Films with this asthetic

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Dicklets, when will they learn?

Should've used some pump instead

Why wait until you're 65?

Why the hell would you want a bigger dick if you are a billionare? You can already fuck any woman you want.

white "people"

>tfw dicklet
>tfw not a billionaire

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>Why wait until you're 65?

Maybe he wanted to earn his first billion first

This shit actually works and would have saved his life.

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Maybe micro peen?

Imagine being this stupid.

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Damn these jews love their plastic surgeries

Poor Little White Boy.

He just wanted his dick to be diamonds

I agree with the other guy, probably had a micropenis, the (figuratively) poor bastard.

the cocksucking mohel chopped off his pepe


what an embarrassing way to go out

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He probably did have a sub 4" penis.

Imagine being unbelievably rich and successful and still seeing that look of disappointment on the face of every girl when they see your dick

>implying women can feel anything less than 10 inches

That kinda baffles me, I mean if you are a billionaire you could literally make any sexual fantasy come true. Legal or illegal. Why on earth would you care about your size if you could get the best of the best bouncing on your dick? Unless he had a micro penis that was less than 2 inches of course.

>he dates a roastie

If you were a billionare wouldn't you have things in check going so the story get covered up immediatly if you happen to die in such an embarassing way?

Maybe he has a humiliation fetish and faked his death, sounds fishy.

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What's up with Jews? First they cut a bit off their dick then they want to add a bit more to it.

haha lol it does,asking for a friend you know lol

Well I guess his dick won't be diamond hard anymore

even pure virgins need at least 10 inches to even get a little pleasure most women want a 18 inch dong


it's actually common on all races. Just like silicon tits or ass.

haha, good one!

Why didn't he get a dick transplant instead? heard those are way better.

Why do you want to fuck women when you can torture them instead?

Shiin thread?

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There's cheaper ways but those pumps work if you don't give up after a few weeks.

i would be scared to get anything that says X-TREME near me dingus desu.

Are they even allowed to say what the surgery was for? Fishy as hell.

guess his dick wasn't diamonds

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I wonder if he was cut

This is what happens when the rabbi bites 90% of your cock off at birth.

Seek help

In his line of work, he should've known that even small things can be very valuable

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Shouldn't have cut off a piece of his dick, then.

im cut and its normal size when hard. he had micropenis literally

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not on blacks

the average black dick is 11''


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>the (figuratively) poor bastard

top lad

With that amount of money in the bank, I wouldn't give the slightest fuck. There's a hotter woman waiting for you the next night.

it's a diamond joke

It only works if you're already averagish to go to above averagish. If you've got a sub 4" you're just not gonna have enough to work with.

Clearly he faked his own death to avoid trial

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Lmao, an article used to be posted around here about how penis enlargement surgeries had exploded in LA among black men because of bbc porn.

no it doesn't

What an embarrassing way to die. Not as badass as the news guy who died while fisting and with meth rocks in his ass


He was israeli.

I'd rather be dead than have to deal with a micro penis, mine's nothing special, but still better than having a stumpdick

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Shut up RDJ, we all know you probably wear some rubber dick extender in bed, along with your platform shoes.

Why would you want to fuck women with someone else’s dick? Pretty gay desu

>mfw only 7.5x5.5

I want to be 9x6 so bad, does this shit really work?

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Based and DennisRadarPilled

why even bother dude


Because the girls I fuck only tell me that I'm big and that I should slow down. I want to send them to the hospital


Didn't get a sticky:
>Michael Cimino
>Seijun Suzuki
>Nicolas Roeg
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Etore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Dennis Hopper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Lauren Bacall
>Bud Spencer
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Juraj Herz
>Milos Forman
>Vittorio Taviani
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Shinobu Hashimoto
>Chuckle Brother
>Mike Nichols
>Neil Simon
>Scott Wilson
>Carol Channing
>Albert Finney
>Bruno Ganz
>Stanley Donen
>Bernardo Bertolucci

Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Dog from Bush's Baked Beans commercial
>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>Junkie retard only known for some faggy normie "musical" show
>Billy Crystal
>George Clooney
>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show
>Logan Paul and KSI
>Some country redneck

I thought it was Romario

He fell for the big penis meme

why did this shit made me laugh

Apparently he wanted to do so in thr most humiliating way possible.

This desu, that's why the prospect of torture scares me, is they even mention my dick I'm spilling the beans. I wouldn't have a problem with losing an eye or a foot, but I'd my dick ever gets shot off or something I'm tapping.

>tfw you will never have big dick energy

I never understand these numbers.
I'm assuming 7.5 is length, correct? How is your cock 5.5 inches around?

So no one would look into it

This shit fucks bloodflow and leaves you with a permanently limp penis

You can't make your dick bigger you fucking retard.

>claw marks
>crossing out the penis

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The second number is usually the girth. Just take some string, wrap it around your erect cock, mark a beginning, and so when the loop closes around your cock, mark the end. Then lay that string on a ruler and measure its length. That's your girth.

inb4 he's not wh*te because he's Jewsih
Of course he's wh*te, look at him. You're gonna tell me his people came from a desert? No, they came from Eastern Europe.

I have a hard time figuring out whether wh*toid posters are just memers or insane cucks/niggers

I repeat, HOW THE FUCK is your cock 5.5 inches around?
I'm 6.5 inches long, at best 3 inches girth.

kek you're like a long skinny pencil
what the fuck

Carlos you son of a bitch

What if they just stuck some bamboo splinters or needles up your urethra?

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I'm not him user, I'm just telling you how it's measured. But I think you're not understanding me. You don't lay the string from one end of the cock to another, like a ruler, left to right. You wrap the string around it. Give it a try. Your erect cock.

I hope you're vastly underestimating how much girth you've got.

>diamond trader

Fuck him. The commodity with the most artificially boosted prices.

A few years back I was on a forum about cocks. People unironically tied rocks to their dicks then posted pictures and "progress" results. All that for an inch or two.

No privacy in my office but I have to know now.
How tall are you?

user, 3" girth is well bellow the average. And I don't think that guy's the original poster either. Height has nothing to do with it too. Do you understand how it's measured?

yeah it never made sense to me either

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>caring about the size of your cock when you're a billionaire
lol how fucking retarded can you be?

I'm not the original guy, I'm a manlet. But I sure as fuck have a bigger girth than three inches.

>white people
The only kind of people. Often imitated, never replicated.


if i was a billionaire id just breed tinier women. id fund entire brown jungle towns in service to my penis. id turn these places into my personal economic boom towns.

This is like that screenshot of the supreme gentleman finding out about the average penis length all over again. Very disconcerting.

money can't buy you height, a large penis ane inmortality

I know a couple of them are butthurt mexicans

Surrounded by diamonds but getting diamonds was not enough.

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but the first two are irrelevant when you're a billionaire, roasties will fuck you anyway

Average is 5, no? Yes I understand, stop posting.
Fuck I can't whip out my dick rn.
no u

Facts don't care about your feelings. Azhkenazi "Jews" are Eastern Europeans and they've been there for thousands of years.

Packing an 8incher
Too skinny and ugly for girls to want to see it

Why did they need to include an image of someone looking at his pre-op penis? Have some freakin respect for the dead jeez

what if it was some based assassin who was paid to kill him in the most humiliating way possible? like he sabotaged the surgery somehow in a master stroke that not even the doctors could detect

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Underrated. Have a you.

If you look at their genes they're somewhere in between european and middle eastern

◄ Ezekiel 23:20 ►
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

Bathmates do work. People post about it on /fit/ sometimes and always someone has had good results.

However it is a serious time investment. Like a 40 mins a day every single day

>ever telling the truth

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His dick probably shrank due to old age. Yes, shrinkage does occur due to age.


> being a billionaire and not getting world class penis enlargement

Its like you have no idea what money is even for?

John mahoney didn't get a sticky either

I've got 6'5 by 5'7 and doesn't look or feel particularly thick to me.
yours must be the skinniest penis in the known universe, jesus

The vast majority of attractive women on the planet will fuck you if you're a billionaire; regardless of dick size.

6.5 x 5.7

That’s well above the average girth though. There are extreme cases of some really long dicks, but girth taps out at around 7”.

I don't have doubts that pumps work in the long run, but I'm a bit worried about the erections you'll get after years of use

The only correct answer.

>Like a 40 mins a day every single day
You'd destroy your dick that way, it's like 15mins a day for 2 years.

Girth is circumference you FUCKING moron

I can't believe I'm asking this. Do donkeys ejaculate less than horses? To the point where it's worth specifying like that?

Dubs and you die and go to Hell.

based schizo who actually cares about that

1 less thieving and lying kike left in the world

Donkeys are significantly smaller than horses, so probably

they don't call them studs for nothing

do you have to ask? it's right there in the bible

>a jew who fleeced men because of woman's desire for shiny rocks died

boo fucking hoo

>tfw 7,8 inches girth
send hel

holy shit you could blow out any size queen with that lol

>t. choade

>tfw only 5.5x4.5 inches

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that sounds uncomfortable

>x4.5 inches
lel that girth is pathetic

More like 1.5 thousand years. Actual Europeans have been there for hundreds of thousands of years, Ashkikes are tourists who wandered in to suck off Europe's wealth.

it affects your mental state

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Would you swap your dick for a billion dollars?

I mean, with a billion dollars you could afford to stay indoors all day on Yea Forums feeling suicidal. You could buy so many steam games you never play.
If you're feeling adventurous, you could get a private jet to an exotic country where you could feel too anxious to meet people.
You could go to the fanciest club and get a private room with bottle service all to yourself.

like no dick at all? would probably have the most amazing year and then an hero when spending money like a retard gets old desu

That's a real conundrum.
>be insanely rich but unable to have sex
Is there even any point in being rich if you can't get laid?

Having things doesn’t fix insecurities. I grew up poor and bullied and malnourished
I got /fit/, made very good friends, and girls started to dig me and I got cash from internships at top banks

Every time some “milestone” was achieved, I’d find something else to feel bad about or realize that some of the things you were missing out on were overrated / parroted by insecure people who wanted to one up others with the shitty things they had by pretending it was sooo great (especially with girls)

Depression is a head game


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You can fuck prostitutes, like high end ones
Be cheaper and easier than trying to be with a vapid ho

Ever read into philosophy or meditation or shit? if you can do all that you can figure out your mind.

How could you fuck a prostitute without a dick?

That’s a good idea
Have any recommendations?

Protip: philosophy isn't good for someone trying to cure their depression
It's great if you're okay to revel in your depression though

If your balls are still intact (which they should be, since it wasn’t specified) you could surgically extract sperm and how kids through a surrogate
Honestly, it’s a win win

To be human is to suffer. You'll always find another thing you "need".

Having more money doesn't change this. You'll simply find something new to desire.


I can see literally no pleasure from that scenario. And knowing you'll still have your balls makes it worse since you'll still be just as horny but won't even be able to masturbate

why the fuck would you want to finger bang a hooker

This, ive got a 19 incher and i still gotta work hard. I can only imagine how sub 12" dicklet manage

Having money and power would be worth it; and having kids ensures you have a legacy with enough capital to ensure a future greater than most

being dickless and literally impotent will drive you to suicide no matter how much cash you have lying around

Guess I have to believe you since you said it without proof

so you your dick is 4.60912715194 in diameter?


obviously staged, he just wanted to disappear

it also causes ED

Sam Harris's meditation app is a good start. Mindfullness is honestly such a good skill to learn, it sounds memey (especially sam harris) but it really can help prevent emotions from controlling you. Headspace is also a good app, but I found it to be a bit too elementary, while Harris can make more complex techniques seem very clear. Headspace is cheaper now I believe.

For philosophy, it's a broad field but anything that helps make life more meaningful to you would be psychologically beneficial. I'd recomend two places to start
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse is a very good intro to eastern thinking imo.
A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell is good for giving you an overview, it's a bit long but if something is boring just skip it. It's a very digestable book, despite it's size.

Try to be open to spiritual thinking. You don't necessarily have to believe in a traditional god or afterlife, but you can conceptualize the material universe or goodness or love as a higher power and you can pray to that if you want. I think we're evolved to be religious, and you can activate that circuit in your brain without sacrificing rationality and it does really help with depression.

if you avoid anything French you won't wallow in depression.

Sure if you read pseud sub 120 IQ nihilist shit

Why do people get memed into buying diamonds?
Theres nothing rare or precious about them.
They get dug out of the ground by the metric ton and are basically worthless. You're literally paying for the rock changing hands over and over as they get shipped around the world, carved into smaller and smaller chunks.
Its the biggest fucking scam in history, but everyone just buys right into it.

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>breaks your dick for a temporary half inch

learn the wonders of prostate stimulation.

>only 11"

Is it possible to find a woman that's redpilled on diamonds?

only in your fantasies schlomo.


oh no nononoonono

How do you enlarge your dick without getting cock cancer?

We don't anymore. It's a boomer meme.

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>implying girth doesnt matter more than length
Lol nice pencil you got there faggot.

Can the gay mafia please fuck off and kill themselves? Thanks

Oy vey

You can't take your money with you after you die, but your cock is eternal. You want to be jacked for the afterlife, trust me, there will be lots and lots of fucking.

I'm 7.5 inches and I haven't had sex in 5 years. Just wanted you guys to know that.

Money, diamonds, gold, bitcoin, it's all the same crap. Spend money on experiences.

If you read the actual argument and not just whichever dickhead supports how you already feel/want to feel, then no, philosophy doesn't help with depression.
>inb4 but muh God/eastern spirituality/other garbage with no basis