Didn't this dude get cut in half and die?

Didn't this dude get cut in half and die?

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Didn't this dude get cut in half and die?

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He's back, in robo form

He was picked up by the Gungans and stitched back together. Then they taught him how to become a Gungan and he lived as one of them for 8 years.

Wait wait wait please dont tell me this is real. The only good Episode in Star Wars Rebels was the fucking final Obi Wan Vs. Maul encounter


No. Why do you think that?

Cut in half yes.
Die no.

I swear I saw him get his legs cut off and he fell in fucking lava or some shit.

merely a flesh wound.

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Did you turn the movie off after that scene?

He was the shadowy big bad in Solo.
Which means he will have no role in Episode IX, because Disney sweeps all their failures under the rug.

Solo is set before rebels.

It was fucking retarded so probably

Why is the animation quality between clone wars and rebels so bad?


this desu

No he got cut in half and lived

I love how they forced in this nonsense to set up the next movie but the next movie got cancelled because the nonsense they forced in bombed this movie.

no, that's Darth Mauul, a genetic clone grown from cells extracted from the lower body Maul lost during his duel with obi-wan. i can see how you'd make such a simple mistake though. eh, it happens.

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they cannoned him back to life and then just fucking wasted him by having Obi kill him like nothing in like 5 seconds on Rebels

uhhhhh dood like the dark side and anger and shizz just like kept him alive with his raaage broo lmao


No, he didn’t get bisected.

I still don't understand why he's some organized crime syndicate boss when he displayed none of those attributes in the previous movies.

>At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we will get our cut from the Tatootine heist.

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>shadowy big bad
No he wasn’t. He was literally a ham fisted cameo forced in so slack jawed retards can make the face in pic related.

I once read a comic where he had been cloned

They put so much effort into the martial art in the scene where Kenobi kills him once and for all, you're a simple minded fool for missing it.


George was willing to put a million dollars into each episode at minimum.
Disney wasn't

Forgot image

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they didn't do anything except make him do exactly what he did to Qui gon except Obi just slays him

I cannot imagine waking up in the morning and having to remember that I was you. Going through life, seeing the disappointment in my mother's eyes every time she looked at me, the looks of disgust from the people that don't even know me. You have fought hard against that user. It is amazing that you have not killed yourself. The one thing that you can be proud of is that you are stronger willed than the disdain that everyone in the world feels for you. Because they do. And they are right to.

white boi spazzing out!

Bringing him back has always been retarded. Completely devalues the fight in Phantom Menace

That fight was so gay. The entire build up to this first movie coming out was the guy with the dual lightsaber. We barely see him on screen and then he kills that jedi and then waits for some weird red walls to dissapear before getting cut in half. It should have had more focus on him or he should have come back in the second film. He was the coolest of the jedi/sith and so many kids were him for halloween that year.

The hell is wrong with his lightsaber at 2:30?

Clone Wars established that he fell into a pile of garbage and became a robot spider and then conspired with with brother Darth Oppressing Savage to destroy Obi Wan.

You’re just mad that they decided to go with a geriatric old man as the bad guy in the second one or that they made grevious this awesome dude with such hype in the cartoons then had him get his shit pushed in like a bitch

How powerful is he compared to medium Haan?

>putting extra letters into clone names

I loved the original Zahn trilogy but that shit was dumb even back then

I didn't know anything about what the fuck Grieves was and didn't even know the chancellor was the evil guy from the later episodes (4,5,6) until it was revealed in episode 3 and I shit my pants thinking that was a cool twist. Then I was posting about it on here and people called me stupid for not knowing it back in episode 1. I don't know all the stuff about the star wars universe and casually enjoyed them. I just felt a little duped when Darth maul didn't get a lot of screen time but he was set up to be this crazy bad guy.

I feel the same way about episode 7 building up boyega to be something special, and same with the golden/shiny trooper lady that ends up dying in the next movie with no explanation of who she was. I just want some good character development!

Who dis bitch?

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>I didn’t know anything about grevious
Then you’re a lucky son of a bitch. They hyped him up so much in the clone war cartoons and all he did was hunt down Jedi and basically murder them one by one, they didn’t even explain why he was coughing all the time because the one time he fought Samuel Jackson all he could do was crush one of his lungs. I’ve literally never seen another character in media that required so much background information to even understand why he just fucking magically existed

Damnit Tyler go to bread

Why did he ignite the saber?

He runs a galactic criminal empire and doesn't get how holograms work?

I guess Ki-Adi-Mundi had the right idea.

Fuck you gerry you’re not my real dad

I feel bad for you, that must be way worse than how I felt about Darth Maul being lame. One of my friends explained the whole Grievus thing to me and I thought it seemed kind of cool.

“Robot legs”