I think this guy is overrated as fuck and is basically the same guy (just himself) in every film he's ever been in.
Post heresy.
I think this guy is overrated as fuck and is basically the same guy (just himself) in every film he's ever been in.
Post heresy.
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it's not an acotrs i hate thread, its an unpopular opinions thread.
Any opinions or heresy are welcome here. "I hate Kurosawa" for example.
I think you're mostly correct. It seems like he always plays a tough guy who's dealing with shady business. Nothing wrong with that, but his range is limited compared to someone like Daniel Day Lewis or even Willem Dafoe.
Now having said that, he usually gives an excellent performance. You're criticizing his range when his acting is usually very good. How would you rate him against Robin Williams for example? Williams had good range and also delivered a lot of great performances both comedic and dramatic.
Not OP but Robin Williams makes De Niro look like he has down syndrome, I loved Part 2 and I would probably argue that or Taxi Driver are De Niro's best parts but neither of them have the dramatic gravitas of Robin's part from Dead Poet's Society. Honestly had I seen DPS at a younger age I probably would have wanted to become a teacher too.
I think Emma Stone has ugly feet
>Robin Williams makes De Niro look like he has down syndrome
Funny you say that since Williams and De Niro both starred in Awakenings (1990) where De Niro plays a catatonic patient.
Tarkovsky's only good film is Stalker, which is god-tier. Andrei Rublev is good. The rest is trash.
Stalker is a shitty film where the protagonist tells the two guys he's with they have to move quickly and be careful, instead they proceed to stop what they're doing every fifteen minutes to espouse their first year philosophy major tier opinions and then talk on a phone that shouldn't work. It's shit and no one should watch it.
DeNiro was god-tier on Yea Forums until he did that Bad Grandpa movie, then he fell into what is now known as boomer-tier
I am not so concerned about his range, plenty of actors have their niche, I just don't think he does his niche well. Pacino is sat across from im in Heat and looks like a real embattled world weary cop, but De Niro just pulls his silly downsy face and shrugs and I'm supposed to think he's some titan of the crime world? His line is great but that's the writer, not the delivery. The only time I ever felt any passion from De Niro is when he is being hauled off in The Untouchables and raging at Elliott Ness, that looked like a toguh guy to me. Even in Once Upon a Time In America, he is mostly just shrugging and looking unbothered and it never ever came across as stoic to me.
I think Robin Williams was a talent and a titan amongst his peer.
>Dead Poets still stirs the feels, and not cos he is dead, cos it made me feels when I saw it years before his death.
>His performance as the weasly pedo in Insomnia was great and made my skin crawl.
>His role as boomer-dad turns zoomer-hero in Hook is one of my all time favoruites and I saw that again the other day and felt like a kid again. Bangerang!
>Good Will Hunting. Enough said.
>His comedy is still funny even when other comedies age like milk. See Mrs Doubtfire for my favourite.
>>>How did your husband pass?
>>>It was the drink that took him dearie
>>>Oh no, he was an alcoholic?!
>>>No, he was hit by a Guinness truck.
I am the OP and I never liked him, see >Robin Williams makes De Niro look like he has down syndrome
Sneed should've named his store Chuck's Feed and Seed.
>King of Comedy
>Raging Bull
>Taxi Driver
>Cape fear
>Jackie Brown
>The Untouchables
>The Mission
Although I agree with you somewhat OP, he still did have quite a few varied characters and performances that break away from the usual 'actor plays himself' bit.
I think we should hang all gay people and make fertilizer from their body.
Yea Forums has the worst taste in movies out of any site and you manage to get worse even still
What exactly are you upset with?
myself for coming here day after day for 6 years
>I think this guy is overrated as fuck
end yourself in your whore mother's, nigger jizz encrusted bath tub
>6 years
That's a whole lotta bane posting my friend...
Anyway, whose movie opinion has got you butt blasted right now?
it's not specifically a movie but the amount of threads based on Rotten Tomatoes and projected box office earnings are so stupid. Half the board can be crowded by a film that isn't out yet and all of it is trying to persuade people into having a pre-determined opinion on a movie. IT was pretty funny when BvS got like 11% on RT and we all had a laugh, but now it's like the score is the be all and end all
I just think it's all taken way too seriously, like their just fucking movies people, chill out
I know what you mean. I used to regularly browse the rottentomatoes forums back in the day before the site initiated formatting changes that made it impossible to find the forum from the main site. (not even sure if the forums are still going). Anyway, it was a big deal then and I think how a movie pans out critically will always be a big deal using whatever metric is popular. You are right though that it ultimately is irrelevant to your enjoyment. This board has so many shills and shit posters that I don't see it ever returning to a calmer state.
Tarkovsky is so talked about here but I never saw anything he made. I am too afraid desu. It will be weeks of arguing with myself and raging on here if I watch it and don't immediately fall in love, I know this is how I will act. What should I start with?
they ae all just slimy oily italiano mobster tough guys. Jackie Brown is a fine example. He is completely flat and is sat round scowling and eating ceral all day. He isn't even a devent villain when he's a "tough guy"
I would honestly have prefered Sizemore vs Pacino as the main villain. He is mostly just broody and melancholic throughout Heat and has one decent line. The rest he is some asshole and not the head of a bank crew at all.
You literally picked the single peformance that fits that mold, the rest are distinguished
>Taxi Driver
Psycho guy who spend smost of his time being"stoic" and silent except when he talks about clearing up the filth (only based De Niro moment)
Fat tough guy who is louder and brasher than most of De Niro's De Niros.
Stoic guy who sits there looking bored with a frown on whilst Al Pacino tells him about his life, then says soem generic tough guy shit
>Raging Bull
The epitome of the tough guy, frowny, don't give no shits 'bout nobody De Niro character.
>Bronx Tale
Better job cos he is a tough guy that turns away from the mob life, but he is basically a blue collar version of any other De Niro character. Chaz Parmesian or whatever his name is does a better mobster than de Niro ever did. He should have gotten his role in Goodfellas.
Grumpy autist tough guy
Literally the weakest character in the trio, just stands around and occasionally frowns whilst Pesci has all the best lines and action.
They are all the same guy, and not very good at that. Paulie in Goodfellas felt like the stoic tough guy I want. He didn't move fast and that's cos he didn't have to move for nobody.
I dunno why you keep talking about movies I didn't mention
to illustarte the breadth of his samy performances. Also I am so irritated by the guy I haven't rewatched much of this list. Haven't seen cape Fear in maybe 15 years. I can only tolerate him in films where there is a stronger cast around him. Goodfellas is one of my favourite films thanks to Pesci and Liotta. He is a hack who got big friends with Scorcese and got first shout on every role. Marty makes much better films without him like The Departed. Jack Nicholson achieved in that movie what De Niro only hoped to achieve in every similar role he took.