Shazam Trailer 2

Another billion dollar kino flick incoming

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It's going to underperform at the box office and get mediocre reviews. Literally no one gives a shit about this.

>6 million views

I think it will do very well simply because DC and WB look like they are making a fun politics free movie. You just watch. It's gonna be a cash cow with DC spending the bare minimum.

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They already screened Shazam to critics, a month out and early reactions have been really positive. The social media embargo lifts tommorow. WB is really confident in the movie.

this is where Yea Forums is wrong again after being right about captain marvel

very good news

It will do well and make plenty of money, 1bil is practically impossible though with Infinity War coming to cut off it's legs, but that release date shows some significant confidence in it.

I hope this flops. You DCshills have been annoying shitting up the board with Captain Marvel threads.

It only has an 80 million dollar budget so it doesn't need a billion

>t. Captain Toenail

Can't wait to taste your tears when the numbers come in.

It says SLURPEE but looks like soda.

But this is a captain marvel thread?

it's going to dab on cheese mcfungus, just like based aquaman did

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Have watched the trailer twice now at the cinema. Isn't the trailer where you are supposed to put your best stuff? Like, the funny jokes?

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Imagine if it did though. Mediocre cape shit has the potential to soar right now as long as they don't screech about WHITE CIS MALES and FUCK DRUMPF!!!

$175 million at most

Very good news.

>Isn't the trailer where you are supposed to put your best stuff? Like, the funny jokes?
>like, the funny jokes
based and mouse-brainwashed pilled

>when Captain Marvel is so shit that you have the balls to remove the critics embargo from Shazam! weeks before the public premiere
Based WB

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Place your bets.

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First time watching a DC movie? They sweep the razzies every year for a reason

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Fuck it I'm goin all in with full 1B! Mouse fags are gonna get smoked!

guess they forgot the wisdom of solomon part

More than Justice League is a given.
Between 700-800m

This does actually look fun. CGI is pretty shit but it's DC so no surprise there.

I wish they hadn't aged Billy up to early teens, though.

billy batson is the real captain marvel hope it outsells the sjw flick

I'm gonna be conservative and say 500m.

We are already in a Captain Marvel thread.

as long as it beats Captain Marvel, I'll be happy..My sides will be gone if it hits the billion mark.The salt on twatter will be delicious either way.

It won't, but it'll be fondly better received than that trash fire.

Audiences are definitely going like Shazam more than Captain Marvel


Shazam will get poor reviews despite being better than most Marvel movies. This is how it works now.