Yeah, I'm thinking he's innocent
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heee hee!
you can like children without wanting to fuck them
>you can like children without wanting to fuck them
There's something disturbing about a grown man taking children to his bed- behavior he not only confessed to but defended- whether he's poking them or not.
Nah he’s guilty, if you think otherwise, you’re a Hillary supporter
>it's weird so it must be criminal!
>being this naive to the world
So he didn’t have sex with two massively high profile lads who had money. Yeah color me surprised. Two lads who weren’t originally, who idolised him, families too, is a lot more believable.
>So he didn’t have sex with two massively high profile lads who had money.
Feldman was raped as a child actor, and claims that there is a pedo ring within the entertainment industry.
Despite this, he claims MJ is not a part of it at all.
Feldman literally won't name names in any case. He's a Manchurian candidate.
He had their parents in his bedroom too, it just the children.
Not just the children*
>he didn't rape me so he never raped anyone
Dudes are bad at "me too". Being a gobbler of star penis is something only a woman can live with.
prepare your anus.
MJ was fucked up by his dad and forced to basically not have a childhood
I'm not saying hanging out with little kids isn't weird but I can see why he would do it from a psychological perspective
desu, I think MJ was most likely a pedo, but I don't think he ever actually molested any of them
He slept with a child on the same bed for 30 days.
wow that's a long sleep
Can you even be considered a pedophile if you don't molest anyone?
He already gave names
>I thought you were dyin in two weeks what happened to that?
>I been in court a year and a half you get stronger everytime I see you!
Saint Michael of Jackson stay dabbin on these faggot ass kids
>cnn said it so it must be true!!
Pedo is only the attracted part right? Or is it the action that define someone as a pedo?
Honestly this should happen to all MJ apologists
go to bed, reddit dad
but whether or not he is poking is exactly the point, SO STOP TRYING TO DISMISS IT YOU SLIPPERY SWINE
>spoiling one of the best films in the last decade
Legit kys
No you retard.
>didnt happen to me so it mustnt have happened
He never took children to his bed, this is an accusation by a kid who later recanted and said his parents and lawyers pressured him to say this for a lawsuit. The only other claim was his "Bedroom," but upon further detail what they mean is the apartments adjacent to his bedroom. At Neverland Jackson's "bedroom," was a series of apartments, common areas, and kitchens like a dormitory.
My therapist said it's the action.
there is no counter to this
Nah man, he was alone for 5 straight days with a 7 year old Wade Robson. Alone. Wade’s parents were absolute dumbasser but MJ was porking those kids.
>being this much of a fucking simpelton
he wanted to bring people together. he wanted people to coexist in harmony. he wanted to heal the world.
remind you of any other people who required (((janny))) cleanups
>implying 12 year old you wouldn't let this literal demigod fondle you and like it
What the FUCK
Don't you have a 15 year old woman to rape somewhere, ISIS?
Degenerate scum
Wasn't he making a docu about this where he was gonna name everyone?
Kind of sad that the only time I ever hear about Macaulay Culkin in the news is when he's defending MJ.
This desu
He was on both RLM and Cinemassacre a few months ago
He was in Joe Rogan a few months ago, he said after his kid movies he quit the business, he said he never actually liked it, he only did it because his parents wanted him to do the job, and he got everything he asked (Gameboy, McDonald's dominos, etc) so it wasn't a job for him, just a few lines and that's it.
This, to be honest. He was pretty much perfect in Kings back then. Too bad the show didn't take off and make it.
If it was socially acceptable to do I'm sure most men would do it.
I mean it's just playing with children, like throwing them on to beds, rolling around, acting childish.
Fathers do it with their children, Uncles do it with their nephews/nieces, and family friends do it too if they're close enough.
funny since vito was actually a pedophile
fucking kill yourself disgusting freak.
I'm sorry that the last physical contact you had in your life was when that woman some month ago on the bus tripped a little and bumped into you, user
try again, make it shorter and meaner
Reminds me of the time two little girls were standing next to me on the bus where I was sitting down, and it was a little bumpy so one of them fell on top of me. I thought: "I thought this kind of stuff was just a meme that Yea Forums likes talking about; good thing I'm not a pedophile."
Implying I'm not on the money here
They started laughing about it too.
t. Schlomo Zahler
>unironically defending a gay pedo nigger
its bad that you saved this picture
Feldman lookin like a lego figure
How did her skin feel like?
as if anybody would get aroused by a crudely drawn ms paint pic
Not the user you're replying to but, who got named?
Uhh I don't know because she was wearing pants and I was also wearing pants.
>Comparing real life to a fucking comic book
Batman has always been an adoptive father/father figure to Robin. Not a complete stranger like MJ to these kids.
>Batman has always been an adoptive father/father figure to Robin
Now you're getting it... Just use a little more brain power!