>Annette bening is Mar Vell, a Kree hiding on Earth experimenting with the tesseract to develop ftl travel to save Skrulls from Kree invasion
>Danvers gets her power from the tesseract powered spaceship after Mar Vell is shot by Yon Rogg (Jude Law) and Danvers shoots the engine
>Yon Rogg gives Danvers his blood and trains her to suppress her powers
>she goes super saiyan and the end and Ronin pisses his pants and abandons his attack on Earth
>the cat is an alien belonging to Mar Vell
>the skrulls are good guys and are shit scared of the cat
>kree are the bad guys
>the cat scratches fury's eye, blinding it
>Avengers are named after Danvers' air force callsign
>the cat eats the tesseract abd spits it out into Fury's desk in the post credit scene
Annette bening is Mar Vell...
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Avengers are named after Danvers' air force callsign
I unironically don't even want to watch Endgame now... To be fair, the last Capeflick I watched in the theatres was Doctor Strange, but you get my point.
Am I retarded or wasn’t the tesseract frozen with captain America during the 80s
Sounds like shitpost, but knowing that the Rat and Marvel it's likely.
Has the rotten tomatoes score been published yet?
God damn.
What a pile of garbage.
I mean, i understand indoctrinating people in cultural marxism, and feminism identitarianism, but why don't you have a good plot while you are at it?
It boggles the mind.
This movie is stirring up so much butthurt its priceless and more entertaining than the actual film.
Howard Stark pulled it out of the ocean after the events of that movie.
If I remember Stark Senior found it when looking for the Cap, and gave it to Shield(?)
Still doesn't explain why an alien was able to get it and experiment with it
Its all true
You forgot to mention that the Skrulls have their home destroyed so Captain Marvel goes to find them a new home *cough* refugees *cough* Trump
...that just sounds stupid.
Infinity Wars was the better ending for me, I had no desire to see end game.
SHIELD doesn't get it until the post credit scene of captain marvel. If belongs to MAR VELL prior to that. I don't remember what she's doing in the air force, it might not have been explained
Theres a bit at the end where the alien says he likes having blue eyes as a white guy and then the little girls says to the alien girl "your eyes are beautiful just as they are"
The supreme intelligence is in the movie but it presents itself as a friend. Yon Rogg says that no one is allowed to ever see its true form
Why would Stark give the glowing thing to Air Force thought? They weren't even involved in what happened in the first avenger.
I don't remember Stark getting the tesseract, where was that shown?
>you don't even get to see Tentacle Head
Literally what the FUCK is even the POINT of this movie? It's like they found a capeshit from the 90s and distributed it.
Mentioned either post credit in first avenger, or in The Avengers is stated that Stark found it when searching for the Cap.
(Now that I remember, I think Fury disclosed this to the Cap in Avengers)
Mar Vell might have been working with Stark snr, not much is explained about her.
So they are really banking on this unlikeable, wooden plank of a character to lead the Avengers in the Endgame?
This is gonna be fun.
Because she didn't even exist before this movie.
It's just lazy/dumb writing.
How'd Stark find the tesseract but not cap?
Literally don’t remember any of that. Why the fuck would you find the tesseract but not cap. I always assumed Captain and the tesseract were found at the same time, hence why berg guy starts experimenting with the cube at the same time Cap is unfrozen.
She was dry for sure but i can see some potential for developing her character. Problem is she's 1000x more powerful than anything in MCU so far including Thanos
>aliens duke it out on earth
>cultural marxism and antipenis femenizm
Your brain on cheetos
Because unlike the Cap, the tesseract is pure energy not that hard to detect with the right equipment.
Yeah, but Cap and the tesseract were really close together.
I suspect her role is pretty small. It will be Tony and Cap who save the day.
Most screentime: Tony, Cap, Thanos, Nat, Thor, Hulk
Least screentime, non-action, non-speaking cameos: Vision, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Hope, Hank, Janet.
Nope, the tesseract fell when the Cap was fighting red skull. Then the Cap kept flying the plane to crash Land it.
Nah it drops several miles before he crashes, it burns through the plane when red skull grabs it and it telefrags him to vorimir. It's still stupid as shit that anyone other than Howard stark would be working on it though, unless she works at stark industries or hes dead by the time the movie takes place.
In the mid credit scene Danvers shows up when Steve Rogers and Black Widow are counting the death toll at their HQ which I'm pretty certain is right at the start of Endgame
The tesseract fell through the ship before it crashed, it was nowhere near the ship
Project Pegasus had the Tesseract. They're a collaboration between SHIELD and the military to develop alternative energy sources. Mar-Vell infiltrated it to develop the hyperspace engine for the Skrulls.
Bucky choked him to death in 1991 remember?
Yeah I remembered the year from civil war after I hit post, it doesnt break continuity.
>Shield collaborating with the military.
You know the reason shield was created was exactly because the military wouldn't get involved with Alien shit, right?
the tesseract contained the mind gem.
how the fuck did they use the mind gem, whose only powers are mind reading and giving objects a mind, used for ftl travel or fucking anything else that they want? what the fuck?
That doesn’t make sense because avengers 1 makes it look like they had just gotten the tesseract
Tesseract was the space gem
tesseract was the space gem. Mind gem was in loki's scepter and then on vision.
The tesseract is the space gem, which is exactly the one you would use to reverse engineer an fly jump drive like the ones we've seen in guardians and cosmic much. The bigger question is why is mar vell a chick for no reason, and how'd she end up stranded if she's not even from earth in the first place?
It's all so tiresome
How mad would Yea Forums would have been if they castes an actual native murrican woman to play Captain Marvel role instead of Brie Larson?
>blah blah space magic blah evilus villanus blah supewomyn wins
Bunch of kiddie mumbo jumbo.
If they wanted the real diversity points they would have just cast for Monica rambeau, who was more diverse than that shitter Carol and yet was also a better written character than Carol ever was.
Danvers needed a female mentor for the feminist these to work. She was fighting for compassion while Yon rogg and Ronin just wanted to conquer
This movie was arguably a setup for Rambo's daughter to become an MCU character. They're definitely setting up a new younger team
Not in the movies. In it they're an offshoot of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, a WWII-era covert military unit focused on technology-based counter-espionage.
That's still no reason to make the mentor mar vell, just give her a step mom or some emotional validation bestie that learns her secret, and leave mar-vell in peace or save him for a sequel.
I would take a pink gay elephant over Brie Larson if that only makes Captain Marvel a likeable and well-acted character.
Saw this with my wife and she had no fucking idea what was going on and said she only watched it for me.
This. I'm done with it now. Let Thanos have his peace
Ah well too late now what's done is done. Mar Vell is a woman in the MCU canon
Yeah, but I'm not holding my breath that they won't fuck that up too. O
It's just a shame to me that Marvel actually has cool characters that are diverse and not forced diversity, and yet they get passed over for lame shit like this. There's literally dozens of things they could have done instead of this bullshit.
Based anonwife.
I wanted to like the movie but even the ass did not even!
Meant for
Fuck you, why would you not only spent in 1 but 2 tickets for this.
I hope you get aids, and that you only have daughters.
It was a pretty comfy movie, some parts felt very star wars, other parts felt like an older movie where people just drive around America talking shit. There was some weird forced stuff though like "I'm just a girl" playing during a fight scene and some white men randomly being creepy misogynists just to reinforce the feminist angle. It was really on the nose. One guy literally says "you know why they call it a cockpit, right?"
I've got a son and a daughter actually
No, it didn't. It specifically states SHIELD had it since World War II and Fury began experimenting with it again after Thor showed up and wrecked New Mexico.
Yea and winter soldier and civil war are set ups for Falcon to become cap...or Bucky.
There will be a time jump and tony and pepper have a kid who becomes young iron man, they teased the couple having a child eventually in IW.
Stop with your steven universe-tier theory bullshit. Unless its been stated, there is NO reason to think we will see Rambeau again.
"They like to use the word 'comfy' so just say 'comfy'!"
*Hits pipe*
So when will they be done with the infinity stones? Seems like that's their only macguffin 20 movies later
>tesseract was a space gem
it's a mcguffin, it doesn't matter what it is.
>She was dry for sure
Is there a scene that makes this evident? From what I've seen and herd she's similiair to Thor's level.
>Avengers are named after Danvers' air force callsign
This is the Force Unleashed of the MCU. An over powered character that has way too much importance placed on. Yeah Captain America gets talked about a bunch before he shows up, but the existence of the Avengers or any of their great battles never hinged solely on his existence.
At the end she just flies through spaceships and shit blowing everything up like it's nothing. She catches a hi tech alien nuke in space and throws it at a bunch of other nukes. She essentially invincible
nobody gets cool callsigns in the air force
nobody gets cool callsigns in the air force ESPECIALLY if they're an unlikable cunt
but i guess calling earth's mightiest heroes the blood mushrooms after she got caught stamping a tampon down the shower drain woulda been too on the nose
It's never explained how suddenly she knows how to fly and penetrate metal and catch nukes. Usually characters have to test their powers and learn to use them with time. She just goes from pretty acrobatic with fighting skills and photon beam hands to Superman tier in one scene
Tesseract was on the ocean floor. Cap crashed with the place on ice.
Young iron man will be riri Williams. Screenshot this.
I hope your son grows up to be a daughter
Uh, sweetie, she didn't need to train because she's just that good. Just accept that women can do things without having to go through adversity, unlike men who are dumb and need to practice to get good at anything.
It's one on the last scenes in Captain America 1 before the credits even roll
>Marvel Studios presents Captain Marvel, a Marvel movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe based on the Marvel Comics, with a plot point about Mar Vell
you can't make this shit up
>he doesn't see the bigger picture
>the absolute state of Yea Forums
Is it ever explained how Captain America's shield ALWAYS returns to his hand or was it mentioned that's he's a trigonometry wizard?
You need to rewatch the movie then. The tesseract burned throught the hull of red skulls plane while it was still flying and dropped into the Atlantic. Cap took the plane down near the Arctic circle where it was frozen and undiscovered until some time in the 2000s just before Avengers 1 as shown at the beginning and end of Cap 1
He had plenty of practise during WW2
Captain Marvel sounds like a bootleg superhero
with the exception of the original Captain Marvel currently Shazam who was created 20 years before Marvel Comics existed of course
>Jude Law is a bad guy
No way Larson would star in a role without evil wh*toid as an antagonist.
Are the skrulls by any means the analogues of the Muslims?
I don’t know why this lazy-ass, nothingburger of a reveal bothers me as a post-credits scene, but it does.
Yeah, it's actually pretty obvious. If you read the comics, you realize you're reading a fucking comic book and there is no logical explanation for it because it's a fucking comic book you absolute ape
>no mention of based War Machine
What the fuck man
They have Aussie accents for some reason
Maybe you could think more clearly if you tried having sex sometime, incel
Good writing is just another of the many things sjws want to destroy
so pretty much the same answer for
Nick fury lost his eye to a cat?
Yea Forums here. Now you know what it feels like to be a comic book reader.
Same way a boomerang returns to its owner, magic.
so they supposed to be Chinese then?
5.6 on imdb
Yes. Alien cat technically. It was a running gag that the cat is a really dangerous creature that skrulls are afraid of. And fury is way too fond of it.
>>Avengers are named after Danvers' air force callsign
Uh oh. I guess they're gonna have to retitle Captain America: The First Avenger now. That silly cis white male wasn't the first Avenger! Carol was! GIRL POWER!
Wait I though thought Skrulls and Kree fought a galatic war and earth is nothing but another battlefield to them without them giving a fuck about humans.
Also Skrulls are literally posing as human
>Mar Vell
that's comic book shit. in the MCU, earth is the place where everything happens.
Based Disney shitting on all the movies so they can set up some cunt with zero charisma to lead their next 20 movies
The Avengers initiative was created after Carol left Earth so Captain America was still the first Avenger
In the comics Earth is supposed to be a strategic nexus and that's why so much shit happens there.
>Captain America, AKA "the First Avenger", is the mascot of the MCU
>Chris Evans will not be renewing his contract and Endgame will be the last MCU movie with Cap in it
>Disney panics and introduces Captain Marvel, AKA "the REAL First Avenger"
>Signs Brie Larsen to an 11 movie deal
>Captain Marvel replaces Captain America as the mascot of the MCU
Well done, Disney.
>Mar Vell
jesus christ.
Carol inspired the concept of the Avengers and is the only reason the Avengers initiative exists. Captain America had nothing to do with Fury's decision to start the Avengers; it was all Carol.
Carol was the true First Avenger. It was never Cap.
Why's the movie called captain marvel?
We may have gone too far in a few places
Because it's desperate to steal attention from the original, true Captain Marvel
you forgot CLINT
What? IW was a non-movie. It was basically setting up everything for the next one.
It works as a finale on a metatextual level. The MCU was in a death spiral of bad ideas and new characters. Thanos saw that the universe was heading in the wrong direction, so he killed everyone before they could tarnish their reputations any further. He saved the reputation of the MCU by ending it.
because it's produced by jews and Jews are cheap
So her power is derived from a part of an infinity stone, but she's supposedly more powerful than Thanos with all the stones?
This user gets it.
this honestly sounds perfectly fine lol
>Skrulls are actually the good guys, immigrants oprezsed by an evil Kree empire
>Hollywood is too woke to have shape shifting aliens be evil anymore
>turns Skrulls and Secret Invasion into a metaphor for open borders
So Captain Marvel just ruined the whole Marvel Universe.
new Thor almost killed Thanos with the gauntlet ffs, are they really gonna make her more powerful than him??
i've been holding out hope that the mcu/feige wouldn't go full retard with CM, but apparently that's done now
I hope so, it's beyond time for capeshit to die.
how the fuck do the kree not have ftl travel by then?? how did she end up on earth then???
Do these assholes realize this isn't a strong female lead, just shitty Mary Sue fanfic? For real this time. They depowered other characters and retconned the shit out of the story just so Carol could be the strongest bestest person ever. We should be glad they had no interest in a love interest. Would be terrible shipping.
>>good guys
I'm from Earth and I say we kill them all.
Listen to this alt-right misogynist and his hate speech against women. Just let little girls enjoy the movie, bigot!
I "like" how the space stone is the longstanding mcgiffin in the mcu. What does it do? What can it do? Everything.
Power laser guns that disintegrate you, teleport you across the universe, open wormholes, power a magic engine to let you achieve ftl, allow you to absorb and project any and all energy
I clearly remember a frame showing cap having a sort of magnetic device, maybe AoU.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
Seriously this. The second time I saw Captain Marvel at an advanced screening, I instead sat in the front row and looked backwards for the entire movie at a little white girl. Her laughs and smile were everything. I did the same to a little black boy during my second viewing of Black Panther.
Strong female leads are always Mary Sue fanfics though, that what the original Mary Sue (written by a woman btw) was a parody of.
Reported for being a pedo.
Reported for false reporting!
Howard stark pulled it out of the ocean in the 50s.
Shield has been experimenting with it since.
That’s why it’s in this movie, the US government has it, the skrulls want it. The cat eats it and then barfs it up as a stupid gag.
It’s a bad joke, but it makes sense with continuity. Let’s stick to shitting on things that actually are bad instead of making up continuity errors
Who are you talking to?
War Machine is too busy castrating little boys and pretending that they are little girls for Facebook likes.
Oh you shouldn't have
>Oops, I...
It was Stark Sr. idea. What the fuck is this revisionism?
... You.
It's called a "retcon" which is very common in comic books.
In this case, they're retconning Captain America's and Howard Stark's participation in the creation of the Avengers Initiative and instead giving those honors to Captain Marvel and Nick Fury. It's not how things originally happened, but they're just correcting the record.
I am a Yea Forumsmrade though. Well, I'm not a Yea Forumsmblr faggot, I just read (used to anyway; I'm slowly thinning my pull list to nothing) them. I've pretty much stopped going to that hell hole. Mods literally deleted my thread two times, because I asked why capeshit writers create European characters, draw them as Euros, and then call them gyppos. It's literally Yea Forumsmblr there.
so it's a movie about family?
Thats pretty horrible, i'm gonna watch Aquamang's rip instead of wasting money on this.
That's pretty consistent usage actually. All of that fits it being treated like an infinite energy source. I'm not trying to shill either. I'm definitely not bothering to go watch this
You are legit a retarded faggot
>so it's a movie about family?
Fast & the Furious Part VII is a better movie about family.
What are you doing here, Yea Forumsmrade Mod? Don't you have to wank it over some obscure cartoon character's feet?
>set up a cinematic universe over the course of 11 years with 21 films
>trip on your face at the finish line
what's the Stan lee cameo?
Based user.
why do ppl still watch this capeshit seriously why ? no really no sarcasm really what the fuck ppl watch capeshits and get excited about them
If you pay close enough attention, you'll hear strange whirring and clanking in one scene.
It's Stan Lee turning in his grave.
>that costume
I fucking hate capeshit.
It's worse than that Yea Forumsmrade: I stopped going there over a year ago when I posted something the cunts there took ire to and they didn't ban me, oh, no, because you see a ban can be disputed.
The cunt deleted all my posts on the board, even the ones on threads that weren't even related to whatever it was that got them butthurt, AND followed me to 2 other boards and deleted all my replies there too.
It was bizarre, even for this place.
Yea Forums is a festering pile of irredeemable shit, and that's saying something considering I come here.
Magnetic and Civil War had Spiderman do a 4th wall joke like Deadpool, saying the shield doesn't obey the laws of physics.
Probably the only cheeky bit of twink Spiderman I've liked.
>they're just correcting the record.
Yea Forums is where I found the first tranny haters on this site
In his first movie and avengers he never does any complex throw and I remember some times it doesn't even return to him. Then in winter soldier he becomes much more skillful in general after working as a shield agent for some time or some shit.
Don't you mean "REEEEEEEEEEEEE!" ..?
>Mar Vell, a Kree hiding on Earth experimenting with the tesseract to develop ftl travel to save Skrulls from Kree
Many people actually care about this nonsense.
It's gotten worse. Every day they spam "Miles needs to fuck Gwen" posts. There was a thread discussing which white women should take a "BBC". There are legit Tankies infesting every board. Carol Shills that for the past 6 months made Carol threads everyday, and turned every thread into a "Carolthread" as quickly as they could. You can't even shitpost anymore. Post a "I'm gonna say it" thread with Superior Stark, and it's going to get deleted within minutes.
It's an extremelly weird place. The last few years it gradually got worse and worse, to the point where they make unironic arguments for Globalism (it's just "something better, I don't know what, will come through it"), shit on wippipo, and ban you for saying nigger. It's unironically Yea Forumsmblr.
Nah, now they love trannies. They have daily threads and headcanons. Fuck, whenever Iron Man comes up, you have some faggots aying how he's "totes a sub" and "dreams about sucking Rhodes' BBC". Shit's weird.
That's a shame. The Jazzm threads here remind me of the QC threads from pic related's time period
He's trigonometrically autistic.
What even IS this character's weaknesses? I'm not trying to be funny here, I'm genuinely curious. From what I've seen on these threads she doesn't have any exploitable weaknesses or hindrances and as far as power levels go apparently she's just slightly weaker than gauntlet Thanos.
Granted I don't read comics so I might be talking out of my ass but she does seem like a Mary Sue in comic form like pre-kryptonite Superman.
Based and Thanospilled
She doesn't have any weaknesses. Most characters don't have explicit weaknesses like Superman; they just have a particular skillset and a set ceiling. Take Cap. He's a soldier, he's either Peak Human or Slightly Superhuman, he's a good strategist, and that's more or less it. Iron Man is a genius engineer, a billionaire and so on and so forth, but compared to Omni-Scientists like Richards or Doom or whatever, he's a smaller brain, and he doesn't have crazy power levels (unless he uses Extremis to upgrade). You could argue that his weakness is that he's prone to addicton, self-doubt and it's really easy for im to go "morals? lolwut is that". Carol has no "weaknesses". She used to be an alcoholic, but power-wise she just has a ceiling; which has now been taken out. So really, it's just a case of fighting a bigger flying brick to fuck up this flying brick.
>"Her weakness is that she cares TOO much."
That's usually how these things go. Giving a female character any sort of shortcoming doesn't end well with online critics. Remember how furious everyone got after Age of Ultron, when Black Widow confessed that she feels like less of a woman because she can't bear a child?
ANY confession of vulnerability or inadequacy in a female protagonist is sexism. Carol will singlehandedly defeat Thanos in Endgame (probably by exploiting her connection to the Space Gem/Tesseract and override the Infinity Gauntlet).
I left Yea Forums just as the Clone Wars was wrapping up. the few times I looked back (Trump election and Hydra Cap) I was glad I left. They have completely lost it. I think it's more shills than posters now.
There a leak for it? I have to see this trash.
Stan Lee plays himself, he's sitting on the train reading the script to Mallrats repeating his line "believe it, true believer" or something like that. Brie puts down his script, their eyes meet and they both smile at each other.
>They have completely lost it.
You think? Here's a real post:
>And there are only two kind of republican voters, rich people and idiots (so perhaps Stark)
>I think it's more shills than posters now.
Maybe. But there certainly are more Yea Forumsmblrinas than actual Yea Forumsmrades. Christ, they headcanon every single character they like as having the EXACT same views as them. Even canon Conservatives (all 10 of them) they headcanon as Liberals, work in Trump into every conversation they have, and then somehow mention how whatever cape they are characterfags for, would hate him too. It's mental.
>Captain America is the mascot of the MCU
lol what? You sure you're not confusing Captain America with Ironman there, bucko?
>the cat gives fury is eye patch
>the avengers are actually named after Carol
This is literally on the same level as the giving Han Solo his name scene and Han getting his blaster scene. Fuck off with this explaining everything bullshit Disney.
Also the original Captain Marvel now is Hillary Clinton.
holy kek
>Han Solo his name scene
I cringed harder in that moment than any other while watching a movie
So she know he's a watcher?
How many times does it need to be explained:
Disney movies are for children. They always have been.
Blah Blah Blah Blah....
BLEE bleeding Brie
At least the film supports late late term abortion rights.
holy fuck how did we reach this point?
>NPCs will think that's real if spread around
simply ebin
oh shit. it was from a parody video, not an early cut. Yea Forums lied to me.
>Problem is she's 1000x more powerful than anything in MCU so far including Thanos
Who would've thought that shills would say something so dumb like this because muh overpowered hero can destroy spaceships!
Doesn't sound too bad, marvel plot wize.
>>the cat scratches fury's eye, blinding it
This scene will make it all worth it. I love shit like this.
>Chinaman Detected
Wasn't the tesseract in the ice with cap?
She isn't more powerful than anyone other than the street level dudes, she didn't do anything that Vision or Thor couldn't do, she didn't fight anyone relevant in this fucking movie lol
Cap, WS and BP could do just as good as her for 80% of the movie.
But why? All Sam L had to say was
>You know, there used to be this team.
>A team of extrordinay people called Avengers.
>Let's do that.
And the whole callsign thing could of just been a fun coincidence or reference to destiny.
Jude Law is in this?
get some taste faggot
Sounds literally retarded
The director said she’s the strongest character in the MCU
but that shit is for retarded children
>The director said she’s the strongest character in the MCU
Thanos is the strongest and even he looks weaker than Hela
>he thinks people whose lives are sad enough to dedicate to political propaganda for no reason can create anything worthwile
Dude, the Kree were established as insanely evil back in Guardians of the Galaxy. Ronon literally tried to wipe or Xandar and had implied Kree government approval.
Hela jobbed to that fire elemental guy
Director said Carol can kill Thanos (with all the infinity stones) with a single punch
It's a motherfucking movie/comic, whatever the director says is the ONLY thing that matters.
Marvel confirmed she was the most powerful character
>actually paying to watch this
I have a group of friends I almost never see which I'm a bit sad about, they invited me to see it this weekend.
I declined.
I will NOT pay for this obvious propaganda shit. If they made it for feminists, let feminists watch it. In a capitalist world every cent you spend is a statement in support of something. I don't support propaganda. I don't know why you do.
And Thanos jobbed the entire movie with the complete gauntlet
Imagine being this scared of a movie.
>IW was a non movie
False. Thanos was the main character in the whole MCU, and in the end he won. Everything post IW is fan fiction.
*Steals the whole movie*
Thanos is only the strongest when he had the infinity stones. Without them he's still stronger than Hulk is but Thor had Odinforce built into him and can just crush anyone 1v1 once he start trying.
Marvel confirmed shit, hyperbole and marketing talk.
Scarlet Witch was supposed to be able to destroy the universe, the Russos said it.
Valkyrie was as strong as Thor and even better than him in certain aspects, Feige said it.
This bitch who is supposed to be the strongest can't beat Black panther tier guys in hand to hand, can't run faster than a 60yo black dude.
>it's just a movie!
Bull fucking shit. It's propaganda. There's nothing "movie" about this. If it were a "movie" quality would NOT be sacrificed to make a political statement.
Question: If Ego was the source of Quill's powers and Quill became normal once Ego died, why isn't Thor normal now that Asgard is gone (in Ragnarok they claimed Thor's powers came from Asgard)
>Ronan flees like a bitch
only intelligent post itt
Are Thor and Quill from the same race?
Rhodehead is just confused by this climate.
Thanks Doc.
It's no more of a "political statement" than any other female-led movie or TV show in the past 20 years.
what a fuckin cop out
My phone gets its power from a battery, but my car gets its power from gasoline in its engine. Destroy the battery and my phone has no power, destroy the engine and my car has no power
>bUt ThEyRe NoT tHe SaMe DeViCe
Such an obvious tongue-in-cheek post, but it still bothers me. Some people actually do believe this.
That's entirely and completely wrong, the build-up to the movie has been made almost entirely of feminist messages. Hence, political. I don't recall the same kind of messages around ALL other female-led movies or tv shows.
>Run-of-the-mill girl power scenes
>One Brie Larson interview taken out of context and endless spam of old comments made before the movie was being promoted.
Leave the echo chambers of Yea Forums someday and you'll get a clear picture.
There are plenty of statements given by people involved in the movie. You are pushing something anyone can disprove with a simple google search, so it's really, really not worth bothering to argue.
>Brie Larson calls the movie "intersectional feminism"
>There's a scene in the movie where a guy tells her to smile which is basically rape and just the female experience
>The villain is basically the embodiement of patriarchy and keeps her on a literal leash
>Skrull "demands a debate" with her which is the female experience (on the internet)
Things "being for children" is not an excuse for poor story telling and character craftsmanship. The people who unironically use this line when referring to things meant for children are really saying "yeah, my work sucks and isn't worthy of anything, but fuck you it's made for kids and kids are stupid so haha".
You labor under some delusion that there is a necessary parallel with things being "for kids" and things "being shit", as if only adults are allowed to have good things and kids deserve only shit because they're "too stupid to know any better". That's a really fucked up view you have.
Sounds like a lot of projecting.
I'd like to add an addendum to your statement:
The only time "it's made for children" is a valid excuse for it being unwatchable by adults is if it's designed to teach children something extraordinarily elementary in a short period of time, a la Elmo's World.
>being a bigoted soiboy
This is true too. I agree. But even still, unless we're talking something literally infantile, meaning for infants/toddler 3-5, stories are meant to be good no matter what the age. Making shit and then deflecting all critics to the "it's for kids" excuse is pure insult. It's basically a huge advertisement that you're actually incompetent and would never be able to claw your way out of a creative wet paper bag.
Kids can and will tell the difference between good storytelling and bad storytelling, but they won't care which is put in front of them (to a reasonable degree). That's why you shouldn't be feeding them shit from an early age so that it's what they become accustomed to.
"It's for kids" is one of the greater cultural detriments that have come from the last 50 years, hence the totally infantile culture we have now.
>Mar Vell
Holy fucking shit how can anyone take this seriously
My 2-year-old's favorite movie is Finding Nemo, which is legitimately a good movie, not just "good for a kid's movie"
That being said, kids are really fucking annoying wanting to watch the same movie over and over again
Here's that (you) you've been casting bait for for the last 5 hours
>build up a franchise of characters over the course of ten years
>characters become beloved by the audience
>new character shows up, is immensely stronger than every character ever.... the power that took Iron Man, Thor etc. a decade of progression to reach is immediately BTFO by the power of stronk
>their team is named after her
Holy FUCK boys this has to be the dumbest decision ever. This pisses me off and I'm only a casual, imagine how seething the James youniverse tier capeshitters are gonna be.
What in the actual fuck were they thinking? Marvel BTFO itself irrevocably
where has marvel between between the events of her movie and endgame
thats all im curious about
>the cat scratches fury's eye, blinding it
>Avengers are named after Danvers' air force callsign
that suuuuuuuuuucks.
So not only is she Captain Marvel of Marvel movies, her callsign was Avenger. Captain Marvel and the Avengers? Lol gayyyyy
>Ironman vs Loki in the first avenger movie
>"If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it"
>call themselves the avengers after
then now they retconned a "Captain Marvel" who had an "avenger" callsign and pretend its because of her
why the fuck are they throwing her in this late AND making it all about her
You just described the state of comic books, but instead of 10 years, it's more like 60 or 70 years. Captain Marvel is the same cancer in comics as she currently is in the movies. And she's not the only one. Get ready for more.
daily reminder that her callsign in the comics was "Cheeseburger" so there was 0 reason to make the avengers all about her in the movie
God what a trainwreck
How the fuck do they work? How is he letting go of the shield in the first place?
This is not real. please god
Can confirm this is real
>mutilating your penis
your brain on HRT
the vibranium isn't magnetic until it releases kinetic energy
>skrulls are good guys
>they’ve lost the ability to use a great storyline just for a stupid “gotcha” moment
>Avengers are named after Danvers' air force callsign
It was already called Avengers Initiative by SHIELD.
Only way I could see this making sense in Feig's mind of is "she has the name of the whole company in her name, therefore she must be the best, strongest and most important".
Haha! How fantastically convenient!
Benning is Mar-vell? For real?
>she must be the best, strongest and most important
except nobody likes this character, neither comic book fans, nor movie fans. and unlike the guardians of the galaxy, who were obscure characters played by entertaining and likable actors, captain marvel is an unpopular character played by an unlikable bitch.
Yes, but that's after the events of this new movie.
>great storyline
Pic NOT related
I know, but that's the reason she gets special treatment (as far as I can see). Just the name. She's called Marvel and the company is named Marvel, so she has to be artificially important.
Yes, that's where Fury got the name.
what's wrong, the resemblance is uncanny!
they all have thanos chins
what gives?
yeah, she shares the name with the company, and she's a woman, so marvel can also be "woke" with their version of a flagship superman-esque character.
Skrull chins came first.
>you need a last name
I meant Mar. Last name Vell
>OK, next
>Han what
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
What made the marvel movies fun was the LACK of a Superman-esque character
What are they doing?
>Mar Vell
Why do people take this shit seriously?
Can I fuck your wife?
>What are they doing?
They just keep upping the ante on the powerlevels. Shit's infuriating for me, since I never liked that shit. The most "OVAH 9000" character I liked was Green Lantern, and that's because of the sci-fi soldier aspect. I don't even get why people like that sort of thing. Super-Strong characters doing the DBZ and punching the shit out of each other is fun for 5 minutes or so. But it's not enjoyable for much longer, and it creates rather boring characters. IMHO anyway.
That's why Captain America is one of the more interesting characters. He's basically just a normal guy with some killer PEDs
So we are never going to get an adapatation of the 50's Avengers Initiative with Namora, Sabertooth, and Toro
I was always more of an Ironfag because "dude, cool tech" (as I read I really came to appreciate Stark as a character though; dude's got actual depth), but I got into Cap for a while with Brubaker (that was around my MGS phase too). I like a few PowerFags like Doctor DOOM, but mostly because of his character/personality. I like that he's a petty faggot; I don't even want him to be the 2nd best at everything. I just find stories with a sole character going against "AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS" too banal, you know? How many stories can you do with them? Meanwhile, take someone like Stark, and you can do a whole lot of shit with him. He's just a great engineer with cash and some martial arts training. You can find a whole lot of enemies and situations to pit against him. Meanwhile, what can you do with flying bricks apart from changing the scenery (duuuuuude, new alien worlds that get reppetitive after #5), the ayyyylmaos or the BIG BAD AILIUM?
I hope Dr. Doom just kills everyone
dr. D should be an incel doomer who hates women and rapes cpt. marvel at the end (he also holds a PhD in social studies)
>>the cat scratches fury's eye, blinding it
What in the fuck. It's bad enough he's a Nigger but do you have to make him lame as fuck too?
Me too, desu. Except Tony; he deserves a happy ending raising his ginger twins.
Doom works best when he's a petty dictator with a Biolar Disorder who gets into a dick measuring contest with everyone about everything because he's terribly insecure. Just have him be Hitler, Stalin, all of them, with magic powers and mad science. Go all the way into it. He slaps women around and sees them as pests. He dislikes anyone who's not Latverian, or at least European. He has a big castle where he reanimates corpses, then puts them in robotic shells and sends them to kill niggers in Africa. He blasts the "March Of DOOM" every afternoon. Shit like that.
>tfw have notes for an entire comic book series about DOOM set in my AU
>tfw it's uber detailed
I should've paid more attention to the blonde touching my thighs in High School,desu...
You feeble minded faggot.
Just Han
>Ok, Han JUST it is
Literally only R*dditfags like Doomwar, and for all the wrong reasons. Doomwar Doom is literally a Globalist who wants you to open borders and pay for starving niggers in Africa. Doom works because he IS petty. He's angry that Richards is smarter, has better social skills, has a bigger dick, etc, etc. He is what he is because he works day and night to catch up with everyone, because he's insecure and paranoid. He wants to take over the world to "fix it", but in his own demented image. Making him an "anti-hero" like that is just shit. He should have noble goals in a twisted way, and shit like Waid's Lecter Von Doom shouldn't happen, but he should still be a fundementaly evil, or at least damaged person.
Doom's the extra scary villain who needs a mommygf to calm him down, while needing to kill everyone on sight.
I also saw this but thought, nope, it's just me. They wouldn't be so shameless after being outed as a hypocritical hotbed of casting couch sex for roles scumbags.
Totally out of character. Doom does not beg.
That's Characterfaggotry talking. Doom has flaws; otherwise he's boring. And he didn't beg; he used a spell. The whole mini is about him punking everyone from the Masters of Evil to Magneto and keikakuing to stop feeling guilty. Make him an invincible Powerlevelfag, and you're just the male version of Carl Manvers fans.
>Doom has flaws
Yes, primarily his ego, his entire rivalry with CURSED RICHARDS is due to Doom being unable to accept help from a peer. Then blaming said peer when he set his own face on fire.
Yeah, that's the basis of it. But if you dig deeper, you can see that he equally hates, and somewhat respects, Iron Man and Doctor Strange, while having a rivalry with Nigger Panther, all for different reasons. Doom's primary flaw is that he cannot accept that he's not the absolute peak at everything, and lashes out. And he cannot accept that, because he's afraid; he's insecure. He needs to be in total control because he thinks he's not worth anything otherwise. All the boasting and shouting is just a way for him to protect his fragile ego.
Doom is not a well man. Make him just an autist who hates the guy better than him at science, but is also absolutely better at everything else, is fearless, etc, etc, makes him generic. It's cool and badass, but removes the depth. I'm not saying make him a whipped pussy, but don't make him a self-insert fantasy. His defining characteristic is getting humiliated, getting back with a venegeance, winning, and then searching for another challenge, getting humiliated again, and so on and so forth. All because he cannot accept his limitations. Because he's afraid. He could've been a hero, but he's just too damn afraid.
Based fellow board hopper. I browsed Yea Forums for so long that I was amazed when I went to /tg/ and Yea Forums and didn't see as many shitty fapbait and weeb threads.
>I just wanted to talk about video games
>instead I get discord trannies
>>I just wanted to talk about comic books
>>instead I get discord trannies
This in my case. Yea Forumsmblr has to be the worst board on this Italian Pasta Sauce Imageboard. They literally have "which Yea Forums girl needs to get blacked" and "Tony Stark secretly wants to suck Rhodes BBC" threads. Shit's mental.
better plot than whatever the movie is going to provide
>He doesn't know
But user, this is the real plot of the movie
That line is the best part of the film
the guy's whole chad, top gun look just sells it
top kek
deepest lore!
>being this blind
57.6% of voters gave this movie either a 10 or a 1
the 1's are currently winning
ignoring "this movie is perfect" and "this movie is terrible" votes, and just by looking at the bell curve, it gets a 7 or so.
Disclaimer, it makes no difference to me personally, i havent payed for Disney since ragnarok
> Epic storyline involving Mar-Vell being a superhero prior to carol and dying of cancer is thrown away
> Secret Invasion is fucked because Skrulls are good
> Carol is so overpowered she is set-up as the main threat of Endgame when she loses control of her powers
Real fucking awkward when, what seems to be starting with Endgame, Marvel will turn into shit worse than Fox and Sony shit out. Holy moly what a time to be alive.
> Secret Invasion is fucked because Skrulls are good
Skrulls are explicity stated to be tribes scattered across the galaxy, and even Talos admit he did some bad shit in the war. The stage is set for some asshole Skrulls to come tear shit up.
paid, fuck
>> Secret Invasion is fucked because Skrulls are good
question - sure about that? Or just the Kree, as in GotG, are assholes with no limits? We know Ronan was destroying Xandarian colonies.
Do you remember the loss of our 100,000 Xandarian infantry on Xandathu, user? I sure do remember
Based...based... and there I say maybe even a little.. red pilled?
The scale of this would be so tiny that it would barely even count as an invasion - just a few small tribes replacing people.
Kind of like a much less impressive version of Winter Soldier's Hydra aspect.
>tfw Disney is a bad company
spoilers are legit. Saw a screening yesterday.
I liked the skrulls being refugees but obviously that's going to get /pol/ trolls going
Honestly though, the plot seemed pretty shallow. How did Yon Rogg not know that the core was right in front of him? I thought the whole reason he shot Mar'Vell was because she was about to destroy it. What did Yon Rogg see at the supreme intelligence? Wtf was up with the shitty costume color changing scene?
Oddly enough I still enjoyed the movie.
I mean Thor basically did that in IW minus the nuke
if i have to watch it i'll do my best for a cam rip before i go see endgame.
i really hope they didn't go all in and force her down our throats to ruin endgame
You really don't need to see this movie for any reason. It will add nothing to Endgame
So basically a big fuck you to the continuity with MEMBER THIS SHIT?
PLOTHOLE MEMES: What doesn't make sense at all is that if Carol suffered from Amnesia why didn't the Kree just tell her the truth about the Skrulls from the start and indoctrinate her into their epic Kree supremacy expansion plan, aligning her ideals with the other Kree members of that assault force. Instead they lied to her when they didn't need to. They ran the risk of lying. They could have told her anything - Like that she needed to have casual sex with Jude Law's character.
Also, I loved the 12 minute scene where Carol makes a sandwich for Fury and then sucks his cock.
I mean, the movie doesn't sound terrible, just aggressively mediocre.
But I'm still not going to see it. The buildup for this movie was a masterclass in making it all sound unappealing, and from the look of things I won't miss much just by skipping out on it.
You are so retarded, you actually managed to make me side with /pol/ on this.