Goo goo ga ga brie larson said a thing about white males

>goo goo ga ga brie larson said a thing about white males
>l-lets base the film around what one person said and lets wish it to fail

I don't get it. This is literally SJW shit. in b4 you post your shit centrist meme

Attached: captain-marvel-1551436761.jpg (1200x675, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She should practice her ass

She should practice her everything, she is a dog of a woman

You can sell me something or you can insult me, but you can't do both.

not watching a movie (which already looks bad)because you don't like a person that's in it isn't "SJW shit"

Attached: 1545709916676.png (1520x1920, 3.4M)

Damn chinks saying what has to be said.

Oh boy yes it is. You're butthurt for something she said just like sjw's

>tfw you skip ass practice

Attached: ultrainstinctfeminist.jpg (661x566, 49K)

not butthurt
I think what she said was stupid and I don't feel like giving my support to stupid people.

Look at those arms. Pretty sure a 13 year old boys who did pushups once in their life have arms bigger than that.

Nah tranny, we just don’t want to see a movie when the lead tells us she hates us. Unlike ess jay dubyas we aren’t demanding the movie be pulled, censored or for Brie to be fired and her life ruined, just that you don’t see it. That’s called being smart.

t. cuck

Actions have consequences. Ladies should learn that if they want to call themselves men, but I figure they can’t.

>Nah tranny, we just don’t want to see a movie when the lead tells us she hates us.

You're delusional like SJW's. All she said is she wants more people of color. She doesn't hate white males

>just see the fucking movie
>you're just as bad as sjws I swear
>if you dont see it I dont get paid

except she never once said she hated anyone, your stormfront /pol/ handlers filling your incel head with paranoid delusions did

she said "let's give non-white reviewers a chance", you heard "kill all whites, castrate all males fuck drumpf as well"

you're just taking out your frustrations with the fact that the movie isn't pandering to your shit incel tastes by pretending brie gave misandric remarks so you have an excuse to not see it that isn't completely pathetic

Alright r*ddit keep seething

>no argument in sight
how can you expect not to be called an incel when you don't even attempt to refute anything I posted and instead just skip to juvenile name calling?

imagine the fungal outburst she creates after taking off those shoes and socks after working out

Attached: brie cheese.jpg (2000x2533, 1.43M)

t. desperate cuck

>thinking that expecting a well reasoned argument doesn't make you a MASSIVE bitch
Lmao r*ddit