Film adaption when?

Film adaption when?

Unironically, it would be a pretty good movie idea. Shia would probably fund it since he was basically in on the joke.

Attached: hwnduaa.jpg (1116x628, 77K)

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i made this thread because it 404'd before i could reply to the 2 anons. so here's my reply about the inacuracies in the internet historian's retelling

the speaker stopped playing music but he edited it to seem like it kept playing when shia got there

-it wasn't /pol/ it was /hwndu/ who did all the work (remember that /pol/ was purging all the hwndu posts at the time)
-all the preliminary research part about timezones is wrong. what actually happened was that two shia fans took pictures with shia in a city in TN and I think SC or something. (the 2 cities coincidentally had the same name). this post was made by a Yea Forums user like 2 days before the stream came back up. so everyone expected the stream to come back up and /pol/ and /hwndu/ had already pinpointed it to basically the county.
-the austronomy part is an exaggeration in my opinion. yes, it was a popular picture that circulated and amazed everyone, but i think it was pointless. the only people who can really say if it was even relevant are the two people who actually found the flag (but i doubt they used that constellation meme, i'm pretty sure they used the annotated google maps that the /hwndu/ people did)
-weather satellites were irrelevant
-the honking part is also wrong. the honking that was heard on the ground was done by "caranon," a dude who drove near the site at night the night before. he has been confused by everyone as the other caranon who is the husband of the girl who found the flag on the ground. he was driving so everyone also refered to him as caranon, even though that nickname was given to another dude the night before. the marriage who found the flag, none of their honking was heard on the stream. you can check the threads on /hwndu/. they're still up
-/pol/ getting to work devising a penetration strategy is also bs

Internet Historial already has a fantastic 4 or 5 part documentary of this saga.

>He will not divide us
You're right, Shia. I hated you even before Trump ran for office. So no credit goes to Trump.



Attached: 1551227783905.jpg (765x822, 143K)

Aurora still best waifu

>he will not divide us

I sincerely just do not even.

Fucking hell, what a horror show.


>A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb is still attached. Approximately 60 to 80% of individuals with an amputation experience phantom sensations in their amputated limb, and the majority of the sensations are painful. Phantom sensations may also occur after the removal of body parts other than the limbs, e.g. after amputation of the breast, extraction of a tooth (phantom tooth pain) or removal of an eye (phantom eye syndrome).
>Most treatments are not very effective. Ketamine or morphine may be useful around the time of surgery. Morphine may be helpful for longer periods of time. Evidence for gabapentin is mixed. Perineural catheters that provide local anesthetic agents have poor evidence of success when placed after surgery in an effort to prevent phantom limb pain.

Now imagine getting your cock and balls snipped off.

oh god why
i want off this ride

>trying to reverse the situation

Shia was the one making an ass of himself in public and EVEYRONE knows it.

Stop trying to run damage-control, Lefties.

>makes a giant protest-area to protest against the "racist" policies of Donald Trump
>puts a giant wall around it so that only the RIGHT PEOPLE may enter the protest-area at Shia's discretion

And the soi-chugging leftists that unironically attended this thing were not smart enough to see the issue with that.

Attached: Wow What Is This.png (480x352, 146K)

So /pol/ gave up on taking down the flag in Paris then? Sad

It's ok when they do it.

the funniest part about the new york one was that everyone thought the Yea Forums memers were from /pol/ when really only 2 were and the rest were from boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and 8/v/

He should have just rented a billboard near Times Square or somewhere else with a shiltoad of cops.

You didn't get a kick out of it when they were finding them and capturing them? It was funny.

my point stands

I did get a kick out of it, it was funny, and I'm sad that they stopped even though they know where it is