Why do zoomers hate this movie?
Why do zoomers hate this movie?
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I hate that movie and I'm 40 years old.
They are plugged into the matrix
have not even watched it
>Trannies rip off anime and bruce lee
I hate that movie and I'm 80 years old.
Literally better than blade runner. Same tier as 2049
There's one interesting bit with learning kung fu and the rest is filler. What a stupid premise, not surprised girls made something so over the top but completely unsatisfying
They weren't around to watch it at the cinemas before the sequels ruined it.
Because of the sequels.
For some people, the sequels being shit somehow ruined the original movie retroactively. Stupid if you ask me.
I work with a zoomer and he likes it, but actually referred to it as an "old movie."
pretty much this. the matrix was a technical achievement at the time also. also after films made abundant use of slow-motion, spinning cameras, and the bullet-time effect.
Because it's about trannies, and zoomers know trannies are violent, mentally ill, sexually degenerate attention whores.
They were boys at the time though, user.
unironically this
Because zoomers are retards.
They don't understand how mind-blowing the CGI was to the rest of us
I work with three "trannies", and they are all more well-balanced than me.
>also after films made abundant use of slow-motion, spinning cameras, and the bullet-time effect.
Yeah, that shit is tired and played-out now, but at the time it was groundbreaking. If you're mostly only familiar with movies from this millennium, it's hard to appreciate that.
Underworld was the only film that re-used those things effectively imo, where they actually make sense in the universe. In The Matrix it's because well, it's not real and you can bend the rules, and in Underworld it's because they are superhuman monsters
That, and, maybe it was yanked from something earlier, but as far as I'm concerned the "red pill" and "blue pill" came from The Matrix. Or if it wasn't the original, it certainly made the term mainstream.
The absolute state of the internet. Zoomers make sense to me now.
janitors are just pathetic cuc-kold faggots
reminder that pic related wants to be called name related
This is why.
Because they empathize more with Cypher than with Neo.
zoomers are retarded they like the fucking prequels.
how do i into anime? where do you start? how do you keep up with it all? like what websites or publications? and what about manga?
why did he do it lads
Zapping jigaboos with a lightning gun is its own reward.
Use nyaa.si to download shit. Entry level anime are Ghost in the Shell, Lucky Star, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Serial Experiments Lain, Death Note, Overlord, Samurai Champloo, and Fullmetal Alchemist. What are you into? Are you looking for humorous stuff, "just according to plan" shit, pure action, mecha, what?
If you're into shonen look into Jojo and Dragon Ball. Also One Piece but I hear it's better read than watched and it's insanely long.
basically just the seinfeld effect
even at the time it was ripping off a lot of sources
did you know Switch is male in the "real world" and female in the matrix?
Thanks for the info. I have zero anime experience besides Spirited Away, just wanted to see what the hype was about. I'm more into the sci fi, drama, and thriller movies, probably avoid too much comedy (although One Punch Man fights clips I've seen are funny and awesome at the same time)
*smacks lips*
I hate that movie and I'm 50 years old.
Here you go.
Princess Monoke. Cutie wolf girl, giant demons, giant wolves ... it's in english. Man eating boars.
You may also enjoy Legend of the Galactic Heroes, especially if you're an autist.
My personal recommendation would be Akagi since even though like 99% of westerners know fuckall about mahjong the autistic keikaku bullshit is delicious.
Would also recommend Akira as perfect entry level material. It's one of the best pieces of animation ever and it's only one fucking movie - you don't have to watch thousands of hours of bullshit to get to the good stuff. There is a longer manga too but that's it.
Hahahahah holy shit
yaaa this board sucks, akira sucks, matrix is a goddamn mastapiece, and im going back to pol
>how do i into anime?
Curated classics. There is value in watching currently airing shows so you can shitpost about it with Yea Forums, but honestly 80% of each season is garbage.
The Matrix is by far a better film than /pol/ is a board. Not that that's saying much...
Because zoomers can't enjoy something without the zeitgeist telling them too. So they believe the matrix is a failure without understand the philosophy around it. When confronted with this dilemma they'll resort to spewing whatever rebuttal they heard from a youtuber along the lines of 'muh zion' 'muh shallow action' 'muh trannies'.
Zoomers are faggots and don't like action movies.
Because Neo is not the cocky always-has-the-perfect-comeback mary sue character zoomers like to ideolize and compare themselves to which backfires when they realise that leaves them as the normal plebians plugged into the matrix, which they hate because zoomers like feeling special.
All and all, they hate it because it's real
zoomer's idea of a classic is harry potter
yo shut the fuck up and shove your cock in my foodhole
Watch Outlaw Star. It's basically if Guardians of the Galaxy was good.
Plus watch everything else that user posted, it's all great stuff.
Name a more kino fight scene in any movie.
He’s right you know
>can't even spell plebeian
0/10 looks like two members of nsync fighting. gay as fuck and there's not even any guns.
>mfw I found out that wasn't even planned
Dont forget John Woo
>lucky star
I don't get the thing with LOGH, watched the first couple of episodes and it's so far away from being good... The whole skript just sucks balls until this point.
Thanks for the recs! Will check em out.
Zoomers literally don't care about anything. Everything is breaking apart and they know they're fucked
Thanks! Been meaning to watch Princess Monoke for a while actually.
Good to know!
It promotes fascism
The book was better
By the book I mean the book fight in the next movie
Im 33 and I can realize that its probly the biggest example of a “you had to be there” movie in my life. Used to watch this shit on repeat VHS with my buddies while we played Perfect Dark and Timesplitters. If it wasnt a big part of that phase of my life I probably wouldnt get it either
Make sure it's a 1080p rip. The visuals will absolutely stun you.
Also Cowboy Bebop. Kind of a western anime type deal.
Because Blade is better