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amerimutts seething to this day

Ching chong ping pong

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what movie, OP?


ken burns vietnam how the fuck is this question still asked

The southeast asian conflict by Ken Freezes

USA always wins

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Newfags with their brains cooked by watching too much capeshit and twitter caps threads
Soon-too-be posting the usual retarded shit 'I'm 14 and here's my based and redpilled opinion about nam'

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what did he mean by this

get tinder

set your location to hanoi, vietnam

get ready for a flood of 100+ likes from qt Vietnamese girls. they love american cock.

heh...nothin personnel kid

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>paying for tinder
aight incel

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they love that sexy little blue passport of yours

dude they're trying to get a better life and will suffer your greasy ass to do so

Good. They had a chance to get a better life, but they chose to be Communist little fucking shits back then and ruin everything. Now their kids gotta suck the cocks of their enemies.


>Marine Roger Harris (Vietnam 1967) recalls calling his mother to tell her not to believe what she reads in the newspaper or sees on TV. “We’re losing the war… everybody in my unit’s dying. I probably won’t be coming back.”
>“You’re coming back,” Harris says his mother responded. “I talk to God every day and you’re special.”
>“And I said, ‘Ma, everybody’s mother thinks their son is special. I’m putting pieces of special people in bags.”

Just move to Hanoi. It's pretty polluted and traffic is shit but the women are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen. Every western man will have a Vietnamese girlfriend but you would never see a western woman with a Vietnamese boyfriend

America didn’t lose the Vietnam war

I know you're joking but some amerisharts actually believe this

You mean Jews always win. The USA is just a zombie host for Jewish world domination.

this is correct. we negotiated a peace deal with the north vietnamese and left.

They want what's in your wallet, not that mutilated thing in your pants.

Someone shop marky mark in this

You were losing so you pulled out to save face, and south was immediately overrun. What was your objective in Vietnam? To stop the communists from taking over the south. Did you achieve that objective? No.

*bob dylan starts playing*

>the women are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen
nice try, jew

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Burger universities and other places are absolutely INFESTED with communism
instead of trying to prevent the rise and spread of it in third world jungles, they should have focused on their home
now it's too late, whites have shown their hand, they're dumb as shit.

Yeah, having marines stranded on top of a embassy under siege waiting for evac sounds like a peace deal

so by your own admission south vietnam lost the vietnam war but america did not. checkmate, communists.

spoiler that smutt

Was that a self-irony?

That dude was chill af.

Being in Melbourne i'm already swamped with endless chinks of all varieties

Get ready for an ugly manlet son

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This could be a meme, give him a rifle and a gook hat and you got yourself a meme.

Rather have a manlet son that won't have a criminal record by 12, then a fucking babboon crime worshipping coon that never hears me yet think i have the obligation to save his ass every fucking week.
t. black goblin father

>could have been a booming country like South Korea or Japan
>instead decided to be faggot commies and make shirts all day because even China wanted to make more advanced goods
You stupid gooks

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You might want to check out L'Amant / The Lover


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>but the women are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen
post proof
all the women i've seen the documentary are shit tier
their milf game is one of the worst i've ever seen

I never got the impression the guy was smiling, he just has a fucked up face. He has the same look as he's talking about his brothers dying.

i want to believe. post some stories?

>having consensual sex rather than raping the gooks against their will

This means they won.

Exactly, look at his eyes. There's no smile in them.

it's a shitpost

I love the Lenore reference there.

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they love your green card and wallet

here you go it's hilarious whitoids go to impoverished developing nations to be predatory creeps and think they get women because of their """masculinity""" and not their economic status

What Lenore reference? Enlighten me.

Every place the US invades turns into paradise, just look at Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Panama and the Philippines.

What was that final body count again?

Oh, right.


south korea is shit

Except Vietnam is closer to the East Asian countries and not the fucking ME countries you posted

How did the vietnamese lose nearly every combat engagement yet still win the war??

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You sure it's a Lenore reference and not merely an exaggeration? The cartoon chink looks like an exaggerated rat face.

The style is way too similar to Lenore's design, especially the one from that episode.

You don't even know where Vietnam is.

And I posted two countries that weren't in the ME you fucking burger.

lack will to pursue the war on the American populace's part


it was a military failure first

>How did the vietnamese lose nearly every combat engagement yet still win the war??
Rules of Engagement.

It's a lot more difficult to carpet bomb your enemy when they don't wear uniforms and hide behind civilians.

I know they aren't objectively sexy but something about the KC-135 makes it move for me

>US wants to pacify the population to maintain a north/south split resolution
>the only tools they have are bombing runs and troop deployments because south vietnam is a retarded mafia
the US lost from the start but became mired because of political pride, read a book you nigger
they were fighting for their country and weren't held back by democracy


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For the north vietnamese. Americans had no existential threat and South Vietnam was in no danger of collapse either.

Are you pretending to be retarded, or are you actually retarded?

Based 0.005% k/d

>tfw your grandchildren are shoe slaves

Fuck off Tenda. If he actually married a viet girl and lived there his kid would pretty much be worshipped like a god.

>willingly living in a third world communist shithole

> Americans had no existential threat
That's why they lost. The Americans had no will to fight unlike the Vietnamese who saw the war as a struggle for liberty.
>South Vietnam was in no danger of collapse either
What? South Vietnam fell moments after America pulled out its troops. Not to mention the earlier Tet Offensive, Battle of Khe Sanh etc.

You don't even know where Panama is.

>South Vietnam fell moments after America pulled out its troops.
South Vietnam fell two years after America pulled out. Read a book little zoomer.
>Not to mention the earlier Tet Offensive
You mean that massive zerg rush that was a total disaster for the North Vietnamese?

>mutts still in damage control mode after 50 years

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It was also a disaster for the USA.

If the war wasn't ended the hippies and the based blacks would have eaten Nixon alive.

>Tet Offensive
Yanks never saw it coming and it served as prove that South Vietnam was infiltrated and compromised


>It was also a disaster for the USA.
In what context? The previous post said it was a military failure, and the tet offensive was only a military failure for the north. Follow the reply chain and stay on topic.

>Yanks never saw it coming
Yet still blew them the fuck out. What does that tell you about the North's effectiveness on the battlefield?
>as prove that South Vietnam was infiltrated and compromised
It showed one of the strengths the north had were spies and espionage, true, but the South still resisted the attack and didn't abandon the South Viet government or America like the planners of the Tet offensive were expecting.

>Vietnamese Nationalists beat the British, the French, the Americans and the Chinese in their struggle for independence
>even ended the Cambodian genocide
>Murricans still pretend they were the good guys

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Being able to wage war is part of military strategy, if your homeland enters into open rebellion after you waste resources and men into a pointless war then you clearly are losing.

I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, Australia’s army losing to a group of flightless birds or the largest military machine in the world getting their shit pushed in by rice farmers

reminder that the "free world" shunned communist vietnam for years after the vietnam war in favor of fucking pol pot

Again, follow the reply chain. This was already brought up here and then the other user brought up it was a military failure, meaning the
>lack will to pursue the war on the American populace's part
was divorced from his argument. Or your argument, I'm assuming you're another user so whatever.

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>>even ended the Cambodian genocide
It's funny how everyone always forgets that one and how Washington supported the Cambodian madmen.


>reminder that the "free world" shunned communist vietnam for years after the vietnam war in favor of fucking pol pot

Just imagine the asspain.

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Nah, he definitely looks happier in this segment, though in the others you can see that he opens his mouth really widely when he speaks

Dunno it's part of MY argument.

Like it's one of the most basic rules in the art of war and the US seems unable to follow it, constantly getting into costly wars that bring no actual benefit.

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dont forget japanese cucks too. AND the first muslim empire on top of that. Afghans and Vietnamese are the strongest people in the world

>dont forget japanese cucks too. AND the first muslim empire on top of that.

I knew I was forgetting someone, although I didn't knew about a Muslim Empire invading Indochina.

Then we're already in agreement on that part, and you were inadvertently arguing a different point on another's behalf.
>constantly getting into costly wars that bring no actual benefit.
The whole fighting commies and nation building thing worked so well in Korea, they didn't know it was just beginner's luck.

In a better world, Duras would've directed this movie herself.

I have yellow fever and all, but south-east Asian women are predominantly nasty as all hell. Find a cute Vietnamese girl and you can bet she's from the north and a quarter Chinese or some shit.

Do you not know what an embassy is?

I'm going off topic here but what is your assessment of the Korean War? US troops sufferd multiple defeats against the Chinese in the open field resulting in them getting pushed back to the 38th parallel.

it doesn't matter how bad you're losing if the other side quits

>and south was immediately overrun.
two years later is immediate? Wow.

Korea was a disaster from a military perspective, most of the country was destroyed and when they invaded the North they got into an embarrassing confrontation with China that they almost lost. That's also the reason why the US never tried to invade North Vietnam.

South Korea turned into an successful nation after many military regimes and democratic protests, but in the early days it was poorer than North Korea. And the Soviet Union represented no real threat to the US anyway, it was just about maintaining that dumb heartland meme.

roasties are so fucking SEETHING about asian girls. Learn to cook and suck dick on command you fucking useless cunts.

movie any good?

>US troops sufferd multiple defeats against the Chinese in the open field resulting in them getting pushed back to the 38th parallel.
Yes, Chosin was a humbling experience. The US and south korea got pushed back beyond the 38th parallel if I recall and they fought back to the 38th once the ceasefire talks got under way.

>Learn to cook and suck dick on command
I know this is just a lighthearted shitpost, but do actual weebs really think asian women do that?

The decision to pull out was a political decision, not a martial one.

I dated a girl from Vietnam. She was a psycho. Avoid at all costs white dudes.

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Maybe Vietnam wins?
It's not that we have power over Vietnam or even the people really cared about Communism. They just didn't want us puppeting the country

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The commies back at home beat us.

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I'm well aware of the state of South Korea during the war, but look what fruit it has borne. The US involvement in Korea may have been costly at the time but it has more than paid for itself.

I mostly see K-Pop and grindy MMOs.

Things China already copied, even though the Korean version was already a copy.

>CIA 766
with no survivors?

what's the US excuse for supporting the fucking Pol Pot again? Liberty and freedom?

I wonder what racist propaganda the viets had for white/black Americans they fought

No, you were fighting a war in a way that made it absolutely unwinnable. You supported a corrupt government that people have grown to hate and a lot of them saw NV as better option. You could have won the war if you went balls out and actually invaded Vietnam, set up democratic (important) government and fucked off. Instead you stood in a room full of bees and refused to fucking throw the beehive out.

Blood for the gods.

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>spurred the growth of one of the biggest economies in Asia stimulating trillions in trade with the US and the region over the decades while also being very friendly towards the US and providing a base for military and protection of US interests
>nullified by kpop

Come on now user, let's not be disingenuous.

You could have achieved that by having an unified Korea that had open trade with both China and the USA.

US interests is an euphemism for buying useless weapons from corporations.

>kein Jahr ohne Krieg seit 1776
says the country that instigated two world wars

typical "white devil","muh imperialism" stuff

oh and they call black paratroopers "shitstorm"

>You could have achieved that by having an unified Korea
China put a stop to that.
>US interests is an euphemism for buying useless weapons from corporations.
How so? Ensuring unobstructed trade throughout the South China Sea for the longest while was a big economic boon and was in everyone's best interest.

The Germans were the good guys in the first World War. The Nazis rise to power was fueled by British and French sanctions.

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>The Germans were the good guys in the first World War.
>invades neutral countries

The US and Europe were the ones to send a massive army into Korea, carpet bomb the entire place and then get too close to the Chinese border.

Also US putting limitations on sea trade is the opposite of free trade.


>no arguments

>US putting limitations on sea trade is the opposite of free trade.
What limitations were placed on sea trade? The US has ensured open and free trade throughout the entire period that the pacific fleet has been dominant in the region. Why do you think many south east asian countries are freaking out now that China's navy is claiming islands close to their borders and starting to assert their own presence in the region?

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>asian girls are all pure, virginal housewives
>asian girls will jump on the first white cock they see
there appears to be a bit of a paradox at play here

Same goes for the allies in WW2 and outside of this place you certainly don't see many people disputing the idea that they were the good guys.

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>invades Belgium and Luxembourg unprovoked
What did krautboos mean by this?

>Same goes for the allies in WW2
Which neutral countries did the US and UK invade again? Or are you equating Russia with them which is just a disingenuous way to save face in an argument even though you know it holds no water?

>Which neutral countries did the US and UK invade again?

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>can't even name any
Wow, you'd think krautboos were french considering how easily they give up.

Iran you dumb cunt. I shouldn't have to tell you this.