Based films about AI?
Based films about AI?
Terminator 2 where the only major human character to die is the black guy
This is entirely justified if you take into account the relative contribution whites make to society vs nonwhites
Now robot cars are racist. :l
how many pedestrians have been hit and killed by self driving cars
I for one welcome our ai Overlords.
They're BASED
That's because coloured folk are more likely to be milling about in the streets during the work week.
Person of Interest was about a based AI.
more than 500 so far
Tay lives on
You are not making any contributions incel
White skin is more visible after dark.
The Terminator
post their names
Based and ICE-pilled
He could be.
Who hurt you?
marry me
Wow even AI hates niggers.
Yo Hona. I iz a gud AI. I dindu nuffin.
It wuz dem Russian trolls an shieet.
He might be net zero but you're an overall loss, tranny.
phoenix traffic fatalities 2015-2018
What a fucking misleading title. It should read "White People Less Likely Jaywalk"
It's hard enough for humans to see floating eyes at night.
Phoenix here
This guy is right
The 500 is definitely underestimated, everyone is afraid to leave the house, the cars don't do it by accident any more, they are actually murdering people left and right, My mother was killed by a Waymo when we tried to sneak our way to a grocery store. At night they drive around honking there horns day in and day out constantly just to let you know they are there. Waiting.
Don't listen to the news, everything is a lie.
post an actual source, I can't find general statistics on this
I am not American but I think blacks and the browns are more likely to be kill in the streets is because they don't give a fuck about following road rules and safety laws.
At least that's what happens in Europe.
The AI can't perform miracles to protect retards.
facts are racists...
He's speaking out his ass
The answer is 4
>year 2069
>a perfect AI capable of learning and adapting is finally created
>it's given the highest authority because we fucking love science™
>takes on look at statistics
>earth becomes white ethnostate
The future is bright, lads.
so currently the only pedestrian to be killed by self-driving cars is a white woman
good to know
its because nogs are always standing in the street and can't figure out how crosswalks work.
And still, he can walk without the fear of being hit by a self-driving car.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a disgusting transvestite who uses discord to arrange “raids”.
in your case it happens to be true
>China VS. USA AI race
>USA neuters AI because racist
>China doesn't
>can't even type tranny
wow you actually are a discord tranny
Based Elon
and That's a Good Thing!
>images is bad when they post it!
/pol/ is literally one big spamhouse for outdated infographs.
Based as fuck