Name unironically ONE better character from TFA/TLJ than him

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Holy shit you are right

Maybe Kylo, kinda.

Fuck. Jar Jar is literally more likable than every ST character so far, even the old OT cast that returned have all been shit and worse than Jar Jar.

We need a female Jar Jar Mary Sue. She would be competent, because reasons.

How the fuck does fucking Jar Jar Binks have a character arc but MaRey Sue doesnt?

Benicio Del Taco is the only good nu-Wars character.

bringing back jar and showing that his buffoon/luck thing was all an act [like was originally intended] would retroactively fix so much

people with no imagination will shit on it but the details are already there for it to work

A pro tip for ya all, you can't.
A universe where basically anything is possible. Any store is plausible and feasible. Themes of all sorts can be employed. Anything and everything, and that is what bugs me the most about these new movies (in general all new movies). They have the chance to be creative and do something spectacular, a clean slate. What do they do instead? They shit on the old lore, they always bring up old characters and either totally destroy them or make them unlikeable because it's so cool when everything is so morally gray and no-one can just be good or bad. Fuck this new era in teevee history.
Heh, sorry about the little rant, just why couldn't they do something new and good? How can you fuck up with so much money and people backing you up? The absolute worst thing is that people are still going and paying to see these piece of shit "movies" and even worse, people fuckin like em'.

>Jar Jar was Darth Icky all along

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What ever happened to that crazy theory about Jar Jar being the real big bad?

that's who it should have been in Solo, instead of Maul who died on screen

yes we know from the cartoon how he survived and got legs but that assumes you watch children's television-- it didn't work in the movie

still in effect. It should have been him

>like originally intended
That would have been a better story arc. Fuck everyone who shit over everything that made them retcon the entire storyline to shoehorn bullshit like Grevious and Dooku.

I can name sequel characters that I like more such as DJ and Poe, but I'll be damned if I can't name a character from that trilogy with actual interesting development

>A universe where basically anything is possible. Any store is plausible and feasible. Themes of all sorts can be employed

Fucking this. People who say Star Wars is limited, need to have their time on earth limited. But even the old EU had this problem with a lot of the post ROTJ EU turning into family drama with kids and grandkids and they are all important players in the galaxy. It's so cringe and makes the galaxy feel fucking tiny. Disney are literally repeating the worst mistakes of the EU, while having none of the good stuff. I like TWC because it actually tried new things, and showed sides of the galaxy we'd never seen before. PT era EU was great all around. I still reemmber hjwo fucking cool it was in Republic Commando, being sent to explore that ghost ship that appeared months after being reported missing, and the horror atmosphere that level had.

>tfw no space western of a bounty hunter on tatooine searching for a mark, tracking a guy all over the desert dealing with all sorts of creatures, hitching a ride in a sandcrawler, finding his targets homestead but having to help defend because of a huge raid by sandpeople on a farm outpost
>tfw no underdog kino about a squad of elite 501st Stormtroopers tasked with carrying out Order 66 to completion, Empire Intel agencies get word of a Jedi at hiding out on a planet, they go in and track him or lure him into a trap and have to duel a Jedi to the death and get heavy casualties every time and become weary as fuck over it, then Vader helps them on some missions and he is a total bro leader to his stormtroopers, because he knows they are his old clones, and he respects them unlike all the officer fags who chokes out

>jar jar dropping his act and fighting yoda [instead of dooku fighting yoda]


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I can't.

>Be surprised at the backlash to a character you intentionally made really stupid as a bluff
>Be stupid enough to remove the twist that justifies that characters stupidity, thus giving the complaints credibility
>"Fuck the people for complaining, they made them do this"
Lucas is and always has been a hack of writing

lol i'd pay for this

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>every ST character
I agree. Star Trek doesn't have a single well written character.

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To realize that I'm craving for trickster Jar Jar instead of anything out of the sequels is punishment enough.
I'll refrain from watching anything star wars related from here on.

Easy, Chewbacca.

Doesn't count. He's barely here as well

I get the resemblance to the Mule but what is the importance of jar and Bink?

I don't see why that wouldn't count, then Poe. He's definitely more interesting the Jar Jar.

Poe Dameron, that's it though.

How the fuck is he interesting? He does basically nothing but quip in the two movies.
Even Crylo is more fleshed out.

He's not but he's better than Jar Jar

Cuz Cheewie is a Fucking original trilogy character. Poe is meh

You're acting like Jar Jar is a great character. He's more annoying then Poe will ever be.

Isn't a meh better then a stupid character?

The exit door to the theatre.

ah yes making the clown that got farted in the face and step on the poo poo wouldve been so so great


he was totally irrelevant

>like it was originally intended
Please stop spreading fake rumors as truth

I agree. He wasn't good or anything, but at least I took some interest in his persona as opposed to other characters.

>then Poe

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>Jar as in unpleasant effect, much like how he is seen as nothing more than a goofy annoyance to Qui Gon, or how all of the Gungans act upon seeing him return to Otoh Gunga
>Jar as in jarring to see him as the hyper-competent mastermind sithlord all along
>Bink as in immunity to harm despite that he was thought of having no magical ability and keeps it hidden to appear as an easy target and therefore not a threat.

I guess..

Wish this happened