I admit it. I watch Dr. Pimple Popper while I eat

I admit it. I watch Dr. Pimple Popper while I eat.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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TLC - The Freakshow Channel

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>not just watching that indian doctor on youtube

>Hi, friends

What the fuck happened to that feet?

Nice filename OP

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Dr Pimple Popper is TLC'S #1 show with 3 million viewers

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I can't stop watching it. One of the few fascinating shows on TLC.

don't forget A&E

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>Dr pimple popper

Finally, a fellow man of refined taste on this board

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10/10 filename

Why do women love this show?

Give me the run down on that...thing.

holy shit I've never thought about this, this is genius. I can't wait until i get home so i can piss in my sink

>precious resource
where do these fucks think water goes?

>those artifacts

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I already did.
Your sink is nice by the way.

love to smell pee in the kitchen

more protected TLC $hilling. based

I thought men were supposed to pee in milk jugs and drink it now according to the new deal

It's a grooming thing. It activates some primal part of their brain that wants to be top mom in the chimpanzee tribe, pulling grubs out of each other's fur as a form of bonding ritual. It's the same reason girls braid each other's hair today. Women are also hardwired to seek the primal catharsis of picking at a partner's flesh until sticky white fluid comes out.

here you are fellas

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>be in the US for 10 years
>don't speak a lick of english

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oh come on

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