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Actors everyone loves, yet you absolutely hate
Daniel Richardson
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Nicholas Phillips
Nic Cage.
Angel Martinez
wtf are you talking about nobody loves this guy
its all about the show, people could care less about jerry
Ian Jones
he's so bad, he's good
Angel Johnson
I wouldn't hold the door open for him.
Grayson Butler
such a cringe in the worst meaning of the word. Never made a good movie in his entire shitty career, worse, he is regarded as a 'comedian' like he is some jim carrey or something
Oliver Young
I'll admit his crap acting does sometimes amuse me but generally I'll avoid a movie if he's in it.
Henry Allen
This faggot. He's supposed to be a big deal in Hollywood or something? He looks and acts like an absolute tool.
Jason Ramirez
Adam Sandler
Jonathan Murphy
this, only movie he was good in was Birdy
Bentley Rogers
Right? I can’t say i’ve never laughed at something with him in it, but he’s always rubbed me the wrong way. I can’t even imagine what he’s like IRL because his acting feels so forced and strange
Carter Nguyen
Bill Murray
Matthew Hernandez
He was a party jock at USC
Zachary Cooper
I don't hate him, I just don't get why he's considered as one of the best and why people wanted him to get an oscar so bad
I find him to be utterly unimpressive
Dylan Sanders
He's like a self-admitted self-centered douchebag because he accomplished huge success with his own talent and has no time for lesser people. Watch his Norm Macdonald live episode, it was pretty funny.
Austin Cruz
heath ledger
Ryder Gomez
this too
and the james franco, seth rogen, jonah hill etc bunch
Robert Russell
he would be a nobody if not offing himself. Same with paul walker, they are only remembered for being stupid af
Cameron Sanchez
Never found Bill Murray funny let alone funniest guy of all time
Ayden Morris
He'S jUsT lIkE mE
Can't act for shit apart from that one sad lonely boy look
Brandon Harris
man who knew too little was funny when I was 10
Charles Moore
Clint Eastwood
Dominic Walker
he was an oscar winner already, maybe he wouldn't have gotten the joker one but he sure as fuck was on the road to becoming one of the biggest leading men in hollywood. i get not liking him but you're wrong on ledger.
paul walker only had the FF series and that's it.
Oliver Myers
awful post
Jordan Ramirez
>he was an oscar winner already
he got a nomination for his role in the gay propaganda flick
Xavier Butler
I love that episode. Norm with some clever word play strips him down for what he is in the conversation about giving to the homeless. Insults his character to the core and the best part is jerry didn't even notice with his head in the clouds.
John Robinson
Jerry is so utterly up his own ass the whole time, it's only funny watching Norm play off it. I can't help but feel the joke section being cut was Jerry's doing, too.
Robert Wilson
This fuck right here
Colton Reyes
Jerry Seinfeld isn't an actor. He's a comedian.
Ryder Hernandez
>Straight to dvd fast&furious man
>Best picture star
You're full of shit and clearly too young to remember this time period. He chose interesting roles and was in a decent amount of quality films, most of all demonstrated his extreme range. By all metrics he was already a very well respected and known actor.
Samuel Watson
Parker Butler
that face is made for receiving a fist
Liam Morales
The goose is the most based, unhateable actor of our generation
Neck yourself for this shitty bait
Nolan Rogers
Joseph Gordon Levet
Alexander Nguyen
he's barely an actor. He's just there, playing the same dude every time.
Samuel Lopez
shit taste plebs
Gavin Cooper
>The Believer
>Lars and the Girl
>Half Nelson
>A place beyond the pines
>Ides of March
>The Good Guys
>The Big Short
>The Believer
I dunno, sounds like a wide range of characters in there who are all uniquely different and memorable.
Benjamin Lewis
seething incel
Nicholas Reed
Anchorman and Elf are kino
Nolan Edwards
I've only seen place beyond the pines and the good guys. Oh and the Big Short with my sister but I literally fell asleep. I didn't even remember he was on it.
He still plays the same character in most of his movies.
Joseph Wilson
bravo, you almost had an actual discussion today
David Lewis
>I haven't seen any of these movies but you're still just wrong lmao
Benjamin Bennett
Carson Morales
I don't care about her political bullshit , just like de niro. But the only good movies that she has been in are The Iron Lady and The Deer Hunter. I don't get the fuss
Joseph Wright
Dylan Cox
I used to love him and now i hate him. He's such a smug boomer.
Noah Gutierrez
>just like de niro
but he's a good actor, at least pre 00's
Camden Richardson
I meant that they both speak allot about politics. De niro is great in anything up until Heat.
Benjamin Stewart
He was always the worst part of Seinfeld.
Nolan Morris
Leo Diaz
fuck you faggot
who else here /friendofbrandis/?
Hudson Perez
Christopher Carter
Parker Russell
anchorman was good though
Asher Wilson
in heat he is less memorable and bad ass than the rest of his crew.
Sizemore vs Pacino would have been the real kino scene.
Hudson Wood
Nicholas Butler
I don't like either Josh Brolin, Jeff Bridges or Kurt Rusell, but I can't remember who.
Jackson Thomas
Brayden Brooks
this guy
what an annoying person he is
Christian Garcia
All three are super based.
Adam Harris
He's genuinely an incredible actor, what the fuck are you talking about
Josiah Gray
Joshua Davis
Blue pilled and cringed answer right here
Isaiah Jones
Blue pilled and cringe answer here
James Gonzalez
I like your modernist aesthetic!
Samuel Cook
Lots of people dislike Jerry Seinfeld, especially after Curb Your Enthusiasm where it became clear that Larry David was the funny one
Jackson Myers
because he is handsome
Hunter Allen
lmao, even his autism quartet of Lars and the Real Girl, Drive, Only God Forgives and Bladerunner all featured different kinds of autism
Adam Perry
>tfw he gets to fuck the best musician of our generation every night
Leo Murphy
Guarantees a classic
Andrew Rivera
a lot of actors are handsome, but not all of them get roles in scorsese movies
and I'd say he's more of a pretty boy (well he used to be) than handsome
Isaac Diaz
>because he accomplished huge success with his own talent
Seinfeld was mainly successful because of Larry David, and he was easily the least funny person on the show. The guy is jew privilege incarnate.
Parker Rivera
Samuel L. Jackson(in too many movies), Morgan Freeman(in too many movies),John Malkovich, Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Ben Affleck, Seth Rogan, Emma Watson, and Jennifer Lawrence off the top of my head
Mason Smith
I've enjoyed some of his movies but I have no idea how some people can worship stuff like Elf and Anchorman as being brilliant comedies, they were decent enough but nothing more.
I actively dislike Step Brothers though, I genuinely have no idea how people can like that movie,
Landon Jones
Seinfeld was very funny and well written, but Jerry was never a good actor, and I have never heard anyone claim that he was either.
He was cute as a young kid and all the girls could fawn over him. As an adult he is a completely lackluster actor.
Juan Sanders
this fucking guy
Mason Harris
Jonathan Hughes
This and Seth Rogan.
Also Glover I guess, I don't know why he got super popular (shilled) but it feels like overnight he was.
Eli Baker
Donald Glover is more popular for being a shitty rapper than an actor, the acting fame is a flow on from that
Brandon Diaz
>Seth Rogan
Braindead moron that brainlets feel comfortable around because he doesn't challenge them intellectually. I guess he had just enough in his skull to leverage his fear factor fame into something new. Can't look at or listen to this ape without vomiting in my mouth.
Andrew Reed
That meme died like in 2014 man
Jordan Lee
One trick horse, along with Vince Vaughn.
Dylan Hill
>seth rogan
>fear factor
Jordan Perez
Wrong. Brawl in Cell Block 99 proved that Vaughn can actually act well. He just rarely does it, for some reason.
Ayden Foster
>seth rogan
>fear factor fame
Mason Jenkins
>Tom Holland.
Horrible actor. No emotional range. Worst Spider-man.
>Mark Hamill
Decent voice actor but sucks at live action stuff.
>Aiden Gillan
Bad acting.
Ethan Parker
The bridges of Madison county
Landon Martinez
Donald or Danny?
Be very careful how you answer user.
David Myers
Jonah Hill
He's just a fat, annoying Jew. I can kind of Understand People liking people like Rogen because even if he's pretty one-note, He can at least be relatable. But Jonah Subway is just scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Logan Howard
That fat curly weed dude fella and his friend I don't like em.
Grayson Bailey
also the worst part of his own show
Evan Baker
sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about to me then lol
Carson Powell
god i fucking hate her so fucking much, so overrated and picks fucking terrible roles in shit movies
Leo Robinson
kikes are repulsive
Camden Campbell
> Anonymous 03/06/19(Wed)07:35:59 No.110966264▶
Is Seinfeld, dare I say...the Bob Dylan of comedy?
Jewish hack that is overrated and actually sucks in his respective field?
Liam Reed
jennifer lawrence is a human turd and it is a pleasure to watch her career tank post-fappening and post-Weinstein
Colton Morris
terrible taste, Dafoe is an objectively great actor and seems like a decent guy who cares about his craft in interviews, explain yourself.
Jaxson Sullivan
>Going to the moon wad a human achievement not a US achievement
Commie open world faggot
Adrian Cruz
but why
John Martinez
You're the seinfeld and bob dylan of making a legible post format.
Christian Davis
Kys faggot
Sebastian Bailey
Bob Dylan still sucks
Brandon Ross
Lel. Based
Parker Robinson
Is his career over?
Charles Edwards
He's cute
Lucas James
>kike joker
Nolan Long
I hate Ben Stiller with every fiber of my body
Luke White
I think of him as a tragic character. He'd be funny if he wasn't so worried that people are laughing at him and not with him.
>tfw having a midlife crisis in your mid-30s
Asher Thomas
Anna Kendrick and Emma Watson. Fuck your SJW bullshit(not feminism) you bitches.
Austin Cook
Every black "actor", but I guess there are many that don't like them as well.
Justin Peterson
I don't even know why.
Julian Gray
Aiden Gillan is only liked because of baneposting and I shupposh
William Morales
isn't jerry a total jerk irl?
Zachary Thomas
god i hate that faggot
Gavin Wilson
I think he's a literal narcissist/sociopath. I love his show though.
Thomas Morris
His Norm episode is the most I've ever seen him out of character. He isn't as cheery as Jerry, but he doesn't seem like a jerk. Maybe a little right leaning, that would make him bad to some people.
Anthony Nguyen
cringe and bluepilled
John Price
*derails the thread*
Dominic Cook
>is he a total jerk
Sebastian Mitchell
Landon Parker
Ayden Reyes
his politics have nothing to do with it lmao he's just not very nice and not funny enough to offset that
Joshua Rivera
Have you not seen Stranger Than Fiction?
Ayden Peterson
He's got a very punchable face. He looks smug even when it's at rest.
John Bennett
i mean i wouldn't want to give some cheap consumerist hoe a cringy hug either
Hudson Wright
>he hasn't taken the CLT pill on kesha
Aaron Bailey
He plays it knowingly as a sort of pseudo honesty about himself, for what exact reason is hard to say. A continuation of what his show was, but without showing a side of weakness or humility and just builds himself up further into the clouds. It's bizarre really, he's missing a few dots in the way social interaction works. Probably why he went out and told everyone he thought he was probably on the spectrum.
He's a real jerk that guy.
Jackson Jones
Swingers was kino too
Jackson Allen
It's COULDN'T care less you fat yank cunt
Jackson Myers
Cringe and blue-waffled. A Bona Fide Classic is who you just dissed.
Dominic Myers
Would you have a home cooked dinner with your most hated celebrity if the only other option was to be out in the freezing cold for two hours? I would rather die than have dinner with Tom Hanks.
Jose Allen
>Meryl Streep
probably just so I could tell her how much I hate her and how shit of an actress she is
Colton Nelson
He's competent and charismatic
Also, normies think the Oscars actually mean something, so they didn't get why the most popular actor in business since the 90s didn't have one
Jordan Nguyen
Jim Carrey. He tries too hard to be funny and his face looks punchable.
Parker King
>everyone loves
If you met somebody who actually like him, don't even bother
Bentley Bennett
Those overlayed diagrams and texts were god tier. Movie was meh, but the aesthetic of overlaying was great
Adam Diaz
It's the opposite, you fag. Everybody hates him, but I love him.
Julian Rodriguez
Well i dont know if everyone likes him but Vince Vaughn is just annoying
Nicholas Butler
>No emotional range.
Thank you. I was trying to figure out why he bugs me and I realized it's because he has zero emotion, everything is flat.
Grayson James
Parker Perry
In Jerry’s defense, most people consider him a comedian rather than actor
John Ross
>fear factor
>seth rogan
Cameron Morgan
I've never liked his acting. It's always felt like watching a friend in a high school play. Like "hey look, my buddy Leo's really working hard up there. I liked when he got really loud and angry."
Thomas Cox
First one I've seen where I actually feel strongly enough about them to say hate.
Grayson Green
I've been told I look like him but with a stronger jawline.
How should I feel about that?
Oliver Bell
Nobody actually likes Jerry Seinfeld except jews. They just constantly propagandize for him so it appears he's more popular than he is. Literally ask anyone you know if they like him and they'll probably give a shrug and be like "I don't know, maybe he was funny in the 90s or something." Nobody cares.
Jack Barnes
>implying this wasn’t kino
You’re a try hard faggot if you say you didn’t like stepbrothers.
Asher Clark
He was fantastic in Departed.
Grayson Rodriguez
You're thinking of Joe Rogan user.
Connor Williams
Cringe, can't appreciate something classic
Ian King
Not sure if everyone likes him, but my friends die out laughing when he has a small role in a comedy. I can’t fucking stand him. Loud and unfunny and try hard.
Blake Ross
>fear factor
>doesnt challenge them intellectually
Get over yourself, bud. Actors in meh comedies are meant to challenge you intellectually?
If you wanna blow smoke go have a dart, poopskin
Leo Parker
A lot of people I know hate Jim Carey's acting
Asher Cooper
Literally the same guy in every single movie.
Ryder Mitchell
Guy likes his personal space. He was nice about it.
Mason Carter
I solely know Hooland as Spider-Man. I thought he showed proper range. Well at least for superhero flicks. The scene in homecoming where hes trapped under rubble seemed well done to me.
Landon Scott
I never hated him but wondered why is this guy a thing now? I just didnt see the appeal. I met him at a party in Des Moines and he was a damn cool dude. I can now at least watch some of his stuff and call it fair enough. We talked about favorite beers, axe throwing and Jason Momoa and wanting to party with him since we are both from a town near Momoas hometown.
Also have met Elijah Wood and Ashton Kutcher by chance. And I guess Tom Arnold but I dont really count that one.
Parker Powell
You mean americas lame but cool stepdad?
Piss off, assbutt
Easton Hill
>Aiden Gillan
Weird thing was he used to be fine. He was decent on the wire and was good in the first couple of seasons of GOT
Then for shome reashon he deshided to do hish shilly accshent and he'sh jusht looked ridiculoush in everything shinshe then.
Matthew Carter
this right here, its the unfunniest guy that i have ever seen
Camden Hall
I fucking hate his fucking retard-looking face.
Noah White
This guy is the definition of kino.
Isaac Green
I would assume when people consistently tell you that you made the greatest sitcom of all time, it would start to get to your head.
Some of the interviews I have seen with him come off as he thinks he is the gatekeeper of what is and is not funny. Its like when the modern seinfeld stuff started showing up, and he was asked about them and he was like "They just aren't funny".
Cooper Nelson
anchorman was good, everything else he's been in was hot garbage
Jack Gray
is this a porn scene?
Carter White
This cunt.
Anthony Reed
I know I'm not the only one. She can only do one smug expression the whole time, she has no tits or ass or even face, fuck this broad
Robert Bennett
def overatted like chris rock
Gabriel Myers
Danny Glover hasnt been relevant since angels in the outfield of course he means donald
David Martin
Kevin Hart
obnoxious and detracts from any comedy he's in
Eli Price
Don't forget first man
Easton Martin
The Other Guys is kino
Ethan Allen
Ha did Tom Arnold ask you for money?
Joseph Clark
utterly based
Nolan Howard
Adrian White
I was blitzed at a small concert and he pulled the girls I was with and myself on stage to dance with him and a few others
Justin Rogers
Why didn't they ever address him having open sexual relationship with underage girl?
Kevin Baker
He looks like evil Mel Gibson
Sebastian Sanchez
I know Maddie
Brayden Morris
Contrarianism gone too far.
Gabriel Hall
She overacts and gets naked in everything she does. No problem with the latter, but she could tone down the former.
Grayson Wood
I too have been told pretty much the same thing. I guess Dano is decent looking in an odd way. Could be worse I guess.
Nathaniel Cox
this but unironically, wow based quirky guy lmao based
Easton Russell
mommy a qt
Asher Gonzalez
Jerry was the worst actor on Seinfeld. He's a stand-up comedian, not an actor.
Kramer, Newman, Elaine, and George were all top notch actors who had honed their craft.
Jerry was some dumbass losing his shit he could barely keep a straight face
Isaac Foster
Dude has literally 0 good movies
Evan Martinez
>The Departed
>The Revenant
>Django Unchained
Regardless of what you think of these movies as a whole (and there are significant imperfections with all of them) his performance was undeniably impressive in all of them. Exception for Django where he's only good but not very good, but that movie is such a mess overall I cut him some slack
Oliver Perez
This triggers the fa/tv/irgin
Justin Allen
triggered as fuck
Aaron James
Angel Hall
>tessa thompson
>zero replies
>Jerry Seinfield and Will Ferrell
>more than a dozen replies
you niggers have weird taste in celebrities.
Gavin Hughes
Has her career really tanked? Haven’t been paying much attention to her
Samuel Watson
out of the movies you mentioned I only liked him in departed
and I remembered liking him in catch me if you can
that's two movies I could think of
Isaac Ortiz
All of them. I hate actors.
Elijah Young
But you're an actor.
Jeremiah Rogers
Dano is a class act. Classic, one might say.