Which of these girls did you like as a kid boomers?

Which of these girls did you like as a kid boomers?

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"Girly" things that boys used to masturbate to

Two top left.
Parents wouldn't let me watch anime as a good, probably thought it was too mature.

They created s generation of men who’s first sexual experience was with a 2D shape. I wonder if this will show up somehow nowadays....

I wanted to cum inside the two white whores from Totally Spies

Buffy was my waifu before i knew what a waifu was

Considering that boomers were born in the 50th to mid 60th, none of this series existed when they where kids or teens.
This entire thread is bullshit.
What you ask for is millennials
You could at least have come up with some brady family or alike.

People think Boomers are Millennials now

Buffy obviously
Only correct answer too

Wanted to jerk off onto a powered down Jenny as long as we are sharing.

Alyssa Milano
And Buffy/Willow

Still my waifu

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I watched Xena hoping it would be a Bruce Campbell episode. Those were the best. I watched Hercules for the same reason.

Monique in Kim Possible and Alex in Totally Spies. Bonus answer-- The sister from Martin Mystery.

>tfw 70% of my fetishes came from fapping to Totally Spies before school

Why was this filth allowed? I could have been normal.

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I'd rather be a boomer at this point

>Falling for such obvious boomer meme bait.

Boomer here... These are too late for me .
Dunno who half of them are ;_;

What's with the zoomer shows?

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Xena but I don't consider middle school and high school quite being a kid

Gwen from Ben 10

>no misato
>no chihiro
So none

>No Alex Mack or Rogue

What is this zoomer shit? OG waifu here

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Yes, i guess so too. that's why i corrected it.

Did not fall for a bait, seen to the comments made prior to mine, you adressed the wrong user.

>Watching Ben 10 as a kid
>Watching the first show of the downfall into shit era as a kid
Zoomer born in the late 90s detected

None of those shows are Zoomer. Zoomer shows premiered post-2005. For instance iCarly is an early zoomer show.

Mysterious Cities of Gold proves you have patrician taste.

Love that theme song.

xj-9 all the way goddamn

mfw way older than your waifu now and will be considered a pedo if you like her.

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Does Batgirl count?

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Totally jacked off to tier:
>Totally Spies
>Kim Possible

Thought they were cute and watched the shows tier:
>Sailor Moon
>Lizzie McGuire

Saw once but never got into it even though I found the girl hot:

Buffy was the only one I watched. It was pretty good until it became shit.

Aaaaaah ah ahhh ah ah, someday you will find the ciiities of gold

Christ forgot that existed, complete kino


Sailor Moon, first boner's.
Xena, I actually enjoyed that show for what it was even as a kid.
MASSIVE masturbation marathons with charmed.
Thought Brittney was the perfect girl up to when she lost her mind.
Found out about Yea Forums looking up porn about Sakura, sad to say it's been over a decade.
The rest never caught my eye.

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Is this a trick question? Xena of course.

Xena looks like a fucking trap.

i liked sailor mercury and used to jerk off to hentai i got from kazaa
also xena

Avril, Sailor Venus, and notXena Callisto..

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>tfw used to daydream about the Totally Spies girls capturing me and turning me into a girl so I could join their team

Looking back, this show really messed me up.

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W.I.T.C.H. was magical girl faux-anime kino

That's why people in Germany normally don't let their kids watch TV (we call it electro jew here).
I was born in 1973 and i never watched TV until 2015.

i really wanted to FUCK sam

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newfag detected

Jenny Wakeman holy fuck

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Based taste with real boomer digits. I’d add that rainbow haired girl from Space Cases too.

Cardcaptor motherfucker

>not wanting wheyfu Alex to dom you

Fucking pleb

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This fucking show had top tier babes. I was bummed it was a one off miniseries. Many a pup tent was had coming up with fan fiction in my head.

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idiot detected.
Millennials aren't boomers you faggot.

I never liked anything girly except Power Puff Girls.

Would you change the channel if your parents walked in? I know I did. Didn’t want them thinking I was a queer but the show was too much fun.

so fucking based


Avril is my Queen Biatch ! And I still stan her so fuck off !

xena, buffy

They are from a couple years later, but these sluts gave me my first boner.
Thank god i didn't become a furry

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You are a gentleman and a scholar.

kim and sailor moon, xena i watched because it was awesome

also wheres original sabrina?

>not having an older sister you could watch all your favourite girly shows with

I watched all of these as a kid and I'm a 98fag am I a boomer now?

God iCarly was so retarded but it somehow worked anyway.

Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo (is that girly though?) and I definitely catched Avril Lavigne and Britney Spears on MTV. Otherwise no.

I loved hi hi puffy amiyumi when I was a wee tot. It isnt great in retrospect, but I like the designs. i feel the same about the buzz on maggie.

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I still want to lick Avril's tummy.

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Where's Rainbow Bright, nigga? This is all millennial shit.

Kim possible (always thought she was a trap tho with that hair lip)
Brittney spears (only in that school girl uniform)
Zena (to watch some scissoring with Gabrielle)
Tenchi (big crush on Ryoko, Sasami, and Mihoshi)
Buffy (no crush except maybe Dawn)
Sabrina (imagined her skinny body couldn't take my dick and ripped her in half)

I wanted to fuck Dawn so badly when she were introduced.
What a fuckable teen bait

Oh yeah, definitely had bed sex thinking about her

Have more?

It’s French so that should tell you all you need to know

i still want avril gf

Used to grind my cock on a pillow thinking I was fucking the girls from either saved by the bell/ step by step or boy meets world, etc.. Always made the token black girl lick my ass as I bred the youngest one and ate out the prettiest one. The milf sucked my balls

>Totally Spies girls
oh holy shit I already dreamed about a gang bang with these 3.
two of them sucking my dick and the third licking my balls
dunno who this is
yeah pretty much wanted to skatefuck her
not really
>Sailor moon
oh yes, all of them
never watched, was too girly for me
holy shit yes, fuck her right in the mainboard
yes, fuck
the blonde girl in this show was sooo fucking hot that I used to jerk off every night they showed her
>random anime
dunno what this is
>random cartoon
dunno what this is
the other girl that played with her was soooooo hot, wanted to fuck her
>random cartoon
dunno what this is

Can confirm.

Sabrina the teenage witch is the only girly show I got into but lost interest after the first season, I think.

Charmed always just seemed like dumb bitch central.

What's the middle right anime?

totally spies was totally my jam

what a dumb fucking boomer
as to the topic sakura was my waifu as a kid even had dreams about her.

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cardcaptor sakura

Thanks user

I liked tecna from Winx.
Kind of strange to see W.i.t.c.h on the list but not it's counterpart.

I'm shoot homo and I thought Xena and Buffy was based. Charmed was meh. Rest I have no idea about, though I obviousky know who Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne are.

Then explain to me how late 90th and early year 2000 shows can be boomer material??
Boomers were about 45 to 50 years old at that point.
Do the math idiot.
Boomer teen years are 70th stuff to maybe mid eighties.

>I wonder if this will show up somehow
have you checked your pants?

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Totally Spies. That shit awoke many fetishes in me as a kid.

I love Jenny

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that zone porn parody was like a dream cum (hehe) true

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sakura haunted my dreams too and it's weird because i've only ever caught 1 or 2 episodes of the show. i couldn't figure out the schedule for CSS's airings


I just wish it wasn't a gang rape, Jenny is for naively exploring her robosexuality

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If you ain't bust at least two nuts per episode you weren't watching Totally Spies properly.

That shit was basically a softcore fetish hentai of the week show marketed to young girls.

Totally Spies was legitimate psychological warfare if a cartoon could ever be regarded as such.
There was vore, bodyswap, and other more implicit fetish tropes expanded upon in later episodes.

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Probably not the only one also StarVTFOE

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yeah i know. it was played with humorously enough that it didn't really bother me and jenny did shatter all of them with her scream when she orgasmed at the end. i would love for a more vanilla take

Sailor Jupiter

>entire episode about Jenny discovering her tickling fetish


wait what the fuck

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Best taste user

>shoot homo
what did he mean by this?

>tenchi muyo and sailor moon for girls


Abby Archer

All because of one man
With a plan
Beer Can Dan

Only retards.

My parents found Kim possible porn in the computers search history when I was 8. When they asked me I said it was my sister and I saw her looking at it. They yelled at her and I learned about incognito. Based Kim teaching me a life long lesson.

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>Mom wouldn't let me buy the Cardcaptor Sakura card set at Sun Coast

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what a dumb normie. out.

So were all agreed then, totally spies was the top tier baiting show that sparked most of our degenerate behaviour?

I grew up with a sister two years older than me and had to watch Lizzy McGuire but I didn't mind because Duff was hot. Totally Spies and Kim Possible was on a lot. We never watched Charmed or Buffy but we did watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch a lot and I remember finding it difficult to pick between Sabrina and Aunt Zelda. Brittany was very cute in basically ever music video she made and Avril was also very cute. We never watched anime growing up. I did make her watch Recess, Spongebob and Hanna Barbera Scooby Doo

many fetishes were born

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Jesus fuck. I watched it but I didn't come out like you guys are describing.

Totally Spies probably

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I think I'm the only person who watched Totally Spies who didn't end up getting a bunch of fetishes from it, probably because by the time I was that age I already had fetishes from real life stuff.

I didn't form any fetishes from it but I did want to fuck the characters. Red > Green > Yellow

And now the theme song is tuck in my head again

Sex dolls will be a huge industry if they feminists don't make them illegal.

But its not illegal you dumb incel

learn to read nigger

How old were you? I was 9 years old in 2006, pretty sure I had no idea what sex was.

patrician taste my friend

During the world cup Yea Forums had an excellent thread on French and Belgian comics. Wish I had saved it since I was was curious about some of the translations.

Jesus, how old was your sister? Did she turn out okay?
My brother got punished by proxy for my porn use (he also lost computer privileges, since my mom knew if he had access I could force him to give me the password) and it left him majorly fucked up. He got into cross dressing, fur-faggotry, diapers, and god knows what else because he felt like my normal male sex drive is what caused him pain and isolation in middle school.

>a girls show

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He's totally right. How can millennials be boomers?
You must be a brainlet if you don't see this.

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I've honestly never seen a guy who liked Tenchi other than me, but I did know a group of girls who loved the show.

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Fucking newfags.

Tenchi and most harem anime are loved by women. Not many male fans.

The only stuff I sorta watched were Totally Spies, Kim, Xena, Sabrina, and some W.i.t.c.h. once or twice. My first waifu though, before I knew what it even was, was this gal. I just really love redheads.

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Are you telling me that girls love and watch stuff like Infinite Stratos and Highschool DxD?

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Once I gave my flash drive to a friend, to put Left 4 Dead there for me. I took it back, clicked on the folder, and my PC filled with Gay Porn, Tranny Porn, Bestiality, even worse stuff. The moment my thicc private tutor came in. My folks got it to our pc fixer, but they said there were some messed up stuff there. I never got in trouble.

Another time, I had a friend who was a real weirdo, and he used to watch porn on my laptop. Dunno what, but I can guess. I used to watch regular porn to, and at some point it got filled with viruses. So when I sent it to be repaired, I shifted the blame to that guy and walked away scott free once again.

I don't know what those are but if they are harem anime then yes.

You're telling me that girls are the target demographic of THIS?

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