The whole fucking thesis, all that mystery and suspence at the start - are for the goddamn mother&daughter family tragedy? The fuck did this nigga spent 50 gorillion years chasing this shit? Why for the fuck's sake? The fuck he cared so much? What did he want from that girl? To get alzheimer at the end and forget that whole shit. Bravo Pizzicato!
I actually like it at the start. All that darkness and grey atmosphere. And I even like that Maharaji black guy. At first.
Then I started to like Dorff's character much more realising that he was right and the nigga is just buttshit insane and dumb. He had literally zero reasons to follow that case and was only driven by the plot. MY WIFE'S GHOST WANTS IT. And while he actually gets development of his character, wife, family etc - Dorff's character is completely forgotten. Put on an altar of toleration.
Why all that Cloud Atlas goofy unrealisitc make up festival? Dorff literally looked like an retired fossilized wolf-man. Why do we need all those threespective time jumping? Oh, yeah - "Time is a flat pizza". The first season had this grim philosophical idea, because it correlated to the dark, unspeakable and horrible mystery of the case. It was a real hideous threat. A real monster. Something incomprehensibly evil. You can feel it's presence through time and all of the show.
Here we see just a retarded oldfart nigger chasing what nobodie's needs to be chased. Why? What? Oh... i forgot. Whatever, man. Let's just skip it to another 25 years in the the past part. And then back to the future 10 years ahead. And then repeat that shit to confuse already confused audience even more.
So what else is left here? >Le crazy rich white people >Le crazy white trash >Le corrupted white authorities
All this what we already saw in he first episode. Everything that makes this show watchable is a recurse of a first season. And all that was added new - is garbage.
Sallah Khan Thanckabowh and Diz Kaze are the true culprits.
Tyler Hall
Lucas Myers
I liked some of it. But all that I liked was actually a parody of the first season.
And Dorff was underrated much.
Adam Bell
>Sallah Khan Thanckabowh Who the hell is it?
Josiah Rivera
Dorff was great, it was a good atmosphere too. It's funny because I think on the 1st or 2nd episode thread on Yea Forums, some user said the kid's death was an accident and I told that user he is an idiot. Fucking pizza the puss
Luis Richardson
It was never resolved. D's Keedz never revealed the identity.
Jonathan Powell
Some user got really butthurt at me for telling him no pedo stuff was involved by that was by episode 3.
Anthony Walker
It's still better than the second one tho
Ian Turner
How to I get a gravelly baritone voice like Dorff? His voice is mad kino.
Eli Wright
> occult pedofile ring mentioned > rust and marty omg > its actuallt not related in any way > wtf am I watching
Robert Watson
The case wasn't realted to it at all All those mentionings was a fucking joke and a fanservice
Michael Reed
Smoke three packs a day and die at the age of 49
Justin Howard
It's literally Pizzahack making fun of viewers, he even had a self insert of the viewers with Amelia.
Jeremiah Collins
i think it was cathartic. all that suffering for what? all that secrecy and death for what? the ending is depressing and shit no doubt but that is exactly how it should be. now i get that people wanted something that entertains them instead of a character study and very easily explained ending after all that teasing. he had the budget to make it a pedo ring story but still decided to do this. it all being so utterly pointless, the investigation not really mattering points the finger to how much shady shit rich people get away with. the hoyts were the real villains and the father was the victim.
Jaxson Jackson
the three timeline format worked in season 1 because rust needed marty to solve the case and he had been working on it for years since after he left the force. hays and west just decide to when they're older for no particular reason.
Wyatt Taylor
glib facsimile if I ever saw one
Grayson Bell
They didn't even show how his wife died?
Also I still can't believe how much Roland actually suffered because of this damn nigger. And for what?
This season was an anti-thesis, an "anti-truedetective", the reporter pushing a big conpiracy thing based on S1 happening was "us". But do read about child abductions cover ups in the US and Wolrd.
Austin Sanders
>They didn't even show how his wife died? On instagram he wrote he had to cut the relationship with the daughter and his wife dying (funny that that added to the mystery). IIRC he's just distant with the daughter because college (as he's character, overall) and he was good with wife, she dies peacefully before a trip around the world ( 2nd honeymoon or something).
Daniel Jackson
>unironically believes the pizzagate meme
Blake Mitchell
he was clearly attracted to women so no, he's not gay. just bi
I'm grateful to not be as straight up retarded as you >zero reasons to follow that case >"time is a flat pizza" Like it or not framing the narrative in 3 different periods using memory lapse as a conduit is smarter than Cole being high and spouting red herring b.s. to satiate your bullshit requirement for the supernatural in a fucking detective show
Julian Jackson
You're never getting another TDS1 unless Fukunaga makes it
>It was a real hideous threat. A real monster. Something incomprehensibly evil. You can feel it's presence through time and all of the show. But was it more monstrous than the monstrous niggers that can turn blood to black cock?
Elijah Sanchez
dem keedz
Jackson Ross
Just like season 2, season 3 really really roots out the plebs. >wah this wasn't exactly like season 1!
Man I was getting nervous as hell near the end. Like really? We are going to repeat season 1 with ANOTHER pedo ring? Thankfully he masterfully subverted expectations. Unlike Last Jedi.
can i get a quick rundown on this. too lazy to continue watching after ep 4
Benjamin Ward
The girl was kidnapped by one-eyed negro and a daughter of wealthy Michael Rooker because she lost her own child due to car crash. Brother died in accident defending his sister. One-eyed negro released the girl after 10 years of captivity - she run off. Her father was killed by an associate of Rooker who arrange it as a suicide. The associate was a crocked cop who planted evidences in the house of the indian guy Roland shot him dead. The girl at first was considered dead cuz of HIV in some monastery but Hays got visited by a ghost of his wife who tells him she married a guy who loved her in school and lives with him He then moves to their place but after getting there forgets it due to alzheimer The end