Fucking Chads....it's not fair

Fucking Chads....it's not fair

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Saiyan dick is irresistible

>tfw no cheelai gf

what if scouters existed and they had the function to tell you if someone was a jew

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>3 KB, 75x125

Saiyans are not white or black, they're italian.

>half-mongrels that variate between tan and pasty white
>all women fall for them
>possess the brute force of an ape while having a cunning mind
>sometimes create aryan supermen especially if mixed with earthlings (northern euro)

I thought they were Algerian.

they're saiyans
they're from space

They're white. And they need to PAY REPARATIONS for the worlds they sacked, sa*yanboi.

They can create fertile offspring with humans, hence they're the same species

Saiyans are based off asians.

asians think goku looks like them. whites think goku looks like them

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can you post a smaller one?

>I thought they were Algerian.
Morroccans, Algerians are based Namekians.

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Based Tyson Mike poster.

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He's pretty based.

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I find his comics comfy in a weird way.

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>La Haine
that thing was pretty kino

Stay there paco

Same. It's like rediscovering old comics and pictures you drew as a kid.

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I really prefer the original raspy female chainsmoker voice from dbz

Mid 90's was a kino time, especially in Europe.

>raspy female chainsmoker voice
irony of this is that Ayres turned out to be the chainsmoker with a respiratory disease

>tfw used to think Freiza was a girl as a kid

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And Goku is named after a Chinese character.

Normal Goku could be lots of races, but super saiyans are white people and the stages are different phenotypes

Everyone did

based japs

>linda young
Mein neger, she was great as master genkai.

Where is that from? The new broly movie?

the new episodes are not as good as the old episodes

You don't need that, all Jews scream that they are Jews, like vegans

Lol pizzaniggers will never not be coping.
>tfw your most known role model is a make believe boxer


i thought they were japanese

That's not the only way to define a species, there were Neanderthals that bred with Humans and had fertile offspring.

Goku is Chinese, super saiyans were based on golden-haired monkeys

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Linda Young was perfect for Genkai but miscast for Frieza

Goku was raised by a Chinese guy. Bulma was Japanese and found him

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*gets shit pushed in by broly*

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There Mexican bro vegetarian is proof

>Vic is now sueing the retards who got him ousted on rumours with no proof

They're still sperging about it on twitter too.

And yet based frieza still came out on top cause everyone is too retarded to give a shit about him.

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Someone post that old comic of chi chi fucking goten and trunks before Gohan comes home later and fucks her brains out too.

Busted so many nuts to that back on the day.



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Reminder if you watch and discuss Dragonball (or One Piece) past the age of 20, you are an irredeemable manchild of the absolute worst kind.

said the roastie

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>jobbing to a jobber
>the absolute state of popo

>He said this while in 4channel

>saying this in a board full of capeshit threads

But they don't live with their mothers until their 60s

Long hair Videl was so fucking cute

Good, can't stand no fun niggers who crawl out of the woodwork to ruin shit like this

Too bad that Gohan has got garbage taste

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How did krillen do it?

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Why is Broly so cute bros?

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How did she have a baby?

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She's still human, she just got robot upgraded.