An overwhelming majority of people actually believe MJ wasn't a massive pedophile

>an overwhelming majority of people actually believe MJ wasn't a massive pedophile

When has a grown man slept alone with young boys and not been considered a pedo? If he really wanted to be friends, why did he ditch them once they got older? This would be a massive red flag for literally anyone, but it's okay when it's the king of pop?

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It’s just a bunch of gen x’ers in denial

if he ever did anything, he'd be in prison. celebrities go to jail all the time for lesser things than molestation.
>b-but he paid them off
so they'd take the money and then tattle, michael never did anything wrong

Agreed. Can’t believe anyone is defending his disturbing, disgusting behaviour or are that naive.

But he didn’t fuck Corey Feldman so he must have never fucked anybody

surprised me as well, but look how many people believe 'russian collusion' type fake news

he didn't fuck corey feldman because he didn't want charlie sheen's many venereal diseases and AIDS.

P R O O F ?

prove it...

>an overwhelming majority of people actually believe MJ wasn't a massive pedophile
This isn't true. Most people accepted it a long time ago, the Jackson estate is just swamping social media with shills to try and drown out the noise because they know it's desperation time for them.

Can't believe people are still listening to Feldman about this shit at all after he cried wolf so many times.

What is OJ Simpson?

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An innocent man with a humble attorney

The final redpill is that, yeah, he fucked all those kids, but he's still fucking based.

This. I fucking hate kids. Whether he diddled them or not is irrelevant to me. I don't have any. I'll never have any. It's not my concern.

The kids wanted to be diddled. Who wouldn’t want to get molested by the king of pop?

Why does Peter Parker like MJ so much. He's kinda creepy.

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>OP consumes important information through HBO
>NPC lacks critical thinking skill

Stop being a mindless pervert.. Not everything is about butt-fucking and blowjobs you degenerate faggot.

Outside of the surface you sit on, any piece of evidence presented against Michael collapses under actual scrutiny.

Actually the final redpill is the record label jews wanted him dead ever since he had 50% ownership of Sony music. Sure, he called them kikes but they are used to that and that's not why they smeared him.

He didn't ditch them when they got older.
This photo was just a couple years before he died.

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If he was really diddling kids all day every day in every room of the house there would be at least one piece of hard evidence.

>surprised me as well, but look how many people believe 'russian collusion' type fake news

You've got it backwards. The people that believe in Russian collusion fake news consume all of their news through mainstream media..
Guess who attacked Michael Jackson and accused him of being a pedophile?

Such as?

The mainstream media also tells me the Earth is a sphere and vaccines don’t cause autism, these must be lies too.

Just because there's plausible deniability doesn't mean it didn't happen

dude had his balls snipped like kids in the catholic choirs. he couldnt get his dick hard if he wanted to.


Dumbest fucking post ever. God job.

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Kid with prolapsed anus

I'm not the one defending a pedophile

Pictures you idiot

>legal pictures = rape

michael did absolutely nothing wrong


At his best, Michael Jackson was a real fucking creep, not as creepy as his fans constantly making excuses for him though.

>Father sleeps in the same bed as his children
Is this pedophilia?

Why would he take pictures? This ain't some scooby doo tier bad guy who leaves a trail of evidence like your tv shows.

So brave you are

Not as brave as defending a grown adult that would constantly sleep with other people children after manipulating their parents but thanks.

What a dumb post. How about you let your son sleep with a complete stranger for a week? Does that seem like a normal thing? Oh, but it's michael jackson so it's okay!

None of those kids were his though retard

Nobody takes Feldman seriously

Why do you care what they believe? Why are you trying to change people's opinions about a dead guy FOR FREE?

>grown man asks you whether your kids can sleep at his place
>you agree
dude, who the fuck gives a shit about what he possibly did to the kids? their fucking parents let their goddamn children sleep at some stranger's house, for fuck's sake. how mentally ill do you have to be to let that happen? if he did do it, their parents are actively responsible for their own kids' trauma


oj didn't kill nicole user
every major bit of evidence used against him was debunked and the cops admitted to trying to frame him
the jury was mostly female and married. if they had an inkling he killed his wife he'd have been fried. they fucking knew the truth

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Cannot believe how fucking retarded the parents were. Protection from actual and potential nonces should be a high priority. Fuckwits

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weak bait. I can't remember who said it but there was a statement regarding the forensic evidence. basically, that one asian doctor and the victims' attorney were too retarded to explain what forensic evidence actually meant. at that time, mainstream people didn't know the value of dna samples etc. and everyone involved fucked up properly showcasing the significance

Because he would pamper these families for months beforehand. They trusted him like he was part of the family. Eventually he would get the kids alone with him and start introducing the sexual stuff.

>all 3 parts
What is this, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? You gotta watch Part 3 to see how they finally kill MJ! Since when does a documentary have "parts"?

ethan is probably a pedophile himself

Since always? That's what you took from that?

Prosecutors were retarded. Prove that the prosecutors were retarded in the MJ case. What mistakes did they make?

Woof this is a steep hill to die on, dunno if I wanna waste 4 hours on something that's gonna die off in a few days though.

Do you know where your daughter is Bill?


I've always been in the MJ is a creep camp but Ethan is sperging out pretty bad over this.

He has to know that doing this is only going to help the other side's case.

/pol/ was right again. Damn MJ really didn't do it, did he?

these threads are the pinnacle of Yea Forums retardation. i'd be surprised if most of you can tie your shoelaces

They found CP in his home:

>Jackson also owned hardcore heterosexual pornography, some of it quite shocking including bondage, simulated rape, anal fisting, brown showers, “chicks with dicks” and lesbianism.

was MJ a /gif/ poster?

>Ethan (((Klein)))

Black people get really mad when you tell them that MJ was a pedophile

Stop dragging Hila down and getting sued you fat fucking retard.

he made thriller man, thriller

That makes no sense, the Whites earned his rights in the Racial Draft.

Most people in the real world think he was a pedo. Only Yea Forums alt-retards and fat middle aged roasties who grew up with MJ think he's innocent.

Jesus Christ MJ fans are absolutely mentally ill. When they meet him they become blubbering messes, no wonder they are so quick to defend him like little lackey bitches

I don't even like him. I defend him because he's innocent. That's justice.

>Jackson also owned hardcore heterosexual pornography
>and lesbianism

smeared him AND got him hooked on fucking fentanyl of all things.

>believing the (((media)))

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