"Here you go user, big bucket of popcorn and a big soda, enjoy the movie!"

>"Here you go user, big bucket of popcorn and a big soda, enjoy the movie!"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Gee, thanks Robert! I'll let you know if it's a good one!

T-thank you Robert. Y-you doing anything a-after work?

Thank you, Robert! Cherry coke, right?

>Not "For a big guy!"

Better restock those goddamn pretzels you sack of shit

fuck you robert you know I'm trying to get /fit/

Thanks, boy.

if life were a video game I would be the guy who gives you one-word answers and stonewalls you off the bat until you pester me enough that I start to allow you more details

I guess I'll go post this on Yea Forums seems like it'd be more topical there. your thread is refuse btw and if a movie theatre person spoke to me in real life, I'd leave my trash in the theatre seats. I always do that though.

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>Yea Forums
>Doesn't know robertposting
Yeah Yea Forums or reddit sound more your speed

My man.
See you at the penis inspection booth.

thanks, BASED robert. better get goin' don't want to miss any of my fifth showing of alita this week!

Attached: blackbookscinema.png (500x574, 338K)

>knowing the names of random servants


>Anime picture
>Fucking talking about videogames
>le so antisocial XD

Underage people aren't allowed to use this website

Lurk more

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No penis inspection today, Robert?

>doesn't know Robert

Thank you, Robert, but I won't be seeing a movie today. I'm just here to grab my lunch!

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Thanks, Robert. I'll see you next Tuesday.

>yea still no gf haha oh yea I know you didn't ask just saying haha.. haha

Thanks Robert! Well, I'm off to the manlet pit!


robert doesn't do penis inspections. it is always your high school crush.

I made a big stinky in my diaper

ya seething?

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Thanks, Robert. Listen, I haven’t had much luck with the ladies as of late, do you think you could sneak me past the penis inspection line, just this once? I bet President Jackson would appreciate it

Thanks Rob it’s just what I needed

The world will end on March 23, 2019, Robert.

Did you touch my food nigger?

>haha DUDE I'm a GAY DEPRESSD WEEB and that's all there is to my personality. I refuse to stick up for myself and post images of sad anime girls and boys on Yea Forums to show everyone how depressed I am. My steam profile is minimal and my name is invisible characters. My profile is in black and white. I'm in 3 groups that are all about how much I sleep.


Can you leave this thread too? You're an obnoxious cliche.

u mad bro?

>Giving the pre-transexual manchild attention

Let's not.

What the fuck is a "big"? I ordered a large. Jesus fucking christ you people.

Big is when you upsize Large, nincompoop.

>Sorry to cause a fuss Robert but you seem to have forgotten my hydrogenated basedbean oil with "butter" flavouring. If I don't take my daily dose I start to get angry about the siliest things like that undocumented fellow killing my sister.

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>Robert hasn't told him about the secret menu

>Sorry to interrupt everyone, just wanted to wish user a very special Birthday! Alright, now let's get back to the kino!

Attached: robert.png (800x533, 484K)

You're a good man, Robert.

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Hope you dont mind if I stick around and movie hop, Robert ol buddy ol pal

>user is in seat 13 Row G everyone! He is the one by himself wearing a Simpsons farmer shirt. Make sure to say Happy Birthday to him on your way out

>not also posting the song

>You shouldn't be here so late...

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will he get friendly robert? cold and professional robert? or gun-toting furious robert?

top kek

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is there ever any escaping the kinoplex, robert?


Thanks Robert! Oh, one last thing - NIGGER.

I don't talk to NPCs, even in RPGs.

I work at a movie theater.
Ask me anything you guys want.

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Thank you, Robert
I trust you factored in my accumulated good patron points from my previous visit?

the more robert posts there are, the more I wished he existed

heh ok sorrytobotheryouibetterbegoingithougtileftmyjacketbutilljustgo

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>scroll through Yea Forums on a whim
>he actually made the thread
fucking newfags my god

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Who eats popcorn at the movies nowadays, with so many different options? I either go for a nice bacon burger with seasoned fries, or a small pizza hut pizza. Often I go for PH cause it's easier to eat. Half contemplating bringing my own hot sauce to the theater.
I would be the NPC that walks around patrolling a certain location, but you can't talk to me.

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Why does the butter from the liquid butter machine that people put on popcorn always gives me green diarrhea?

fuck you robert you know i don't like people talking over my kino

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He does exist user, in the hearts and minds of us who appreciate Kino. As long your love for the Kinoplex never does, Robert will be with you always.

Because you're not eating enough of it for your body to adjust

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Ah, good evening, Dr. Weir

Might Robert be available at the moment?

Where are my crab legs, Robert?

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>this fucking tray on the armrest
Eat before the movie, jesus. A place for drink and popcorn in your hands is enough.


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Robert? Um, this man cut me in line

I honestly wish my theater would get robbed, sometimes.
Would make the day much more interesting.

>Now if you'll please all join in on singing him a happy birthday, while we bring him out a cake with candles!

and this is why we enforce the no singles policy

>alright, thanks for the money
>oh, by the way, keep the change

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I don't think so pal

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R-Robert? Is everything okay, pal?

>here ya go, sir! fresh crab legs!

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ah, thank you robert.

Fucking burgers need a place for their hotdogs and bullshit because they are fattie fats

Robert, my friend... the accident was five years ago.
You need to stop blaming yourself.

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Thanks Robert. You’re one of the good ones

Wakey wakey wage cuck, i dont care that your crying where is my popcorn

robert the line's starting to get backed up here

user... it could never work out between us, my friend. you're a fucking white male.

Why do we like Robert again?

Robert, I sure hope that you managed to remember to get me the Pepsi Max instead of regular Pepsi this time.

y-you too

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Robert you son of a bitch.

You're not Robert.

Thanks, Robert. How's your sister?

Robert, it's a nervous tick, that man can't help it
Now let's be professional and cut the giggles

Funny thing is that here in Russia we actually have a few cinema theatres called Kinoplex.

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They are seething.

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