Say something nice to the birthday girl Yea Forums

Say something nice to the birthday girl Yea Forums

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god this is depressing

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The Office ended six years ago Jenna.

delete this i confessed to a girl and got turned down and i just know it will never be like the office where jim won in the end
fuck im lonely bros

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You look better than normal in this airbrushed picture Mrs. Fisher. That make up does a good job hiding your wrinkles Mrs. Fisher.

Do celebs type this shit on google?

>dunder mifflin mug

She REALLY can't let it go
This is so sad, she is also aging like milk

lol just bee yourself bro


is she relatively wealthy? she looks like she would make a good sugarmommy

That’s part of the cake, not a mug. She paid someone to make her a custom Office-themed birthday cake.

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fuck off cnt

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Ahaha what is this?

Keep trying bro. Thsts the secret. Take the hit and keep moving. If a fat sperg lkke me can get laid once on a while, you can too. ALSO THE CAPTCHA CAN SUCK MY DICK


Wonder if a google search has ever lead her to one of the threads made about her here

god damn i want coffee
i haven't had coffee in over a year

Never done the ol vodka in the water bottle trick?

She looks great, and the show ended what, like 6 years ago? That's not that long ago for such a huge show. She's a mommy and married. She's living a great life.

no you're not, you just think you are
stupid frog posters

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Bless her little heart, she's trying.

Why didn't you save her?

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Cool wine aunt in 10 years.

Born: March 7, 1974 (age 44 years), Fort Wayne, IN

Murderers on deathrow can get married. Why can't I?

happy birthday ms fisher


The only thing I remotely like about The Office is using it as a red flag for w*men on dating apps.

>she's a pieces

That explains everything.

What would an episode of the office where Micheal discovers Yea Forums be like?

chicks don't like sensible guys who think before they act. as much as they claim otherwise, they want a passionate brute who never thinks about consequences

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Please move the fuck on Jenna

At least she has kids

bruh a good 80% of chicks on tinder have something related to The Office in their bio, you'll swipe left forever

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On bumble its more like 50/50

What does Emily Blunt have to do with this?

>fuck off cnt

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just fuck my shit up.

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From the film The girl on the train.

based drue, 100% /ourlad/

Are her eyes crossed?

>Dwight quit being a nigger

>Hey guys. SNEED!

I'm almost proud of her because I know where she's doing this. That takes some fucking steel. Makes me think it isn't real.

How jealous do you have to be to care about animated images? He did the right thing. Every time I see this images it makes me laugh.