Are Scandinavians really like this?
Are Scandinavians really like this?
No they’re more like your typical nigger. You would see that in the balkans though.
>Inb4 Jews show up
Looks like a poor man's Wicker Man, or even dare I say, Apostle.
how is /pol/ enjoying this
i'm more offended by the fact that they are wearing shoes
Fuck Apostle was shit. This won't be anywhere near as boring anyway. I hope
Funny how no one said about anything when Latin American and Eastern European churches were being constantly memed with demonic horror shit by Hollywood but now that those poor Scandis are involved, muh heritage mutts are losing their absolute shit.
Dan Stevens and Lucy Boynton kept me watching, but yeah it wasn't that great.
So they lure people there in order to do their 90 year ritual, one gets sacrificed and the other gets horribly disfigured.
There, that's the movie.
Yayyy Ari Aster, it's so horror and good.
fuck you shills.
I feel bad for them. Some Swedish anons are genuinely pissed. It's only a movie
From what I can tell is that most Swedes are amused that one of our comfy drinking traditions have been remade into a horror flick
Midsommar is my favorite holiday. Its waaay better than christmas
>Wickerman remake
>/pol/cels losing their shit and claiming this is genocide
>Those numbers
Also Poulter might be alright
Fuck you for reminding me of Apostle. So bad
There was already a Wicker Man remake done by the Americans with muh bees and Nicolas Cage.
oh we get it haha
Ytoids should stop being in movies. Nobody wants them there anymore.
first movie is about the evils of your child being like your mother, children so spooooooky
second movie is about how creeeeepy a all white community is, very nazi and pagan spooooky
so subtle
is the ritual any good? I watched kill list and enjoyed it
>we want the brainlets and niggers that liked Get Out
This is from the guy who made
>the strange thing about the johnsons
a story about a son raping his father
It's like the least ominous and most open of all our traditions, on the brightest day of the year. The fact that it fascinates people is pretty funny.
It's also the second american horro flick to be set in Sweden in recent years. And apparently they're making a fictionalised version of the Norrmalmstorg robberty now, just entitled "Stockholm"
Reminds me of The Ritual.
Midsommar is probably the most essential of all swedish holidays
people talk about the swedish national day celebrations being underwhelming, but that's because it's a relatively artificial holiday; Midsommar's actually it
I will recommend the horror film Black Death with Sean Bean if you want some Christianity coming across a dodgy pagan town where the plague hasn't touched them.
Of course, midsommar has a soul christmas lacks
>pagan traditions celebrated in the balkans
you would see that amount of white people but more like celebrating orthodox christian holidays
Based on the trailer alone I'd say this is some of the most blatant pro-nigger invasion/anti Scandinavia propaganda I've seen in a while.
I think Christmas, whilst as old as midsommar, has suffered severe commercialisation by comparison. There's the pressure of having the "perfect christmas", and the giving and recieving of presents. Midsommar doesn't demand much of anyone.
It’s because amerimutts in recent times have become nordicists
The way it should be, бpaт. Hигepи нe ce дoзвoлeни.
Literally just another "remote pagan cult in the woods" movie
are a million of them
you spergs are so fucking easily offended
ITT characters who literally did nothing wrong.
Orthodoxy brings a lot of pagan traditions into its mould
imagine being this obsessed with jews
>iT a villain is white it's genocide
You would whine even more if they casted blacks to portray isolated Swedish pagan cultists.
Pugh got her tits out in Outlaw King.
Based Jew, Jew protector is back
So basically you can no longer set a movie in sweden anymore
>If it has an antagonist who is white, it's white genocide
>If it has a black person in it, it's white genocide
sounds good
the arab woman runs scared. The black man is beaten to the ground.
So subtle
take meds
Maybe stop being so easily triggered
not really. as someone from the balkans i can tell you that the type of nordic-pagan traditions you’re thinking of aren’t celebrated here. we have stuff like bonfires on christmas, door-to-door knocking for nuts on christmas eve (something like trick or treat), painting eggs on easter, stuff like that.
Why do you incels spam this BBC fetish stuff everywhere
Not everyone is into it m8
>a mean tweet
lol you people draw fake hate crime swastikas and pretend it's the end of the world lmao
This thread proves horseshoe theory is real
Sweden's been in a very weird place in the american imagination for a very long time, being used as a political baseball bat since the 60s at least. Americans making films about Sweden, focusing on american characters and letting Swedes act as the backdrop, is something I'm not a big fan of. Unless the creators want to make a film ABOUT the country and its people, rather than use it as an exotic backdrop, I'm not interested.
Based Jew pushing pharmaceuticals
>door-to-door knocking for nuts on christmas eve
you're sure showing those SJW snowflakes by getting this hysterical over the wicker man
>pointing out that the media is into BBC fetish
t. mongoloid
maybe that's the reason you cant get laid because there's nothing in that image that suggests that
I think anyone would support you taking your meds based on your bizarre behavior ITT
It's not a conspiracy
k whatever gets you off, I'm not going to judge. But it's ALWAYS incels spamming BBC stuff everywhere.
It's just not appropriate to this thread
we all are reading the subtext here
"white genocide" is LITERALLY "I can't get laid because of jews"
any day now you'll look like a guy who 'gets' the ladies
at least in Sweden, dressing up in folkwear is slowly almost dead as its a minority of old people that still do it.
As for midsummer we eat strömming and that's it, all this american view of Swedish people is the biggest meme
Not even that guy but seriously, take your meds. If you get set off this easily your lifestyle clearly isn't healthy
why are incels always so mad when you name them?
kids mostly do it in groups, or families, and its usually practiced from 5am - 9am christmas eve mornings
I didn’t fucking say nordic traditions are celebrated in Orthodoxy you absolute brainlet. I said pagan traditions, of which there are many in Balkans. You must not know the Saints on the Gregorian calendar or the proper days of worship. Over half of them stem from pagan rituals and deities. And they all have nothing to do with nords because they had their own pagan religions.
yeah it's about "getting laid", sure
you saw a image about advertisers' fixation and you projected your own insecurities
as a scandi, this movie has less connection with reality than a film about how the CIA are actually aliens
at least the latter is something that actually could happen
First it was
>wow you guys are so full of shit
And now that there are blatantly obvious examples collected and presented in undeniable, easy to read formatting its
>why do incels always post this
Hopefully next it will be
>maybe you have a point
Yes, there's a reason the "bitter incel" stereotype exists. Stereotypes are based in truth.
It's not the media, jews, blacks, whoever's fault that women find you repulsive. Have some self-responsibility
wtf are you talking about. I'm saying stop spamming the BBC porn everywhere it's not everyone's fetish.
we're not convinced you're some "feminist stud"
>no u
how wounded the incel becomes...
fuck pagans
fuck scandis
fuck proties
>Swedish movie full of trad white people
>It's a horror movie
catholicism is exceedingly pagan
You're talking on a user board and the person knows that insult doesnt apply to them. You cant go "virgin" at a dude who fucked, it doesnt hit.
you saw advertisers' fixation, british tv making medieval brits black and your mind went to "cant get laid because of this" which it clearly is a weird thing on your part
>Wicker Man, The Ritual, The Endless, The Sacrament, The Possession of Hannah Gray, The Devil's Rain, The Invitation, Kill List, Race with the Devil, The Lords of Salem, Suspiria, Witches of Eastwick, Inferno, Mother of Tears, The Circle, City of the Dead, A Field in England, Incubus, Witchcraft, The Sentinel, Season of the Witch, Black Death
>Saints on the Gregorian calendar or the proper days of worship
you’re not only a brainlet but you’re deluded if you think you know more than me on this. saint days aren’t “celebrated” here, and they are usually referred to as “name days”, where if you have the same name as the saint you go treat your family or friends to dinner or drinks or something.
>proper days of worship
all religious holidays on the gregorian calender are non-working but most of them aren’t celebrated or worshipped, wtf. people might go to the beah or travel if the holidays overlaps with a weekend but that’s about it.
if you don’t have any real experience in this why are you being hostile?
maybe the sequel will be about how kräftskiva is really about lovecraftian sea gods
cut to a half-man half-crayfish in a wooden shed, surrounded by those paper sun faces
I really don't undestand why this movie is so controversial on this board, horror movies based on creepy cults are comfy as fuck
For someone who doesn't mind being called an incel you sure seem mad about it
I am stating a fact while you’re complaining that in your regionalist they are not celebrated. You’re the brainlet (and heathen) here.
"all these movies about Le Creepy Whites/ Christians since the 60s"
congrats, you just noticed something.
Call me when the spooky isolated jews or muslims make a appearance
listen up faggot I dont appreciate soulless hollywoodites making our most important holiday into some stupid meme for americans to gobble up
if other peoples think films mocking their traditions are stupid they're free to say that
google "horseshoe theory"
ah yes I never knew The Wicker Man was actually a problematic movie about white genocide
thanks /pol/
I mean that's a different issue but US has been making horror movies about shit like Day of the Dead for years.
>these opinions are from dudes who dont fuck, unlike me
people: no
nice going
Incels are easily offended
Moreso than SJW's I do think.
I mean stereotypes are based in truth right? Surely everyone thinks you incels are all bitter about blacks/jews because you can't get laid are onto something? Or is everyone else wrong but you?
americans are stupid, just let them be
Jew agenda has been called out on the day of the trailer
Cultural appropriation much? Hands of our traditions sweaty
It's 2019! We can't accept this anti-progressive problematic depictions of ____ any longer!
>When you are so obsessed with Jews that you think a movie in sweden that has white people only is genocidal propaganda
very nice
Yeah I guess you're right
do you imagine a magical progressive thing happens when you fuck?
are you the guy from earlier who's a virgin while saying others are incels "because they're different things"?
What sets this movie apart from other cultist horror movies? The trope of naive outsiders being killed by locals is far from new
People who mature and grow out of juvenile mindsets (losing ones virginity is a key part of that) tend to be less bitterly obsessive about this sort of stuff, yeah
You don't see a guy with a wife and 3 kids and a job at General Electric screaming about how there's too many black people kissing "his" women on a TV show and how this is actually a secret genocidal plot.
>stating that something exists and was once celebrated means that it is currently celebrated today
you do realise the premise of this discussion started on what is CURRENTLY being celebrated? i’m not the retard who can’t into following conversation and moving goalpoasts.
This lol
How the fuck is /pol/ triggered by this? Jesus Christ.
It's like the most generic non-offensive horror movie ever. Meanwhile Jordan Peele's Us is anti-gentrification propaganda and not a peep.
No it’s because people like you have no argument so you have to resort to insults that don’t make any sense.
So yes, you're a virgin who thinks you magically become progressive and a cool dude when you fuck
that's literally what this thread and every other thread on Yea Forums and /pol/ and /r9k/ is tho
>try to explain healthy vs. unhealthy lifestyles and growing up
>the double digit /pol/ goblin still doesn't get it
sad! This concept of growing up is so far detached from your mindset that you can't even comprehend it.
Is it anti-Christian?
"when you fuck you dont have sexist thoughts, sexists dont get laid, women give pussy as a prize to good boys" - a literal virgin
Yes. It has a Christian who does a bad thing in it.
It's (((their))) propaganda!
Not anymore, no.
They are still currently being celebrated, you retard. Just not in YOUR shitty region apparently. I’m Romanian so I celebrate the real shit.
How's the reclusive basement goblin screaming that women fuck up working out for you?
literally it just comes down to pic related
If you grew up you'd be less bitter towards Jews. But that would involve leaving the house and contributing to society.
>You don't see a guy with a wife and 3 kids and a job at General Electric
Your whole world view is about how patriarchal systems of capitalist oppression stems from those reactionary heads of the family
this desu senpai
>he’s romanian
you cigan, you’re not even apart of the balkans. no wonder you’re confused about what we celebrate. go sniff some more glue.
I wonder who's gonna survive in the end
>bottom row second image
>implying I'm a leftist
I'm all for the traditional nuclear family. I just hate incels.
How do you think this movie will play out?
>Romanian thinks he’s white and a Balkanec
>yet another thread where everyone just calls each other incels or jews
don't you people get tired of this
You're a fucking idiot.
that would be a nice pic if it was a representative of that strawman
we get this on /k/ too
Fucking knew that it would be le evil whites doing some weird sacrifice shit the second I saw the picture.
>Eastern European churches
Like what?
I agree, Horseshoe theory is real
SJW trannys being goblins doesn't mean that incel neckbeards aren't goblins, though
There is no difference between the SJW saying "this movie is problematic there are no strong PoC" vs. the incel saying "this movie is problematic there are white people doing bad things"
be glad this time it's jews instead of discord tranny or there'd be pics of male taints with holes
Don’t be jealous my children
I don't think you know what 'literally' means. Either way kill yourself.
There's literally nothing special about midsommar. All you do is drink beer and eat potatoes
I mean these days only far-leftists, incels, and muslims get bitchy about jews
which are you? maybe all 3!
>I'm all for the traditional nuclear family.
You should probably research who has been trying to subvert this you fucking moron.
angry virgins really weren't a thing until 20-30 years ago, but blaming the jews for your own pathetic failures is p common yes
no evil jew is stopping you from getting married to a white woman and having kids and having a real job.
You could do it, but it won't be handed to you. However you're an entitled manchild who expects this on a platter
therein lies the problem.
That Eastern Europe
Lmao grasping at straws
ah yes tell me how it's the jews fault you don't have a family
se on kuule juhannus ei mikään vitun keskikesä
t. Cringelord
first movie is about boomers fucking up the next generations just to get some shitty gold.
How could it fly of your head it wasn't even subtle.
This is your brain on /pol/
>slavs are whiiiiiite!
no, Milo
pol has maids based
People saw OPs image and instantly recognize it'd be "Le Spooky trailer about creepy wholesome whites" it's a standard cliche now. People pointed out, you got triggered
If you ignore eastern Europe you still have literally the rest of the world though.
>t; I hate my family
Reminder that being white is about how you act, which makes nordics the least white in europe along with albanians and poles.
>muttland america is whiter than eastern europe
imagine being this deluded
if folks were more racist back then, then of course they were incels
its more like this
when a guy is mad at lefties and righties like this, you know he's jewish lmao
this movies premise stems from the primordial american fear to be in a beautiful location far away from any walmarts or parking lots
winner of the internet brawl
Snowniggers and krauts are the whitest seeing how they're acting the most cucked.
you're like dave rubin without a show and posting on Yea Forums. Just the most boring jew mad at powerless leftists and rightwingers
Nah. Greeks, Italians, French, Romanians, Spanish, Portuguese, and Serbians are the whitest in terms of the true Aryan ideals. In terms of cuckdom "Western" ideals, the anglos and krauts and snowniggers definitely have them beat though.
>ur a j00
>If you ignore eastern Europe you still have literally the rest of the world though.
That and the fact that Latin America is still ruled by Spaniard ruling class.
And then I can say times Asians were thrown out and it would like the same. Show me single ethnic group. By the way I guess Europeans throwing out Jews by your standards is okay since niggers did that to whites in Africa.
it's not really anything. Nobody gets so upset over it but you. It's a non-issue.
it's good you acknowledge the horseshoe is real at least
>t. the guy who needs a holiday to hang out with his family
"lol this is so jewish"
"s-sh-shut up, v-v-virgin"
ur so chill
Yeah. Like that's a real place.
imagine being so obsessed with jews that you describe things that trigger you as "jewish"
I kinda wish we were that occult and into it. No, midsommar is just a regular normalfag holiday. A good one, but still.
I like how fucking bright that movie is through.
/pol/tards crying like pussies on our behalf mirrors the SJWs crying on the behalf of minorities too, it's cute.
>pagan traditions
the only true heretics were in bosnia, and guess what, from a christian point of view they still are.
cry more snowflake
so basically you want only movies where the antagonists are non-white?
I never knew you wanted so many roles for PoC
>wholesome European tradition is cool
God why are nu-paganiggers the most embarrassing bunch around? Literally worse than fedoras at this point.
Are you braindead or just American? People celebrate it to this day.
>supporting people celebrating non-christian pagan rituals
be gone, satan
Jannie on a killing spree
are bosnians the dark elves of the balkans?
based jannies
>dark elves
more like skaven
Thought it would be some Wicker Man thing, but just judging by the trailer it feels more like a Get Out thing.
I'd rather have movies where white people as a whole and European/white culture isn't intentionally portrayed as evil by killing PoC. No need to stoke the fires more. I guess whoever makes this movies doesn't care though, for one reason or another.
>do i fit in yet!!!
no fuck off to plebbit
well that's the whole balkans for that matter
Lol, I thought the same... This is like apostle but without the brown and shitty visuals, now this is white and clean visuals.
Ahhh, yes wholesome European tradition that shaped the continent.
A movie about a all white pagan (nazi) cult terrorizing a brown woman and a black man, made by a NY jewish director
I can't believe he chose that word. It's like describing barbershop as black, so odd
>paganism is european culture
back to your fire orgies, wiccan degenerate
I don't think it's stoking any fires, because it's really a non-issue and nobody but the most emotionally sensitive and obsessive people will see it that way.
99% of people who are socially adjusted and functional will just see another "pagan cult in the woods" horror movie.
>Scandinavians aren't Europeans
Ahh yes muh cheerypicks truly a peak tier argument
how the fuck does white pagan = nazi
>jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews
angry NPC noises intensifies
the thing is not everyone is obsessed with race and jews as you are. They won't pick apart anything to make it offensive to them.
The problem is you, not everyone else. You are very, very easily triggered
Well they did come from Greenland around 10,000 years ago so...
It's some fucking crazy death ritual that happens once ever 90 years. It's clearly not what we celebrate. Stop being offended by horror movies.
user did you attend some of these events? People "celebrating" (doing meth and spreading STDs) are not your strong jawed ubersmensch that you see in your "pretty blonde woman in the fields" stock image photos and nazi fanart. They're actually just your average degenerate vegan liberal hipsters that spend their lives crying about Christianity and worshiping their backyard trees lmao.
I'm not seeing the racial element from the trailer. It just seems like there's a token.
What's with this demonization of nordic traditions?
nobody likes pagan
also it's not the same tradition, midsommar doesn't happen once every 90 years like this once
Reminder that midsommar is a Christian holiday. It's the feast day of St John the Baptist and the maypole is the shape of a cross
It is, in a smaller or bigger scale. I'm more worried about the message that movie sends. I'll probably watch it because I like Ari Aster's stuff, but I'll pirate it because I don't like the vibe of this trailer.
Mind you, I'd still be weirded out if this movie was about voodoo and blacks killing whites or some Japanese tea ceremony involving the blood of some other people or some similar shit.
Celebrating the midsummer is an ancient fucking tradition that continued to exist despite of christianity. There is nothing wrong with it.
Here in Finland we still burn pyres in midsummer like our ancestors have done for countless generations.
Oh so when people celebrate it they don't get dressed in traditional garb and feast and dance, only satanists do that, huh what I though trailer showed was that these whites participated in exactly the same way they do in real midsummer plus evil shit.
I have, and I don't care whatever meme you have created in your head
>ancient fucking tradition that continued to exist despite of christianity.
>actually believing this
this feels more like american cultists to me....mormons or some shit
Shouldn't you be celebrating 風神 or whatever?
enjoy your trip to hell, pagan
>Scandinavians were the only pagans of Europe
Paganism technically has a longer history and potentially a bigger influence on Europe than Christianity. From the Romans to the Greeks and the early tribes of Europe like the Celts, the Venedacs, the Etruscans, the Scythians, the Dacians, the Getaens, etc; all of Europe worshipped various gods that intermingled with each other both conceptually and communally. It was beyond science. It was a spiritual way of communication, that has been lost through the illusion of unification.
most people don't dress in traditional clothing
what's the real shit
>I have
No wonder you're retarded. You're probably still high or something.
I guess his eyes were lying to him
You better tell him the real truth based schizo
The ones who celebrate it in this way do
>>Scandinavians were the only pagans of Europe
Never said that, you tard. But the movie is in Scandinavia, this isn't about fucking Celts or any other pagan.
That's a proper traditional Pagan attire. May Thor bless EVROPA!
why do so many retards on Yea Forums have folders of pics of people they disagree with looking ugly
just what do you think you're achieving by posting these?
The celebration of the summer and winter solstices are almost universal among the peoples of the world. There's plenty of proof that the gift-giving of christmas, or Yule as it's still known in Scandinavia, predates the arrival of christianity.
It's true.
Christianity didn't succeed curbing out every pagan tradition.
>believing in hell or supernatural shit in general.
Nigger I am an atheist. I however enjoy the traditions of my people because they are wholesome and bring a semblance of unity among us, which is exceedingly rare in these increasingly sickening times.
This is what Evropa used to be about
>Never said that, you tard. But the movie is in Scandinavia, this isn't about fucking Celts or any other pagan.
Every region that still celebrates this does it similar as Scandinavians (large bonfire, traditional garb, beer ect). It just that Swedish faggots want to own everything and proclaim it is their tradition that dumb Amerifats like you think we don't do same shit in other parts of Europe.
because the combination of religious insanity and stepfordism is very american
scandinavians instead combine extreme mundanity and extreme concensus culture, you'd never see human sacrifice cults like in this movie, rather someone sentenced for chemical lobotomy by some sort of extremely banal municipal bureaucrat or something
How did they make the head so realistic
Also, Nick Cage punching people out whilst wearing a bear costume. If that isn't a selling point I don't know what is.
Well we do a lot of decorations with branches and firs. We also do mask dances with the bear, the stag, the goat, the wolf, etc. Also just general days throughout the year where we make special foods or decorations that stem from pagan holidays.
hmm, a jewish attempt to subvert native European culture
Most pagan celebrations got replaced by christian holidays in the north for obvious reasons.
Dunno why midsummer was left to be
It's the go to move or retards that can't actually argue their points, and instead resort to pathetic adhominem attacks, as if they have any effect on an anonymous site.
The surest way to point out someone who's not from this site is if they try that sort of normie "argumentation" tactics against you. They try to attack your identity because it works in the normie world, and act amazed when that shit doesn't work when everyone is anonymous.
This is what Evropa used to be about
>The Galli castrated themselves during an ecstatic celebration called the Dies sanguinis, or "Day of Blood", which took place on March 24.[11] At the same time they put on women's costume, mostly yellow in colour, and a sort of turban, together with pendants and ear-rings. They also wore their hair long, and bleached, and wore heavy make-up. They wandered around with followers, begging for charity, in return for which they were prepared to tell fortunes. On the day of mourning for Attis they ran around wildly and disheveled. They performed dances to the music of pipes and tambourines, and, in an ecstasy, flogged themselves until they bled.[10]
Another example
When one side is larping as beautiful, proud and traditional paragons of Europe and are focusing on purity of race and culture it's always good to remind them that they're actually very much in-line with hedonistic, homosexual, animal fucking, pedo advocating, drug dealing, alcohol abusing liberals because surprise surprise the "religion" they advocate for justifies all of those behaviors and has very little to do with formation of Europe at its peak.
Neo-pagans are yet another hammer in the toolbox used to pulverize Christianity from the face of the earth.
I speak the saddest words of tongue and pen, now I know, /pol/ was right again.
>Still no movie
yikes film industry
yeah pretty much
Hey bro nice fanart lmao
Fuck Christianity.
Christians are the ones who are out there first, ass in the air, pleasing the foreigners, nignogs and mongrels that are being brought to our homelands. It is the Christans who think that some foreigner is worth as much as members of our own people, as long as he/she buys into Christianity as well.
Fuck that universalist religion to oblivion. It does nothing to preserve our peoples anymore.
bulgaria here, we do stuff like this as well. and i'm fairly sure serbia does too. to be honest i'm not sure what those two serbian posters were getting so worked up about. maybe you had some misunderstanding
This fire ceremony occurs in May. It is called Beltane. It is Gaelic as well. Which is a remnant of the fact that the Celts were all over Europe once as well, before the Central Asian immigrations that brought the krauts, turks, mongols, etc.
2bh us looks cool i wanna see it
>casting brits as scandinavians
that's dumb
cry more snowflake
everyone else isn't as easily triggered as you are
Christianity conquered the world. Your religion fucked men in the ass and died in the cradle.
Read the Talmud. Jews hate Christianity and they're using your degenerate ways to remove it. Your grandfathers are rolling in their graves.
I know. That's why I was surprised. I've been to Bulgaria as well and know you guys do it. And same with Serbians and Macedonians and even Greeks.
Mostly ignoring it since it's really more Yea Forums's realm, but a Swedish user brought it up yesterday and people were basically telling him that they're not gonna stop until your entire heritage is wiped from the face of the planet.
based, we're taking the word snowflake back from the nazis bros!!!
we're using their own tactics against them!!!
How tough, when someone talks shit about me I too lower my head and take it like a bitch
Norway, you need to step up your game into the modern (civilized) world.
it is a sweaty roleplaying fest ITT
I just realized I meant to reply to this post
i realized that, that was me, the bulgaria user
>this level of crying
eevul whypipo
I don't give jack shit about Christian "world conquest". The only purpose of a religion is the empowerment and furthering the spread of ones own PEOPLE. The religion itself is irrelevant, it is what it achieves that matters. What christianity achieved was spreading the religion to countless non-Europeans and then instilling the demented notion that because now these outsiders shared our religion, we should have moral solidarity with them.
Even today, Christians preach about how we should send aid to africa and welcome those nignogs into our lands.
Fuck that religion, it's long term effects have only been detrimental to the European race.
And again, I am not fucking religious you dipshit. I view religions trough an evolutionary lens, as in I evaluate them based on how well they promote the well being, strength and spread of the group of people who follow that religion. Christianity is absolutely detrimental to the European race.
Ah, thank god for that super high balkan intellect! ;)
Why the fuck are you pretending that the christianity of today is the same as the christianity that conquered the world or persecuted the jews?
LARPagans deserve to get made fun of
>worshipping comic book characters
Pagans in Europe sacrificed humans. It was a good thing Christianity came along to civilize them.
>unironically using the latest in ebin twitter memes
They don't even use it right
That's what pisses me off. To them, anyone who disagrees with them is a snowflake
cwying encells
I long learned that the true enemy is America itself.
America is cultural poison, all the problems we have nowadays are because of America.
The US is the Nazi Germany and Soviet Union of the current era.
Yeah and Christians allow this to happen.
Nigger, I don't fucking care what the pagans did. Just because I am attacking Christianity doesn't mean I am a fucking pagan. Pagans were primitive nature worshippers, but at least they didn't welcome foreigners en mass to their own lands like modern day christians do. I am attacking christianity because I view it as harmful to my people in this day and age.
ITT: mental illness
reee wypipo
Why do you want to kill innocent white people?
>furthering the spread of ones own PEOPLE
Guess who has the most children among white people? Conservatives. Which are predominately Christian.
Guess who doesn't? Hedonists. Which are both pagans and leftists.
>The religion itself is irrelevant
I know that it is. For you. Which is why you're nothing but a larper and why you can't spread culture throughout the continent. Because you yourself don't give a shit about it. Why should the people you're trying to convert and convince? You're an amoeba.
>Even today, Christians preach about how we should send aid to africa and welcome those nignogs into our lands.
Co-opted proddies and mutted Catholics; maybe. But guess who does it more? Again, pagans. Because Christians are far more likely to be conservative on these issues.
>Christianity is absolutely detrimental to the European race.
No it's not. No matter how hard the Schlomo siphons this opinion to you.
Purged from modernization Christianity would remain standing as an ideology that steeled Europe and spread throughout the world.
Purged from modernization Paganism would still remain the same hedonistic, self-destructing, retard's reason to sodomize themselves with their own shit. Go vote for more baby murder you blood sacrificing hellspawn.
The virtuous Negro is a typical noxious trope. It has evolved to become the virtuous foreign ethnic.
A good example of this is the Danish movie The Hunt in which Mads Mikkelsen is unfairly accused of being a paedophile, the whole village goes nuts and turns against him, but of course the only understanding and open-minded person in the thing is the dumb shitskin girlfriend.
Since 99% of all movies released these days are vile propaganda, I find it a safe bet to assume things in advance. The worst that can happen is I'm pleasantly surprised by the movie if it turns out to be genuinely nuanced or offer some poignant and meaningful social commentary.
Posting more Pagans of Europe
>Pagan LARPers with Rome LARPers
The level of cringe here must be astounding
Again nigger, I am not a fucking pagan. You can attack paganism all you want, I don't fucking care. Modern day pagans barring people like Varg who are exception to the rule, are basically just liberals who "rebel" against christianity in a socially acceptable way. They are irrelevant.
My opposition to modern day Christianity stems from my opposition to modernity in itself. I fundamentally reject the notion of humanistic liberalism. I find the idea that I should have moral solidarity with people who don't belong to my race to be repulsive.
My world view is basically focused on ethnocentric struggle of survival. Anything that promotes the survival of my people is good in my eyes, and anything that damages it is bad. Modern day christianity is damaging to the survival of my people precisely because of it's modernization, and only a demented fool like you could think that there is some way of purging the modernity out of christianity.
stop complaining it's annoying.
Uhhh, this is in Romania. Sanziana is a festival that celebrates the fairies (represented by the women). These fairies were told in pagan stories that Romans garrisoned in Dacian lands heard. Both of these coexisted at one time. And this is an annual festival, fyi.
>movie looks bad,
>idiot like you enters discussion of said movie - on Yea Forums where movies are discussed.
>movie inspires discussion / movie is on ''your side''
>start freaking out about /pol/ because you not everyone is in your crazy bubble world.
>everyone else is manbabies + incel etc.
Rome was pagan too, idiot.
Where in sweden are you from?
Folk dressing doesn't make you pagan
>dumb Amerifats like you
Wrong, kys
Just came back to this thread and things went way out of hand
But celebrating them annually and instilling your national culture with their ideas and telling your children folktales about these legends to this day does. I don't think you understand how deep these roots go. This isn't North America or some other "Western" nation where everything is just done out of vanity.
Hälsingland, which is a northern part, we tend to be more traditional than Stockholmers
Swedes are honestly despicable
Ment for
correct, kys
The left seems to be missing the gulags and famine, the right seems to be missing the death camps and dead German soldiers.
It makes you a LARPer
Retarded incel you are part of the problem
Stay jelly.
just imagine this amerimutt going to traditional european festivals and screaming "larper" at random people while shitting himself
>you are part of the problem
what a truly meaningless thing to say. kill yourself
Calling the opposite side of the argument incels is not an argument.
Bet there are more Christians than pagans in that pic
Saints aren't worshipped. They are venerated as paragons of the Christian faith. It's like honoring someone for being a really good citizen. This is why prayers to saints calls for intercession not deliverance, because they don't have any "power".
The vast majority of saints are just renamed pagan gods and heroes given a new history
I think you missed the initial convo. The original statement was that Orthodoxy contains a lot of pagan celebrations in it already. Yes, 100% of these people are Orthodox Christians.
>Modern day christianity is damaging to the survival of my people precisely because of it's modernization
Did you read my post? Why are you trying so desperately to ignore the fact that Christians are the only people of your race who are still motivated enough to breed? How do you not realize that you're being a useful idiot for the enemy by attacking the only people opposing modernization and are still clinging to the tradition that shaped you?
Religion is a higher calling that's been motivating your continent and shaping your morals for thousands of years. It absolutely needs to be present. If you pluck it out, like Europe did with the secularism meme, you'll stop breeding and you will be replaced with other religions. In this case Muslims. No, not the pagans because we already stated that they're too hedonistic to breed and even if you do revert them the religion itself is so vague, thin-spread, barely believed in and degenerate to the core with no global conquers under its belt in comparison.
You'll never get your vaguely defined utopia with "white" people and zero moral givers. Because you'll never motivate a continent by going "h-h-hey you kinda l-look like me lol".
It's up to you. You can either defend Christianity or help uproot it and let new-age spirituality, which is far worse, supplant it. But seeing how you're larping a naziboo you're already being puppeteered.
Roman pagans were anti-European because they welcomed foreigners
And that's why we Dacians fought them (and ended up bribing our way into the Senate just like a modern day Israel) ;)
Like who? Saint nick? Saint Valentine? Saint George? Saint Francis? All of these people were clergymen not sons of Gods and saint Patrick's achievements of removing all snakes in Ireland although mystical does not coincide with any Irish pagan belief. Just because there is mysicism and mythological acts in Christianity doesn't mean it's all pagan.
No you said you're going to post pagans
there is no sides here. There's the world then your schizo brain
Orthodoxy contains pagan aspects. Simple as that. They are both Christians and Pagans.
You do know Christians can make their own folk heroes too.
I didn't get that vibe, no.
>According to Lactantius, Galerius affirmed his Dacian identity and avowed himself the enemy of the Roman name once made emperor, even proposing that the empire should be called, not the Roman, but the Dacian Empire, much to the horror of the patricians and senators. He exhibited anti-Roman attitude as soon as he had attained the highest power, treating the Roman citizens with ruthless cruelty, like the conquerors treated the conquered, all in the name of the same treatment that the victorious Trajan had applied to the conquered Dacians, forefathers of Galerius, two centuries before.
Like Verg said: if you take the pagan traditions from Christianity then it won't be appealing to masses anymore
Just look at the N countries,
>Like X said
NPC detected, opinion discarded
BASED Lactantius
You just did what I was calling attention to.
St. George is a rip off of Siegfried (George didn't exist)
St. Nick's celebration and indeity are ripped straight from depictions of Odin and his traditional role during the winter solstice.
And St. Patrick is a culmination of a number of Celtic myths taken and rebranded for Christianity.
Christianity just coopted previously established cultures, ripped out the roots and slapped their name on it
I mean Galerius.
No, theyre moar leik dis :DDD
Say that to my face fuckers let’s see what you got.
>Varg said
The text is funny and informative
The image blows
I think the vast majority of atheists converted to Christianity to "save the West"
Saint George existed, he was a greeco-dacian soldier who's historians probably recounts as existing in palmyra and one of the few soldier saints of Christianity.
Saint Nick is an eastern orthodox saint who served in the council of nicaea and was a heavily venerated by the greeks.
St patrick was a real man who's actions and authority have been mythologized.