havent seen this yet
do they ever offer any proof or is it just memes?
Havent seen this yet
Other urls found in this thread:
they talk aboht their experiences and why they lied before
of course there isnt a fucking cctv footage from inside his bedroom you fucking idiot
it depends on what you mean by proof
There is witness testimony, which is a form of evidence, but there obviously isn't pictures of him or something
do you believe victims or not?
dont ever swear at me again
Did you know when this ghoul died he was so physically repulsive and deformed the forensic thought he was a giant crow?
Only saw part 1 last night, my favourite part was a picture of Mike near a tv with Hitler on it, kek. And it's just 2 guys, 1 definitely queer and there stories with MJ. Positive for a fair amount then they drop descriptive gay acts they done with MJ
They're lying now because they're getting paid by hbo
This sums it up pretty well even though the guy is obnoxious
>they lied before
So I'm meant to trust them now? Absolutely retarded
Rich white dude hangs around a bunch of kids...what do you think?
Wtf, no I didn't know that. Gosh that's just awful..
are you a brainlet? you know that victims of trauma often lie to protect their abusers because of the shame, right?
Yo. Lil user. FUCK you.
The fact that the Jews at Hebraic Box Office are pushing this confirms my suspicions that MJ didn't do shit and probably tried to prevent child abuse from happening
I think the fact that they speak for hours about events that happened to them is enough proof to me. People who are abused over long periods of time take a long time to come forward and stop lying for their abusers. Especially kids.
People keep saying they had financial troubles but they already were told by a court it was past the statue of limitations. So.. why do this really invasive documentary and invite more scorn if it wasn't important to them
I think the Nigger shills are working overtime to try to say this deranged fuck isn't a pedo.
like Michael Cohen, they're fessing up to the truth now.
>they can't get their 'fact' straight
>keep backpedaling in their claims
>over 10 years later they remember it
repressed my ass, we all know what they want. They really gotta be fucking nasty and disgusting to keep trying to have a jab at a dead man.
why did lil mike get metoo'd so hard? he was wholesome
no ones claiming repressed memories you clown.
Did he Home Alone Culkin?
imagine having several decades to make a case against someone and not being able to then having a whole decade after they die to come up with something now that he cant defend himself and still not having shit
imagine using a dead mans name to make yourself famous and get money
>its been an entire decade since Michael Jackson died
The part where he talks about the rings made me cringe.. that's enough proof right there. MJ was sick fuck and anyone who denies that is mentally ill
>do they offer proof
>implying there hasn't been proof for years
Stop defending pedos.
Okay, Schlomo. I am sure they had no rea$on whatsoever to do this HBO documentary. I really can't think of anything.
Sorry for not trusting something when it is excessively being shilled by all mainstream media for no reason.
>imagine shilling on Yea Forums for a gay nigger pedophile that's been dead for 10 years.
Yea that was legit disturbing.
>people saying things is proof
lowest IQ post ive read in a while
>tfw you will never "marry" Michael Jackson
>what is witness testimony
"people saying things" is a form of evidence in every legal system ever, dipshit
He says no now, but you know he might remember something in a few years if he wants to write a book or something.
>dude's hands are visibly shaking as he tries on the ring and it barely even fits over his first knuckle
that scene made me physically ill
imagine shilling against him this hard for no reason just because the media said he did something and you mindlessly believe them
what is the proof?
yeah but that isnt proof
I could make up a bunch of bullshit about you but that doesnt mean its true
Imagine, just imagine for a second, defending pedophilia because you believe the media is always wrong, but your containment board is always right.
Culkin was already famous by then wasn't he? I think it's probably more likely that MJ was smart enough to not get sexual with kids that had enough of a profile to them to get him into legitimate trouble. Probably the same deal with Corey Feldman too. Or they might have had closer supervision, or MJ just wasn't in "love" with them the way he was with other kids. There's loads of ways to plausibly explain why Culkin and Feldman didn't experience any abuse while MJ was still being a monster predator.
>He doesn't know what the effect of trauma is
Except they never did.
Anyone believing this shit shouldn't be allowed to participate in society, for their own sake and for ours too.
the IMAGINE pasta has really taken a dark turn
what is the best way to extrajudiciously execute a pedophile or pedophile defender?
point out one post where i said pedophillia was ok
corroborating stories can and has been used as evidence. MJ had clear patterns to his sexual behaviour that multiple victims independently corroborate.
Do you not believe that kid who accurately drew a picture of mj's spotted dick? The one they confirmed with actual pictures of his weird dick from the cops?
he was a mega-rich recluse who had a penchant for hanging out with young children, alone. i'm definitely one of the people who thinks it's because he was a psychologically stunted man who was forced to stop developing at a young age and therefore enjoyed the company of children like him, but that's a hard concept to sell to an average person.
thank you for being the first person ITT to actually give a real answer
which people were they and is there a place I can read them online?
38 Special
the post where you defended the obvious and known pedophile, michael jackson. your ignorance is not a defense, pedo apologist. you get the rope just as any dumb pedo would.
I believe victims but we don’t know if they’re victims yet...
They literally found a secret room in the Neverland ranch with indisputable evidence. How do more people not know about this? Is that why they're making this documentary?
are you retarded or is this bait?
Im just asking for proof, so far all you've provided is "bro its just common knowledge" "dude everyone knows"
provide proof to your claims
that guy in the sunglasses reminds me of that cringy Nostalgia Critic guy.
People also just lie.
Thats why its a secret
Yes and you need good enough evidence to get to proof. Witness testimonies are considered some of the weakest for that btw.
Mindlessly believe? I’m not even the guy you’re relying to but
>this dude was abused as a kid and is highly likely to abuse kids himself
>dude opted to sleep with kids, 100% indisputable fact
>was obsessed with children
>is the creepiest lookin faggot of all time
even in an alternate universe where he didn’t molest the kids he still deserves to be lynched for being a creepy queer
At this point are there any celebrities who are not guilty of some kind of sexual abuse or misconduct. ?
Oh right the females.
What rings? I didn't watch and don't get it
"sexual abuse" is why they have their jobs
MJ had a 'wedding' ceremony with one of the guys in the doc in his bedroom. They wrote vows to each other and MJ bought him a ring. Basically he was bribing him with jewelry for sex acts
The credits with the stills of him burning the MJ stuff really got to me.
They're liars, why would I believe them?
except people are indicted all the time for circumstantial evidence all the time, and it doesn’t take a genius to see that in jackson’s case the circumstantial evidence is so compelling, you would have to be incompetent or willfully ignorant to excuse the man. also, discussing the law is vastly different from discussing innocence, which he is not. if you want to defend a pedo, that’s fine, but it’s good you’re doing it anonymously because some men don’t take kindly to that sort of thing.
You are one gullible bastard.
MJ gave the kid a ring and performed a mock wedding with him. Also gave him jewelry in exchange for certain sexual acts. He still had the rings in a little box. He also explained how they went to the store and told the people his hand was the same size as the supposed female they were buying the rings for
These posts were made by women.
>MJ got acquitted, therefore he's innocent!
Then I guess OJ was innocent too. These people have the most expensive lawyers on the entire planet and you're going to say that, without a doubt, the outcomes of a trial are accurate and not swayed by lawyerly trickery?
The simplest answer to this whole thing is that yes MJ did probably do some fucked up shit with some of the kids. Adult men, castrated or not, do not have that kind of relationship with children without ulterior motive. It takes such a huge leap of faith to believe that it was entirely innocent that you'd have to be braindead to think so. "Oh he didn't have a childhood! He was mentally like a child!" Bullshit.
>even if he didnt do it he should still be punished
thats the problem with you people
In Culkin’s case, maybe he just doesn’t want to admit it and have the worldknow that personal shit. Idk why Feldman wouln’t mention it though, since he already named other (dead) guys. It’s probably more that he’s always been an obnoxious douchebag and Mike just wasn’t into him.
Me and 100 of my friends are accusing you of raping me, 30 of them say they saw you coming in and out of my room multiple times
what say you?
Yeah that's some made up bullshit
>cycling through those skeevy-as-all-fuck cheery MJ family photos while the guy describes staring at Peter Pan while getting his ass eaten out
what the fuck is it about Polaroids that makes them innately creepy?
>MJ got acquitted, therefore he's innocent!
I'm glad you agree
The problem with cowaeds like YOU is letting disgusting behavior go on until you get solid proof it’s criminal, and by then it’s too late. Men like me would murder a degenerate mentally ill nigger for trying to lock himself in a room with my kid.
>MJ had a 'wedding' ceremony with one of the guys in the doc in his bedroom. They wrote vows to each other and MJ bought him a ring
Jesus christ what a disgusting piece of shit. I'm glad he's getting raped by Satan now
My fist is going to agree with your stomach in a minute, bucko
it wouldnt be hard to just get a ring and make up that shit you know
I could go to journalists right now with my lotion and say that you guys got it for me for when you fucked my ass, doesnt mean shit
You're literally pronouncing him guilty on circumstantial evidence and the word of self-admitted liars (that have financial motives to continue lying).
You're a retard user.
What a fucking dumbass, acting tough on a fucking board
Reading this thread I reached the conclution that MJ was cringe but redpilled
>The daily mail
Lmao some of the stories sound just as retarded as the Jussie Smollet hoax. Why you niggas so gullible man why you wanna get fooled again.
Except they literally walked into the store together and bought thousands of dollars worth of jewelry while fitting it to his child sized hands. The jewelry was definitely given to him by MJ.
>people unironically defending MJ just to be contrarian
color me surprised
people who claim they got touched by MJ as kids are just the modern day version of Holocaust survivors and half a century from now there will still be dozens of 40 year olds popping up claiming he sexually abused him
>people should be punished even if they are not guilty
still waiting for any sort of proof btw
There is a scene where a victim of Michael Johnson talks about being made to drill a hole inside the Moonwalker cabinet. He talks about being asked to make his penis erect and ejaculate inside the cabinet. It is thought that Michael hid inside the game while this happened.
That was the most disturbing part of the movie, but it doesn't really lend any evidcence to the claims that he did something bad.
what on earth rationale would there be for digging this up again 10 years after he's dead if they're lying? they can't bring him to justice, they can't sue him, it's on hbo so it's not like they're making money, what?
at least change your typing style and pretend to be different people
>I'm projecting
Yes, everyone has ulterior motives, just like you with your false dichotomies.
>It takes a huge leap of faith to believe
As you are doing now?
Thats it, there is no way there is any validity to this, because thats the most fucking retarded thing I've ever heard in my life.
Men are all rapists desu
those olympic athletes are fucking weird
your words do not diminish or tarnish the truth, pedo bootlicker. it’s all out there, and your cries about “biased media” won’t change that. this documentary is just one of many sources. hang yourself.
because they will make money despite your meme
also their 60 seconds of fame
Ok pedo cocksucker
I'm kinda glad MJ didn't like girls so we don't have to listen to another parade of sobbing self righteous 'survivors'.
>its all out there
then provide proof
if it is so widespread and abundant as you claim then it should be easy but you still havent done it
why do you keep refusing to provide proof when asked?
you can be triggered and use buzzwords all you want but that doesnt have any effect
I bet you believed the Jessie Smollet stuff too. Gullible moron.
dude had boys in his bed
Hahahaha Okay that sounds like Michael Johnson
It doesn't take a huge leap of faith to call a spade a spade; it does however if you're going to say a grown man has the mind of a child despite having fashion sense, social skills, professionalism, and all the other adult traits he clearly had. Yet that's what his defense hinges on.
Remember that MJ is innocent.
just calling people pedos doesnt make them pedos you retard
you type like its your first month on /pol/ except with "pedo" instead of nigger or jew
>these people suddenly care about evidence before declaring someone guilty
hahahaha, shouldnt you be staking out a pizza parlor?
jessie smollet didnt have boys in his bed
This. He used disposable prepubescent kids.
literally no one brought up pizza gate
why do you use false comparisons and ad hominems instead of providing proof?
Pretty sure this guy is secretly hoping for pics to surface of MJ with his two tone cock inside a boy's mouth
So how about that Harvey Weinstein?
MJ is innocent. Prove me wrong, incels.
>leaves 7 year old son to sleep in michael jackson's bed for a week after 1 day of knowing him
>leaves to continue their vacation elsewhere
>boy gets molested every night
Are Australians really this fucking dumb? Holy shit
Same person. Manipulative with parental issues.
give us 20 years, we'll see if anyone can "remember" anything ;)
>"its common knowledge"
>"there is lots of proof"
>more insults
you make quiet the compelling case
>repressed memories
These kids were groomed and normalized to the sexual activity. But they live in a society where that sort of contact is forbidden, so of course they don't go to the cops or anyone else.
Repressed memories is code for bullshit homie.
>omg he had one of the best selling artbooks of all time in his library
Thanks, Chaim
Notice how they themselves NEVER referred to their experiences as repressed memories. Only the detractors do.
False Memory Syndrome. It's a real thing.
The pushing for him to be guilty is suspicious as fuck
>whacko Jacko will never give you a rimjob
>The police report claims that in Jackson's bedroom and bathroom alone there were at least seven collections of work found by investigators that show boys in their teenage years - and in some cases younger - fully nude or partially clothed.
Is this cunt for real?
didn't I just tell you not to fucking swear at me? You're walking a thin line kiddo.
woah woah woah, based Jim did nothing wrong.
>they live in a society
rise up
You are aware that MJ paid off more victims than these two, right? I doubt this was done for $$ since one of them was quite successful working with Britney Spears and Nsync. Also, conveniently ignored in this doc and by media was the removal of pedo-themed 'art' from Jackson's home. All spin done to run defense for MJ is flimsy and questionable at best when you actually look at how fucked up MJ was a s person. And how fucked up stage parents are as humans.
source that it's "one of the bestselling artbooks of all time"? Sounds like complete bullshit.
Just had a thought
MJ in an S.S. Uniform would be the most fucking /fa/ thing of all time
Y'all faggot white boys trying to take a black man down, fuck y'all crackers man you lyin' snakes fuck y'all.
just memes
No proof outside of testimony. Depends how much you believe the guys.
I don't think little kids are able to do that...?
>badly sourced claim from a tabloid
Judge Melville signed off a press statement before trial which said prosecutors had confirmed no child porn was found. Retard. Have you ever seen videos of his house from the Sheriff raid? Every room was filled with dolls and pictures of children and babies. The dude was fucked in the head and just wanted to be a child again. But he obviously wasn't a pedophile.
MJ definitely wasn't a normal guy and probably experienced some form of abuse himself as a child. That doesn't make him a paedophile though.
If he had a Podracer arcade game he can't be all bad.
That's the shitty dancer that seduced Britney Spears while she was dating Justin Timberlake, and caused their break up. That break up ultimately lead to Britney Spears's mental breakdown.
not if pedo defending revisionists like you have their way :^)
If you believe the stories in that documentary you probably deleted system32 when you first read it on Yea Forums. Did you retards also make mustard gas by mistake or tape two games together thinking they'd make a new one?
the guy literally had boys in his bed
>ultimately lead to Britney Spears's mental breakdown.
How many pop stars does this guy intend to fuck over?
you havent?
sounds like a good time
>he obviously wasn't a pedophile.
thank you
reddit seems to think mj was innocent too...
I’m genuinely convinced that the people who defending this man on this board are being paid
While I’ll admit it is odd how hard it’s being pushed and I usually never trust MSM, I don’t even care in this one case because I could tell he was off when I was 5 years old, and there’s an equal amount of normies defending him.
Sounds like typical jewish lies. Next thing you know MJ made Disney themed lampshades out of those kids' foreskin too.
that's not in the movie. that poster made it up. funny though.
look i'm from south America, who should i believe? some literal whos or based Miguel Juansón? i don't care how many chicos he fucks unless he keep on givings us good música
>what was the meaning of this?
Absolute retards, both of you
>everyone who disagrees with me are paid shills
why are you so invested in defending a pedo? have you done something you feel guilty about? maybe something you were “falsely accused of” by multiple different people at multiple different times?
it was a caricature of a young Wade with MJ's semen dripping from his lips.
i think they're mostly trolls and a few real schizos
>bro, where is the PROOF about what some excentric celebrity millionaire did in his secluded mansion 20 years ago??? huh?? checkmate atheist lmao xd
What's the point of trashing this man's reputation after hes already long dead?
Based shill trying to throw the scent of yourself
Regardless, he got away with it. Same with Saville.
to give the victims of pedophilia a voice you autist.
My dude his dad and brothers got him a bunch of pussy when he was like 8 years old, he was permanently mentally damaged and had a super warped sexual identity, he wasnt a gosh darn pedo
>I’m genuinely convinced that the people who defending this man on this board are being paid
This is what schizophrenia sounds like
they tell us why we should believe them now rather than believe them then
With what proof?
>uh testimonies duh
my dude 99% of pedos are victims of gosh darn child sexual abuse themselves.
itt: incels seething at the fact that they will never know sweet boy love from the King of Pop.
Thats exactly what makes him a pedo tho
i have a question, why were all of his "friends" boys and not a single girl?
why are kids allowed to give testimony but not allowed to enter into contracts?
>been almost 10 years since he died
>the best evidence people have scrounged up is shaky testimonies from unreliable sources
I can't wait for the documentary in 2029 when the guys change their whole story!
If you think MJ is being set up, would you let your son sleep in the same bed with him?
i see, seems reasonable
*Takes jewelry box out*
I-I uh, I like jewelry
Why are his kids white when he is black? not his kids
He was a gay, and he liked lil boys
what evidence of 30 year old rape are they supposed to have?
Hell no
What is ‘rubba rubba?’
Based user reusing bullshit arguments from previous MJ threads
that's ignorant
If you can't prove it, then you can't treat it as fact. That's what "burden of evidence" is.
I mean, this didn’t do him any favours
>proven innocent on all counts in a court of law after a crazy amount of research into the guy
>"w-well it doesn't count! Watch my grasp at my straws of evidence!"
>What is this conveying?
they're telling their stories, it's a documentary, not a trial, the viewer is free to come to their own conclusions.
Well literally anything is a good place to start. If you can't prove his guilt then he's innocent.
Even if you had found proof what are you hoping to get out of MJ being found guilty? Gonna dig up his grave and lock him in jail? Is that a big motivator for you?
>everyone who disagrees with me is trolling
>it is literally impossible for anyone to disagree with me
>also I am allowed to make claims and not back them up and everyone has to believe me
who are you quoting?
to make money and get famous you autist
Telling stories of this type is legally known as "slander" unless you can back it up.
I have no idea whether Jackson did it, but we've got to be prudent about this shit, it's overriding the legal system.
>be pedo
>not even into cunny
whats the fucking point?
maybe I'm a little biased here but getting a handjob from MJ in exchange for Prime Britney would be a fair exchange.
no butt stuff though.
I don't think he molested any little boys, but if he did I think I'd be ok with it.
you can't slander a dead man, if you want to go into legal territory
mate if I had a young son I wouldnt let them sleep with any adult beside me or their mother
not saying I would expect my brother to secretly be a pedo but its just weird
he was a weird cunt but I dont think he did it
because he didn't "love children" like the absolute retard low IQ defenders want you to believe, he loved little boys
he loved them so much he had pictures of them naked
How did he become white?
he would have been convicted easily with a jury trial beyond any reasonable doubt if he hadn't paid off his accusers to change their testimony
they had their families' testimony backing up the general timelines of events, photos of themselves with Jackson during the period, Wade had the faxed letters and answering machine messages from Jackson. Safechuck had the rings. You guys won't be satisfied unless there's video of MJ rimming these kids.
nice try tyronne, not gonna tell you
I know for a fact Hitler molested my grandmother when she was just a child. (grandma is German)
the more kids you molest, the paler your skin gets.
damn can't believe that MJ was set up to take this picture
they also set him up when he had his 10 year old sex slave travel with him on tour for a year
>families' testimony backing up the general timelines of events
And that's supposed to be solid evidence? In his first case that he was proven innocent the families lied too. They even confessed that they had the kids spend time with him to blackmail him. The rings can have many other interpertations
The parents literally dumped their kids on Michael like wtf you think was going on lol
MJ even gave this one a copy
No, I don’t let my kids sleep in coffins
yep, just a perfectly normal book of nude and half nude little boys in a mans house who only invited little boys over and was only interested in being friends with little boys and also only slept(no sex!) with little boys in his bed
just a long string of coincidences I'm sure
The parents are more at fault that MJ was.
Its obvious he was fucked up in the head, why would you leave your child with him? Thats like letting your kid swim with gators and being mad at the gator for eating your child.
>assfuck a little boy
>give him an autographed book of child pornography as a souvenir
wtf was he thinking
nothing weird about having photographs of little boys in underwear, dude. nothing to see here
they have blame, but not more than the millionaire who sucked on little boys peepee's
perfectly normal, bro
he got a job
you type like a women lmao
MJ was an antisemite it doesnt matter if the accusations are true or not as long as he is bankrupted or destroyed. Either way it will teach him a lesson that all other people must learn which is to never insult a Jewish person or else they will be destroyed.
For me the stuff in the doc, plus the other accusations from other kids, the "artbooks", the long history of Jackson's "special friends" being young boys, his admitting that he frequently allowed boys to sleep in his bedroom, and his weird behavior in general (obsession with peter pan, the fairy-like voice etc.), is enough to convince me that he did at least some of it. I was an MJ "truther" for a long time, but eventually it became too much for me.
redpilled hands typed this post
Formerly Safechuck's
Paris Jackson does not look black at all.
Was MJ so ashamed of being black he made his kids white?
mouth breathing faggot
He didn't make kids at all.
Blanket is a dead ringer for Omer Bhatti, one of Jackson's boy friends.
what if i think mj was a creepy pedo AND these guys are full of shit?
he made them suck his nipples.
this wasnt in the movie, no on in this thread has seen it lmao
Same. It’s too much to be like let’s sweep it all under the carpet.
then you are BASED and redilled, my friend
Cohen is way more believable than these two hacks.
just jumping into this thread to defend michael jackson. i BELIEVE all of his excuses, and the testimony brought against him is simply GREEDY AMERICANS being litigious (as they all are! seriously, like that woman who SPILLED COFFEE on her lap in the mcdonalds drive thru? GREED. I spill coffee on my lap all the time! do you see me hiring a lawyer and crying in front of a judge? poor me! the coffee hurt my peepee!)
Once the kids he was diddling hit puberty, he used their sperm to impregnate the surrogates.
If all MJ had to do was butt fuck a little boy to create Man in the Mirror or Dirty Diana then we got a pretty good deal to be honest family.
I wonder if when Michael Jackson orgasmed, he made a "hee-heee!" or a "sha-mon-a" noise. that would make the whole "bend over, spread your butt cheeks and look at Peter Pan" scenario so awkward.
gay and pedopilled. take this dusty ass joke back to 2008.
As in "it would be a shame if this pedo suffered consequences for his crimes"?
he really doesn't have that deep a catalog of great music, a few classic songs maybe 5-6
I am curious too
So about as deep as a little boy bottom?
Michael Jacksons dad had him chemically castrated so his voice wouldn't go through puberty.
His own WIFE said she didn't get pregnant via sex because he couldn't get hard.
So you expect me to believe he somehow fucked these kids? Michael Jackson was basically a child in his personal life he could NEVER have a normal life. His goddamn estate has to pay to rent out an entire grocery store and hire ACTORS to pretend to be shopping just so Michael could go there and experience a ""normal"" life.
wide as an ocean
>His own WIFE said she didn't get pregnant via sex because he couldn't get hard.
oh yeah like Michael Jackson couldn't afford viagra lmao
>His own WIFE said she didn't get pregnant via sex because he couldn't get hard.
Thats not a good argument as to why hes NOT a pedo homo you fucking retard
Part one was good. Part two sucked. Part two is mainly how the molesting effected the dudes lives going foreword. Make sense but it was boring. The one accuser James sounded very convincing. Wade not so much imo.
He had little to no testosterone my man.
>i believe this conspiracy theory but not multiple victims
this is why pedos get away with it.
You fuck the kids said they would watch Michael get hard and masturbate and that he fucked them. How did this happen when he could not even get hard because of all the shit that happened to him.
okay tinfoiler
>gay pedo
>women don’t make him hard
Think about it honey.
Shouldn't people be more worried about the still alive pedos getting into boys in Hollywood today e.g. Bryan Singer
Look, I'm not saying he a good boi, but he dindu nuffin.
>go to actual court
>get thrown out, case is a farce
>jacko innocent, nobody cares
>get the kikeflix hook-up
>woah...a documentary??? t-those are never wrong.
You post like a living lawyer stereotype from the 90s. Well done
Girl in the R Kelly pee tape lied at trial too, said it wasn’t her in the video. The trial where it was literally introduced as evidence and played for the jury. Her parents lied too. So he must be innocent too then?
Agreed. I could live with this.
I wonder who could be behind this doco...
He is still alive and NEW people are coming forward with EVIDENCE,
Meanwhile this doc is made by two liars. The girl who said it wasn't her is not the one accusing R. Kelly of anything.
poo poo pee pee
she refused to testify
was that a legit shot of MJ looking at a picture of Hitler lmfao?
Singer is a pimp, he'll never get #metoo'd because then his actually powerful clients might get exposed.
Just hearsay and accusations.
That was the final nail to prove it's all horseshit
r kelly and oj are innocent too, fucking shill
The dude was a child at heart. He actually got Disney to give him a set of official Disney park Pinocchio and Geppetto mascot heads.
It's funny that out of all the Disney mascot heads he could ask for he picked those two characters instead of more popular characters like Mickey Mouse or Goofy.
It's just two guys talking to a camera about how they were raped in great detail. One guy I want to believe, the other seems like he's full of shit and every time he talks about getting raped it's almost like he enjoys it.
Ultimately just hearsay and honestly, boring.
SEVERAL people made claims against michael jackson. not just the two in the doc. who knows how many settled out of court and how many never came forth.
>do you believe victims or not?
This is what happens when you 'listen and believe'
It's because he's Pinocchio. He wants to be a real boy, but he's trapped in the body of a man.
That guy in the middle gets me every time.
Caca poopoo head!
>This family denied for years that their most famous family member was capable of hurting anyone. Now that the singer’s victims are going on the record, some in the family are scrambling to maintain his innocence… for very selfish reasons.
>"I’ve known this family for years. Every one of them is bigger, more selfish, self-centered, manipulative ahole than the next. They don’t give a damn about the victims or the truth. They care about themselves and their careers and their money.
>[His sister] was asked to headline [a big festival]. However, she will only do it under the condition that no one can ask her about her brother in any interview or mention him in any press releases.
>His brothers and cousins are dependent on the family name for income. They have no choice but to deny everything and call everyone liars.
>[His daughter] is worried that no one will want to hire her. Frankly, the only reason they were interested in her in the first place is because of her name. Actually, he’s not even really her father. She’s not related to him at all. It’s complicated.
Thanks Captain Obvious.
They actually talked very little about the actual abuse... Some shitty erotica author could have made up the same stuff.
That secret room isn't a secret.
Not one of those several decided to do a doc like this. Matter of fact some people have come to his defense.
Was he a smoothskin before?
Nah, it'll be an exposé on how Rich Evans raped him with an R2D2 toy covered in AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDSSSSSS!
more like
>go to court x7
>settle out of court x7
>nobody cares
nigger, are you for real? we wouldn't be here if nobody cared. tons of people cared then and they care now. i bet the kids he molested still care.
>Adult men
There is nothing normal about MJ. You can't say it's weird; therefore, he did something.
There was this quote I’m paraphrasing from OJ: Made in America, where someone from OJ’s murder defense team was talking about sentencing in OJ’s Las Vegas robbery, and how it was basically like the “fifth quarter” of a football game in high school; I.e. who would team would win in the fistfight after the game.
Basically, the families wanted money, Michael gave them LOTS of money, and special treatment, which is dumb, but when that stops or when you’re not getting everything pitch perfect, you cry foul. And the fucking facts proved in favor of MJ, time after time after time. So when their parents couldn’t get the money or the conviction, they wait until after his death and at the EXACT MOMENT of #MeToo to get his name and send it to Hell one last time.
The fifth quarter, user
dey wuz gud bois dey dindu nuffin
>yfw they had to tape his nose back on before the autopsy
I have an entire folder filled with big tiddy anime girls, do you think that means i love big tits and not the flat chest lolis huh?!
i had to rewind and pause it to laugh for a min after i saw that scene.
Pfffftt, I have a folder of both!
Don't try to make sense of the legal system. It's fucked.
>DNA test proves you aren't the child
>Default paternity judge makes you the father
>Still have to pay child support even with DNA evidence
This is the land we live in.
Care to help out a lazy user and screen cap it?
If MJ was a family friend, sure.
The issue was that the parents were star struck and substituted that for friendship.
Although, I'm still not convinced he did any of that.
is there anything more pathetic than they're doing it for muh money! fags. how do you get to the point of being such an intellectual goblin that you're out defending a pedo on the internet FOR FREE?
>muh pedo!!!!
>literally no fucking proof
come back next time faggot
Same with your odd/suspicious obsession at proving he is guilty
You'd think HBO would have better photoshoppers
Fucking wonderful! Thanks user!
>muh photoshop!!
>literally no fucking proof
i'm sorry. i don't hold discourse with pedophiles or their supporters. i have more respect for people in /alita/. please do not respond to my posts.
I am from Simi Valley and I wish it was me instead
He was proven to be not guilty on all counts.
All you have are faulty testimonies and poorly told stories cooked up by desperate liars in search of money.
Whereas despite a 13 year long investigation and several raids on the ranch the fads found nothing.
Now he could've been guilty of something but in this case he is completely innocent.
And last of all shame on you and everyone else for speaking ill of the dead.
>the fact that they speak for hours about events that happened to them is enough proof to me
People talk on hours about being abducted by UFOs and seeing Bigfoot too.
He didn't want them to end up like him
Also Nice shill thread HBO :^)
Nobody denies that MJ was a fucking weirdo that really shouldn't have been allowed to sleep in beds with children. They just deny that he actually molested anybody, and they do so because there's zero evidence beyond incredibly sketchy witness testimony. The FBI crawled up MJ's ass for two decades and never found any evidence of anything.
The latest accusations are some of the weakest yet. Both of them already testified under oath that they weren't molested, and their current stories are just repetitions of the previous claims.
The Act of Killing felt much more real 2bh
>He didn't want them to end up like him
like him how? rich and famous? nice mental gymnastics, m8,
also if that was truth why would that prevent him from befriending girls? girls can't end up "like him"? what kind of retarded thinking is this?
i'm sorry. i don't hold discourse with bigots or their supporters. i have more respect for people in /alita/. please do not respond to my posts.
Their tears say more than real evidence ever could
what kind of evidence can exist? some sort of video or pictures? the guy lived in a secluded mansion, there were no cellphones and cameras everywhere like now. he was "friends" with little kids, they found several picture books of kids in their underwear and nude in his house, you can see a pattern there, right? i don't know if he tried to fuck those dudes in the docummentary in the ass like they claim but i'm sure there was some shady stuff going on.
this settles it, MJ is innocent
fuck thats retarded
Witness testimony that isn't ridiculously shaky, families that didn't repeatedly try to extort both MJ and other celebrities for cash, any sort of forensic evidence that anything illegal occurred.
Of the two current accusers, one had maintained MJ's innocence for decades (right up until the MJ Estate turned down his request to run some dance faggotry, at which point he started claiming rape and tried to get $1.6 billion dollars in a lawsuit). The other "new" accuser likewise had denied being molested until he hopped onto the other new guys wagon.
>Witness testimony that isn't ridiculously shaky
kids declaring in court about being abused are not being completely coherent!
>forensic evidence
what kind of forensic evidence can you get for a guy fondling your dick? some fingerprint in your glans?
i mean it's not even like it matters, the guy is dead. but i just find it hard to believe that people are so sure about him not diddling the kids
Based sensitive user
Why was MJ never locked up after all the investigations then, there have been several and he walked from all of them.
It has more to do with the first accuser repeatedly denying anything happened until his father drugged him. The father who was also recorded talking about how he was going to ruin MJ and how he didn't care about the son.
The one that actually went to trial was even more of a shitshow. The family had tried to shakedown several other celebrities before MJ, and their entire story was the MJ didn't molest the kids until AFTER he was being scrutinized for potentially molesting them.