Tfw that South Park episode wasn't a parody

>tfw that South Park episode wasn't a parody

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i only saw parts as a child, but i never thought the south park episode was a parody. even if you haven't seen heavy metal it looks more like a hommage or adaption in south park

I wish I saw this movie in my formative age.

Hello zoomer friend. We know.

Fucking patrician film that turns to shit when next to the original comics

I blew a lot of loads watching those cartoon tiddies

South Park's Heavy Metal scene is basically just what Heavy Metal is, there is no parody involved.

That's the one with the rotoscoped car in space and naked big-titted ladies?
I remember this movie. It was batshit insane.

I remember seeing the newer version a long time ago. Only remember some girl showering and a gaston looking guy sucking some girl's tits.

Which actress (of course outside hollywood) could play Druuna in a x-rated fuckaton of rape and anal?

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first time watching it pissed me off so much I hated this film with every fiber of my being

Got most of the sctv cast voicing... whats mot to love?

The only part I liked was the taxi driver. I think his name was something like Harry Volcano

the taxi driver had the VA I recognized from Wizards and Hey Good Lookin', but the one I liked best was the Den story, since there's some funny dialog.

The best part about the film is the soundtrack though, and you can listen to it on its own no problem. I want to see the Workprint versions but I can't find them for download anywhere.

That's an homage.

I watched it with my dad. He bought me the soundtrack for my birthday that year. One of the first CDs I owned.

Best track:

Veteran of the psychic wars was in this movie too? I always thought it was only The Pact, never seen the movie

True story; I was 13 years old in 1981 when Heavy Metal was released and conned by clueless Polish immigrant mother into taking me and two buddies to see it. As you can imagine, she was _not_ pleased once the movie got rolling but to her credit, she stuck it out for the entire film.

She did smack me up-side the head in the parking lot afterward but it was worth it.

Attached: heavy metal 1981 screenshot4.jpg (1280x694, 254K)

the Mob Rules is in this movie too, the music choice is actually pretty random, especially in the soundtrack where Veteran is followed by a Cheap Trick song, and then the don felder heavy metal song and then True Companion.

>where's the girl!
I have no idea how rodrigez is going to remake heavy metal and ice and fire in live action with all the crying lgbt and crazy feminists. Specialy for Den's story

Attached: 14857679432.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Dad reccomended it to me along with Akira, he's a very prudish man but when we watched together he didn't mind the ''spicy'' scenes as he reffered to them.

We were mostly just laughing at it because among all those concepts and ideas, the fact that literally all these protagonists just breathe near a woman and they start having sex immediately afterwards made us laugh out loud

Bruh you are 51 years old
what the fuck are you doing here

rodriguez remaking Fire and Ice was probably canned, the last I heard of it was way the fuck back in 2012 and that was it.

>he thinks you just stop using Yea Forums one day

Jazz posting

Sofia Boutella with some CGI "enhancements"

my childhood friend's dad owned most of the heavy metal comics and we would be sneaky and read the comics when the dad was working outside. Druuna changed me forever.

Wanna hear something really scary? He was my age when Yea Forums started up.