Is he actually a good actor or just a meme?

is he actually a good actor or just a meme?

Attached: ezra-miller.jpg (1554x2000, 393K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Fryns_syndromeé_Nast

He's a Jew hired because he looks like a Hapa and will appeal to the Asian market. Many such cases

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All actors are a meme. At the end of the day, you still realize they’re just an actor unless you have actuall autism. That’s what movies and plays are, just actors playing roles

You mean actress.

Is he a bottom or top?

power bottom

What is up with some folks and that tumour jaw? Leo DiCaprio has it as well.

He has only one option: play the weird twink. Unless he bulks up and ditches the fag look, he will never make it.

It's the genetic lottery jaw

Who is this guy?

he looks high in every picture

t. jawlet
Nothing wrong with having a good, defined jaw.

He will play Filthy Frank in his inevitable biopic because that's what Joji wants

Attached: joji kino.jpg (633x879, 108K)

high femme top

That's not what a jaw is supposed to look like, retards. That looks sickly.

This is what a jaw is supposed to look like.

Attached: marlon-brando.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

He could be the new Tom Cruise if he wasn't such a faggot


Attached: jaw tumours.png (675x321, 340K)

He is literally high 24/7, have you ever heard him speak?

>Dumbledore Jr
Granted the future of these films are doubtful, but they're still considered as high profile job. So not necessarily a good actor, but at least he's a good ass licker

He's attractive. Give him another 10 years. See if he is still getting work.

shit actor not even a meme one

That first dudes jaw looks broken. I can't remember what his name is.

Tim Chalamet

Literally one of the greatest jaws I've ever seen

he's hapa so he's going to age well, they always age gracefully just look at keanu

He's chiseled. End of story.

Lmao are you actually fucking retarded
Ezra Millers jaw is aesthetic as fuck, stop coping you fat faced retard

>he's hapa
So that's why he killed everyone in we need to talk about Kevin.

Looks like the tumour jaw defence patrol is back.

Also I just learned that it’s called the Lujan-Fryns syndrome:–Fryns_syndrome

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Lol holy shit I must’ve really hit a sore spot

Ezra has been checked for genetic disorders because he does have weird bones on parts of his body, they couldn't find anything wrong with him.

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Another example of it

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>is he good
We’ll see when filthy frank overdoses and Ezra eventually plays him in the biography

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And it’s weird, I wanna say it’s cuz a lot of them are skinny but a lot of them are gay thinks too so maybe there’s a correlation

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What the fuck are you talking about?? The jaw in your pic related looks nothing like Ezra's, and tumor jaw would imply having a growth in them when they're the complete opposite and more sunken. If you actually think Ezra has a bad jaw you are retarded and coping at new heights


lol fuck off, reverse search brings me back to lookism's site

That’s just what Wikipedia’s example was. There’s other examples on google.

Hmmm it’s almost as if Hollywood is attracted to gay twinks.

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I get it, you're either a fat powerlifter from /fit/ or a fat fuck from /Pol/ but calling them twinks because they have objectively attractive facial features (Jonny Depp or Ezra, not the other creatures you posted) just makes you seem like a fat coping retard

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What's with jews and razor sharp jaws?

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He's so beautiful it makes me angry

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See this guy is starting to get it.

Cring and copepilled

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That's one hot dyke

He looks good with a beard but it really overshadows that god-like jaw
Just shut the fuck up please you have no idea about facial aesthetics you 25% bodyfat retard

Reminder to those with tumour jaws in this thread that this is how a man's jaw is supposed to look.

Attached: Rock Hudson.png (539x558, 281K)

Unironically its because ethnic jews have huge amounts on inbreeding, Historically at least.
Also why virtually every jew is lactose intolerrant.

Fucking pisses me off because I live in a jewish area and my health insurance premiums are through the roof.

Except Bob Dylan was 100% Ashcan and Ezra is mixed, he's half German and it's on his mother's side which means his kino hair will stick around too

Attached: XeiPlZk.png (600x400, 297K)

I've been researching this more and it looks like this type of "tumour jaw" is usually a result of plastic surgery as well. It's the most standard type of jaw surgery.

Attached: Plastic Surgery jaw.jpg (1154x679, 134K)

Which would also explain this

Attached: MJ jaw change.png (964x369, 591K)

Remember kids.

This = Good Jaw

Attached: Clint Walker.jpg (768x968, 122K)

Everytime I see pictures of late Michael Jackson he looks even more disturbing.

And This = Bad Jaw

Attached: Twinkface.png (445x446, 503K)

Fuck off retard he's never had plastic surgery
Here he is at 13 1/2 years old, I guess he had jaw surgery before then? Fucking retard

Attached: thirteen and a half years old.jpg (749x1200, 322K)

He's actually really good in that Stanford Prison Experiment movie. He selected as one of the "prisoners" and starts out cocky and defiant, which then spirals into a complete emotional/mental breakdown at the hands of the guards. He does it quite realistically and convincingly. I hate his real life personality though.

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This surgery aged this dude by 25 years.

>I hate his real life personality though.
I find him endlessly entertaining

Some people say it´s genetic, some people think it´s a mark of their hybrid-reptilian DNA.
Maybe both are right, (((who))) knows.



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Keep telling yourself that, Jude.

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Did he have flares added to his jaw?

he looks unhealthy

who cares, I just want to creampie his asshole

he'd make a perfect griffith in a berserk adaptation

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he’s really only good at playing mentally ill crazy characters like Kevin or Credence

he's not hapa

he got naked in that movie

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wtf how does he have such a nice ass

That's just being low body fat

>not knowing about the fabled Ezra ass
Almost as good as his jaw desu

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I wanna see him twerk, would be kino

jawlet cope

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Because this is natural
No one has this kind of jaw, it's because the buccinators are hypertrophied, which is almost never done, you need buccal fat removal to look like this,

This is the closest we've got

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I don't know, I just don't find Ezra that attractive.
Not Timothy. Robert Sheehan is the kind of aesthetic I like. Scruffy, but cute, and without all the weird supermodel diamond chin shit.


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Would love him to grind my crotch like that

This is too lewd for 4channel user

I'm not as familiar with Robert but I think he's quite attractive and they seem to have a similar style/aesthetic going as of late no?

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>mfw I started out with the jaw on the left pic

luck I guess

He looks like the Nightman

Attached: Nightman.jpg (500x750, 36K)


Every new "big" actor and actress is a forced meme. The forced meme is perpetuated by their publicity agency as well as mass media corporations such as Conde Nast:é_Nast Conde Nast wants to "redefine beauty" by forcing these meme actors, actresses, and models - nearly all of these individuals are androgynous homosexuals.

Think for a moment about the same few actors and actresses that you've recently seen spammed on Yea Forums and reddit, and who appears in movie after movie in spite of their inability to act. These individuals are forced memes.

This guy's been in like 2 movies in the last few years, that's hardly forced

He knows exactly what he's talking about. The world around you all faked. You need to understand the world of agents.

why would a guy who has been in like 2 movies in the last few years routinely make headlines and have numerous photo ops as well as red carpet appearances in that time?

Both of their surnames are Miller, too

I don't pay attention to that shit because I'm not a faggot, I'm just saying if they wanted him in more movies they would have done it already no?

>I'm not a faggot

Attached: hon.jpg (323x323, 72K)

I'm literally not.

t. some fag obsessed with jaw tumour twink

>t. some fag
keep in mind that you can get a ban for using signatures like that

I wanna pee in his butthole

Keep in mind that Ezra is a worthless jew.

I concur 1000%. You and I have nothing to argue about.

I don’t even know who I’m arguing with anymore. All I know was there was a fag defending Ezra a lot and I quit this thread a while back because it was getting gay. Only gays care about this actor I swear.

Kill yourselves retards

I continue to agree with you 1000%

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Lmaoing @ your life right now
Ezra is:
>Good actor

And you're wasting your life away on this Kazakhstan horse breeding forum.

hey look everyone, a paid shill

>anything I don't like is a shill
BASED retard poster

Ezra is shit. How many pairs of his underwear have you ordered off eBay?

anyone who unironically spews the type of bullshit you're skidmarking is a paid shill. this is a fact.

Hilarious, but doesn't make the fact that he's great and many people like him any less true

i like him but he tries way too hard and definitely gives off that faggy jew vibe

>.002 jewdollars have been deposited to your account

kys fag

He doesn't have to try hard, he's just automatically that based

Miller = Griffith
Mona = Casca
??? = Guts

They're cousins.

Alex Jones is canonically Griffith.

Why Henry Cavill of course

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