B-b-b-b-b-but the movie was supposed to be bad

b-b-b-b-b-but the movie was supposed to be bad

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Don't worry, it's bad.

will Yea Forums ever get tired of being wrong

rotten toes thinks "eh, it was ok i guess." reviews are fresh

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you fail to realize all these "positive" reviews are almost begrudgingly positive, saying it's barely good with a ton of flaws

Man, you fucking know it's bad when even the majority of the left's "good" reviews struggle to find nice things to say.

it'll be another bland, cliche story but since it has a stronk womyn all the sheep will go see it, just like WW

>trusting RottenJewmatoes

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>Rotten Tomatoes Gets Rid of The Top Critic Score - And That's a Good Thing

> listen to our paid shills!

Subtract about 40% off whatever its score ends up being for the disney bonus and SJW bonus.

Bonus situation?

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I've noticed people have been shilling the 91% number specifically, even though it keeps dropping.

It's holding at 83%

Only at 131 reviews. Movies like these usually have at least 200 or so. The lowest it will drop will most likely be in the 70s.

why is there no audience score?

The movie hasn't been released yet. Also they got rid of the audience interest meter because too many people said they weren't interested in seeing this movie.

disney AI bots are learning to avoid my numerous capeshit filters

Lol capeshit

>b-b-b-b-but the movie is not bad

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If I were a white male and a film critic i'd give this movie such a ridiculously positive review that people would think that I had to be joking, but they wouldn't be able to say anything about it.

It is