Sir Ridley Scott

Sir Ridley Scott

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The Romans were really advanced

Fun fact: that’s the plane that went on to crash into the pentagon on 9/11

that's the god Jupiter watching over the arena

This looks even more faked than the planes in the 9/11 footage. Try harder, OP.

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If you look closely you might notice Maximus is in fact the actor Russell Crowe disguised as a roman soldier/gladiator (also, fun fact: the film gets its name from him being a gladiator, hence 'The Gladiator')

Clearly Icarus flying too close to the sun

there were planes during the roman era. Look it up.

And the pilots name? Albert Einstein

>Youtube vid has a thumbnail with arrows and red emphasis circles

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careful, icarus

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James Cameron is such a perfectionist he actually went back and fixed the whole night sky in the recent Titanic re-release because the star positions were wrong in a few scenes. At his own expense.
Ridley can't even be bothered to Tipp-Ex a plane out of one shot.

Sorry, I don't see it.


>that thumbnail is nowhere to be seen in the video

>it took me literally 5 seconds

Fake and gay. But then what else could we but expect from OP, whose murmurs of claiming to be roman can barely be heard over sound of his choking on legionnaire cocks.

>ywn experience The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson again

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you just had to fucking remind me, didn't you?

Still hurts bros

Ah sorry, I meant the Australian musician Russ Le Roq, floruit c. mid 80s

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This isn't in the movie

he reshot the scene but had the plane wrapped in green screen material and then washed it out in post edit with CGI

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literally took me 5 minutes

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This movie won Best Picture LOL!

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Fuck off glow in the dark niggers

Your forced memes aren't funny

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Good thread, lads, thanks for the laughs.

>RooRoo abloobloo
Lol, fag

>blacklist the entire channel

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Oh yeah
That's it
Don't Stop

literally ancient aliens this was done on purpose

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>Ridley Scott Extended Universe

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Bravo user. Are you a professional cgi artist by any chance?

good post, user.

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Black people flying from. Empire of Ghana to Atlantis


very based