Best films about self-improvement?

best films about self-improvement?

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Life is a meme, your path is decided entirely by your genes.

not true. OP's comic shows that if you work hard enough you can even go from spic to white.

>if I pretend all my problems are unfixable I have a reason to not try
>my life can't be improved by making better choices
doomers have the shittests copes out of everyone

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Ghe guy in your pic had good genes from the start

>he turns white

this. life is reddit-tier

There is literally no argument against hard determinism

still a wristlet, it's over for him

>it's worth putting in much more effort for a not even guaranteed reward
>this is preferable to learning to be content with what you have
good goy

>I'm content being a fuck-up who doesn't even try
Well good for you fucking loser

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Thanks. Hopefully you can attain similar contentment instead of whatever is driving you to attack people on the internet.

I bet some melon-headed 5'1" Chinese guy can fuck some white girl obsessed with kpop.

Bottom left is achievable and should be the goal.

I hate incels. They all go "waah muh determinism muh genetics". Just be yourself, idiots. There's a bunch of cute girls for you out there. Pic related.

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Middle ground is best. Improve yourself, but don't try too hard.

Literally made for breeding.

Do girls actually like when you listen to their problems? I had a date this sat with a girl, we made plans on monday, and she kind of unleashed a bunch of pretty deep stuff about her through texting. I mean I'm an open guy so it's fine with me, but I'm just wondering if this hurts my chances or not for the actual date.

Pierce's Masterpiece. Masterpierce.

No. You want to be a form of escapism for girls.

How is becoming taller and a white guy achievable?

>just work out and cover your face
top lmao

>le ebin beard meme XD
Fucking incels lol. Beards are literally virgin male makeup.

>his eyes skin and hair lighten as he improves himself

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even if i want a relationship?

1) it's hard
2) effort sucks
3) it's boring
4) i hate it

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not sure op

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>life improvement
>becoming white

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woah i didn't notic

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Wow! Look at what that guy accomplished through his body's ability to create new muscle mass and his work ethic. Two things that largely determined by your genetics.

The success of literally every organism on the planet comes down to luck and superior genes. Oh, except for homo sapiens who operate by completely different rules apparently.

You're exactly the same as people who pretend that racial differences are non-existent, evolution suddenly stops applying when it makes you feel bad.


are we talking about boys becoming girls?

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If he never put any effort in I’m sure he’d be blaming genes too just like the women and niggers.

unironically this

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Literally why do you care?
They won't listen to you, they never will.
Let them rot in their own filth. Less competition for us.

That comic looks like its drawn by the MTGOW guy so I doubt its meant to be inspirational.
Even thought its correct. Self improvement and developing confidence will change how you look in the eyes of other people.

So you’re saying you’ve never picked up a weight and you are genetically incapable of putting effort into anything. Your work ethos is determined by your genes and your genes are telling you to not even try?

This is fatalist talk. This sounds like somebody that wants excuses to hold pity parties for themselves on why the world has conspired to ruin your life.

“Open-minded” is code for NPC

change my mind

Life is decided by your neurochemical profile which is influenced a great deal by how you were raised.
Having a good enough childhood where your emotional needs are met is 80% of the battle.
This guy parrots boomer ideology. The whole game is subconscious

I have a beard and it gets me girls. Before my beard women never went near me.

what are some kinos about the farce called 'depression'?

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He's not white in that pic yet, so better posture and better diet combined with proper skin care can lighten up his skin tone and make him seem taller.

Human beings are the only things with self-consciousness, meaning we think about ourselves and ways to improve. So yes we do play by different rules smartass. Monkeys don’t see something and think hmmmm how can I do this better.

There’s a difference between open-minded and “open-minded.” Used in OP, it means a willingness to go and try things that aren’t in your typical list of “common activities,” and not to form immediate preconceptions about other people when meeting them

Knew I saved this for a reason.

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>He thinks the ability to build muscle is genetic
>Throws in a lol ur a dummy liberal slight to top it off
Ok kid


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I hate to fuck up people's fantasies but 90% of these good looking traps look good because you're only seeing them from one flattering angle.

You’re depressed because all of those things were distractions from the much bigger problem which is this rotted civilization we live in. “Depression” is real in that our society is set up to crest no meaning to life beyond rushing for more money. There is no vision and so when people reach there goals they usually hit the wall and realize the wools been over their eyes.

user, don’t you know? Chads come born with six-packs, and every Stacy in Middle School gets a package deal on Instant Friends. Nothing is user’s fault - it’s society, it’s genetics! He’s blameless, he’s innocent. Everything has conspired to put him where he is now, and he had nothing to do with any of it. Pity him, user, pity him!

Filthy breeding sow, how dare you make my dick hard

>goals achieved in mid 20’s
That’s certainly a depressing life.

uh huh

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I can't believe someone believe that level of dishonesty is acceptable.
Is that supposed to be ironic?

90% of people look good in only one angle.

>metabolisms don't exist

From cutie to thot. Sad

post a webm of them in motion and not a still shot and I'd believe it.

It’s extremely obvious that the image is a joke

if you're content then improvement isn't something you care about, the person I (you)d clearly isn't content, even people with shit tier genetics can improve without surgery, just eat better and care more about appearance
>Two things that largely determined by your genetics.
imagine knowing this little about the human body, dopamine isn't influenced by genetics and neither is muscle retention or creation excluding type 2 muscle fibres
>Life is decided by your neurochemical profile which is influenced a great deal by how you were raised.
then how do people who have shitty childhoods end up improving themselves almost as if it isn't out of your control

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>work ethic
>determined by your genetics
bullshit, work ethic is gained by watching someone else in the same position as you succeed more than you
>that bodytype
>able to gain muscle mass
bullshit, it's twice as hard for ectomorphs to gain muscle

Stop samefagging. He's right, to a certain extent. Working out can only take you so far if you don't have the genetics for it.

Nowadays, I really can't be sure.

Imagine being great great great grandfather of a zoomer incel, looking down on his pathetic existence during the most peaceful and easiest time in human history and HE STILL CANNOT REPRODUCE WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX

All nerds deserve to be incels for life. Nerds are disgusting pieces of shit.

don't care wood berry

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And you're just a fat positive queerlord who dabbles in the same psuedo science created by sjws, yet you have the audacity to call other people leftists.
Yes user, you truly are the victim here. How dare the government doesn't give you free money and gfs.

Remind yourself that your ancestors were swimming in muck day in and day out and lived with pigs in their one room house (if they were rich) and had far far less.
Toiling is normal for the common man. It might even be admirable in some philosophies. You happen to be a common man that toils, actually has nice things as a result and on occasion you get to live like you are very wealthy. Maybe a week or two a year.

Isn’t this the exact argument landwhales use to explain why they’re so huge?

not that user, but the personality traits you're describing have a genetic basis.

Stop being so pathetic. Just kys if your life is so bad.

What use have I for a cutie on a computer screen? An e thot serves a purpose.

No height, no facial symmetry->you will never be a chad, EVER.
It has never been about effort but birth.

Culture is the art of coping.