Is it just me or does she look like she'd rather be somewhere else?
Is it just me or does she look like she'd rather be somewhere else?
she would rather be with Marvel than DC lmao
She looks like she'd rather be 19 and pretty again instead of the haggard 45 year old she is now.
she's the least happy person in that photo
That's the face of someone who sold her soul to the Disney execs, sucked a lot of dick to get the main role in a MCU movie and still can't cure her fungal infection
I didn't like her in 21 jump street when she was a nobody and I don't like her now
>"They told me to interact with fans. ME! This fat paycheck better be worth it."
Be honest: Would you let Brie Larson fart on your dick?
As we seen with her feet she does not take care of herself, imagine that dirty pussy. I am going with no
Why didn't they just make her cut her hair so she actually looks like the character she's supposed to play?
its a tranny
big forehead
long long arms
masculine facial features
its a man
fucking disgusting
big hands too, holy shit look at those hands LMAO
Lmao that was her? She was hot then.
Why did they pick someone who is old? For the smug look she maintains?
she looks ok for 45, i've seen worse
I think they lured her in with big promesses, told her we gonna do whatever you want with this character, and you'll have a fat paycheck.
When she realized what she got herself into, became autism incarnate and now she cucked them of a 7-movie contract for the most money she can get
So who is she dating?
my guess is...
merchant at disney mid level tier
she'd rather be double-teaming a black stud with one of the white beauties behind her if you catch my drift
No. As far as Hollywood goes, she's actually pretty fucking ugly. Literally all the girls behind her are better looking, so she's ugly even for your average girl
Maybe that's why she looks so miffed.
shes in her 20s isnt she? or was that the joke that went over my head?
she's a braindead randian i'd rather her be somewhere else too
Does that look like a woman in her 20s?
Miscast here too, I'd forgotten this was her
Did she get her implants removed?
wikipedia says shes 29.
She´s 30
It's just you
Why are women disgusting, shambolic whores. Look at them with their painted faces, like soulless clowns. Im willing to bet my life savings theres not an original thought inside their empty heads.
They regurgitate whatever pre-approved acceptable goyspeak is flung in their direction, all nervously looking at one another for approval, fearful of the slightest deviation.
Truly female humans are oxygen thieves.
She always looks like she'd rather be somewhere else, because she's too good for this world.
Why did they cut out uncle Adolf?
She looks like Rhonda rousey
I wouldn't watch a super hero movie if my life counted on it, least of all this one, but I actually think she's pretty cute, I don't get the hate she gets here
Wheres the trough
its a tranny, its a man like most of the women in hollyweird
look at the arms, the hand size, forehead size
100% man
she's probably angery that there are no people of color or women of color in her premier lmao
she's 20 fucking 9.
There is one but she's covered by Brie's big forehead.