She just can't let it go can she

She just can't let it go can she.

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its really not your business to be posting stuff like this haha. so what if she wants to keep it? its like a fun memory from a fun time in her life haha its not weird. stop making fun of her, all she wants to do is live the rest of my life with jim

someone post the collage

get off Yea Forums jenna

I encourage her mental illness and like to have a laff

The longer I look at this pic the sadder it becomes

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What did OP mean by this?

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too painfully sad to be funny

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this shit is so sad

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I just wonder how many time she maturbated to this.

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It was posted here first faggot

are the rumors true?

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thanks user

shes annoying her character was too why do people like her?

literally made to be bred

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66% of Internet "users" are a global AI that disguises and generates content, posts and "average person" comments. Social media websites like Reddit, 4channel, Twitter, Facebook, etc. are all sides of the same coin. It's all one big information game and you're just here to soak in advertising.

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My god

Literally shoop.

Is she the queen of JUST?

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hey Jenna can I see what your nipples look like?

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amazing how a nose can completely change your attractiveness level.

No buly!

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>2019 Amy Adams is STILL hotter than 2006 Jenna Fischer

the guy who wrote this is an idiot
I can almost believe the guy would talk and go eat with the crew of the movie but the way he just supposedly talk about Jenna being a massive creep doesn't fit his character at all. Even if somehow that was all true he would confess to some random guy he barely knows

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Tara Reid will forever be the queen of JUST

Why was she the worst character on the show?

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I'd love to drink milk from her breasts.

brutal moggin

Well it makes sense in a way that explaining this to a regular person is safe. Because who is going to just believe a regular person anyway?

If he were to blab about this to his celebrity friends and connections it could get out in the public with more credit to the claim.



fucking boomer hag

why is she so obssesed with the jim actor?

She's just pandering to those weirdos who made The Office their whole personality.

She's not the only one doing it. Courtney Cox just referenced that annoying ass "PIVOT!" scene on Instagram.

They're just washed up, old actresses clinging to fame getting the attention they crave on social media.

FUCK I wanna lick those pits

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Who is worse?

Jenna Fischer or Nikki Blonsky?

Jenna because she should know better

At least Jenna was on a hit show
Nobody even likes the Hairspray remake

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Is this what hell looks like?

this hurts

if a guy pulled something like this he'd be the biggest faggot, therefore she is a faggot too

I wanna make cummies on jenna’s chest

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That's exactly why he confessed to that guy. No one will ever believe it. He can vent without it getting back to Jenna.

Can you, op?

Yeah dude just wanted to feel sane especially if everybody else he’s working with was really just going along with it.

Not gonna lie I'd love to lick the salty dried sweat off those honkers

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Was believable until the breathing/sobbing phonecalls.
Come on now, why pull that cliche?

I thought you guys were memeing, but this...

>The awkward hey girl to the black girl

You could probably double the size of this now

>here's how we did it
Huh? What's the mystery behind such a simple scene?

I don't know how familiar you are with the behind-the-curtain of Hollywood films (that's not a bad thing either because it's a retarded business/place) but literally thousands of people interact with famous actors on a daily basis and no one with any amount of clout is going to believe or listen to any stories they have about said actors. As much as shitty publications like TMZ and Variety want the latest scoop they will pretty much never give credibility to anything a crew member has to saym even if that person probably did spend significant amounts of time with whatever actor. This is because 1. there are too many people that interact with celebrities 2. these people generally don't have anything to lose by bullshitting and 3. the kind of person that moves to LA to work crew positions in the film industry is also the kind of person who would make shit up to make their lives seem more exciting than they are
As a result it's actually a pretty safe bet to rant to the production monkeys if you're an actor because nobody will ever believe them. Tom Hanks could literally go on a 5 hour spiel about how the gas chambers were for delousing but if the only person that hears it is some chubby PA girl then it's never going to see the light of day. But also
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Can this poster and the people who replied before me go back to plebbit? Thanks.

She truly is bananas.

god I want to put my dick inside jenna's pussy

the guy who wrote this is an idiot

>office themed birthday
Why? Because of the sign and the mug? I don't get it.

Someone give me a quick rundown.

Is she just like obsessed with her past role or something? I don't watch that gay ass show.

this would be believable if he didn't imply that John Krasinski walked him through the seasons explaining everything and telling some elaborate story about super spicy celeb buzz. Like I've never known any Key Grips that are going to be interested in that kind of shit or get real into playing car ride therapist for the talent.

Then the last post ruins it. Like I'd be way more willing to buy an anecdote where like he subtly hints or suggests or makes a joke about her being crazy haha. They have therapists for that personal shit.

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Amy Adams' nose looks weird though

Also the teapot.

post a bikini pic user... I shall be the arbiter of weather or not you want to lick those pits.

-t. doctor Doogie Houser

she gets a ton of meme points on social media when she panders to the /r/dundermifflin crowd. Keeps her relevant and popular among her hivemind.

She may also legitimately still have a thing for the John Kraszinlskinsky. Lot of underlying sadness and desperation in the biographies over the last few years. She dumped James Gunn right before he blew up with GotG. Then John married fucking Emily Blunt and is now an acclaimed director and action star, while she is pandering to social media and endlessly reliving the glory days of that time she worked on that show.

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seems like a larp

mate it's fom her istagram

I wish it was true

>post pic about hiking with her husband
>random comments just from there:

>where’s my boy Jimmy Halpert
>That’s not Jim.......
>But that’s not Jim...
>Jim looks different
>That's not Jim I don't approve
>That’s not Jim... what’s happening? What’s going on? Identity theft affects millions of families. MICHAEL
>damn that's not Jim
>That’s not Jim!!
>That’s not Jimothy
>Where's Jim?
>aw pam and jim
>Wait but this isn’t Jim?!
>Wait... thats not Jim?
>Where is Jim thou?
>This isn’t Jim :((((
>That’s not jim
>Wait, that’s not Jim!
>what will Jim think of this
>Wait what...where's JIM!!!
>Jim has changed so much
>That’s not Jim Halpert
>...that's not Jim
>But wait, where's jim??
>Where is Jim?.. oh Pamela...
>You’re cheating on jim
>I’d rather see Jim
>Does Jim know about this?
>Where's Jim tho?
>I’m telling Jim
>Where's Jim
>Who is that guy?? Jim is gonna be mad
>Why does Jim look so different in these pics?
>Thats not JIM... OMG
>Wait wait this isint Jim, my life is a lie
>That’s not Jim. Where is Jim.
>Wait, that’s not Jim!?
>Poor Jim
>Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim...


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She got enough fucking coffee?

At least Oscar has that State Farm gig which probably pays pretty well. And he's one of the lucky ones...

Honestly when this many can get together it makes Carrell and John look like assholes.

and he's doing work on other shows and stuff every year. He getting that health insurance.

>>where’s my boy Jimmy Halpert
>>That’s not Jim.......
>>But that’s not Jim...
>>Jim looks different
>>That's not Jim I don't approve
>>That’s not Jim... what’s happening? What’s going on? Identity theft affects millions of families. MICHAEL
>>damn that's not Jim
>>That’s not Jim!!
>>That’s not Jimothy
>>Where's Jim?
>>aw pam and jim
>>Wait but this isn’t Jim?!
>>Wait... thats not Jim?
>>Where is Jim thou?
>>This isn’t Jim :((((
>>That’s not jim
>>Wait, that’s not Jim!
>>what will Jim think of this
>>Wait what...where's JIM!!!
>>Jim has changed so much
>>That’s not Jim Halpert
>>...that's not Jim
>>But wait, where's jim??
>>Where is Jim?.. oh Pamela...
>>You’re cheating on jim
>>I’d rather see Jim
>>Does Jim know about this?
>>Where's Jim tho?
>>I’m telling Jim
>>Where's Jim
>>Who is that guy?? Jim is gonna be mad
>>Why does Jim look so different in these pics?
>>Thats not JIM... OMG
>>Wait wait this isint Jim, my life is a lie
>>That’s not Jim. Where is Jim.
>>Wait, that’s not Jim!?
>>Poor Jim
>>Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim...


>ywn be on a sitcom that re-runs on every channel and collect huge royalty checks constantly

feels bad

The cringe and second hand shame is overflowing.

I am in her shoes now.

Why did you do this to me ?!

well she tried i guess

I was a grip on A Haunting for a few episodes.

Steve was probably filiming or some shit, he's done a couple movies recently.
John was probably staying safe and away.

I bet that's exactly what she thinks around her husband. "This is not Jim."
"I want Jim."
"Jam could've been real."

>Jims better


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Angela has a YouTube channel and its quite sweet

Where did you find this image? I love it

Ed Helms flopped as hard as Nard Dog did in the last season

oops i meant third seaon

Yeah bounce those titties you dumb slut.

she's a normie

If John and Steve weren’t gonna be there why even take the fucking picture?

>missing the two best characters and Jim
What the fuck

She looks like she can suck some mean cock

and also Michael inst there

She had some great lines. Stanley sucked.

Yes, by BBC

Remember that kid who peaked in high school? They had so many friends, so much fun all the time, and people loved them. Then one day everyone graduated and went off to do their own thing. Some of them got cool jobs, others travelled the world, and some met the partners of their dreams and settled down to have nice families.

Meanwhile that kid stayed in the same place, trying to relive out the 'glory days'. They desperately cling to the popular kid they were all those years ago, never changing or growing as a person. And everyone who once adored them and looked up to them now just see someone sad, someone for whom life's peak cam and went. Like a once beautiful tree where the season changed, they stand there listless, praying for springtime to return so that they can bloom once again.

Nobody wants to bang farm animals.

>based phyllis
>not that inbred anglo botch
cringe and bluepilled faggot

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>none of the successful ones there
Its just like a high school reunion

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What the fuck does her husband think of her posting this shit

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>the two best and jim

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Hey guys It's Jenna's toilet here, she has "J I M" tattoe'd around the rim of her butthole

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wait a second. IS THAT BIGFOOT

Signs alien sneakin' up on her in the background there

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Nah stanley was there to promote the idea that michael was being retarded.

>ywn GAPE Jenna's holes all night and see her perky in the morning for more

huh? most of them are screenwriters and get paid a lot of money. I bet you didn't look up their actual resumes.