>needs 4 hours to discuss 10 minutes of a movie
>worships capeshit
You don't actually watch him, do you?
Needs 4 hours to discuss 10 minutes of a movie
Other urls found in this thread:
he destroyed hboomer cuck and hamster anderson hes all right
>I need someone to tell me that absolute morons are indeed morons
I can do it in under 4 hours if you're interested
The length is part of the appeal. By autistically tearing apart every shred of the script mauler tries to plug up the atrocious counter arguments retards like to bring to poorly made capeshit and sjw garbage
>used to watch his streams
>enjoyable enough when you put up with the furries because they btfo retards
>they started devoting half the streams to watching horribly unfunny memes about them
It's dreadful and I'm glad I ditched it.
>by making his videos inaccessible, because no one in their right mind would watch an autistic dude rant for 5 hours, he protects himself from criticism
Huge win in the battle of ideas
You forgot that he also sucks furry knots.
He's going the Channel Awesome way of reviewing but in reverse or at least the Spoony way long rambling reviews that nitpick anything they can need to be split into 9 part series once he reaches his peak donations he will make shorter and shorter reviews until he takes bigger ang bigger breaks
I liked his videos, then I checked out his stream and twitter and was disappointed to know he's a fucking idiot there. But I guess that just reinforced my idea that social media brings out the worst in people.
Also his whole "objectivity" angle kind of falls apart whenever seriously questioned. I don't want to sound too much like a crazy postmodernist but his entire conventional/logical storytelling = good is based on the idea that "well that's just how it is and always has been". It was funny if it wasn't so sad to see him trying to apply this to comedies that intentionally play with tone, mood, logic, etc.
Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
No, actual comedies.
>e-celeb cancer
please fuck off
God no, MauLer or whatever fans make disliking NuWars the most embarrassing thing
What language?
the dudes videos are a reaction to the utter breakdown of the discourse, not the cause of it
>hey these films are irreperably broken
>nu-uh youre just a *phobe/muhsoggyknees/bigot/white male/cishet scum!
>no seriously its just that the films are poorly made
>prove it!
>ok heres literally everything that happens in this movie and heres what ruins it
>hurr im not watching all of that!
never mind that you dont need to watch the whole thing, you could could just pick out a point and argue against that. the truth is that the people who make the arguement about the videos being too long were never interested in actually talking about opinions that contradict their own, regardless of length.
I like his reviews but he's getting a bit too nuanced.
>talks for almost 10 mins about a buffy episode to illustrate how to do a comedy/drama mix
fine, but he keeps making the same point and we're no longer talking about SW but buffy....
He says it takes long to release because so much editing but it seems like a lot could be edited out.
Yeah I do, I really like his videos. What’s wrong with making long videos?
>its embarrassing to not like something
Hi Disney!
Well that'd make it subjective given how every culture has a difference take on comedy.
Buffy is funnier than nuWars
Disney's fucked and their movies are dogshit, but making 5+ hours of ranting about a bad movie is embarrassing dogshit.
The point is, he proclaims these universal standards of quality when it comes to narration but when shown a genre where they often don't apply, he doesn't really have a response. And he doesn't take lack of response as incentive to maybe rethink his ideas, but just kind of ignores it.
Like I said, I don't want to sound too much like a postmodernist, but he's kind of inviting that sort of questioning when making these absolute statements ("these are objectively good/bad things").
Brevity is the soul of wit user.
If you have to spend multiple hours explaining why The Last Jedi is a confused mess you might be overstating the importance of a movie for children
Theres two problems with his view of objectivity:
1. he refuses to concede that objectivity is derivied from the aggregate of subjective sensory experiences of individuals viewing a work or concept
2. he isnt well read enough to realize that objectivity being derivative of subjective experiences does not invalidate objectivity in any way
2.5 he tends to blend long winded subjective rants about how he feels about an objective problem, which leads everyone to think he finds a given issue to be a problem because of how it makes him feel and not what problem that issue actually causes.
its spergy to say the least man no matter how british he sounds also like everyone says he should be able to say the same shit in half the time
>Brevity is the soul of wit user.
Isn’t that a quote from Pollonius? Who’s defining characteristic is that he’s a hypocrite?
>If you have to spend multiple hours explaining why The Last Jedi is a confused mess you might be overstating the importance of a movie for children
Oh, the Star Wars is for children maymay. It’s not a movie for children, it’s a movie for everyone
Just like Plinkett and his hatred for the prequels huh?
Isn't Buffy episodic while Star Wars is a continuing narrative?
He looks like a fat, uglier version of Chris Hemsworth
Fine, substitute "movie for children" with "summer blockbuster", it's like one rung higher on the cinematic ladder.
Why is it embarrassing to deconstruct a very popular movie?
Plinkettt's analyses were much more grounded and rooted in breaking apart a film than people like MauLer to endlessly re-prove arguments he's already made.
This is why the Last Plinkett Review is the best TLJ analysis because even he could keep it to under an hour
>le ebin "it's only for kids" excuse
Millions of man hours went into the last jedis production, obviously someone considered that they needed to spend some time on making it, so spending a fraction of that criticizing it seems fair to me.
I'm debating the length, not the fundamental idea of deconstruction.
Again, brevity is the soul of wit.
He hasn't applied that mode to the kind of comedies you mention for obvious reasons. This is consistent on his part because he's never said "100% real-world consistency is NECESSARY in EVERY KIND OF MOVIE". He's nowhere near as autistic as YMS, for instance. He only ever brings up his points about consistency and logic to defend against brainlets that try to use subjectivity as a cop out for opinions that are more often than not motivated by little more than FUCK DRUMPF. I've watched maybe 3 of how podcasts and from what I can tell he also never attacks people with ill intent, and looking at the thumbnail s for his podcasts, a bunch of people that whose work he's taken apart on his show have actually become regulars on the show. He's got a consistency and holds himself to a standard that used to be the average moviegoer's standard, believe it or not. The 4 hour videos are just the format he uses to explain himself in the most watertight way as possible, because nowadays everything gets dogpiled by MUH SUBJECTIVITY and MUH DEATH OF THE AUTHOR faggots that got worthless degrees for huffing their own farts under brainlet professors that can't create art for shit, much less critique it. MauLer's just another one of many "Nazis" on the internet that make a splash because nearly 99% of everyone else that's flooding the airwaves has gone so off the rails with retarded nonsensical bullshit, that a guy stating basic truths stands out like some hero. Hell, even his own team has that Wolf guy, who's pretty retarded and spiteful in everything he does. Mauler doesn't even watch a ton of films. He's fairly pleb in that regard. But his critique is exactly on point, and it's sad that the reason for that is the fact that he's simply applying basic critical thinking to the stuff he's discussing. He's fairly pleb and an average Joe in that regard, or at least what an average joe would be in a culture that values sense and reason over muh fee fees and critical theory.
Hack Fraud Media is better at reviewing the sequels
because he needs 5 hours to do it because he needed to put his response to critics in the video or else it wouldn't be seen
For as triggering as his videos are people sure love to endlessly bitch about him. Rent free I guess.
objectively good content
No ones forcing you to watch the whole thing user. The idea that the length is bad only works if you actually want to consume the content, it's a non issue if your only complaint is that it's too long because you can just wach as much as you want or don't want, or pick a spot at random and then argue with or against a point.
>objectivity is derived from subjectivity
What the fuck
long man bad xd
You can be brief but you don't have to. Especially when it comes to monumental failures like TLJ.
the length also makes them a good alternative to actually watch this shitty movie
the Star Trek reviews are the actual good Plinkett videos
You don't need to be a postmodernist to acknowledge that putting structure above everything else is a very limited approach to storytelling and the criticism there of. There is some merit to his super analytical, super thorough approach to criticism, even when I don't find it very engaging to listen to, and if he applied it to the actual craft of film making, staging, camerawork, sound design and so on, I feel like he could offer a lot of worthwhile criticism.
Sadly he applies it almost exclusively to writing which I think is an attempt to square the circle. He has this formula in his head what makes for a well written story and he judges a movie by how well it adheres to it. I think his main problem is that he has a pretty narrow horizon, he almost exclusively criticizes low brow media along standards set by other low brow media, a lot of which tends to adhere to a very simple, very limited plot structure that's often effective but far from the only way to tell a story.
He's obviously a thoughtful guy who puts in the effort and I appreciate how he tries to break down a story into abstract mechanics and determine if the mechanics work but that talent would be better applied to something less ambiguous than writing.
So is Last Jedi a good movie?
It literally is though, the only information any consumer has is always derived from their own five senses, that's not to say it isn't true or real, only that the amount of information a viewer has is always limited to what the have sensed and can recall. For short stuff like movies its relatively easy to keep all the relevant plot info at the forefront of critique, which is why ppl like mauler tend to only talk about the script, it's the easiest thing to break down.
Shave your dome Patrick and never get on camera again
Exactly. It's not that he's some prodigy. It's that films are not the bastion of subjective artistic exploration that third-rate "professors" have been desperately claiming them to be for decades and people discussing them, who want so desperately to be taken seriously, can't stand that their twitter reviews honestly aren't worth the same attention as a scholarly analysis of the fucking Odyssey. They want to pontificate and huff their own farts so badly, that every decade they latch on to some faggot philosopher and start throwing around buzzwords from his study in all of their reviews and analyses. It's drive-thru criticism. The result is that discussion rots and the discourse gets dumber and dumber and dumber until a regular guy like Mauler comes along and asks some basic questions, and the whole internet sphere screeches to a halt to start tearing their hair out because one guy said what everyone knows to be true deep down - that all this subjective "analysis" is a veil for bs laziness coupled with a desperate desire for elitism. He fucking likes Infinity War ffs, as do most normal, non-aitistic people. He's not an elitist. He pisses off the people that are actually elitists.
So how the hell can I fuck a movie with my penis user?
>cinema sins but longer
>like several hours long
>Macbeth is a pretty short book
>Hey let's burn all the books from people that have analyzed it because who the fuck needs to write more pages about the book than are in it
I think the problem is Mauler doesn't know enough about filmmaking to actually offer useful critique on anything other than writing, and hes aware of that so he ends up only briefly touching on things like shot composition.
My autism enjoys his thouroughness. Besides, The Last Jedi really was shit.
Now show me an example from the movie
>cinemasins makes reviews for his fanbase
>mauler makes reviews to get confirmation he's right
>he proclaims these universal standards of quality when it comes to narration but when shown a genre where they often don't apply, he doesn't really have a response
He doesn't. He doesn't proclaim that they're a universal standard. He says they're applicable when he's using them, and then states why the people deploying "subjectivity" as an argument among other half-baked and intellectually dishonest bs are full of crap, but in that context. Hell, I can think of a few times where he's given counterexamples of films where his premises wouldn't be relevant. The only people making sweeping universal claims are the "subjectivity" crowd.
nailed it.
The whole point of his videos is to
1) eviscerate them so thoroughly that apologists can't point to something that's flown under the radar and hope people have forgotten it exists
2) expose people that don't care about honest discourse.
It's shockingly effective
He looks like Dan Bull with ass burger.
Which movie? I wasnt talking about tlj specifically, but that's one hes efamous for shitting on right?
>I need to endlessly re-state my point on why TLJ is a confused mess instead of making my point and assuming everyone who isn't a shill will get what I'm talking about
For the last fucking time, no matter how much you want this to be true, and this is coming from a normalfag who hasn't even seen all the star wars films - star wars is NOT some saturday morning kids' cartoon show. God fucking knows that the left's seen to it that every single aspect of culture is swept up into the culture war.
>Brevity is the soul of wit
>half a fucking millennium has passed, and brainlets STILL don't grasp the point of this quote
>these same brainlets don't grasp that discussing something in its entirety will inherently require more time than the work itself
Well, a lot of people liked it and some of them could probably make as valid a point that it is as he can that it isn't. Personally, I think that Star Wars has peaked at the very first movie and been pretty mediocre ever since.
>British cunt thinks they're intelligent because of their accent
>For the last fucking time, no matter how much you want this to be true, and this is coming from a normalfag who hasn't even seen all the star wars films - star wars is NOT some saturday morning kids' cartoon show. God fucking knows that the left's seen to it that every single aspect of culture is swept up into the culture war.
I get the whole "Star Wars has an adult audience" concept my overall point is that the ways Star Wars is fucked up does not require 5+ hours of analysis because it very quickly becomes rote repetition of points you already made
I'm just happy somebody finally tore Hbomberguy a new asshole.
His long ass reviews are part of the appeal. I listen to them while doing other things.
This. I watched just writes video on objectivity and almost threw up when he literally went full smooth brained retard misquoting Immanuel Kant to try and crib authority for his piss poor argument about it being impossible to objectively analyze art.
>does not require 5+ hours of analysi
Agreed. I know a French critique who did it in about three hours (bad jokes and elaborate montages included)
This is why he is being shat on. Discord Trannies will never forgive him for annihilating their sacred cows.
TLJ is not so complicated that explaining why it's dogshit requires hour after hour of repeating points you've already proven to autistically rant about the movie in question.
I thought we got past this "I have to make my point over and over again" phase on Youtube with Reetae's reviews of the latter Lost seasons.
>he refuses to concede that objectivity is derivied from the aggregate of subjective sensory experiences of individuals viewing a work or concept
He's actually made this EXACT point in one of his videos. I forget which one but he has said this EXACT thing and discussed it at length.
To your second point, he hasn't seen nearly enough films and is very pleb in that department but the guy has a master's or a PhD in either Art or Literature, or both. He doesn't critique Tarkovsky's films and he's consistent about sticking to writing in films like TLJ where no one can honestly claim the writing and the characters are secondary to visuals. Either way, your second point is tied to your first claim about him, which wasn't accurate to begin with. Third thing you wrote is just a broad claim so no way to address it unless you bring up examples.
imagine being this retarded
*stretches her cute mind in an attempt to imagine it (。>﹏﹏
>His long ass reviews are part of the appeal. I listen to them while doing other things.
This. I listen to him at work. It's like a long-ass audio book ripping a new asshole to a shit film over and over again.
I watched his videos without feeling strongly one way or the other. I did enjoy the comedy of plinkett's deconstructions but also felt the topic of TFA criticism is pretty stale by now.
Having finished part 2, it needs to be said that literally nobody experienced Mauler's criticisms as actual thought processes in the real-time of initially watching TFA.
This 'essay' is the culmination of years of critics' work, and even with an attempt to condense it into a presentable form it still stretches to a projected 12 hour discussion.
Granted, some people felt a pervasive sense of unease or boredom or frustration the first time watching TFA, but
1)they were in the minority. Most people were at least satisfied with their initial viewing of TFA, or outright enjoyed it.
2)the initial justifications for criticism of TFA were largely explained by the critics as a 'expectations not being met' in regards to the pre-existing literary canon that was overwritten by disney.
Mauler and others take this minority's conclusion of 'being unhappy with TFA' and then try to retrospectively justify it with an unreasonably lengthy post-hoc analysis.
This is why at the end of every section he ALWAYS says 'this can make the viewer FEEL disconnected' or some such statement. He's trying to tap into the disappointment that some people felt watching the movie and convince them his hundreds-of-hours interpretation was actually what people were processing as they watched the film. Of course his regular audience buys into it because its the '200 IQ justification for not enjoying nuwars as much as i hoped i would'.
I look forward to being able to listen to all 15 hours of TFA when it's finally done
>He has a fursona avatar.
Why do they do this? Even if they make the occasional good point, I can't get past the fact that they're into the weird furry shit. Not that this guy does. It's all just regurgitating the same shit that's been said in dozens of other youtube videos, and throwing an extra layer of faux edginess on it.
but he himself said he didn't notice most of the problems on the initial watch
he's very upfront about the fact that the review is in hindsight
I’m guessing mauler released a new video? These countershills make anti-youtuber threads every time someone who isn’t compromised makes a popular video. It’s funny watching them scramble to control the void.
Nevermind TFA, Episode IX is going to be a total anal rape, so he'll have to answer in kind. I'm excited to discover how shitty the film is going to be holy fuck.
Separating the creator from the creation is actually the only way to do a true objective analysis. Everything else is on point.
2 and a half hour battle scene
knights of ren, they lose
rey and kylo fuck but one of them dies
finn and poe b-plot
that's what it'll be
I love the super long-form videos. Mainly because I drive a lot for work, but I also listen to stuff like this when I'm working out, writing, shopping, cleaning, playing games, etc. Anyway, it's not like you have to listen to it all in one go.
>Wh*toid reviews
>watching youtubers
only retards do this
He didn't make videos about writing because it's easy. He started making videos about writing because subjectivity fags were making videos saying writing didn't matter and we should get rid of our standard for judging it, all so they could farm clicks from the woke crowd. Almost every criticism of his format here is focused on stuff he's never done, like alleging that all of film is 100% objective. He chooses to focus on things were the subjectivity meme is being used as a shield for what is readily obvious to any person with average intellect or better as subpar content that was made lazily and which doesn't build to a cohesive whole.
Half the posts here are chasing ghosts.
Mauler has specifically brought up that he doesn't always signpost when hes being subjective because he tends to assume its self evident. As an example,
He spends approximately 20 minutes in on of the tlj videos talking about how he likes the cinematography in places, but fails to explain why beyond " these were cool visuals", and actually he kinda contradicts that position in some of the podcast clips where he dumps on crait's visuals. Its not a major issue but he definitely avoids objectively criticizing anything beyond the script. I'm curious about his credentials though, not that they're required to criticize films but has he mentioned that hes educated on this stuff anywhere?
> films like TLJ where no one can honestly claim the writing and the characters are secondary to visuals.
Of fucking course they are! It's a Hollywood action franchise movie, even at its best Star Wars has only ever had passable writing. You don't watch Star Wars for the writing, you watch it for the space battles and the robots and the fucking laser weapons, you think Star Wars would have been anywhere near as popular as it is if it wasn't for how well it made its space opera setting come to live? Hell, a lot of the first movies plot is based on Kurosawas The Hidden Fortress. Do people attend Hidden Fortress conventions? Do they buy Hidden Fortress Action Figures? Did Hidden Fortress turn into a franchise with 10 installments over 50 years? No, Star Wars did, and not on the quality of its writing an characters.
I don't think you understand how deep the critical theory rot goes. He's blown up because academia and industry are fucking hellscapes lorded over by Patrick Willems types. Shills aren't some tiny band of a few annoying little twerps saying mean things to people in videos that you can just ignore. If you're the kind of person that's in a position where you can, I honestly envy you.
Watch this ffs - youtube.com
Yes he says that, but he still consistently applies a negative connotation on how people would subjectively feel about the film when watching it as if in real time. When he's actually just operating in a theoretical vacuum completely disconnected from the real-time experience of viewing the movie.
So he brings in all of this emotive language about it being 'bad' scripts and 'stupid' writing/reshoots but it's actually just him figuratively yelling in a padded cell tier autism. It takes away from any fulfilling sense of immersion in what is otherwise a reasonably intellectual approach to interpretation of a film plot. I'd like to think he's doing it just for the sake of baiting discord trannies who won't understand exactly how they are being baited but will eat the hook anyway.
But on some level I think he wants his critical views to be taken as the consensus on why some people didn't like watching TFA when it was showing in the theatres.
Yeah but that's not what brianlets take it to mean, they process it as "oh if even the author isn't the authority on a work's merits or message, than everything must be totally subjective!" Its severely dishonest logic.
I'm not talking about the audience user. I'm sure there plenty of weird soiboys that was Saturday morning cartoons too. Fuck, I saw an old fat balding pedo looking cashier at ShopRite was wearing a bright purple belt with fucking horses on it.
I'm saying star wars' mass cultural impact is arguably bigger than anything else that's come out in theaters.
Damn these ~20 college students really are proof that leftist SJWs control the world
>It's a Hollywood action franchise movie, even at its best Star Wars has only ever had passable writing
Star wars, before nu-wars, was operatic. It was about big emotion, passion, drama. Nu-wars has none of that.
They learned to think that way from their professors, retard. The majority of college graduates have this exact same critical thinking parasite, you're kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.
>It was about big emotion, passion, drama.
What it is about has no influence of the quality of the writing.
>They learned to think that way from their professors, retard.
I'm sure you have proof
>The majority of college graduates have this exact same critical thinking
Yes bro these 20 people are representative of the average college students. I'm just a high school retard who's never had a taste of campus life myself but my favourite e-celebs tell me that colleges are ruled by blue haired feminazis.
I like how Disney Shills actually think a Star Wars movie is exempt from criticism because it's target demographic is manchildren and teens
It's being criticized by manchildren and teens, so it makes sense.
he said he isnt college educated
That would explain the quality of his writing.
user that's maybe the one critical concept that's more misunderstood in modern fields of critical analysis than Nietzsche's ideas on nihilism in The Death of God and that's saying a lot
Dude I wrote an essay for a class on memetics in which I analysed, and I'm not making this up, baneposting, with my exhibits included the threads about the plane crash that sent Yea Forums off in a tizzy about meme magic AS WELL AS that porn parody meme lover movie that anons on Yea Forums scripted right here. A fucking essay about baneposting. I wanted to see if I could get away with it if I added enough buzzwords and "critical theory" phrases. I got a fucking citation.
It's surreal that that bomber faggot held a Livestream on twitch to fund what is my basically a more barbarous and psychopathic successor to the electroshock conversion therapy of old. Clown world, man.
>It's a Hollywood action franchise movie, even at its best Star Wars has only ever had passable writing.
The characters. And writing. Are not. Secondary. To the visuals.
Read that again.
The point is to go scene by scene and point out the exact flaws in their entirety, to cut the knees off apologists before they even begin.
And stop trying to ignore the fact that you're too stupid to grasp Shakespeare at his most basic when you get called out, only to bring it up again when you think the coast's clear.
They’ve just been told to discredit him on all the popular “YouTube gamer incel” online forums, as is standard practice whenever an “influencer” they don’t control releases a popular video
That user is full of shit. He is barely literate and has never read any book nor attended any course on writing whatsoever, and he acts like he is proud of it, or at the very least he is dismissive of everyone who brings up academic background as a source of credibility.
Don't misquote me, I said it was a critical thinking parasite and it is. Smells like you might have caught the bug yourself too. If you're seriously gonna ignore or are ignorant of all the insane SJW shit that's gone down at Berkley, the University of Washington, or Harvard in just the last couple of years than you're beyond the point where we're gonna be able to talk about this in a useful manner.
I don't know if you're being deliberately dishonest or not but he's said he didn't go to school to study film but he has trained in art programs. I'd link the video but I don't remember it.
That’s probably because sanctimonious farts such as yourself tend to flaunt your education without actually utilizing it, as is the case with this post you just made.
No memery now, if you've ever watched a 4 hour "analysis" about a flick as culturally rotten as Star Wars or any fucking capeshit for that matter you're beyond saving and you ought to be either publicly hanged or at the very least sterilized.
I mean just check the first few minutes of this bile youtube.com
Imagine actually making this. What the fuck is wrong with you britbongs? You really did go past your expiration rate.
What college did you go to?
this. its obvious.
Oh look, it's short circuiting again.
>sanctimonious farts such as yourself tend to flaunt your education without actually utilizing it
He's not the one trying to make a multi-hour film essay.
I wouldn't say he acts proud of it, its more like hes quick to try and write off academic credentials as an appeal to authority (which they often are used as) since if he gets into topics hes ignorant on he'll end up way out of his depth and lose face as a result.
imagine being paid to discredit an influencer because your employer doesn’t control them
The Mauler is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But say 'whatever man, I actually liked the film' and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back.
A kvetching tranny in a thread about run-of-the-mill truths, imagine my shock
This post is epic and based
no but he is the one attempting to discredit a massive video essay with a throwaway generalization that took him 30 seconds to type
SUNY, saw plenty of it there too, and that was as far back as 2012.
>You don't actually watch him, do you?
No, I don't, and I don't understand why he is discussed so much here.
>n-no YOU are the tranny
Degenerate mongrel go dilate
Also please address the statement, or are you going to seriously try to assert there's no left wing bias at Berkley these days?
Let me explain then. Mauler is an influencer that they don’t control. Therefore, they send out this user and his crew every time mauler makes a video, to do exactly what they’re doing now.
To do what? Shill his channel on Yea Forums?
Zoomers aren't even trying to fit in anymore.
>that shitty bedsit
He can't be a student unless he's doing a worthless degree where you don't go to class.
Still lives with his mum I reckon.
discredit him; to weaponize Yea Forums’s general suspicion towards youtubers and prevent him from reaching new people.
> I don't understand why he is discussed so much here.
Welcome to Yea Forums - E-Celebs and Patreon Whores
>tfw can't argue with user without feeding into his paranoid ideations
haha guess u win mate. heres your medal.
see you here next time mauler releases a video like clockwork, later
>Mentions the word "Objectively" 300 times per minute
>Half of this six hour rants wind up being really weak strawmen, ad hominem or other fallacies
>Frequently gets side tracked while making examples and just starts talking about other media altogether for 20 minutes at a time
>Only counterpoint to the "your videos are too long" complaint is that it bores him, no real response
I wouldn't even mind the length of the videos if he wasn't just repeating himself most of the time. How does anyone not understand this guy is a fucking autist with nothing to add to any discussion?
It can't possibly be anons who think he's shit and/or don't like e-celeb trash clogging up the board.
No, it must be a shill force on a mission.
Dumb retard, if anons not being nice triggers you this much you'd be better off heading back to whichever social media platform you came from.
>Its not a major issue but he definitely avoids objectively criticizing anything beyond the script.
But his whole focus is the writing. And he doesn't critique other aspects with the same lenses that he uses for analysing the writing. I don't see the problem here? You can say he isn't a well-rounded film critic I suppose but hell, who the fuck can critique every single aspect of films with this much attention? I'd rather have a focused dive into one aspect than something like this - m.youtube.com
And again, it's not like he deliberately ignores context to protect his statements the way most of his peers do. Seriously, the level of intellectual dishonesty in most discussions is jaw-dropping. Even that wolf dude is a hypocrite at times.
Kek well, you're assblasted. What're you, a film major? Or are you in film school? Relax man, my second major was media and film. It's okay to admit it's bullshit and only good for connections. You don't have to get triggered.
Tread lightly user, trying to discredit the based youtuber is not allowed. Or are you a shill who's trying to prevent him from reaching new people?
You're sounding kinda pathetic senpai.
What does that mean, someone who influences people opinions? Sounds sketchy.
>equating film school with a major in film
You're a film school reject aren't you user?
Your kikery is weak in its pipul and I'm incredibly disappointed. Don't come back until you've had your bat mitzvah.
if you're a pro corporate shill or a liberal cuck you're an (((((((((influencer)))))))) but if you arent you're a "youtube provocateur"
>debate me bro
>Ok but only if you come on my podcast alone and I get to have my hype furries ganging up on you
Yeah what I was getting at was that i don't think hes a very well rounded critic at all. Honestly mauler would be unstoppable if he was brave enough to eviscerate, say, talks awful shot comp in dialogue heavy scenes. If he branches out from just script issues I fully expect heavy resistance to his channel to crop up. Wolf is too angry all the time to be consistent, and rags would rather go for the adhom than drill the point home, but mauler is appealing enough and focused enough to drive home the serious flaws in a film to the normie masses. But not if hes only got one trick up his sleeve.
Just tear into him. Fags like that are lost causes. The only people worth messaging and redpilling on this basic bitch shit are lurkers and other anons in the threads.
>>Mentions the word "Objectively" 300 times per minute
So many film essays on youtube do this and it's driving me insane.
The only thing that's worse is when the say
>make no mistake: this is a good film
Every fucking time.
>Half of this six hour rants wind up being really weak strawmen, ad hominem or other fallacies
rule 2
His TFA review had been pretty good so far. And yes, he'svwordy, but does a good job of picking apart exactly why the movie was shit.
You do realize he sucks Marvel's cock right?
Yeah, you're one of those webseries guys with a webcam in one hand and your dick in the other kek. And no, I went to WME and then a lit agency after school. School had a good enough network in HW. That town is owned by ivies.
>le redpilling le sheeple
oh no
Checked, trips of truth are right no amount of reason can save a tranny, they are inherently illogical creatures, truly Gods mistake
His voice is so fucking fake, its obvious he is putting it on to try and sound more intelligent than he is. NO ONE talks like that.
hello discord shills that make this thread every single time mauler releases a video, sup? What’s been happening since the last thread you made at this exact time the last time he released a video? I haven’t even checked, that’s what’s funny. I don’t even know for sure if mauler released a new video, so how did I know? You guys, of course. You need only find the discord shills attacking a youtuber to realize that this particular youtuber has just released a video. You people are like my notifications tab
How does it feel being the butt of every joke that's made in film school
If you're I'd really appreciate an answer, do you actually believe entities like Berkeley aren't massively biased towards progressivism and left wing identity politics?
This thread sure is long!
Yes user being against e-celeb threads means I made this thread. You dumb autist.
I think he's got a good thing going and he'd be smart to stick to what he knows. I doubt he'd ever overreach. One thing I like about him and the reason I subbed was the fairly principled way in which he treats others, especially people he critiques, and apologizes when he needs to, and all that becomes even more evident when he's next to wolf or rags. I think rags is good for laughs personally and Mauler reins everyone in whenever shit gets too much. His whole appeal boils down to intellectual honesty, really. Which is why he's nothing special unless you consider the context of media criticism, at which point he becomes a fucking Messiah in relation to everything around him.
you stupid retard shill, “influencer” is a catch-all term for people who get a lot of views, their disposition is irrelevant, retarded discord tranny
Not him. But please never say anything about "redpilling anons" again it makes you look like a colossal newfriend.
What's it like having to categorize everything into two sides like an autistic baby and then sperging out at the very concept of categories when you have to decide what bathroom to use like an autistic baby with leftist parents?
>162 posts
>42 posters
Is that why you’re giving him more attention by talking about him every time he releases a video?
I don't.
sure buddy see you next time tranny
You're delusional.
Discord trannies having a gang bang in your head rent free.
>says 'later' as if he's leaving the thread
>comes back to keep calling everyone shills
this guy is absolutely seething
>not him
this actually is him but they love pretending to be another person and abandoning a conversation as soon as it takes a turn for the worse, then suddenly there’s always a “new” user to pick up right where he left off with a new position sans whatever was found contradictory before.
If thinking people who watch ecelebs for opinions on capeshit are a cancer on this board is "discord" than move me to voice chat nigger.
He thinks Yea Forums is for e celebs, that's all you need to know about him.
>rapid fire discord replies to give the impression of a majority, all replying to me at the same time
Oh yeah totally not obvious or anything. See you tomorrow
Remember when wolf's discord mods got caught for having underage nudes so wolf went on hiatus
Im not the guy talking about redpilling anyone, I just wanted to hear from that user that tried to argue theres no leftist bias on college campuses cause LMAO that's a delusional position to assert.
Guess we shouldn't expect you to actually answer if you're a film school faggot, so I'll ask a different question - If tell you you won, will it stop you from threatening to kill yourself to get people to care?
No I agree with the other user, generalizing colleges by "cringe compilations" you've seen on the interwebs is dumb.
yeah i kinda figured as much, i can never get a staight answer from these sjw apologist types.
You tagged the wrong person faggot
>will it stop you from threatening to kill yourself to get people to care?
Kek who do you think I am user?
Are you actually going to leave now faggot? Because no one wants you or your capeshit eceleb here.
And then he wanted to reinvent himself because he didn't like being a shock humor furfag but when he came back he was just as bad as ever?
I member
There’s 3-4 of you ITT working from the same discord. I know because you all coordinated a mass-reply at the same time, that’s the most typical tactic you people employ
Ah yes based schizoposter returns from his daily dilation
Yeah well I replied to not you I assume?
Pls tell me you're not underage like the other guy?
Glad to see you remember me from last time, el goblino de la discordia a la (el) trannies...
Tagged your post here instead of the one to which you replied
>if I get DP'd by anons it must be a coordinated attack
How many years have you been here user? Genuinely curious.
>shit on a cringy potato e-celeb
>waaah you're a discord tranny!
What happened to this place lads?
Here Thread codes would be a good way to cut down on samefags and confusion but for some reason we'll never get them
>What happened to this place lads?
Gen Z
2007. I’m the guy who called you out last time and the guy who called you out the time before that as well. I’m the guy always going on about how it’s my hobby to find you people, and I always find you make no mistake. You’re particularly easy to spot and I know I’ve hit the jackpot when I get 3 replies in rapid succession
I'm , I was just looking for an answer to my statement about Berkley and many other institutions of higher learning being overrun by ideologically possessed leftist cockroaches. If you're not you can disregard this message and the others.
Jesus christ this thread is full of some interesting folks
Here's a concept: get a fucking life. I don't know why all you fags are religiously defending yet another swivel chair autist, but God damn. I spent some time online complaining about TLJ too, but fuck man. You guys are fucking sad. Move on. You faggots
You’re still talking to the same discord. They’ve merely abandoned an untenable position and started over as “new” posters. They do this every time
What happened to walkingjuno? Remind me real quick.
>I’m the guy who called you out last time and the guy who called you out the time before that as well.
There are dozens of e celeb threads every day thanks to anons like you. I haven't been in most of them sorry to disappoint you. I wouldn't bother with you at all if your tireless spam hadn't killed /ahg/.
Based life advice poster
Now do the pedo threads too
Not him, glad that it's been settled then.
Kill yourself.
Probably, but at this point Im in too deep and was hoping I could get one of these degenerates to face facts. At least It's a good reminder why I never post here anymore, these people are INCAPABLE of rational thought.
This. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that saw the insanity in this. Makes me feel less like I'm the one that's crazy.
The thing I was probably most flabbergasted at was the nerve of calling it a "charity stream".
An organization that chops the cocks off of children and injects them with hormones isn't a fuckin' "charity".
if you weren’t the same person, the tracks wouldn’t have led to you. But here I am following the tracks and suddenly you’re here again. What a totally random and inconceivable coincidence that is!
It was all a mistake gentlemen, carry on, this must be a different 3-man team that posts with the exact same posting style and makes the same thread in the same context every time. Must be.
>hamster anderson
I know who hbombercuck is but who is this?
Genuinely what is the point of his Star Wars videos
They are so outdated it doesn't matter now, everyone on Earth has seen TFA or already decided not too, who are these videos for. Does he expect people to use his autistic monotone videos as a film study lesson?
The only use is for fat bitter nerds to listen too and feel smart for hating a kids movie, he is preaching to the choir
What an exercise in futility
Answer the question, or I'm going to you assume you're a pathetic tourist who is most likely also phoneposting at this very moment.
It shouldn't be so hard for you to remember.
I’m here all the time m8, these same 3 denegerates and I go way back to 2016 when they first showed up. I know them like the back of my hand, truth is I’ve even infiltrated.
there are a lot of anons who should have just read
and left this guy alone. pissing in an ocean of piss.
> Watching a movie critic when you could be watching a movie instead.
>he destroyed hboomer cuck and hamster anderson
Am not familiar with this.
Can somebody summarize what happened?
ok dude, any movie suggestions?
come on lad, you didn’t even call me “schizo” this time, I’m starting to think you might be losing your motivation. After all you rolled over rather easily, nothing like last time. Could it be that you’re having an existential crisis?
No. I'm still mad they killed my arthouse general by spamming these threads. I'm not letting this go.
>Genuinely what is the point of his Star Wars videos
Ad revenue. Stretching his videos to 2-4 hours instead of 10 mins gets him mad dosh.
Still waiting my dear 2007-user
I don't click on those I just report them
Big Trouble In Little China
Most people that aren't literal NPCs are against this shit, but just look at what happened to that girl who said there are two genders and got her whole channel nuked. I don't know much about what she makes but when algorithmic filtering of viewpoints that go against what some silicon valley faggots deem correct is a straight up robust policy right now.
thanks, im out.
see you later hothead. you should get some rest, you look tired.
GOAT Carpenter flick tbqh
I don’t even know what you’re talking about m8. What’s dialation like?
>I don’t even know what you’re talking about m8.
That's because you haven't been here since 2007 you absolute faggot. What a weak attempt at fitting in.
Dissected their videos on Dark Souls 2. Huge series, basically a Netflix miniseries of his own. I only started watching it as a novelty fascination thing but it's solid content. He found an audience after the star wars stuff, as is usually the case with this stuff, but the dark souls series was what set him apart, very well made and high quality stuff.
tell me about jazz, why does he wear the dress?
>you should get some rest, you look tired.
fucking kek. Spare a thought for the poor tardburglar's parents who are now wondering why their screeching adult son is nailing up wooden boards on the windows.
Kek I'm the one you called you schizo, schizo.
Do you like gladiator movies?
lmao oh I get it now you’re trying to call out my “street cred.” There were thousands of trips, I can’t remember a single one of their names. This makes me belong here more than remembering them would, Redditor. I don’t give attention to namefags and I certainly don’t bother to remember them. This is a pretty pathetic angle to go at me from, you must have been a tripfag yourself
All 3 of you have the same game
Nice victim complex, fucking retard. No, I don't want to watch his videos because I not only don't like the fucking movie already, I don't need to be told why I don't like it. On top of providing no entertainment value he presents the critique like what he's saying has any kind of importance at all because of pretentious idiots like you. And no matter what he has to say he is longwinded, which is an objective flaw. Your response to this is to say he's so thorough it silences all need for discussion and dissension? Then why watch? It doesnt make any fucking sense to me, its so god damn boring and you're just being fed shit YOU already agree with (not challenging your own opinions) on a thing you already didn't like.
And none of us have a mental breakdown at the sight of gendered bathrooms
You ever get tired of pushing the same narrative in different words over and over again?
your responses are as generic as your googled reaction images
哀しみのベラドンナ / Belladonna of Sadness (1973) dir. Eiichi Yamamoto
4 mosche di velluto grigio / Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971) dir. Daria Argento
Romeo + Juliet (1996) dir. Baz Luhrmann
乱 / Ran (1985) dir. Akira Kurosawa
Le Grand Bleu / The Big Blue (1988) dir. Luc Besson
Welt am Draht / World on a Wire (1973) dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder
살인의 추억 / Memories of Murder (2003) dir. Bong Joon-Ho
It was virtually all over the board for weeks, you couldn't escape it. You're not fooling anyone.
Now let's try again, what year did you actually start coming here?
Well it's a Mauler thread
Do you?
Not him. But i started coming to Yea Forums regularly when baneposting was a hot meme.
I'll take baneposters over e-celeb obsessed faggots like him any day.
Of course he looks like a fucking numale
my dude, even if I did recognize that guy it wouldn’t prove anything, it’s anecdotal and doesn’t even muster the lowest requirements of a workable theory. I had tripfags all filtered the moment I saw them. This line of inquiry is pointless and proves nothing, have a nice day. I was part of the raids from Yea Forums like everyone else at the time, and I don’t remember the names of anything we raided, mostly flash games. guess that means I wasn’t there.
Leeeeave Mauler aloooneee! Just leave him alone ;_;
Alexander Nevsky
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
wanna talk about tiresome? How about having some shit like you question my veteracy every time I’ve ever mentioned that I’m from 2007? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten through that claim without somebody denying it, almost makes it pointless to even mention it
why is this tolerated?
Why are his gang of autists just as long winded as he is.
You know brevity is a sign of intelligence right?