Anyone else done with the MCU after Endgame?

They're obviously going to turn it into Nu-Wars

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I want at least 15 minutes of Doctor Strange doing actual fucking magic, not stupid inception bullshit and not just the same stupid orange mandala bullshit over and over again. Then this franchise can rest in piss.

I think Comic book movies will have a nice steep downturn after it. People are sick of them, they just want a conclusion at this point.


...Turn it into Nu-Wars?

comic book films are for children, period.

And Star Wars isn't? also, Christopher Nolan would like a word with you.

Nolan's Batman is almost in no way comparable to capeshit.

Black Widow should be naked

You mean capeshit was something special before? It's made to sell toys to manchildren

I'll watch Doctor Strange 2 if it ever comes out. Maybe whatever movie features Doctor Doom if he's done properly. Maybe Black Widow. But I haven't seen a Capeflick at the cinema for about 2 years or so. I don't think I ever will do so again. I just download them, and either watch them if I have nothing to do, or just fast-forward through them. I still haven't seen JL & Aquaman. I got through Nigger Panther in 30 minutes or so.

Infinity War WAS the end
Thanos solved over-population
What could another hero possibly achieve greater than that?

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I’m really excited for Endgame but I’m also really worried it’s going to be ruined by Captain Marvel.

Ten years of build up for nothing.

Star Wars is for children, too

I've been done since Infinity War but I want to see what kind of goody-two-shoes ending this has, if at least a few people don't die I'm going to feel like my time was wasted

This. I'm done after Endgame either way, but I do hope they don't shit the bed with Captain Noass.

Also Cap wields the hammer.

That word would be "PFFPFPFFFFFFTTTT" - the sound of him shitting on film.

>Everything that bombs or is panned is "for kids"
Lol love the new shill talking points. You know, I've got a recommendation for your bosses. Do they take recommendations? Anyway, start entertaining us. We know you're here to peddle diarrhea, but make it more amusing. Let us pelt you with rotten vegetables while you're doing it.

>if he's done properly
Oh user...user...

I just watched Ragnarok. Are any of the next films pre-IF skippable? I've heard pretty different things about Black Panther and nothing about Ant-man andthe Wasp.

>capeshit will die in your lifetime.

Couldn't happen soon enough, honestly.

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I am. I'll watch Guardians 3, but that's it. Im not even going to bother watching Captain Marvel.

You can skip most of them. There are small story elements, but nothing you can't glean from the Avengers movies themselves.

I'm not necessarily gunning for IF, if they're good then I'd like to watch them even if they aren't necessary to understand that or Endgame.

Then you can skip them. They're not terrible, but they don't feel like singular movies, just episodes. It would be less of an issue if they weren't so long, especially Black Panther.

Eh, it's not like it's easy, let's be honest. He could've been just a regular Eastern Yuropoor trying to fix his country. But no, Kirby, like the kike he is, made everything about "muh minorities".
>he's a gypsy whose father is a master physician and his mother a master witch
>his mother killed some babies with a wrong spell, the villagers killed her, but we're meant to take Doom's side when he vows vengeance against them
>he learns magic and science, and some day a US fucking Scout happens to pass through the gypsy caravans of a Eastern European shithole
>somehow said Eastern European shithole has a fucking King
His origin is too rooted in anachronism, and too kiked, to work. They should just go with a mix of Ultimate & 616.

I'm probably going to watch Spider-Man Far From Home.

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I don't trust that it's going to be good. Probably will have lots of emphasis on the next generation of heroes who are a bunch of pretentious faggots and/or are marketed as such.

IW is the true ending of Avengers and I'm fine with that. This shit has gone on long enough anyway.

You're right. Doom would be hard as fuck to right even for someone competent. Disney can barely get Iron Man semi-correct. There is exactly a 0% chance they ever do Doom correctly, and the more people clamor for it, the more likely they are to make an abortive attempt and just churn out another shitty Disneyfied supershit.

Alright, thanks. Guess I'm watching IF and then Endgame when that arrives.

I thought this was a given. Why would you still stay on that train when you can see where it's going.

I wanna see galactus


As soon as End Game is done I'm dropping the MCU like I dropped the DB franchise

The problem with Doom isn't that he's got a good and complex origin. The problem is that it's complex and awful. His whole character is basically some nigger destroying his native country's culture, making it all "better" and wanting to bring about globalism because "razizm" killed his "angel" of a mom and shit. He worked better as just a petty, revenge-filled Europoor dictator. All of his added depth is just a Liberal wet-dream. A "Big Daddy" Overlord that will "unite the world", take down the "evil racists", all the hile being an "opressed minority" that is much smarter and better than the native population.

I like Doom's look, aesthetics and character potential, but as a concept he's fucking cancer.


Nigger, I was done with the MCU after Age of Ultron.

Eh. It's generally longer and more heavy-handed in its themes, but Batman Begins is fucking loaded with groan-worthy, tongue in cheek "crowd pleaser" moments to help make the rest of the movie more palatable to normies. It's essentially the precursor to the Marvel Formula, even the Burton movies and Donner's Superman weren't as quippy and cringeworthy as Nolan's Batman.

They're all skippable, you fucking brainlet. Literally nothing happens in these shitshows that you can't understand without doing literally five seconds of basic deduction. Christ.

Doom is just a complex character overall. His origin, his powers, his agenda. It's all far too complex and conflicted from story to story for Disney to ever even remotely do him justice.

Nolan has never made a good movie. He perfectly exemplifies every single thing wrong with capeshit in general. He faithlessly reproduces a beloved franchise and butchers it on-screen, his aesthetic is shit, his writing is shit (laughably so at times) and there are cringe-inducing details that literally don't even make any fucking sense like batman and bane's voices. Literally what the fuck was the deal with that?

Not if they add the X-Men.

>Doom is just a complex character overall. His origin, his powers, his agenda.
Nah, it's just contradictory. You can make a good story out of it. He pretends that he wants to "save the world", but in reality he's just self-loathing and petty. But it gets rined by all the kiked undertones. It can be fixed though.
> It's all far too complex and conflicted from story to story for Disney to ever even remotely do him justice.
That's true, yeah.

What do you mean "actual fucking magic"? Anything specific?

>Anyone else done with the MCU after (X)?
Is this shitpost still gonna exist 20 years from now?

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Yeah, like the actual fucking spells he uses in the comics? Does he even once mention the Vishanti in any of the movies? I don't even remember. They partly corrected his unfaithful portrayal in his own movie in Infinity Wars, but that was for literally like 10 seconds of footage.

user, this world won't exist 20 years from now.

>cringe-inducing details that literally don't even make any fucking sense like batman and bane's voices
It's especially hilarious because his entire aesthetic was about dropping the "goofy" or "embarrassing" parts of comic book heroes, to the point where he was ashamed to directly adapt ideas like Catwoman or Scarecrow or even the fucking Batmobile, and he had to give it his own headcanon name because words like "Batmobile" and "Batarang" are too silly. He had to autistically insist that his cinematic world was "ONLY BATMAN", because he thought other superheroes were too silly. He basically spun his tires trying to create a world where "a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime" is not as inherently silly as it is when you actually say it out loud.

But then he goes and willingly includes fucking cringeworthy MCU-tier gems like this back and forth with Gordon:

>"I could never imagine anyone ever getting sick of the MCU, or any movies from our lord and savior, Mickey Mouse, so I will assume that people talking about losing interest in the franchise are just shitposting"

Yes, most of the characters I care about will probably be dead so it's as good an opportunity as any.

Interested whether or not the lukewarm critical reception to Captain Marvel means she won't swoop in and punch Thanos into the sun like I figured she would.

The MCU wishes it was as exciting these days as Nu-Wars after TLJ

Is there even going to be an MCU after IW2? I know they're still gonna make cape movies, but I don't know about huge team-up stuff anymore.

If they're smart, they won't try. You can't spend 10 years building up to Thanos and then say "oh, wait, there was a bigger bad all along!" That's the type of shit that puts people off comics.

>Anyone else done with the MCU after Endgame?
Yeah. Next year is Black Widow and The Eternals. Endgame seems like a good place to stop

This is exactly what I’ve been doing as well. Although i did see JL and Aquaman, I fast forwarded through both.

>That's the type of shit that puts people off comics
As someone who likes comics, I don't mind that shit because comics themselves are way more about the ride than the destination. The MCU has been putting all of its eggs in the Thanos basket for like seven years. Plus they've tried to scale back the average level of "HAPPENING" in the MCU in order to keep from putting off the normies. In actual comic books, the world almost coming to an end every issue is part of the appeal.

Avatar sucks

Holy shit. I never realized how Batman & Robin tier this dogshit is. I really didn't pay attention to Nolan's batman movies. They were too terrible and I zoned the fuck out watching every one of them.

Guardians 3 is the only title I'm interested in.
Maybe Spider-Man.

I'd say BP is as important Ragnarok, which is both fairly miniscule.
At the very least you should kinda learn and feel what Wakanda is.

I was done with the MCU like a decade ago

Correct. Did you mean the Last Airbender adaptation or Spaces with Wolves? Either way, correct.

Oh jesus christ they're making a third one? What is it going to be just Chris Pratt dabbing for 3 hours? $10 says he vapes in the film.

They will never stop making these movies until we're all dead

They've already set up alternate dimension stuff in Strange. It's still a very fine line to walk between going bigger and shitting on what came before.

I'm done just because I hate the blueball shit. I have trouble watching and waiting for the next ep of a TV show these days, much less months/years between movies. They need to get back to telling a story and finishing it in one damned film.

I’ve been watching every movie in the MCU for a while now, but after Endgame I’ll probably only watch the ones with characters I like, since a decline in quality is likely as they focus more on pushing agendas and less on making decent movies. But I hope Endgame offers a proper ending so if they fuck it up in the future I can see that as the end like Star Wars fans do with ROTJ.

Fortunately, that's only like a decade from now.

It's already Nu-Wars. MCU ended with IW.
Thanos' plan worked and now everyone is happy.

Is that what your fake outrage youtubers told you?

OP, Infinity War is it for me. I have no interest in Endgame because of Captain Fungi Greaseball!!!FACT!!!

Nolan's films are also for children. Well for teenagers.

>the actual ending

MCU ended when Thanos won in A3

Nolans films are for downies.

>I never realized how Batman & Robin tier this dogshit is
It's even worse, because when you go back and watch Batman & Robin and Batman Forever, it's pretty obvious that Schumaker knew what he was doing; every bit of cheese and every groan-worthy one-liner is said with tongue completely in cheek, in an attempt to fuse '90s extremism with '60s camp, and it worked to a certain degree. Meanwhile, Nolan was trying so hard to be cool that he was fucking tone deaf to his own shitty dialogue. Just about every scene in those movies has some moment where you're supposed to chuckle and nudge your buddy and say "IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN, LOL"

>kinda learn and feel what Wakanda is
They're a top-secret, super-advanced country of nationalists who have access to 99% of the vibranium in the world and don't want to share, and also they decide who rules their nation by having nigger fights. There, I saved him 2+ hours of his fucking life.

>a decline in quality is likely
So you've been asleep for the past 6 years, or...?

>They're obviously going to turn it into Nu-Wars
That's the gayest thing I've read this year, what fucking faggot, the avengers is for massive faggots just like the new star wars, and you're a faggot for thinking otherwise, you fucking stupid cunt.

Wtf does Thor have 1.4 or 7.4?

If only there were come context and you could see a bunch of other numbers, written out in the same handwriting in the same format, and somehow use that information to figure out whether it's a 1 or a 7, you stupid fucking nigger.

Also, either score is too generous.

Yeah, I've been watching fewer and fewer of the flicks as time goes on. I haven't see ant man, black panther or any of the new spiderman movies. I will be watching endgame, but I'm not expecting much from it as Disney will obviously want captain marvel to have a big role coming out of nowhere and saving the day from men, and will want to keep it open ended as possible to continue the franchise. If it does turn out to be dogshit, I'm quite happy thinking infinity wars is the last one.

I was done with the MCU after Ant-Man and Wasp

Doom just needs to be the dark version of Tony Stark mixed with Black Panther. A dictator who uses arch/suit tech and the country he rules to cause shit!!!FACT!!!

This. The worst Star Wars movie has more going for it than the best MCU movie.

This. Just add Strange to the mix and drop the gypsy stuff. Shit like this shouldn't be allowed to exist

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After Endgame
>no Cap
>no Iron Man
>Captain Marvel will be the leader of the Avengers
>Falcon and War Machine will both be on the main team
>no good villains left. Only if they use the ones from x-men and fantastic four

It's only downhill from now on


I'm done after Endgame, except for Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy. Not a fan of the X-Men coming in with their bloated roster to hog the spotlight and cause problems.

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on how powerful Doctor Strange really is? I'm trying to figure out which run I want to start reading.

The only Marvel movies I would recommend are the Captain America trilogy, Doctor Strange, the first Avengers, and the Iron man Trilogy, but only watch Iron Man 3 if you like watching Tony Stark as much as you like watching Iron Man. Maybe The Incredible Hulk.

still better than captain cheese on the spotlight.

Volume 5. ALL other runs have either shit art or storyline. I just saved you a LOT of time and headache, user.

The new X-Men gives me a fucking panic attack. Fox has done such a filthy awful job with them, I don't know what to fucking expect from Disney. Everyone has literally wanted a GOOD X-Men movie for decades, but we've never gotten one yet. On the other hand, Disney literally can't do fucking anything right, so we're probably fucked.

I was legitimately excited for her movie until they announced the casting.

Both Ant-Man movies are leagues better than Black Panther, in my opinion. They at least are fun and feel sorta stand alone. I've always felt like Ant-Man was more of a secluded character universe-wise. To the point where he feels odd when he's put with the Avengers.

Black Panther was an okay watch, but really just forgettable and holds virtually no weight in the overarching story (neither does Ant-Man desu) but as long as you know Wakanda is powerful, hid forever, then stopped hiding, you're set.

then you would love them

Good job, Disney, you fucked up and chased off Captain Marvel's one fan.


Ooo a Nolan defender. Now that is a sad site to behold.

I don't remember. Just all of Volume 5. It's the currently-running incarnation. Everything before that is hogshit. Volume 4 is one of the worst comic books I have ever fucking read in my life.

Black Panther was the absolute definition of Okay Movie. Ant-Man at the very least has Paul Rudd being extremely likable.

there's more and better magic in spiderverse than anything dr strange does

Cool. I was being steered towards Volume 4, but I'll go with 5 then. Thanks user.

Didn't see it but, sadly, I'm sure you're right. They botched Dr. Strange something terrible in the MCU. Still, his movie was nowhere near as bad as I feared it would be.

Vol 4 will make you fucking kill a hipster.

Ant-Man is honestly one of the best marvel movies. It didn't try so hard to do anything, it is simple and fun just as every superhero movie should be.

>how powerful

In his very first issues he abstractly encounters God and then battles ultimate entities in the spiritual plane.

In later stories, he blasts Galactus with his most powerful spell and it knocks him down for a moment.

Exactly. Him and Peña are really fun and likeable characters and it feels like a weird superhero heist kinda movie that doesn't take itself extremely seriously. The best part in my opinion is, Disney tries so hard to give all the Avengers and other heroes issues that make them more human and more grounded, but Scott Lang (in part because of Rudd) just genuinely feels like a dude who has to deal with the superhero shit. He feels human and has actual home issues and his daughter and etc. The other Avengers just feel like people who are too grand being shitty because they're famous.

Don't listen to this faggot. The ANAD Relaunch with Jason Aaron was THE worst Doctor Strange material put on comics. He was running around with sneakers, carrying a big axe and puking.

Go back to the start. Strange Tales V1 110-168 . Then Doctor Strange V1 169-183 (1968-1969), then Doctor Strange V2 (1974-1987) & then Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme (1988-1996). That's all you need, really.

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>THE worst Doctor Strange material put on comics. He was running around with sneakers, carrying a big axe and puking.
You're thinking of Volume 4. That pretty much sums it up. You missed him making a dumbshit surprised face almost every other panel though.

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FYI, I have more than 2, but I'm not posting them all. This is the shit that reading vol 4 gets you.

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Endgame will be my final MCU movie. It was supposed to be the last one but Disney loves money.

Same. I don't like the idea of an 11th hour addition coming in and being the make-or-break element when we've spent 10 years with these characters.

Yeah it's pure cancer. It's just a cash grab and nothing more that they're trying to mask with faux feminism.

I paid with a subscription for that, you know... Yeah, I messed up the numbers by counting the Strange minis and such. My bad user; you're not a faggot.

>My young dude, the force is NOT about lifting rocks
>literally the climax of the movie
I mean, I can see it happening but the Russo brothers are waaay better than Ray Jonestown. I just want to see what the brothers will do next. Kind of like the Wachowskis when they made Speed Racer I fucking love that they followed up the matrix with that one. I saw it again a couple of months on Netflix and while its cgi equalivalent of projectile vomiting, its fucking beautiful (also, its proper kidshow kino)

Damn right. Volume 4 was fucking traumatic. I couldn't erase the memory of that shit volume if I trepaned my head and poured bleach inside. Volume 5 on the other hand is fucking porn, but I'm not posting any images from it, because it's good enough I don't want to ruin it for anyone.

This is my real issue with what could potentially mess up Endgame, along with all of the shilling Marvel is doing with "oh she's the best and strongest and stronger than Thanos,". So, what's the point of the Avengers when they can just be sidelined while Carol one shots Thanos?
It's like you're watching a movie about a battle in the medieval period, but for the final fight, Delta Force shows up. And, of course, the actress they got is an unlikable blockhead.

But I guess I just hate women and I'm a mahogany.

I'm done with the MCU as a universe, but I'll keep watching interesting solo movies like the guardians and dr.strange

Won't go see the new heroes as they're going to be all wymen and LGBTQ+ bullshit

You've sold me on it

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I'm both a Strangefag and an Ironfag, and have been burned by both characters the last few years. When the series relaunched, I added Slott's Iron Man & F4 (because I'm also a Doomfag), but skipped Strange because I hate Waid. I ended up dropping F4, but still pull Iron Man, even if it's awful. I have read the current Strange run on RCO though. It's good, but I'm close to droping comics altogether, really. I'm just waiting for stuff like East Of West and Black Monday Murders to conclude. Morrison's GL is good at least. Prieststroke and the current Superior Spider-Man are entertaining enough too. Wild Storm dissapointed me though; I regret the money I'm spending.

Might be the biggest bait of all time honestly