I can't wait untill next season of rick and Morty it's super smart comedy

I can't wait untill next season of rick and Morty it's super smart comedy.

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why does Yea Forums hate this serie?

it got popular.

The first season was alright but then Harmon got divorced and he leaned in to the cynical nihilism stuff to much.

you know rick's nihilistic behaviour is always depicted as bad right?

Doesn't make it any less insufferable to watch.

This. Yea Forums fucking loved Rick & Morty for the first year or two.

Why would I want to watch a cartoon with 20 minutes of bad depictions?

but Morty became nihilist. Rick hasn't changed

>i speak for Yea Forums

Name one thing wrong with this behavior.

People pretend it's smarter than it actually is. It's one of those "dumb people try to write smart people" shows.

It's entertaining--at least the first two seasons, but people act like it's the smartest show on TV right now.

Get Schwifty was the worst episode of the entire series.

Agreed OP. Rick and Morty is Yea Forums tier and Is pure golden comedy.


The third season was serial normie bait and it's just going to continue from there.

it's cringey if you're not a teenager

You know it's a bad episode when the B plot is more interesting than the A plot.

Season 3 really did suck major balls

Does anyone really do this? All I see is people complaining about it.

Yeah, I honestly remember OBSESSING over seasons 1 & 2 and than 3 was just meh....even after repeated viewings.

Terrible writing meant to pander to reddit tier mentalities.
Richard and Mortimer is not subjectively bad, it's OBjectively bad

so, you don't like it because how others perceive it?
that's dumb

Cause it was way too much about characters explaining themselves instead of wacky sci-fi adventures.

That's why Bushworld Adventures is such a masterpiece.

because it's fun and it's a good sci-fi show?

literally plebbit the show, just like bojack or all these other stupid, quirky cartoons

How fans perceive it affects the show's quality. Third season was the worst.