What movies do chads watch?

what movies do chads watch?

Attached: Chad-bachelorette-badboy.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Craig Bond

chad watches romcoms hes not trying to impress anyone

Chad doesn't watch movies, movies watch Chad.

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We watch pretty much the same things you do, but without the emotional attachment that stems from insecurity and lack of identity. We don't feel the need to trash or defend films, we just enjoy them for what they are.

The "chad" in your OP is not an actual chad but a pseudo-chad. Something that's popular in the US. These types are usually buff and built well but have the brains of earthworms. So they tend to enjoy movies like Fast and the Furious and Moneyball. They mostly tend to be around sports.

The real chads are both built well and intellectuals. Someone like Alexander the Great who was both taught as a fighter and an intellectual. He would probably watch real kinos like The Holy Mountain, Six String Samurai, or Babe.

they turn on netflix but only as background noise while they fuck
and they only hear it between moans

How come this post reeks of insecurity?


It's a pseudo-chad from the US. See my post here that explains the difference:

Chad doesn't watch movies for cheap thrills or as a substitute for emotional connections. He lives life fully, experiencing pain, heartbreak, adventure, love, misery, hate, fear, anger, joy, and everything in between. Chad doesn't sit idly by, as the clock ticks by user. Chad stars in his own, personal movie.

It's something that people like us will never understand. Not fully. Even if we escape this place, even if we try to set things right, there will always be chunks missing. Things we should've done. Teenage love that we should've felt. Childish escapades that we should've had. Heartbreak that we should've endured. But no, we'll always have a big, uninteresting "gap" there. A void... But, and here's the thing; you can still crawl out fo your hole and... try. Maybe you'll be forever broken. Or maybe you'll find some comfort. Who knows?

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damn bro you retarded

It's you projecting

You got a problem kiddo?

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That guy is literally named chad thought

Found another butthurt pseudo-chad from the US.

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That guy was super retarded in that bachelorette show.

'80s/'90s action adventure films, epic films, arthouse films, and sci-fi/fantasy films.

whatever they grew up with
real chads dont have time to watch new movies

never watched it post a scene?

Lmao the holy mountain is so much better then the last 2

anything with explosions

a fucken LEAF

Wtf, he’s just like me!!!111!

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bro stop it just be yourself don't be fake like all these other guys here bro

Dont have any clips nor idea what episodes he was in, he really is someone who cant have anykind of arguments with anyone in any scene and he constatly threatens to beat up or kill someone. Just a typical roidrage retard


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Alexander the Great was a manlet

Quando il gioco è finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola.

This isn’t even close to accurate, your estrogen levels are affecting your long term memory storage. He was controversial because he didn’t give a fuck about the Bachelorette and wouldn’t play into her shittests. All the cuckmales on that show banded together against him to go whine about him and try to get him eliminated except for one fellow Chad who he would bro out with and dunk on the rest with

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Literally /our/guy

Boondock Saints


*tips fedora*

Chads make them.

I dont watch movies

>Literally called chad
Wow he really is retarded.Really uncharismatic aswell.

Stepbrothers or whatever was popular while they were in college, they just watch it over and over

>The real chads are actually smart, like me
Fucking eat your katana collection, you gigantic gay faggot.

Spider-Man 2002

>Chad's aren't smart

LMAO @ these pseudo-chads.


This is the worst post on Yea Forums


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die hard and james bond

>Hey bro wanna come see the newest superhero movie?

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I have started to develop bags, lines and dark circles under my eyes. I think it comes from my insomnia. Are these changes permanent or can they be reverted? A year ago i had 100% smooth skin under my eyes.

>Start walking faster
>Pretend to be on phone

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That season was literally Chad and a house full of annoying faggots.

Me? I only watch sports and gameshows.
I still make superhero movies on Yea Forums though because they get replies from retarded incels.

Too much hair on their head to be Chads. Those are more like Thads

hair is chad

>Yeah bro let's watch Captain Marvel

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I just had a panic attack

Speak English, dammit!

The Virgin Projectionist

fucking homo

contestant biography
Age: 28

Occupation: Luxury Real Estate Agent

Height: 6’2”

Tattoos: No

Would you describe yourself as “the party-starter,” “the wingman” or “the laid back one”?
Sometimes I’m the party-starter and sometimes I’m the laid back one.

What are your three best attributes?
Confidence, good-hearted, witty

All-time favorite movies:
The Notebook (don’t make fun of me), Runner Runner, Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright.

What’s your worst date memory?
A girl got blackout drunk and passed out during dinner.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright.

Do you enjoy camping?
Yes! Did a lot of it in the Marine Corps.

If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why?
Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
Being born good looking.

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>Six String Samurai
holy shit my nigga I thought I was the only one that saw that movie

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The Virgin Yea Forums User
>Long drawn out statements explaining their views
>No one cares or everyone hates it
>Always late to a threat
>Religiously refreshes the page every minute looking for replies, waste hours arguing anons over literally nothing
>Usually shit and gay tastes


The Chad Shitposter
>5 words or less
>Always BP
>Always FP
>Makes one post then never returns, he knows it's the most engagement he'll get out of a thread
>Absolutely based


Attached: Top American Comedian.jpg (960x896, 45K)

originally meant as the virgin instead of but they both work

The Virgin Replier:
>can't reply to the correct person
>needs to make two posts to correct his mistakes
>so many links and references in his post no one wants to read it

The Chad Replier:
>lol eat shit loser

If the show were just about him I would watch it. He seems like a total bro

No one said that they must said you're not, but you are a huge faggot who should sit on his katana collection

actually correct

Am I supposed to think he's wrong? Dude's based.

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Based texas Chad Here

Tango & Cash BTFO

If you’re implying pic related wasn’t absolute kino, go stumble mouth first into a veritable sea of turgid cocks you pathetic estronaut

blue mountain state


Kek. Based incel fantasizing about Chad.

Cuckold Sessions: Gay Edition

Triumph of the austrian problem child 2

They'd only be talking to me if I were going to be the butt of their joke I'm going to cross the street and break into a leisurely jog now

You coming