I've never watched capecrap except for the tim burton and nolan stuff and i downloaded this the other day...

I've never watched capecrap except for the tim burton and nolan stuff and i downloaded this the other day. should i watch it?

Attached: 06-03-2019.png (820x185, 11K)

>should i watch this movie that won't make any sense if i haven't watched almost every other movie in the franchise

Just watch Watchmen, Man of Steel, and Batman v Superman
Skip everything else

those are all shit as well

Director's Cuts, of course

i thought character archs were all fighting le evil

yeah but infinity war isn't even a complete story. Avengers 4 is part 2 of it. it's not really worth watching if you aren't invested in at least some of the characters.

>no more DC snyderkino

no. there are some good moments but it's largely bloated and stupid and only enjoyable if you get all the references and are invested in the characters and like seeing it all together.

Watch Ragnarok or Aquaman if you want recent capeshit that holds up somewhat as a film.

These are good.
I would also recommend Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy and Ang Lee's Hulk.

If you want the quick MCU rundown with movies that aren't terrible, watch Ironman > Captain America > Avengers > Winter Soldier > Guardians of the Galaxy > Civil War > Thor Ragnarok > Infinity War

Some notes
>the first Thor introduces a bunch of important concepts for the MCU (Asgard, different planets, space and space travel, etc.) but it's pretty dull. If you find yourself confused later down the road and really care, I'd recommend going back to watch it, but if you're just getting into things it might very well turn you off.
>you can skip the first Avengers if you don't really care how they formed the team and most of its appeal is the novelity of seeing all the characters meet, if you skipped a bunch you might not really like it.
>Age of Ultron has stuff that is very relevant to the overall MCU story happen, but it's a pretty dull movie. You're probably better off skipping it and simply knowing that Tony Stark accidently built a killer robot that killed a whole bunch of people. He also built Vision.
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is really good, but not really relevant to the overall MCU

Absolutely useles movie made to sell toys. All capeshit is made to make you watch other movies and get you in the loop. Watch Aquaman if you want a solo movie adventure.

>movies that aren't terrible
>Civil War

Iron Man is kino rest all are so forgettable

Capeshit is gay and only suitable for little children playing dress up

Everything outside of the wacky airport fight with no stakes is pretty good.

>Thor Ragnarok
>Aren't terrible
>Guardians 2
>Really good
The absolute state of Yea Forums.

>popular movie bad

>if it's popular it's good

No, if it's good it's good.

yeah it had some good parts Iron Man finding about his parents Spider-Man and Black Panther but the "Civil War" itself was terrible.

The ones you listed are bad though