Thank you for your feedback

>thank you for your feedback

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stereotypical lawyer

She really was Jack was silent almost the whole time.


why even have jack on?
how do people like jack get rich? is it just right place right time?

>debate gets confrontational
>just says she doesnt know what they are talking about
damn jack and that brownskin qt played tim and joe like a pair of violens

>mfw it took 13 years for twitter to get feedback about the conservative point of view, from a moderate leftist on a youtube podcast

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she cute

he's a plant

Her answers are reflective of the larger problem. Social media is the commons and should be regulated as such. Twitter is a private company and doesn't want to lose users, full stop. These are two conflicting positions.

They were so full of shit and Joe and Tim let them off way too easily.

Who was worse

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what like a tree?

epic btfo total micdrop REKT!

no he's a human

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>that moment when Tim went full retard and was getting BTFO and Joe had to take over
Couldn't they get someone smart? That beanie wearing bald cuck made this pajeet sound reasonable

you mean like a flower?

I think Tim went at them pretty hard. The problem is that the ultimate solution to all of this is government intervention which goes against typical pro-business, smaller government conservative talking points.

it was weird, it's like joe and jack both re-did their old episode except brought surrogates to argue the points that they didn't really get into last time

This is something they never got to that's essentially the core of the issue: their true goal isn't to be a good platform for dialogue, it's simply to keep making money. They're afraid that if they don't ban people who "harass" others that everyone will just leave Twitter. The majority of users are left wing so they're pandering to them because they want them to keep using the site.

>someone smart

That's literally what it is.

Andrew Jackson did nothing wrong. Break the banks, Presidential Dictatorship now.

yeah, not sure who thought it was a good idea

Joo was way worse. Poo is smart and conniving, Joo was literally retarded


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This isn't as much of a problem as you might think. Those talking points definitely exist, but they aren't really that deeply help by the Republican electorate...especially the Trump coalition, which is far more nationalist than the so-called Republican elites.

>wouldnt you say tech people in california lean left in their echochamber?
i dont know what you mean

>well you guys arent muslims for instance
i appreciate the feedback, we'll look into it

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Exactly. And it's the problem with Big Tech in general. Either the internet is a public utility or it's not. If it is, there are free speech rules that would be guaranteed by the government. If it's not, then there isn't and people need to STFU. We can't have it both ways. It's not just this one issue either. The shit we let Google get away with, for instance, is mind-boggling. The culture is ahead of the laws.

yes but the sellout senators and congressmen won't allow it and the Democrats will cockblock trump anyway

Tim was a fucking mess
>hate speech is free speech! Americans should be allowed to call anyone a nigger on twitter
>twitter needs to adhere to USA laws
>even though 75% of its users aren't american
>w-well but if you don't follow our laws americans will feel persecuted
>our laws are the only ones that matter
>what do you mean profit? You should behave like a government!
Embarrassing, bald, fat numale piece of shit

>complains about free speech
>quotes post calling for a dictatorship

You know what's amazing about Indians? Firstly, there's no such thing. It's the biggest clusterfuck of races, religions, castes, creeds, cultures, etc. on the entire planet. Secondly, because of the caste system and the subdivisions therein, they've got their own nogs, kikes/merchants, politicians, businessmen, laborers, etc., all manner of differentiated genetic groups fractionated throughout society thanks to millennia long campaigns of carefully, culturally-enforced eugenics. And they speak about it with total abandon.

They call their merchants money-grubbing, they call their nogs lazy and subhuman, they call their leaders/politicians slimy, and so on and so forth. They can call a spade a spade, it's unbelievable. I mean all places on the planet that aren't the Western/European nations have a strong degree of tribalism/racism/colorism, whatever you want to call it, but the caste and subcaste systems they have are like something autistic pulled straight out of a sci fi novel.

It's like a microcosm of the world but with none of the PC bullshit plaguing the West. The memes make it all but impossible to discuss here but that place is the single greatest anthropological case study we have that could help us understand how to navigate the diversity clusterfuck without losing our goddamn minds.

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>Alex calling for vigilance against tyranny is somehow calling for Violence against the journalists

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Yeah I was really disappointed with how he handled it. There were several times the chick said something to him or in response to him and I immediately thought of an obvious point for him to make back at her, and he never did. It was like he prepared his specific points he wanted to make and had no idea what to say beyond them.

What about Jacob Wohl! this is like Fahrenheit 1984 brave new orange

Sorry I was pointing. My response was for as well. Should have posted then pointed. My bad.

"well you see he said 'arm yourselves against tyrants' so we had to ban him"

>yo this 14yo becky said negro, let's drag her
>Tariq posts "white children getting beaten" gifs

Twitter is literally just niggers inciting hatred while twitter amplifies it until it reaches 934k retweets

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I'm watching it right now and I burst out laughing when she said that. Also, when she read the Box Nood Leslie Jones tweet.

As much as I hate America having their free speech laws apply online would be nice, especially if the alternative is corporate oversight.


>all manner of differentiated genetic groups fractionated throughout society thanks to millennia long campaigns of carefully, culturally-enforced eugenics.

India is what US and Latin america will look like in a few generations.

>American companies shouldn't have to follow American law
>free speech is bad

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wait till you get to the day of brick

Literally just hold them up to their own fucking standards, where they've called themselves the "town square of the modern world" and to which end they've gone to all these lengths to censor people. If it weren't something of such magnitude, they wouldn't be giving so much of a shit. And if it IS such a big deal, well then they need to ensure that the Constitutional rights that people are granted under the law are upheld on their platforms. This same exact shit was brought up and settled back in the old days when company towns started to become a thing with Marsh v. Alabama, (1946). They just need to have that same process play out for these tech giants. All there is to it. Just announce that Ginsberg is actually fucking dead, get a new Justice, and get on with the goddamn court case that clears this shit up once and for all.

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no one in that room was even close to a conservative

She fucks white guys for sure.

Little sexy ass brown slut.

I thought men like him were usually called a fruit.

What was Pool's point exactly? That twitter should be regulated by the government? I mean, I hope he's not so fucking stupid as to expect a private company to be "unbiased" or "fair". It's a company that only cares about money, they have their rules, if you don't like it, stop using it. That's the free market, if you're too weak or stupid for it you can always fuck off to Cuba or North Korea.

Wait that dumb bimbo is a lawyer? I thought she was like HR or Dorseys escort for the day.

>"town square of the modern world
You're the village idiot congrats

No, most people in Brazil and in the United States don't have genetic book-keeping that keeps track of their classes, social strata, castes, subcastes, etc. Things here will be muttified. From what I've read, most cultures in the non-urban parts of India, which make up a vast majority of the country, surprisingly, will lynch their own community members in honor killings if they break caste law via intercaste marriages. That's what's sci fi about that place, every stratum of society upholds an overarching structure. This is inherently different from what you see here and in South America, where things are chaotic, most people have no sense of heritage unless they get a gift subscription from their obsessive aunt to use (((23andme))) so google can have their fucking DNA samples.

Tim and Joe kinda lost this one, she was good and mostly right. they shouldn't have come on so aggressively, and should have ended it with saying she should work on integrating conservatives into the discussion or whatever

ranting on and on about random points as one gets shot down after another wasn't a good tactic.

Imagine being this much of a corporate libcuck.

all good

>capitalism is the only way! Fuck commies, nobody fucking dares to touch any corporation
>social media sites become huge, 90% of the people in charge lean left, meaning they'll ban anyone who doesn't agree with them
>whine about twitter not being regulated

>one gets shot down after another
"it's targeted harassment we sargon posts gay ir porn but it's fine for adults to dox children and send them bomb threats"

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there's always one of you faggots in every thread that can't clap and drool at the same fucking time, isn't there. slit your wrists, smoothbrained dipshit.

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He's right though.Otherwise what are people fighting about? It's taking away certain people's right to ply their trade through the commons if these companies themselves ARE the commons. Also I think he's just quoting Twitter's own description of themselves as a company.

>hate speech is free speech! Americans should be allowed to call anyone a nigger on twitter

hate speech is protected by the 1st amendment, there is a difference between hate speech and threats. Death threats/inciting violence is not protected speech.

Currently we have a soft social-credit system in place where if you stray to far off of what is considered ideologically-acceptable you'll be deplatformed and silenced.
>user you just want to say nigger

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yeah lets do communism,its the only regulation possible

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God I hate Progressives.

You're missing the point of the argument friendo

You're deliberately being obtuse. Right-wing people are third positionists now grandpa get over it.

>Tim and Joe kinda lost this one, she was good and mostly right.
Every single comment on YT and twitter is about how full of shit the lawyer was. Literally no one reacted the way you're saying.

Exactly, Joe and Tim had the right idea but they would just give up immediately on every point. I mean for fucks sake, she kept saying she didn't understand what they meant by "left-leaning" and they just accept it and move on.


Just cares about proving her point. Will not concede any major points.

She is the problem at Twitter... or whoever controls her.

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It is according to you retards. Now backpedal some more and tell me how capitalism actually isn't perfect and maybe it's time to change because progressive nerds beat you at your own game.

Dorsey said that town square phrase himself because Tim brought up how they've used it as the basis of their company for a while now, in that very podcast kek

Contrary to the /pol/ memes, US and latin america isn't going to fully muttified. People are increasingly aware of clear racial hierarchies. Marriage statistics also show that people increasingly prefer to stay within their social and racial class

This is what antifa and other Zionists will do. They'll outright lie about political outcomes so that they're moralising to their base. Just continue to laugh at these fuckers.

>how do people like jack get rich?

He knows how to talk B.S. to investors.

Marsh v Alabama you motherfucking bootlicking NPC dipshit retard.

progressives aren't capitalists, sweetie

maybe it's because the minority of triggered idiots such as yourself are already distrustful of the site and don't know how to hit the report button

sounds like you guys are talking about boogeymen too

>bu-but i heard about this one guy being racist to white men! i swear!

it's not as big a problem as you make it out to be, alex jones seemed to be justifiably removed once the details were revealed, albeit a bit harshly

It's funny how the same people who were crying out that Joe had sold out for not calling out Jack Dorsey on the first podcast are now championing him as a defender of free speech for having Alex Jones on again and having Tim Pool grill Jack Dorsey.

These people are literal NPCs. To them, Joe is a Democrat shill one day and based the next. The JRE is a great podcast but goddamn did he attract some real fucking idiots.

A large safety net like stupidly rich parents ?

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>nationalism is its own thing, totally not the same as capitalism
>supports "based nationalist" president that continues all the foreign intervention, aid for Israel and Saudis, destroys the environment for oil companies and gives tax cuts to billionaires
pick one and only one

Yes they are. It's a left wing version of capitalism.

>male with a nose piercing
is dorsey a homo or what?

He already admitted to hardcore lobbying Congress.

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learn the other side's arguments, not just strawmen from young turks and john oliver

the comments are filled with brainlets just like joe and tim are, the podcast was a mess and they're just angry they got rekt by a brown lawyer bitch

the could've done better, and maybe she was full of shit on some points but she owned them

>>bu-but i heard about this one guy being racist to white men! i swear!
twitter is literally niggers dragging whites all day and women shitting on men

She looks like she fucks white guys.

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letting private companies control public discourse is anti-american

there is a reason why all these tech corps have been sucking government dick and agreeing to "fact check" and stop "fake news", its because they don't want to get labeled as pubic forums

how about you report it then and take it up with twitter?

"wow they said different things about him according to what he did

man it makes my brain hurt!"

The alt-right has ditched Trump now you fucking idiot. Again, all you are doing is deliberately strawmanning Nationalists so you can make bad faith critiques about how "capitalist" they are, while using woke capital for your own ends. You're a faggot and will be annihilated.

Do you always butt into conversations you know nothing about? Where are your parents?

He has millions of followers/listeners. You've probably seen reactions from a couple dozen of them at a time. But yes, I'm sure you're right and it was the same couple dozen people both times expressing different opinions. You're absolutely not a retard.

What if you're mixed and attracted to more than one race? Just neck yourself my man?

>The alt-right has ditched Trump now you fucking idiot.
so would you say Tim Pool is closer to supporting Trump, or a democrat in 2020? I don't know if he's alt-right, but he very clearly is trying to argue for a government regulation of capital enterprise at the same time he shills for Trump, a capitalist president. It makes no sense.

It doesn't even matter. They're a private company and that's it. If you want to bring the government just because some idiots got banned for saying nigger then you're a fucking weak spineless coward. Create your own social media site and start whining about niggers and jews 24/7, see how far you can take that. You fail and nobody gives a shit? That's called the free market. Now whine some more about how unfair everything is

If the civil rights act didn't exist I wouldn't mind twitter enforcing their own entirely limitless private rules but that sort of carte blanche died in 1964.
Twitter has to be judged under the same microscope.

>The problem is that the ultimate solution to all of this is government intervention
No it most certainly isn't.

>They're a private company and that's it.

suck my dick, lobbying and corporatism make this term meaningless
>le free market maymay
lol. it's 2019, nobody falls for that shit anymore. get a new script.

>if he's alt-right
he was a standard commie (literally the chomsky fan cliche) who was pushed out

you just chase after the lighter skin person, just like pajeets do

>Tim Pool

The modern left thinks any white male who isn't insane must be a conservative, lol.

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I don't really give a shit about Tim Pool but seriously Nationalists are more likely to support Tulsi Gabbard or Andrew Yang in 2020 than Trump. Trump has revealed himself as incompetent and is a total shipping for Israel. The reason we were energised is because he was pushing for more populist policies but none have surfaced.

*Total shill

Phoneposter pls go

Can you guys give me a basic gestalt?

They are. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Patreon, Paypal, etc. all intentionally ban right-wingers and white nationalists. Their employees are super-majority leftist.

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twitter instantly lost any chance to dispute a public forum or town square regulation the second it started "verifying" liberal political account and verifying or banning conservative accounts and promoting partisan political material

the argument that they "accidentally" banned republicans won't hold up because the supreme court and federal courts will have complete access to all their records

there only choice is to sell out to the political establishment in the hope they won't get regulated

Nationalists are gonna support whoever the tabloids say isn't a reptilian underworld demon, because nationalists are gullible retards that are so paranoid of the rabid "elites" they will completely abandon their principles because they aren'r a freaking Isreal supporter!

>nationalism is its own thing, totally not the same as capitalism

It's not, you moron. There are communist nationalists, capitalist nationalists, and many others in between. It's an independent variable.

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>companies don't agree with my views, therefore a government that does should regulate them
There are countries that do this. Have you considered getting the fuck out of here?

cry more retard

>he was a standard commie

>any white male who isn't insane must be a conservative, lol.
if you vote for a Republican instead of a democrat, yes that makes you a conservative.

Who do you guys think you're fooling with this false moral outrage? "how dare you accuse a right-winger of being conservative!!!" give it a break already jesus

Your post is full of contradictions and it's obvious that you're either a fucking moron or a foreign agent.

>nationalist tabloids

Name one major one that isn't Zionist, lol.

Most white nationalists get info from podcasts and YouTube streams. We cringe when you sheltered retards claim we like Breitbart, Milo, or (((Ben Shapiro))).

I dont understand the pepe clown meme, I haven't been on here since the baneposting days.

Tim Pool is a Sargon-tier centrist who comes from the (((Bernie))) Bro crowd. You're a partisan NPC who no sense of nuance.

It's a sad Pepe who has embraced the nihilism of clown world.

Quit lying retard.

What? More than half of their users aren't even in america, why do you idiots think twitter is about democrats vs republicans? Nobody gives a fuck

Conservatives mad about censorship by a private company whose rights to operate as a private company they broadly champion. Progressives lobbing "free market" arguments they don't actually understand. Free speech advocates, regardless of political ideology, pointing out governmental solutions and legislation against Big Tech that are mostly ignored.

that's correct, and the American version of nationalism is capitalist, they have no class consciousness, they have no meaningful critique of capitalist systems or any sort of solution besides sucking the cum out of rich Republican neocons and fascist cops. There's literally maybe 5 unironic nazbol people in America, and they all shill for Dear Leader Trump anyway, so again the distinction is pointless.

a socialist not believing in your tranny nonsense doesnt magically become conservative

Clown World is a somewhat old meme from The Right (same people who made the 6 parenthesis meme). It basically represents how our current reality is stranger than fiction.

The Clown Pepe was some shit started by [s4s], although it's rumored to be some FBI/NSA forced meme meant to track how memes spread. When it came to /pol/, they merged it with "Clown World".

whats clown world?

>mommy mommy if I say it over and over again it'll be true just like my fluid gender identity won't it?

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Nationalism is a form of socialism not based on class. National and racial consciousness > gay commie shit.

Hail Fascism.

Eric Striker and the majority of white nationalists have dumped Trump.

I'm literally listening to some right now:

>Free speech advocates, regardless of political ideology, pointing out governmental solutions and legislation against Big Tech
What's the solution for twitter not banning whoever they want? Let's say democrats win the next election.

>There are countries that do this
There are countries that have laws?

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>click on a Trump tweet

>the first 500 replies are anti-trump psychos with a middling amount of likes and retweets

>have to scroll down for 10 minutes to find the exact same pro-trump psychos with the exact same amount of likes and retweets

>conservative accounts get banned and suspended by the "algorithm" constantly and are only reinstated after they become a news story

>not a single liberal political account is suspended for anything they do or say

>conservative accounts are banned for "harassment" when they start naming jews or telling journalists to code

>liberal accounts can collect and publish the names and addresses of high school kids who made a swastika out of red cups in a coordinated harassment campaign with the full support of twitter

>fascist cops

Pic related. Leftoid schizos think the cop is the bad man in pic related.

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Sargon is right-wing, like most "enlightened centrist" liberals. If you are "center" between a far right, almost nationalist Republican party and a pro-corporate, pro-capitalist neoliberal Democrat party, guess what? You're still on the right. I say again, enough with the hysterics, just accept that he is a conservative, and conservatives are too dumb to defend their ideas in open debate so they must lie or be willfully misinformed about the nature of their own political positions. Sad.


>free speech laws

>should be allowed to
no such thing

>although it's rumored to be some FBI/NSA forced meme meant to track how memes spread

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the only NPC is you that cant understand what is happening at all. People make mistakes and then try to fix them. Sorry that your NPC brain doesnt understand nuance