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Anyone looking forward to Cobra Kai S2 more than Game of Thrones?
Leo Reyes
Chase Thompson
Dominic Sanders
Not looking forward to either because they're both garbage.
Evan Jenkins
daniel daughter is fucking hotter than anyone on game of throne right now so year
Carter Green
i'm looking forward to my next dentist appointment more than game of thrones
Evan Reyes
I think so. I use GoT as background noise. I actually watched this show although felt some cringe in the last episodes.
Wyatt King
Ethan Perry
shes so hot
Angel Rivera
I like it but it’s also one of those shows where every conflict could be resolved if the characters had just explained what had happened fully
Jaxon Lopez
Jace Allen
I liked it but I hated how they made the cobra kai kid such a dick at the end for no reason..
It's like they were turning back on the values they taught completely and season 2 will be lessons in cuckoldry
Carter Wright
Russell T Davies in his book about writing for Doctor Who said that this trope was the most infuriating thing about working in TV. You'd have someone innocently doing something, their girlfriend would catch them at the absolute worst moment and then run out and the guy would just sit there and watch her go.
This happened a few times in Cobra Kai, but it served to show the general theme of power going to Miguel's head and him turning into a jerk because of it instead of just putting up a barrier between him and his one true love like most soap opera shows do.
Easton Watson
>no release date yet
David Morris
I droppped GoT when the dumb viking zombies on horses were introduced.
Samuel Baker
Peyton List is in season 2?
Okay, this is epic.
Ayden Powell
Will she finally wear a skirt or shorts that aren't pulled up to her fucking armpits?
Oliver Hill
She might wear a Gi.
A Gi from COBRA KAI!
James Allen
I'm looking forward got to end and see how badly they're gonna ruin everything good, fucking hot mess, cobra kai is comfy
Sebastian Murphy
GoT has been garbage for like two seasons now. I fully expect Cobra Kai S2 to shit the bed.
Bentley Morgan
When is the release date?
Adrian Robinson
I don't watch shows, only movies and gundam