.

He's mostly made of s-o-y and didnt like it? Holy shit

Nobody actually considers them to be real critics, right?

Let me guess, they liked it

Seeing the way white men are lashing out at movies like this is making me really start to hate them, and I fucking am one.

>Can't find it
Did you try going to his channel and looking at the latest video?

all white men are pathetic soiboys and i'm tired of looking at them

Collider are a bunch of fucking shills.

Screenjunkies review had a woman in it.

it will make a billion dollars reviews mean nothing.


Think it should be on lifetime

how bad is this movie if the stooges are giving it middling scores


damn he's actually gonna rate it rotten, his C's are always rotten


I'm shocked at all of that, but ESPECIALLY Screenjunkies. Those fucks have been Disneyfags/shills for years.

The fact that they didn't like the movie means it must be absolute ass (ironic considering Larson's physique)

This. Even the good reviews are saying brie larson is terrible and a miscast.

>What’s said to be Marvel’s most powerful superhero ever is served Melatonin by Larson. There is precious little texture or detail, ups and downs, or emotions of any kind in her performance. The character, even when kicking ass, is a total bore. The film’s best moments are provided by Jackson and a hilarious cat." --

This guy always had a dangerous incel look to him, glad he's exposed himself

Attached: 1551902170805.png (1080x2160, 310K)

>Every shill mentions how much they loved the cat instead of Brie

>something being made specifically for someone correlates to quality

Attached: 1549044887618.jpg (540x579, 28K)

He's married though.

the meaning of incel has evolved, it's now a lifestyle choice

Not true, dumb fuck.

yes, keep playing this up, MSM! it will only help your movie!

Aquaman was legit a fun ride thou.

Like rats deserting a sinking ship.

Attached: Disney-exec.jpg (1156x1180, 210K)

What gender is that thing?

Akira is pretty cool, nerd

>incels and men right activists
>forgetting Vox, Wapo and other left wing media is saying the movie is boring af and giving it a 6 at best

Hell they take any opportunity possible to throw shade at people who hate TLJ so it’s shocking they would give CM a bad review.

>married people
>having sex

he actually give a pretty thorough review and his reasons for not liking it that much. He can be cringey, but I don't see the problem with this particular review

>Shit movie
>Give it a passing grade


Yes, goy, release those endorphins, be content, just feel good, everything is fine, stop thinking, just consume, good goy

I usually reply to tweets like this with "reported for racism" and see how long it takes them to delete the tweet.

I suspect nobody here has actually seen it, but even the negative reviews say it's not terrible, just not good.

It's not the Ghostbusters 2016 debacle we were all hoping for, but come on. Was anyone really expecting that after 10+ years of MCU movies at are decent at worst?

>>the 30 year old man who cried on camera when RLM poked fun at him
Can you elaborate more user?

>are decent at worst

Marvel capeshit has also been decent at best.

They are the literal definition of persistent mediocrity.


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I am surprised cause stuckmann is such a fucking manchild who adores marvel

he looks like he was photoshoped in

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They do give bad reviews, in fact they didn't like some of your DC movies

When even Chris "Marveldrone" Stuckmann and TLJ apologists Screenjunkies hate Captain Marvel you know its absolute garbage.

Alicia Malone makes a lot of movies about gender

It really looks like the film was just so mediocre that most (not all) critics couldn’t lie to their audience. They looked for whatever positive aspects they could present, but the largest negatives seem to be that this movie is a stepping stone advertisement for Endgame and that Brie Larson is wholly unlikeable.

God you're stupid

God forbidden them like a movie with a female lead that inspires little girls. U really think the little girls can spot the mistakes made from the film? Who cares if it has mistakes

Is that a fucking alien?

>okay, not great movie
>give it a C
Is this hard for you to comprehend.

Nope, but good guess.
Tilda Swindon. (I'm still not 100% convinced she's a woman with how often she plays a man)

>a d is passing

Attached: comped.jpg (938x944, 328K)

I wish every male wouldn't and see this movie. It would instantly flop at the box office.

Those females would then start to realize it's the majority of males who make these comic book movies a success at the box office.


In their minds, why would white men hate white women? Why do white men hate everyone but other white men?

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", tell them this.....

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!


When you're mediocre you're mediocre

Attached: MOUSE DICK SUCKERS.jpg (827x720, 103K)

>all the capeshit lovibg youtubers hate it

Wow it must be really bad

Thanks. Before sex i was an evil Drumpf supporting gamergator. Now after sex I'm a woke Hillary supporting resetera poster.

i didnt wear them at all until my mid twenties

Yeah no. That's not happening.

Rlm is gonna be fucking savage

I still think he just photoshopped himself in

>muh buginuh
This faggot discorder or shill has been in every other thread today replying this same exact shit as soon as the threads go to. This board needs thread IDs.

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Yeah I mean I don’t hate the guy. Even though I agree with what you listed. He’s just so fucking naive and shallow in his views and film reviews. What distracts me the most is that he’s such an obvious man child. I mean he’s 30 he’s trying to make his own films but I don’t think that he’ll ever be able to tackle serious themes and what not just due to his child like mindset. But hey at least he’s really passionate about movie making and is not very toxic as a person

so top critics Stephanie Zacharek, Lindsey Bahr and Mara Reinstein are white men? shocking!

>None of the nigs want to be close to him
Look at the body postures of the two closest ones. They clearly consider him to be the unwelcome other.

It's so mediocre and forgettable that not even genuine shills can defend it. And with all the early reviews coming in trashing it, you can damn well expect this to effect the global box office results.

what does sex feel like bros?

trying on a surgical glove 1 size too small

>be in college
>dating stable girl
>get stalked by psycho bitch
>shows up drunk to my room
>turn her away politely and girlfriend suggests we make sure she gets home safely
>tells girlfriend to kill herself
>calls me an incel
It's a clown world, I don't even try to make sense of things anymore.

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RLM poked fun of him so he cried on camera

Attached: 1550895691734.png (415x410, 231K)

The amount of damage control he tries to do
>B-Brie is shit here but she's usually talented though
>T-The Marvel team is usually so talented though
>T-The main character is shit here but I'm sure Marvel will fix it in a sequel
>I-I was so so hoping this movie would blow my mind for no reason
He always does this shit to not offend anyone. What a cuck.

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Screenshotted this from Jennifer Lawrence's wikifeet page.

America, I have one simple message. It's getting hard to differentiate the words conservative and retarded. How reactionary, unthinking and ideological can you get?

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men crying over mundane shit is so pathetic. The only time a man should be forgiven for crying is when a loved one or a good friend dies.

Any big youtubers actually liked it?

>white male
>doesnt like the film
colour me surprised ...

If even basedboy Chris Cuckman say he's disappointed then it's time for Disney to wake the fuck up

Reddit Letter Media will like it. Guaranteed.

How the review will go
>Oh man isn't it weird how everyone is in this culture war but we're not? Other people are so stupid for being invested in a series. Movie was bland but we liked it. Marvel did it again. See you next time!

Girls like to see hot guys. It's why the Twilight movies did so well

If reddit letter media likes it, they will lose tons of fans. But if they don't like it, then disney will stop sending in the checks. What will they do?

This. I would also say when your dog, but I think that falls under both those stipulations.

Fuck. This was meant to go to (you)

Lol are you guys blind

Age of Ultron is an outright bad movie

You forgot the snarky comments directed at dc movies.

That beard cant hide his fat face

You say this every marvel film


Surely not in terms of ideology cringecel

You aren't White if you hate yourself, you pathetic faggot. Do your part for your team and don't pass on your worm genes, make sure to leave all your funkopops to nonwhites who hate you.

>black people
Who are you trying to fool?

holy shit I never thought of it that way

and 70% of them don't make a billion dollars

when will white cucks ever learn that nigs are racist tribal scum?
Hopefully before they're murdered for their ignorance (or not, idc really)

Stuckboyy has a Star Fox tattoo? Wtf

Literal who twitter screencaps like this should be banned from here. Unfortunate that the mods seem to worship it

>a euro doesn't like his own race

color me surprised faggot, future is looking grim for you weaklings

Why this narrative? If Disney pays RLM, why they made a plinkett review and an half in he bag trashing TLJ?
Why are you so retarded?

Formerly Sneed

How the fuck does Marvel make a movie more bland than fucking Ant-Man and Wasp lmao

I did not find that one that bad, adjusted for Marvel. I don't really get the hate.

Damn, I'm always amazed about the ugliness of the black people.

>all this trashtalk and obsession with reddit letter media
they won't even review this movie

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>what is controlled opposition

This is E;R-tier stupidity.

E;R is pretty based though. You're just salty that he shits on your favourite cartoons.

Honestly, Stuckmann has been motherfucking based ever since he went to college and became super angry and depressed because he is too old and all the 18 year olds are pissing him off with their Zoomer Fortnite 69 degeneracy.

>American Journalism

E;R go to bed

Not him but Legend of Korra and Steven Universe are shit. Get over it.

I don't watch those things. But E;R shills himself here in a blatant manner and comes out as stupid and pathetic.
Are you him? Why so defensive?

How am I supposed to prove that i'm not E;R lol

They have same fucking disclaimer intro. Holy fuck.

>Chris gave it a C
>Jeremy Jahns rated it rotten
>The Guardian gave it 6/10
it's over marvel fans

Does not matter man, I like your SW stuff. Just don't be so pathetic.

literally all dumb women can resort to in the field of arguments. Really makes you think.

>why so defensive
Qstop talking like a woman

There are no other major releases this week

solange is CUTE

Is there proof of him shilling here?

>Jeremy Jahans didn't like it
>Screen Junkies didn't like it
>now Cuckmann dosen't like it

This is a disaster for Marvel.

why so insecure, E;R? They told me you are a little kid, below 18. Is that true?

I remember when gender specific movies were considered a bad, inferior thing. Like shitty romcoms and bad action movies. Now this is something desirable? OK then, enjoy your stupid movie, ladies

You see every time some reviewer is posted, samefagging posts of "no that's faget, pls watch based /ourguy/ E;R" pop up.
Any attack to E;R is answered in an eerily personal defensive manner.

on the contrary everything is for us

1 more day bro

Based and hit the weights pilled.

That's not really proof though.

lurk more and see.

I mean how do you know it's not just a really pathetic and dedicated fanboy.

Based Stuckman
I lowkey hope this is him shitting on Brie's identity politics.

Jesus that would be even worse. Imagine sucking of a 16 yo deranged /pol/ reject that spergs over and over on the same shit and feels threatened by YOUTUBERS.

Red Letter Media literally shills every Marvel movie so that is not a twist.

replying to epic post include me in the screencap

I don't know anything about E;R besides that he makes edgy jokes and shits on stuff Tumblr likes.

You kind of strike me as equally obsessed except from the opposite perspective.

Ok E;R

Also that's a nice shirt.

You first, you purple haired mouselet.

Attached: 1549957553342.jpg (604x604, 57K)

Sorry to disappoint but you're not talking to your obsession you tsundere weirdo.

No problem dude. Just stop being ridiculous, pls. It's EVERY fucking thread with some youtuber, is becoming tiresome.

>Normie NPC shill hated it

Holy fuck what timeline is this


I'm the real E;R


This guy is the male equivalent of a basic bitch.

didn't this person previously post that ALL of the negative reviews were written by white men
imagine the embarrassment of already having to make concessions

God i really hope they do.

i am E;R and i dont think im being defensive. i just want to share my well thought out reviews with all my bros on tv. i put a lot of work into editing those and lots of people like them. its ok if you dont though. landru go with you

it's not okay if anyone likes your "hello fellow 4channers" bullshit

Will that make the movie good some how?

1. He’s a literally who
2. Jay (RLM) already said that Brie is one of the greatest actresses of all time and there’s no way this movie is gonna be bad
3. Mike (RLM) said MCU movies are the gold standard of action and Captain Marvel looks fantastic

RLM are the only reviewers that matter

Talk about being this pathetic, you should hang yourself now.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (720x528, 34K)


So the movie really is average as hell isn't it. That's a shame

why assume anyone knows who these random manchildren on youtube are?

What a woman.

RLM are pretty ambivalent about Marvel movies as a general rule, so I don't see why they'd have some particularly visceral take on what looks like a completely "meh" entry

RLM never have the balls to be the first reviewers out the gate.

With Captain Marvel, Marvel has created a DC movie. With Shazam, DC has created a Marvel movie.

Jesus fuck that guy is one pretentious fucking asshole.

He likes Fox

>RLM are pretty ambivalent about Marvel movies

Attached: ebony.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

How so? I don't see him trying to come across as if he's greater than he is.

but see, but SEEEEEE

he's a WHITE GUY

his opinion is invalid here! duh!

Attached: 1538769656791.gif (250x313, 2.82M)

>Get Stuckkmaniized beeeeitch

Attached: 1537940878868.jpg (1600x765, 282K)

How long until MovieBob says Captain Marvel deserves every Oscar for being the first ever movie with a woman in it?

Grace Randolph and John Campea didn't even like it all that much.... and that's saying something. Jeremy Jahns also thought the movie was shit.

If you can't get those people to say this movie was even that good, then this movie must be really bad.

This movie is going to be hated by the general audience.

I like Don Lemon's Batman shirt.

t.master and slaves circa 1855

Think of it like the "Scenes women will never understand" threads.
Women have deluded themselves into thinking Wonder Woman, A Wrinkle In Time, female Ghostbusters and now Captain Marvel contain content that white men simply don't understand and aren't qualified to critique.

Digits of truth, good for you

Doesn't CS hate all Comic book movies though?

I'm a fan of RLM, but even I admit that they suck Marvel's dick. Even if Captain Marvel sucks they'll pull their punches reviewing it

Attached: arguing-with-holes.jpg (520x588, 121K)

>marvel funko emoji

>I watched captain marvel and i claaaped

scary. she was makin weird noises and i felt funny in my wee wee and didnt like. wanted to go home and play smash bros

Attached: helper.jpg (778x512, 46K)

No problem, E;R

>Make shit tier movie
>Tell everyone you are actually a genius film maker and the movie is designed to not be liked by virgins
>People somehow believe this and assume all critisism is from people who never had sex
What a world

>the main criticism is that Brie plays marvel as totally flat and wooden
Did they not see Ghost in the Shell? "Generic flat personality" isn't entertaining. To play stoic you need a really charismatic actor.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

If this shill doesn't love a marvel movie, there is something wrong!

Do they? Their reviews for basically all of them are "yeah it's alright, fun but not amazing".

Yeah, Brie's performance is deep and nuanced, it will stand the test of time.

Attached: nuance.jpg (729x111, 27K)

>doesnt understand the subject matter
>Still tries to critique it
>doesnt understand why everybodies shitting down their throats because they have said stupid things
>makes fun of them for making fun of them for trying to critique something they dont understand

insecure white men are the literal cancer of civilization on this planet.

Nice bait

>I dont cry, bro. Im not gay, I dont suck dick. You wanna go? Ill fuck you up bro! I aint no crying pussy!
>Murder-suicides his whole family at 45

Attached: 6bcc2217dc500240eef0d6b42e1011ae.jpg (640x482, 47K)

I can't wait for Endgame! Who wants to see the original Avengers win through grit and sacrifice? I want Captain Marvel to win because she's just stronger!

This is the legitmately worst part about this.
That the actual poor story telling regardless of gender (seriously even if they replaced Carol with Sentry it'd be just as bad) of the old Avengers getting their final shining moments is taken away from them.
No Endo-Sym Tony
No World Breaker Hulk
No Rune King Thor
No Captain America becoming Captain Universe
None of that. And this is the last time we see some of them if not all the ones I listed.
But it being a woman and to push the feminist agenda does make it legitimately worse

This is the kikiest most subversive bullshit I've heard out of leftypol yet. You're a piece of shit.

Are you smoking yet?

>paid shills shill a movie they were paid of to shill
so what's the surprise here?

free tibet

He sounds genuinely autistic in this video. He's probably on the spectrum

Someone crown this kween!

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>not all

Attached: 1551447000174.jpg (480x480, 35K)

You don't need to have a conniption because someone didn't suck the dick of the latest marvel entry

The guy is obsessed with movies. Of course he's on the spectrum.

Didn't see any crying here 2bh, but it's clear the joke got under his skin otherwise I don't know why he bothered to even address it.


He's covering his ass incase Disney is watching, it's certainly taking the easy way out but from a YouTube business standpoint it makes perfect sense.

Why would he care what Disney thinnks?

>cuckman hated CM
The movie must be an abomination if even the hardcore mouse shills dislike it.

Incel Go Sex Have

That movie wasn't made for white males sorry.

Attached: wokeness3.jpg (850x400, 92K)

she later blew out both her ACL in her attempt at such a high level of mental gymnastics.

>the signs dvd cover on his shoulder

>meanwhile every basic bitch and their mother want to be roughed up and pissed on during sex

Fucked my mom, who has a pussy, last night who is also 10/10

That fucking counts too you shit eating nigger

This was basically my childhood but I was and still am the whitest motherfucker you will ever know. I dunno how I made it out without speaking ebonics.

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he's a soi faggot who gets pegged by his gf as a treat

I don't fucking get it. It's like living in some kind of foggy haze. If you don't watch or support certain movies you become a pariah. And the people that get mad at you are the ones that think they are some how revolutionaries or punk when all they ever do all the time is suck the fat teet of corporate America.

I feel like i'm living in a goddamn George Orwell book. If I don't watch "feminists movies" in the future will I be fired from my job? Will my friends show up on my front lawn and burn a big symbol for male.

Attached: preview-96689-3nfMeGbHvs-high_0014.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

>Being so insecure about being an adult that you draw the line on graphic tees

Attached: 1533511642905.jpg (800x800, 152K)

eat meat

What? How can a movie described as a bit of a letdown' be an Editors' Pick?

That photo is painful.

>the rejects cutting their dicks off and aborting their kids think the people with their own children are celibate.


>Funny how you all fail to mention that, incels

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", tell them this.....

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!

Attached: successfulbait.png (2500x1645, 197K)

> 4 out of 5 homicides today committed by-- you guessed it! black men! Shocking!

>DMC is as Söy as Captain Marvel

>women don't live in a childsafe world made for them

Attached: 1530253110469.png (681x768, 578K)

Can't cuck the Stuck

based merchant

>if it's for kids it can be shitty
it isn't btw

U triggered libtard? TRUMP 2020

No (you) for (you)

er is based af

Attached: 1551929262551.webm (640x266, 745K)

Being married really just means he's in a one way celibacy. Real Chads never marry and spread their seed as much as they can.

because it's an Important Movie with an Important Message about Female Empowerment

>Reddit Letter Media will like it. Guaranteed.
Like how they liked Deadpool 2 and Antman 2?

based Yea Forums


ding-dong diddly based.

Holy shit this movie might actually be trash if Chris gave it such a mediocre review.

Blaming men's rightcels worked for Star Wars and Ghostbusters.

why would you post a picture of jay like that as a reply

Stuckmann shitting on DC movies
Stuckmann says Captain Marvel is bad
>Chris Stuckmann sucks!

Oh shit oh fuck! That's the end of Avenegrs 4!

>angry WHITE men

put me in the screencap