Villain goes into the house of his victims and rapes them in the one place that ought to be most safe and secure

>Villain goes into the house of his victims and rapes them in the one place that ought to be most safe and secure
What movies feature villains who humiliate and rape their victims like this? Villains who just completely degrade their victims until they're a slobbering and broken mess? I can only think of Gerald's Game and maybe the Ted Bundy biopic.

Attached: Ajax.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Other urls found in this thread:

How is the webm relevant? Is this another 8-1?

Why was modric playing CB?

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I was screaming "based" to my television and I'm not even dutch

based Yea Forums posters

the guy who passed did 90% of the work

Same. Real Madrid made the whole game so fucking stale, and im glad theyre getting rekt.

I'm an American you'll need to give me a youtube link that calls it soccer or divegrass instead of football since the uploader blocked it in my country because they're afraid of shitposting.

>not available in my country

That is why they record assists.

What is proxy?

I got downloads goin' I ain't fiddling with shit at the moment.

I wonder what Zidane is thinking right now.

Soccer is for faggot eurotrash and niggers.

>entire team falls apart the moment the fag bailed out
Is Florentino Perez, dare I say, fucking retarded?

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That videos is only available in one country and I don't know which one that is. Go fuck yourself.

>Ronaldo also falls apart the moment he bailed out

What happened?
Haven't been keeping tabs on him.

>Sacrifice everything for nothing

Attached: download.jpg (276x183, 7K)


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Probably "I got out at the right time". He was never that good a manager, he just united a team of individuals and got them playing for eachother. Also he had Ronaldo who dedicated every season to peaking and beasting the CL, it's no coincidence that him leaving has had such a profound effect on the team. I'd say CR7 leaving had more of an effect than Zi Zou leaving.

Is he not top scorer in Serie A? Looks set to win the league there too, he's doing fine.

>european league
>full of niggers

They're good at running but you'll notice the most intelligent and skilled players are generally white or have white genetics. Thanks.

neither are the players

funny thing is you dont even need fast niggers on your team
just look at 2010 spain or 2014 germany

but that was offside

This was the most kino football showing in years.