"Masterpieces" that are actually overrated garbage

No trolls please

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The Master

Wild Target, 2010
Starring Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint, and Martin Freeman
Victor (Nighy) is a ruthless professional killer, who still lives with his mother and has trouble making friends. When he is hired to take out Rose (Blunt), an art thief, he ends up falling for her spontaneous character and decides to try and protect her instead, along the way collecting Tony (Grint), who he takes under his wing as an apprentice when he mistakes him for a private detective. The trio go on the run from Victor's sadistic second in competition Hector Dixon (Freeman), and have to all learn some lessons in life in doing so.

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100%, the shining is trash

Thin Red Line

Every movie Chris Nolan has made

fifth element
fuck that movie

Battle angel

12 Angry Men

Being There. It's the same joke for three hours.

The Fountain

Did you mean for this to go into the 'films only you have seen' thread?

The Godfather, Resevoir Dogs, Casino

and any other mob movie. its a genre that should never have existed

It's trash, but a a masterpiece of trash kino.

Yeah, I wasn’t impressed. Also:
>only one fertile woman left
>it’s a nigger
Bring on the end please


Diversity Panther

Babys first black and white movie. Everyone watched this as their first pre-1999 film and was like "man, I'm thinking I'm becoming a cinephile!"

Can someone please explain to me why is this supposed to be good?

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ITT: negative faggots who seethe because they don't have the intellect nor the emotional maturity and depth to appreciate kino of various sorts.

I pity you, incels.

why the fuck do you keep posting this, autism?

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You're a hack Stephen. Always were, always will be.

I agree that this one is truly bad, though.


it's old and its orson welles. that is all people judge it by


Schindler's List

Pulp Fiction.

the last 15 minutes, anything else is forgettable

Berberian Sound Studio

>watched it in middle school and loved it
>watched it again now and realized it was just a good King premise and decent acting, but with tiresome Kubrick sarcasm and pompous long takes


Total shit.

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I felt the same way after watching it the first time. I just didn't get it.
I watched it again with an 'elevated mindset' and enjoyed it a lot more.

The Shining is an absolute disappointment from Kubrick, easily his weakest film. 2001, Eyes Wide Shut and A Clockwork Orange are kino though.

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comfy main theme

somebody thought Berberian Sound Studio was a masterpiece?
I liked Duke of Burgundy much more, and even that one was 45 minutes too long

There's substance to it, but it's substance that I ultimately found valueless and too self-involved. At the end I just wanted everyone to die

Clockwork is probably his best work, tho. Never saw Barry Lyndon, it just looked so boring to me tbqh

citizen kane literal garbage, lowest of the low, scrap from the bottom of the barrel.

>itt: low iq retards jerk each other off for not understanding entry level cinematography
God forbid anyone here tried reading a book

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i found the faggot hipster who thinks he has better taste then everyone

100% agree

Not even a hipster, just know how to appreciate a decent production unlike you and the brainlets in this thread.
But go ahead and explain to me why any movie created before the 00s is trash, I beg you

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Goat soundtrack. Rest is mediocre

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i love quite a few films made before the 00's
but you seem like such a fuck
ill admit 2001 is beautiful and marvels me with it's effects and cinematography but other then that i was bored throughout
Im fine with a film being long
a good example would BR2049
it might be very long but theres a plot there that keeps you intrigued throughout along with interesting themes
2001 is long and also beautiful and also has interesting themes
but its hard to watch since nothing interesting is fucking happening
The only other pick i agree with in this thread is citizen kane
since its so over the top and fucking dull
the rest of the picks just seem like bait to me

Same could be said about all his movies

Being a contrarian pleb doesn't make you look smart

...the book is great, the movie is garbage.

>a good example would BR2049
top keke why does Yea Forums like this film

Yea Forums likes it because it's fucking kino

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fuck off
its not fuicking garbage
it is overrated but how is it garbage

Stalker. Probably the only movie I'm truly contrarian about. I dislike many "masterpieces" but Stalker I hate.

this along with any movie Paul Thomas Anderson has made

I watched this thinking it's be a bit like In Bruges. It's not.


Pan's labyrinth

I'm still pissed at you about the dark tower ending

>it's fucking shit

There will be blood
No country for old men
All LOTR movies
The VVitch
Mad Max Fury Road
Terminator 2
Raiders for the last ark
Back to the future
Mulholland drive
The thin red line
Saving private ryan
The shape of water
Schindler's list
Nosferatu the vampyre
2001: A space Odyssey
Blade Runner
Brave Heart
Toy story 1 2 & 3
Evil dead 1 and 2
LA confidential
Apocalypse now
Godfather 1 and 2
The goodfellas
Taxi driver
The graduate
American beauty
Annie hall
Purple rose of Cairo
A few dollars more
The good the bad and the ugly
Ghost in the shell
Spirited away
The man who shot liberty valance

Everything that is considered a masterpiece for inherently overrated.

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This board is filled with tasteless faggots
This was proven when BvS was released

Fuck off Capeshitter

terrible bait

what movies do you like user?
if you're not a tasteless faggot

Great bait.

Fucking this. What a disappointment.

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Full metal jacket

Big Trouble in Little China

>omg ryan gosling is horny and lonely like meeeeee, Im ryan gosling!
>he's cool and strong and badass but also an emotional stunted autist, just like what I want to be!
>there's also a cute cuban girl and a psycho bitch and a thirsty milf in it. Kino!!!

barry lyndon is what madr me realize kubrick is phenomenal, i watched the mve without even knowing kubrick was the director. after the movie ended and blew me away did i look upto sewho made it


The Witch doesn't belong on this list because no one thinks it's a fucking "masterpiece" in the first place.

>Every movie Chris Nolan has made
His remake of Insomnia deserves credit for corralling film's two biggest scenery chewers and forcing them to merely ACT. You haven't seen it but it's worth catching.

>why does Yea Forums like this film
Yea Forums will suck off any movie with "he's just like me!" starring in it

People get so fucking suckered in by muh long takes that they overlook the movie -- which isn't remarkable.

It's essentially a newer Rope where people salivate over the technical aspects but the plot isn't special.