White people be rayciss s
I iz a nigga so feel sorry fo me yalllll sheeeit
POC are so insecure lol
Who cares what white people think. Their race will be extinct 100 years from now
Are Canadians a minority?
as a supporter of neetbux you cannot judge this based Queen for her efforts in making coin
and then you will all suffer
top laff
but you won't even exist lmaooooooo
>Texas Pete
>that's how black I am
I ended up contacting this girl on Twitter and sending her some money, she wouldn't speak to me unless I specifically mentioned findom and wanting to be her slave. God, why do I like the things I like.
There's always a way out, just drink the kool-aid
Someone please shop to say “ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE SKRULLS” paypal me @CarolTheKree
Is it weird that I'd fuck that nigress raw?
I'm white btw
Who comes up with these stupid stereotypes like black people loving hot foods? They're completely untrue and are based on nothing
And saying "nigger" doesnt rattle their cage at all.
This guy sounds pretty jealous.
lmao nigger
I'm black and I'd fuck that big fat disgusting bitch. I am a disgusting nigger man. I wish white women would fuck me, but they just see me as the scary criminal i really am. Sucks.
>racist wyboi doesn't have any experience being around black people
wow im absolutely shocked
people say nigger with intent to offend
there is nothing offensive about calling a pasty white crowd wypipo
Damn girl, when you gonna let me fuck?
>t. whiteboy
She's probably the type that would want you to call her a filthy nigger in bed, if that's what you're into
>there's literally an entire board on this site dedicated to hating non-whites where brainlets mutter day of the rope and degenrates at one a other ad naseum
"Wh-why are min-minorities s-s-so scared fel-fellow aryan-Aryans?"
> yall ypipo is devils, pay me
i do actually believe that anybody encountering this creature is at least momentarily racist
I’m glad Yea Forums is so diverse
Oh god is this real????
You do realize there are 1.5 billion whites in the world right? They don't disappear in a few generations, and not only that bug niggas in US are themselves part white. Its like saying that africans will die off because the chinks colonize them by the millions.
>he typed nervously
I’m very curious to hear her speaking voice.
I’m guessing it’s like Gabourey Sidebebe’s, nasally and phlegmy, super whiny and high toned
Should I send more?
There's nothing offensive about nigger either despite the intent
> shekelford
Desegregation was a mistake.
Someone please feed her e-mail to a spam bot.
Do it, coward
I bet you're too afraid to
if there are 1.5 billion whites why do white people always act so insecure and scared of other races?
take your projected insecurity back to twitter nigger
the difference is the intent
But it makes no difference
Send her a pic of a drumstick
>difference = no difference
What are these entry level transfers? Do a $100
>fast food analogy to explain racial issues
Look at this degenerate whining on Yea Forums because he got bullied
>reading comprehension
meant for
I spent too much tonight already on my real Dom. Can't be wasting her money or she'll get mad.
Because niggers are violent?
Lazy smooth-brain deflection