Will the next adaptation be memed as Yea Forums's favorite movie when it comes out?
Personally, I'm predicting people here will be calling it better than the book in the first month, after that people here will be mixed on it. Kind of like what happened with BR2049.
Also predicting /dg/ (Dune General)
It will be absolute kino for sure. Only question is whether it'll be the best movie of the year, or only in the Top 5.
It will kill both capeshit and starshit and I can't wait for it to happen.
2020 is the year
Is this the Jodorowsky version?
>Will the next adaptation be shilled as Yea Forums's favorite movie when it comes out?
go back
DESU Jodorowsky version is better off as an unfinished dream movie. If releasedt would have been as shitty as the rest of his stuff
t. paid shill
Yea Forums will shit on it and love it at the same time, Yea Forums is not one person bro
The movie is going to be the ultimate kino, you got one of the best directors working today doing the movie
>”The ambition is to do the Star Wars movie I never saw. In a way, it's Star Wars for adults.”
Based Villeneuve. How will manchildren ever recover?
>It will kill starshit
You can't kill what's already dead, user.
Except if you constantly make gholas of it and kill them over and over again.
They will just throw a shitfit and call you an NPC because starshit faggots are retards that unironically believe anyone that doesn't like their awful movies is an "NPC who is trying to delegitimize people's anger for the sequels" or some autistic shit like that
Who's more chad? Muad'dib or Leto II?
>Bows to Fremen custom, they still conspire against him
>afraid of the Golden Path and his own Jihad
>has to make treaties with the other powers
>never fucks Irulan
Leto II:
>destroys the Fremen, keeping a few as museum pieces
>crushes all other powers
>sees the necessity of the Golden Path and it's hardships, knows he has to guide humanity along it
>marries his sister (you just know)
It won't, it will be too intelligent for the capeshit/shit wars audience.
Will it be the next LotR?
Just began reading the book, at page 19 as of now. At what page will they get to Arrakis?
Going to be trash since they got magneto's buttboy to play Paul.
It'll be shit like every movie made after the 90s.
The zoomer will be gassed into extermination.
>yfw you realize this is what's already happening throughout Hollywood
>denis veilleniueve
>timothee chameleont
>aquameme/game of thrones actor
Yes, it will be the only thing Yea Forums talks about for a month.
I've never seen a Dune. What's it about? I get that there's the Spice and you have to keep taking it or die, but what's the whole feel of Dune? Is it a political opera? Do the sandworms actually fuck shit up ever or is it more of a looming presence of danger?
"I will kill the white slavers." - Denis Villeneuve
even the dream seemed utterly stupid to me
Will Chani be a mary sue?
It was. Every version of Dune someone has come up with for a movie adaptation has been utterly horrendous. Which is no mean feat considering the book isn't that fucking good to begin with. The made for tv miniseries is literally by far the best version, probably including this new one.
Political opera, yeah. Sandworms aren't actually that big of a thread, they're just hanging around usually. The entire book has a subversive slant to it, it tells you who will betray the protagonist's family in the first chapter and short extracts from a fictional history book at the beginning of each chapter make it clear that the MC will become the messiah and win.
>It'll be shit like every movie made after the 90s.
Imagine being this fucking pleb holy shit
>the book isn't that fucking good to begin with
kys pleb fuck
don't get me wrong it's good writing, but the plot isn't exceptional and it owes a lot of it's standing due to just being one of the better written novels set in space. Most sci-fi writing is apalling in comparison to fantasy, so Dune stands out, but if it were fantasy it'd be very mediocre.
Imagine not gassing zoomers.
Have you even read it. Now tell me you've read messiah or children. Tell us how entertaining it all is. The only thing good about Dune is how in detail the internal thoughts of the Bene Gesserit are because that's interesting. Everything else is stupid and boring. People walking around in the sand and rich people killing each other over petty power struggles is REAL FUCKING INTERESTING.
What fantasy novels feature prescience as prominently as Dune? I mostly find it a fascinating book for that reason. It's easy to keep up writing quality when you're dealing with generic plots.
Fucking BASED
Can someone PLEASE explain this extremely bizarre obsession with Dune and why people want a film adaptation?
I've never even heard or seen anything about "Dune".
Is it like Tremors or something?
Moorcock features prescience quite heavily, I'd say it is used very commonly to different degrees across fantasy presumably copying the greek traditions mostly, same with Dune. It's true that a simpler plot certainly helps make 'prescience' less contrived and more central, but at the same time Herbert is forced to be pretty overt which isn't very impressive, especially when that civilization is supposed to be as sophisticated and intellectually superior as it is.
the geriatric spice melange has granted me prescience. the film will be an epic. it will be lauded as a modern day lawrence of arabia. it will cause a sensation
i feel... a terrible purpose, however. i will lead this board on a shitpost jihad that will take all attention from the quality of the film and focus it instead on nitpicking and cherrypicked flaws/differences with the novel.
Just read Dune you nigger. You make an average person a mentat.
Dune literally doesn't even really feature prescience. It just features a few politicians in magician's robes being worried about losing power to family struggles. It's just dressed up to be psychic powers.
Tremors is more interesting.
Thanks user, I'll give it a read sometime.
Are you forgetting when the spice lets Paul see the future?
>The made for tv miniseries is literally by far the best version, probably including this new one.
kys faggot
any literature that recieves as much acclaim as Dune does and from extremely questionable demographics (middle aged manchildren and teen boys) deserves to be scrutinised.
kys zoomer faggot
Name a single group of keyboard warriors this movie won't trigger
You can't
I'm sorry you all had to find out this way. Dune is "beloved" not because it's good but because it's a way for plebeian white people to feel "cultured" about themselves and convince themselves they're patrician. It's like that guy that only listens to screamo shit then has the one classical music CD even though classical is shit and Baroque (which he's never heard of) is immensely better in every single way.
I think they have the articles prewritten.
>problematic gender politics (man is the saviour of women)
>problematic race politics (cultural appropriation, white saviour, noble savage)
it takes zero fucking effort to churn out a clickbait woke article shitting on dune. best we can do is call them out on their oppprtunism
>Can someone PLEASE explain this extremely bizarre obsession with Dune and why people want a film adaptation?
One of the richest sci-fi experiences one can have. DO yourself a favor and go read the books.
Even the crappy ones by the son.
Don't forget muh ebil race mixing, space muslims defeating space white guys and mentioning the word jihad in America
>forgetting about the real Leto II
>Even the crappy ones by the son.
Nice try, Brian
i think it's a testament to the power of dune as source material that despite the lynch movie being shit there are many parts of it where the source material shines through and overwhelms me, like when paul muad'dib shouts silence at the reverend mother
>Everything else is stupid and boring.
t. zoomer poorly LARPing as a boomer
>One of the richest sci-fi experiences one can have.
It literally isn't. And anyone who reads the book will be fucking bored for most of it. Like I laid out here: it's a cultural thing. It has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the work.
I've read multiple Dune books and seen all the movies, have you?
>it's a way for plebeian white people to feel "cultured" about themselves
Outed yourself, get the fuck off my board you tranny faggot
>anyone who reads the book will be fucking bored for most of it.
I wasn't, you're literally a zoomer pleb. Hang yourself.
Then you have a low IQ.
I specified white people because literally nobody else obsesses over Dune. I'm not the one who's made the association, I'm merely reporting it.
Also, never call me a fucking janitor ever again.
I think it will get the same love/hate reaction as BR2049. A lot of people already hate it because of the casting choices.
>It's boooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing!
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching.
What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa.
Some people are immensely bored by a movie like Prometheus, some of them think it's pure kino.
Get better arguments, retard zoomer tranny
>Being bored = High IQ
I bet you unironically think people who are bored at Tarkovsky films aren't retarded. Get fucked
>I specified white people because literally nobody else obsesses over Dune.
Source: Your anus
>A book being a slog is not a valid argument
What is it you believe fiction exists to do? See, this only backs up my argument. You literally can't even grasp that fiction exists for no other reason than to entertain. You think it's a cultural phenomenon.
I don't even know most directors' names. I watch what's good and I shit on what isn't.
Yeah Dune is real popular with trannies of color.
>>A book being a slog is not a valid argument
It is only a "slog" in your opinion.
>Thinking fiction is only to entertain
Holy fuck, you are the biggest pleb I have seen on this entire board. Even capeshitters are better than you.
Believe me, I'm not even close to the only person who finds Dune boring.
>Thinking fiction is only to entertain
And the truth comes out.
>Believe me, I'm not even close to the only person who finds Dune boring.
Yes, there are alot of retarded plebs in the world. Great observation there, sherlock.
>I don't even know most directors' names
So you're a retard that has no ground to stand on when it comes to film discussion. Go to reddit, they'll like you there, capeshitters and low IQ retards like you are shitting up this board for years now.
>He said, on Yea Forums - capeshit shilling
>Obsessing over directors makes you smart
So you admit that Mike and Jay are geniuses then?
>So you admit that Mike and Jay are geniuses then?
I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. If they're E-Celebs, you should hang yourself or go to reddit for even knowing about them
You just implied that knowing directors makes you a superior intellect. RLM has an encyclopedic knowledge of directors. Therefore they are geniuses QED
>>He said, on Yea Forums - capeshit shilling
You don't hate capeshit, you are only pretending to fit in and make yourself seem a bit less of a pleb but sadly you have already proven yourself to be pleb enough to unironically enjoy garbage like that. So go back to watching your shitty capeshit garbage, pleb faggot.
>You just implied that knowing directors makes you a superior intellect.
So you are a pleb and have shit reading comprehension. All I'm saying is that knowing the artist helps you with understanding the art.
Also, I looked up those "RLM" faggots you were talking about, they seem like complete plebs who enjoy capeshit garbage like you.
>This bored me so everyone who isn't bored by it is stupid!
Maybe it's you who has a low IQ
>Everyone whose tastes are shittier than mine is stupid
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're a brainlet. People with shittier tastes than you wouldn't like Dune. They would hate it like you do. Not liking Dune is a sign of pleb taste.
IQ operates on horseshoe theory.
>IQ operates on horseshoe theory.
It wasn't you fucking lyar. Now tell me what page they really get to Arrakis
>pleb-status: filtered
It's gonna be kino and will lead us to the Golden Path. Similar to BR2049 it will make less box-office than it deservers.
Dune can't be made into a good movie for fans of the book. It could be changed into a good fantasy film for children though. The best part of dune is the explanations and dialogue, and any movie will have to cut out 90% of it.
>Dune can't be made into a good movie for fans of the book.
They said the same about LotR and that trilogy was unironic kino (so kino that it's unironically one of the few times where I think the movie > book). I feel that it could be pretty great
>pleb-status: filtered
>Dune is "beloved" not because it's good but because it's a way for plebeian white people to feel "cultured" about themselves and convince themselves they're patrician. It's like that guy that only listens to screamo shit then has the one classical music CD even though classical is shit and Baroque (which he's never heard of) is immensely better in every single way.
Hmm...It's almost like I was right...
>Hmm...It's almost like I was right...