Score on RT down to 82% Metascore down to 65%
Marvelcucks BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
64 on metacritic now
Have sex.
>m-muh vagina
5.6 on imdb
seething this hard
*drinks your tears*
3 more to go and its officially joins the 1st Thor and IM2 in the 70% range. There hasn't been a Marvel movie to dip in the 70s since 2011.
How fucking embarrassing.
Check out this pussy hound posting on Yea Forums
Never want to hear you guys fart on about how yall don't brigade like a bunch of npc's.
This is the most robotic thread of them all.
No, they're gonna have sex with me because I defended Captain Kino
Ladies of Yea Forums, hit me up, I'm on your side!
Why is sex the only thing that matters to females? They will be completely destroyed in an argument and then just site “lol my vagina.” Obviously the posts in this thread are just bait but in real life isn’t this how they “argue” too?
How come Yea Forums hates Black Panther and Captain Marvel but not Wonder Woman or Aquaman?
We aren't established critics that get into RT or Metacritic's algorithm, dummy, the retards here can only fuck with the audience score and audience reviews, nobody is brigading shit right now
Why shouldn't they argue like this if it actually works at triggering /pol/cels?
I guess Yea Forums predicted it.
It’s shark week goddamnit and i’m not doing that shit ever again.
i don't really care about this or women in general anymore, just thought i'd let you know
I don't understand bros.... I said I support strong women... I called Brie haters incels... I pre-ordered 4 tickets. The movie's still flopping, and the women still don't like me. What am I doing wrong?
>tfw seeing an escort this weekend
Isn't your self esteem low enough already?
It won't go lower than 79, but 80s is low for Marvel
because the former are dishonest flicks which actively pander to bugmen and minorities
What are you talking about, Thor 2 is at 67. Or did the mouse succesfully wipe that from your mind?
I just checked and its at 82...
:) now call me an incel while I go fuck my asian gf when I get off of work
On here it doesn't matter because anyone on this site is a fucking reject with no morals or values. Go ahead, I say it to win arguments too kek
But these people lecture about how people are human shit for saying actresses are kind of ugly, but they shit on social retards without care. Just a bit of consistency would be nice. But its just like soiboy, its hard to deflect without seeming butthurt.
welcome to Yea Forums where people pretend to like capeshit so that they can argue with people who hate capeshit and the films don't matter.
you picked the wrong horse
Because calling them a roastie breaks them down into the children that they are. Don't throw stones in glass houses.
Nearly rotten with the top critics.
Look at the average rating!
Reminder I was right.
Post the screencap.
>joins the 1st Thor
>the 1st Thor
>1st Thor
>Pre-screen shills drive it up to 92%
>Real reviews come in dropping it to the 70's.
its no black panther.
t. wasn't around when WW came out.
Everyone was shitting on it at the time
Did you try telling people you gave it a 10/10 on MC? It didn't work for me but it's worth a shot
I thought we were the good guys?? What happened??
Should I watch this movie or save my money so that I can go see the new Sonic movie twice?
>doesn't get the point
>thinks other person didn't get the point
I was talking about how it's not the first marvel flick to go into the seventies since 2011
When DC makes stuff, they just wanna make entertaining capeshit. Even with their flaws, they know what we want.
When marvel makes stuff, they unironically believe that their capeshit is high brow stuff equal to the abolishment of slavery. So they don't tailor to our needs but also with the flaws of the movie compared to their messaging, it just makes things even worse.
Eg black panther shows then epitome of diversity. How the fuck is it diverse when everyone is black?
literally have sex
Make a sequel and do the whole process again. Maybe then it will work.
leftycucks btfo yet again
Ultron has 75%
People truly love it
i am seeing it in an hour. i dont care what people do or say in private life i go watch movies i want and i want to see all marvel movies including this one. if you go on IMDB you can clearly see that the most butthurt people downvoating this movie are 30+ lonely magicians
I have, it's great unless done in excess. Then it starts to get tedious.
Yea Forums BTFO!
How can they ever recover.
I watched it today, as an MCU movie its fine; average. Not particularly bad, but also not terribly memorable even within the MCU, let alone as a movie on its own. Wouldn't be worth a rewatch.
Unfortunately for Brie though, she's the least interesting character in her own movie. The story has Danvers start as an amnesiac so she plays it as being almost entirely blank and stoic. Her quips end up sounding like theyre coming from a person with autism that doesn't know how to put emotion into their voice.
She gets a bit better later on, but meh. Ben Mendolsohn is fantastic in it and the Skrull's in general are quite entertaining, almost like orcs with a bit more intelligence.
Samuel L Jackson is good, but unfortunately it does retcon a ton of stuff from previous movies so it makes a lot of Fury's motivations and actions pretty meaningless and retarded in the earlier films, just so they could make Captain Marvel more important to the overall story.
Also the power levels are fucked now. At the end of this movie Marvel could fly at light speed, stop an orbital bombardment, and chase off or destroy a Kree armada led by Ronan.
Thats just after she's awakened to her powers. Not after 20 years of assumedly getting stronger.
cringed redhead bigtiddy Yea Forums girl
So close
If you don't give Disney your money it's a proof you're a virgin.
Also forgot to say, its completely skippable if you only care about Endgame.
If you don't buy a ticket for Captain Marvel you'll never have sex in your life.
I only want the RT score go down only because all the media sites have already bragged about Captain Marvel being certified fresh. I want to see what their reaction would be and what excuse they'll come up with next.
Frankly, I am surprised that many critics are defying the Mouse.
We all know this to be true
He was right again... God he's so hot...
So Brie is a total miscast?
I'm willing to bet they recast Captain Marvel in a year or 2. Brie isn't very likeable, and she's just going to keep saying so much dumb shit.
I am a Chad with a harem of thots and I watched Captain Marvel 8 times already.
Being a boring slog makes a movie bad, user.
Its hard to tell if its an especially shitty script for her or if she is the problem.
I haven't watched her in much else, so I dunno how she is.
But the script seemed to be telling her to play the role as an emotionless autismo, so she did that well. That's something, I suppose?
I'm also not familiar with what Captain Marvel is meant to be either.
And the way they've made CM in this film is that she's got a hell of a Superman problem with being unbeatable now.
its on 82 and it will stay around 80, but the audience score might be around 48 cuz of trolls
who fucking cares about the rating of another superhero piece of shit
you sad bastards, I can't imagine your lives
It would need to fall below 70% to lose the certified fresh, which isn't happening
Captain Marvel saved my sex life.
Thanks based Brie Larson!
but I do :)
And she's not an uggo and/or fat
As I say, I liked the supporting cast, and a lot of the time they carry most of the scenes. So it wasn't particularly painful or slog-gish for me. But I already know if I watch it again it would be very boring for me.
My low standard of the MCU personally is Thor the Dark World, and everyone there was terrible to me, which is why I felt that movie would never end.
>It would need to fall below 70% to lose the certified fresh, which isn't happening
It could happen once the movie is released, there are about 150-200 reviews yet to come
But I'm not expecting it
>Also the power levels are fucked now. At the end of this movie Marvel could fly at light speed, stop an orbital bombardment, and chase off or destroy a Kree armada led by Ronan.
Captain Marvel was always a Mary Sue, so not too unexpected.
Well, i have sex regularly, and i hate the fuck out of this shit.
As opposed to figuratively having sex?
>argues with holes
it's really sad that you think that's the only value you possess. I hope you can take a moment to do some much needed self reflection and grow as a person.
I think Ghostbusters (2016) is at 72.
Look at Ocean's 8.
Only after I marry.
its at 92% and 6.9 so no .....
Your point
>he doesn't know about the Disney curve
>I'm willing to bet they recast Captain Marvel in a year or 2. Brie isn't very likeable, and she's just going to keep saying so much dumb shit.
I actually think they're going to drop captain marvel all together. That is, she won't appear in any more movies from this point. Then in maybe 4 or 5 years, if capeshit is still popular, they'll reintroduce her as a different actress with some subplot about how she transferred bodies somehow. If capeshit slowly gets more and more unpopular, I don't see her coming back ever. until maybe the inevitable reboot to everything 20 years down the line.
they'll set up Monica Rambeau
I liked aquaman I posted it because people are fucking thick
I don't give a shit about dc movies. Marvel is well know to make better comic book movies, but they really fucked up with Captain Marvel with all of this feminist shit and miscasting the main lead.
Who is already positioned within this movie as a character so it won't be such a stretch.
That or a muslim.
they can do whatever they want after endgame. there probably wont be captain marvel in movies for about 5 years anyways
Somebody forgot all the skeleton posting when they announced Gal as WW.
go dilate your wound
If I wanted to get rid of my virginity, should I visit amsterdam and find a hooker there? I have heard it's legal there.
I defended captain marvel on twitter, how many women will want to sleep with me now?.
At least 10 i hope.
Except Yea Forums hates aquaman, the dishonored wolf even made a fucking 2 hour long video explaining why he hates it
>As opposed to figuratively having sex?
Unabashedly owned them.
When the pinnacle of human achievement has been diluted down to something every rat and cockroach does, we've truly descended.
That was a low quality video from Voice of Wolf though, like he stumbled over multiple things early on in his video that he called out as being plot holes or unexplained when they were actually explained in the film. Normally he's pretty good about it so I dunno this time.
It just made him look really idiotic.
Is Yea Forums ready for that 68% drop next week ?
it all depends if it already drops day-to-day this weekend and doesn't even make 100 million, or if it opens big
I thought women had more to offer and aren’t just an object.
Yeah because this kind of stuff hasn’t been happening forever. How new are you shill?
The ratings are as bad as Cheese Larsons feet
they should drop a bit, most of the fans/shills would have gone to the prescreening
Word of Wolf (formally Dishonored Wolf).
So glad he came back and cut ties of the furry fandom.
>watched it three times
>still missed shit that was explained in the film.
Average would be 5.0 if you just swap the 3 that have scores between 50-60% that they erroneously rated at fresh, and most don't use a scoring system.
Why does anyone trust RT? Having a 50%+ be fresh by default and then letting publications alter it for specific reviews or to fit their scoring system might work, but this is garbage.
you either look like this, or are having sex with something like this (if you even are)
Yea Forums doesn't even hate Black Panther that much. Most people here think it is overly praised for political reasons but the consensus is that it is just a run-off-the-mill Marvel movie.
Black Panther was a case of /poltv/ trying to force their agenda on the rest of Yea Forums but it didnt work
Captain Marvel is organic outrage by both Yea Forums and /pol/ each for their own reasons
Either watch this stupid superhero movie or don't
Who the fuck even cares about Rotten Tomatoes?
Do you need other people to form an opinion of your own? It's just a movie
Watch it or don't, who the fuck cares?
This entire thread is about the ratings. I'm asking a question about them. I'm not seeing this movie anyway after seeing a few scenes, maybe down the line if there's a fan edit or something.
The spell is broken.
Now everyone will look at all marvel movies critically and see the shit they are.
Where is chadzan in the pic?
Get woke go broke.
most people don't read or care about it. I guarantee you Joe Schmoe doesn't look at RT to decide what movie to watch
Is that 40% of them or some figure per capitalist? I played a rogue in wow and I like them odds.
Thanks, you have sex too.
How about you invite me first to a dinner and a movie? then we will see
>what was your highlight of the week?
>when that superhero movie that triggers me dropped another % on Rotten Tomatoes
The absolute state of cinema
Imagine caring THIS MUCH about capeshit
even the ass did not even!
>Watch it or don't, who the fuck cares?
The politicisation of capeshit is what is interesting.
Taking an interest in the propaganda your society is subjected to is important.
He fucking hates capeshit if we're being honest
and people call me crazy for saying hollywood is globalist propaganda...
Hookers don’t count and Amsterdam is completely utter garbage.
wtf how is this stickied
>not being volcel
Masturbation completely satisfies my sexual needs unironically, I have no need or desire to cater to a woman who’s my physical, moral and intellectual inferior
You should grow out of masturbation too eventually. Semen retention is the ultimate redpill. Ignore the people who call it a meme. Read up on it.
Pure coincidence
why is her face so wide lmao?
Seriously, is anyone really surprised? This was always going to be just another average Marvel flick. It's also perfectly normal for the scores to drop over the first few weeks. Why make such a big fuss about this?
>NO NO NO! N.O. NOOOO!!!!!
sure smells like pathetic incel in here
>pepe meme shitter
Average Marvel flicks get 97%. This is the lowest since Thor 2 and worse than Ant-Man 2.
if it was an average marvel flick it like all the others it would be at 97%
>Actual reviews are "eh, its okay"
yeah you should probably leave your room bro
Go the fuck away newfag
looks like the trannies are out in force today
>outing yourself as the newfag by not realising people pretend to be mislead by blue pins
normal women hate capeshit
Yet here you are waiting to see this so you can post Picard facepalm pics which I consider even more pathetic!!!FACT!!!
Is your dick that fucking small where you have to validate your self-worth by how horrible a movie starring a female character does?
>"incels and men right activists are review bombing the movie!!"
>forgetting Vox, Wapo and most of the left wing media is saying the movie is boring af and giving it a 6 at best
What does his dick have to do with it? Why are you thinking about his dick? Does your life revolve around dick?
Well, I for one care about seeing something OTHER than capeshit in theaters. This film underperforming is one nudge in that direction.
lol I just creampied a bitch and have her pussy stench on my fingers as I type you fat bitch lol
>badmouthing review
>have honest, consensual sex with women
>get accused of raping her and arrested 5 years later
all patriarchal sex IS rape you massive shitlord.
Yea Forumsbros we have to ally ourselves with the fem anons. White knighting is okay, it's 2019 after all! Who would you rather be? Some by stander, or the user who captured a lady's heart?
oh no no no!
>make underwhelming movie
>Uh, it's the internet's fault! Yeah, they're the ones who hate everything!
erections during sex are patriarchal
Carolfags gonna freak :D
Yea Forums is pro DC