Came out 18 years ago

>came out 18 years ago
>still looks better than generic CGI animated movies today

Attached: Princess_Fiona_Human.jpg (1024x768, 74K)

I'd prefer to fuck Ogre Fiona over Human Fiona. Is something wrong with me?

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Attached: TOO TERRIBLE TO IMAGINE.png (444x458, 564K)

yes it's called being a chubby chaser

T H I C C > S T I C C

fatass != T H I C C
How can you morons still not get this

>fat propaganda

You are sick in the head, lad.

Did they ever explained Fiona's disease/curse?


low test


Did they ever explained why Fiona turns into an ogre at night despite being born from ona human and a frog?

>maximum budget movie looks better than later low budget movies

The problem with modern CGI are the horrible deadlines imposed on Vfx studios. In the past there was plenty of time for post production, now a film finishes rolling and it’s expected to be released in 3 months. Shrek had a 2-3 year development cycle

Wasn't that the price King Harold paid for being turned into a man from a frog? Something is implied in Shrek 2 between fairy godmother and the King but it's not that explicit.

She was cursed.

By who?

high test

You have to stop paying people for the shitty movies they make and they will get better

No it doesn’t

Some witch, I think.

i wanna fug the dragon

Attached: Dragon-Shrek-psd32201.png (400x300, 101K)


same here. as a kid i liked human fiona, but now she just seems bland. orge fiona isn't even ugly either

king harold was a frog that bargained with the fairy godmother to turn him into a human with a kiss from lilian (the frog prince fairytale) in exchange, harold agrees that his daughter will have to marry fairy godmother's son. so FG curses fiona and locks her in a tower for her true love, prince charming to save her

the people in Shrek look really bad.

this one character design is more unique and has more soul than anything in nu wars and anything in capeshit.

donkey, which is literally a cgi donkey, has more soul and a more unique designed than capeshit

Literally Yea Forums the post


Shrek 2 is one of the best sequels ever made. It's up there with Godfather 2 and Terminator 2 as far as recognising what made the original work and building upon it. Shame that like the aforementioned films sequels Shrek 3 is an utter letdown.

it's a perfect movie and sequel. the "i need a hero" finale scene is one of my favorite scenes in movies. shrek the third feels like a direct to dvd sequel. 4 was good though but not as good as the first 2

The I need a hero scene is bizarrely emotionally resonant for a family fairy tale comedy. I wasn't a fan of 4 but I was pleasantly surprised by Puss in Boots.

Shrek 4 felt like a franchise out of steam. This was during the mass sequel phase of Dreamworks

I'm glad Mastermind never got a sequel, it's a modern Dreamworks kino.

I meant Megamind

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and most of that was rendering

>rango was 8 years ago

Attached: 1523979589516.jpg (1917x797, 194K)

I was 16 when Rango came out.

Where have all the years gone?