Jazz General - Female Brain Edition

Sneak peak - Amir gets "bruh" off the phone:

Amir Miller Band:

New episode tonight. Stream time unknown.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jaron has nuts?



Stop replying to the attention seeking TERF that doesn't know how to integrate or let people have their own opinions. You wouldn't like it if these guys fucked up your female boards/user sites so FUCK OFF

Amir is gay

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They get castrated before or during the transition surgery because all the hormones and pills and shit make testicular cancer a very high risk.

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would you?

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>It's just a sex change operation!


>Who are you?


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whens it starting?

>linebacker shoulders
>Antarctica hairline

He's got a convincing girl voice though

>Stop replying to this person I'm essentially replying to because they might have an on topic discussion you want to reply to.

I'm not black, so I doubt he'd go for me.

I'd love to see a picture of Skylar and Ari walking together somewhere so Skylarfags can be BTFO once and for all.

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Not trying to be the faggot centrist here. But this TERF/Roastie battle is so fucking stupid. I believe that it is possible to hold traditional values that prioritize women in the home and raising children, while still respecting women as not as equals, but as partners. Because in the end, equality is horse shit. No one is equal.

I have a wife and kid. Women are way better with kids because they have tits, hell me taking care of the baby requires me to mix up formula ect, meanwhile mom can just grab the baby while she is half asleep and feed them immediately.

This fucking trans shit is a product of feminism, equality, democracy, and porn. Women should not be attempting to be a man in the work place with a pair of tits. There are only a few exceptions where this works out. This is why my wife hates feminism, she says it feels like they just want her to be a man, when she likes being feminine.

Everything is so fucked in the head, the me too movement is a product of women in the work place. Their is as reason women were banned from acting in most cultures. Because its a depraved low life profession for faggots and pimps. No fucking shit they are going to have to fuck to get roles.

This clown world can't sustain itself too much longer.

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>those enormous shoulders

And that's fair enough but she's shitting up the thread

No, I'm not a homo. Now Ari? Absolutely would colonize that fat brown bottom of hers.

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>all that estrogen and puberty blockers and his frame STILL looks like that
God damn he would've been Chad if he never got into any of this tranny shit.

I'm the first post you linked to and I'm not a roastie.
I just hate attention-seeking woman shitting up the thread with their mass replies and walls of text.
Fuck roasties and fuck TERFs too. They're both pathetic

You and the niggers you're arguing with need to leave your catfight in the last thread instead of shitting up this one.

based and redpilled

>Faggot centrist

Labels mean nothing, speak your mind lad and dont be afraid to do it

>You know, I always wonder why I keep having to dilate my neovag. Though I'm not really smart, so whenever I think too much about anything, I start to pop.
>I had a bizarre dream. While I was walking amid the darkness in that dream, I saw a light. And I saw my pretty sister.
>My big sister, Ari. She asked me where I was going, so I said that I was going to follow her.
>I mean, my Sis was always really pretty. She made Mom very proud, so I'd be able to make Mom happy too.
>But then she said I should decide for myself. She said, 'Jaron, you're the one who has to decide who you want to be.'
>I thought for a bit, and I answered that I was going to be just like her, and then I woke up.
>It was a really sad dream

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>at least some of them had the option of becoming scholars and clergy.
>the option
you act as though neither of these would take years of training and discipline and some random peasant could just 'choose' to do this.

Women also had the option to just marry up if they were moderately good looking and trade their good looks for financial gain. Hypergamy is real after all.

Also the 'everybody had it worse' argument does not hold. Yes, both had it worse than today but men had it drastically worse. As in their mortality rate was way higher, their work was way harder,their quality of life way lower. Having to do some cleaning and having to raise children was not in any way comparible.


>men’s and women’s expected additional years of life at age twenty were 21.7 years and 31.1 years, respectively. Men at age twenty thus expected to have 9.4 less additional years of life than women had

see the above

That pic's a fucking keeper.

>Give me your insane, your confused, your tranny assholes, yearning to shed meat,
>The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
>Send these, the dickless, teratoma-tossed to me,
>I lift my dialator beside the popping door!”


Man, you suburbanite males cannot handle women denying how your ancestors hunted the mammoth, lol.

Fuck off with your gay ass debates and post more memes and Ari booty

Death when?

How did things look *before* age 20? Because those were prime child-bearing years that aren't being counted.

Dude stop making it a contest about what gender of ancestors had it worse, what is the point?

Whats wrong with traditional family values that prioritize women in the home?

Is Jazz the next Nietzsche?

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we call those guys, Castrato

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Am I the only one a bit unsettled by how convincing some trannies can be?

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Jewish girls look like that!? wtf /pol/ lied to me

>Ari will never sit on your face and edge you until you're begging to cum

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/pol/ is built on lies that comes from (((them))) disguised as the truth

>quoting himself
he's a pretentious little experiment isn't he?


Usually Jewesses lure non-Jews with Khazar milkers but Ari has the rare Khazar brapper.

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>Estimated life expectancy at birth was for females, 43.6 years; for males, 35.8 years

They started the argument trying to smugly suggest the opposite. Funny how they stop piping up after they're presented with multiple studys showing exactly the reverse of what they're trying to argue.

No way that is a tranny...

Its not
That pic is of a woman(female)

Getting a jewish wife/gf is the final redpill

It is

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>tfw no ari gf

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Its a Norwegian tranny names Siri Lehland.

oh shit wtf

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You can spot them out easily in person

fugg this is the first one that's got me lads
looks just like a swedish girl I used to crush on hard

How do we get Jazz to notice our memes?

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>those man hands and man shoulders
the dead giveaway

>giant hands and shoulders
every time

>tfw face like this

what do lads?

I thought the same about andreja pejic except when I first saw her/him in motion

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send them to Noelle on Instagram. I'm not gonna use my account

Get buff nigga

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based ahmir

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noelle =/= jazz

strean when

Literally in it for the money lmao

kek I've never seen video of this nigga, yeah its incredibly obvious outside of hand picked photos

literally a man in drag

Lighting / angles can do a lot

is right, you haave to see them in motion.

d-dear god tell me there's more

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when does it start frens?

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I imagine the worst thing to see one of your kids do is "transition".

Second worst is to "get blacked".

Third is suicide.

Jazz's father will be a rare case of experiencing all three.


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My 18 yo neighbor looks exactly like that LMAO and she's a girl (female).
Fuck fat cunts

He's only brought it on himself for being a fucking spineless bitch and letting his wife run the household

>Lighting / angles
Idk man. Emma Ellingsen looks like a woman above the neck from any angle from what I see

Lmao yeah I actually googled ages later bc idk her name I only saw pics from the /fa/ girl threads

Is comfy Streamer going to be here tonight? I assume so with the OP text.

and without lighting/make up

I think it is easier for them to pass before full on puberty because they are younger and have naturally softer faces. Even then, without make up you can tell in normal lighting conditions.

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Kek has anyone else watched this? Its so obvious which ones the real girl even though she's not a looker. The "equal" score at the end was deffo fake and I bet Blaire had so many extra immediate man-dars go off

Still looks like a woman tbqh

Shoulders, dude. He's basically a feminized Bluto.

Kek, looks like a (male) classmate I had in primary school. Guy turned into a total chad in his teens though, square jaw and all

>before puberty
That's because kids are little meat bags of asexuality/androgyny. Also that makeup homo is clearly a dude.

Amirs mom spilling harcore tea

So by extrapolation, those early birthing years really took a toll.

Looks even more manly

He looks like one of them private school lads named ritchie

go away, discord tranny.

yeah, i agree, he is still quite passable, but note that a lot of these young trannys take most of their vids indoors with controlled lighting.

When they get a bit older their features and skin change to the point where they are instantly recognisable as men without make up, even if they are pumped full of hormones since childhood.

Perhaps, but I think infant mortalities probably make up the bulk of the (2 year) difference between the after 20 figure and from birth figure.

How does Jazz look so manly while preventing test from such a young age and as well as all the estrogen and whatever they give him constantly? He doesn't pass at all especially consider so many trannies concert at an older age teens/early twenties and manage to look less manly

They really like angles, too.

go away retard

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>Everyone who isn't obsessed with trannies and therefore can't distinguish them as well as I can, are discord trannies

kys faggot

speak up cunt

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I live in SanFran and came up with a very good way to keep from accidentally fucking one while I'm drunk:
>Can't be taller than 5'3"
>Shoulders have to be smaller than hips
>Hands can't be fucking enormous
>Has to clearly be of age
If you can find a tranny that passes this test, and I live in Trannyville without a hiccup, you found an extremely rare breed of tranny.

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

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because no matter how much estrogen and test blockers you pump in to your body, you still have male chromosnes and male dna present in your body. Your skin, your bone structure, your organs, your brain, are all still male.

You can try and pump yourself with a hormone that replicates female sexual development but you're just changing the surface, you are still male at a fundamental level.

Its like trying to upgrade your RAM on your computer by downloading a .exe file. No matter what, your hardware is the same, you can download as many 8GB-ram.virus.exe files as you want, your hardware is always going to be 4GB of ram.

Human biology is kind of like this. No software (hormones) is magically going to take out your RAM and replace it. And as much as people like to pretend parts of the body are modular, they are not, your body is one unit. You can change it superficially, but you're ever changing it on a fundamental level.

Sounds good. The majority of women here are above 5'3, though.

Presence of a prominent adam's apple is all you need

Yes I'm around, details same as last week.

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turn up your volume arsewipe

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nice. still 2+ hours left though

Aris' insta is arishay if anyone wanted to know

Post a more Jewish picture than this. I double dare you!

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punished ari

I'm sorry. I don't understand retard.

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Did anyone see the description of tomorrow's fatkino? Holy shit it's like a crossover.
>fat person WANTS to stay fat AND get a sex change
>no one will perform surgery on them unless they lose weight
>reluctantly must lose weight in order to chop their dick off
We must ALL come together tomorrow night to see this. My 600lb tranny life.

I want a music remix of this scene. Just Jazz singing Tranny du du du, man blah blah blah!

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t. Discord pedophile dirty old man in a dress and cosplay wig

So bizarre it's like a guy in rehab saying
>I want to kick heroin so I can catch children better

please respond


lol fuck off discord tranny

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>discord tranny/women calling me a discord tranny

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so when does this fucking abomination start? have to say coming from fatkino you lads need to get organized

9 minutes

reminder that no normal people want to fuck trannies and if you find any of these abominations attractive you are part of the mentally ill LGBT brigade

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What the fuck is the queer anyway?

>implying even those who don't like trannies cannot also be disgusted by annoying walltext user

>discord tranny in denial

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Walltext user is informative. What is dialation?

Fancy way to say bi

The ride is starting

Strap in, fellas.

god he's a fucking ugly goblin



>Jazz is honest in interviews about the horrific butchery that went on for his sex change surgery
>the mom is worried that might discourage kids and their parents from getting the surgery
What an evil bitch

>if jazz is too honestly about her surgery other kids might not get it
my fucking sides this fucking witch


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I want to suck JuJu's JuJus.

What an ugly fucking moomoo he's wearing.

Jazz, telling the truth might dissuade kids from taking part in medical body-horror.

it’s time lads

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>people won't want their kids to be trans if you say the truth

>theres a stool softner
>so my vagina can poop better

You can see his fucked up tubular moob perfectly in it.

>shut it down

Jeanette you can't cover up the horror forever

his lips make me want to vomit

Is Jazz's mom pure evil?

Gradually I began to hate them

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why does the cat have a dogbone collar
dont tell me they've decided its transpecies


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fuck this is hilarious already

Jazz is mildly autistic. Never put her on TV. She can't spin a narrative to save her life.

She 100% pushed Jazz into doing this. What a sham.


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Yes. Hell yeah. Absolutely man.


Their consistent behavior makes it easy to happen.

>my lips are loose

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Here's the exclusive bra designed by Jazz

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>Butch dyke calls sand nig her boy

A bra is for ladies, that's a bro.

never seen this before but man i like jazz, i just feel bad for her, how the fuck is nobody telling her that her mother is literally a demon

that blonde lad with long hair and deep voice

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>chatting with his ugly tranny friends

On a trip with my family and apparently they watch this show, didn’t know what these threads were til now. What the fuck? I’m a lib cuck and they just chucking the wrong pronouns out left and right but somehow they’re more invested in it than me. They keep trying to predict who is trans and who isn’t. Is it just a circus show for them? Or is this slow autism really then trying to acclimate to something this simple?


Noelle's future

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>Tranny titty shaking montage

absolute state of the current year

Chances Amir is going to be outed as a 'chaser' and Jazz cries for drama? Is that going too deep for the TLC audience?

65% chance he is a chaser. 35% chance he is a production plant.


retarded kangaroo fuckers

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Is this pre or post?

Disgusting either way.

The reason a lot of trans women get their nuts removed is so they can stop taking spironolactone. It's the drug that cancels out their testosterone, and makes you piss it out, but it's also a strong diuretic so it's hard on your kidneys over a long time (like a decade.) If you get your balls removed then you just take estrogen. The vast majority of trans women just do this, very few actually get a vaginoplasty like Jazz.

Is anyone doing another stream again tonight? I wanna get comfy.

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post, you can see his laproscopy scars

I bet Ari's asshole tastes tremendous

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>tranny fatkino tomorrow
What a wonderful world we live in

so just a floppy dick with dead nuts?

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Why are there so many ads targeted to moms on this channel?

It's a circus show for all of us. America is a circus to the world.
>The Fat Man is now a normality.
>The Bearded Woman is on TLC and is telling people to use its pronouns.
>TLC also has a show about an imp midget dwarf family.
>The Strong Man has been pushed aside by America's roided freaks.
>The commoner food is worse than peanuts.
>Every memer is a clown.
>Every Jew is a ring leader.
Honk honk, Amerilards.

the absolute lad

Damn equality.

>post op camel toe

really not sure how to feel about this

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surely though they need some kind of mild test supplement? seems like with XY genetics, they would have big problems otherwise


Because bored housewives are the core TLC demographic. The next biggest demographic is boomers fighting off the Grim Reaper which is why TLC has so many ads for prescription medication.

Just saw the video of the boyfriend and his mother's phonecall. This guy will be trouble.

Well absent nuts, they're completely removed. It's the same thing for dudes with nut cancer, they get them removed and just take testosterone. But for dudes they make these little silicon fake nuts to implant in your scrotum, because it'll shrink up and get rigid pretty quickly if there's no nuts stretching it out.
For trannies though having the no nuts makes tucking a non-problem, so they don't go the extra mile toward vaginoplasty often.

TLC is pretty much the freakshow network.

>amir didn't kiss jazz when they met
fake and gay relationship

amir really thinks he's not gay...?

100% fake. Obviously set up to keep ratings high after Jazz removed his dick.

No, Estrogen gets broken down into testosterone, and vice versa. The hormones get turned into each other in a cycle. Ovaries weigh that cycle toward estrogen, and Testicles produce more hormones than ovaries and weigh the cycle toward testosterone. You can artificially replicate this by just dosing T or E correctly.

>bored housewives are the core TLC demographic
But why? Why do they want to watch shows about transgender teenagers and disgustingly obese people?

>sup dude, I mean honey

Why does it speak of mermaids as though they are real?

>Noelle literally doesn't even look like he's TRYING, he looks like a VERY masculine nerd in a bad wig

They get drawn in by other shows like Say Yes to the Dress and 90 Day Fiance and the polygamy one. Then they see the commercials for the rest of TLC's programming and decide to stick around for the freakshows.


Jazz's mom indoctrinated her from an early age to love mermaids and associate her with feminity. The Little Mermaid is a pseudo-transition movie.

Could you imagine being his black mom?
>Baby ya don't gots to do dis fo money. Dey can't be payin' you dat much child.
>I hope you prayed today. I'm prayin' fo you.
>Dat heshe touched you tuhday? Come home, please boy. I can't be cryin' witchu ovah da phone no mo. I wanna hold you.


Noelle is so out to lunch, that fat guy that decided hes a tranny last week is more passable

>it's not cute, it's not pretty

>trannies like unfuckable half-human half-monster abominations because they can relate to them

Black moms are so kino. Jazz wouldn't get away with even 5% of his shit if he had a black mom.

>guy asking permission to girlfriend's son to marry her
american ads really are something

Jarron would be a normal boy if his mom wasn't a demon spewed forth from the bowels of hell.

Nothing makes one feel better than sitting in judgement of others.

Yurocucks have no room to talk.

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>Juju Chang married Neal Shapiro on December 2, 1995. At that time, she converted to Judaism.

Why do trannies always pick retarded names?

Dr. Ting and Dr. Caitlyn Jenner cannot be trusted

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>it changes every day
>its becoming something more
>its remarkable

gee, i don't know. the mental illness that warps their perception of themselves and reality?

>dr. jazz ting

>your wound is essential closed at this point
oh no!

She looks more masculine now than when she was younger. Yeah, I know she used hormones then as well. But it's weird, they really can't hide it at all after a certain age.

But I though Asian women lusted after white men

what in the everloving fuck

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that age being 20
teenage boys almost always look like twinks

>lebian women
>Trans women

This is a meme graph. No lesbian want a trans woman. That's why most of them are TERFs or closet TERFS

>might be cleared for sexual activity in 6 months

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The jews will strategically marry into other races in order to subvert them. Asia is next.

>are you asking me as a physician?
no we're asking you as a fucking plumber, what do you think idiot


No way.

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>tranny calls your mom
>whats your problem with my cloaca?
>cant go home again

will they show ahmed and jaron having sex? isn't that against islam or something?

No discordtranny, there's a whole brigade of you freaks trying to force this BOY dressed up as a girl as some example of an attractive tranny. Ironically this just reveal your demented pedophilia to everyone else

Take a look at any of his fullbody pictures, no curves, skinny legs, no hips... It's a boy who never underwent puberty due to his sick pedohpile parents experiments and then was dressed up and caked in makeup to look like a girl. Unlike Jazz he looks good though since he is Norwegian and not a fat spic jew, but he is obviously a boy and if you're attracted to him you're a faggot pedo and should kill yourself.

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>so you're telling me you dont have a penis
lmao this nigga

I guess the first 2 weeks of dialation belong to the class (Trannies) rather than the object (Jazz)

To be fair, how many trannies trust medical science?

>I'm creeped out

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Ahmir breaking character again

>admitting that you are so fucking autistic you can't pick up basic physiological cues

>disgusted by jazz' stomach vagina

These kikes specifically look for other kikes to play with. Not surprised.

They're white enough to pass AND they have money. Two things a dirt-poor chink wants in a man.

I think it's technically CP since Jarron's vagina is too young.

>create the labia
>create the clitoris

As weird as it is I think most Islamic jurists consider it permissible.

probably most of them since their fucked up fetish relies on giving thousands of dollars to surgeons and doctors

Why do all american ads look like parodies?

Also amir looking like hes about to snap, the shining style.

those fucking hands and jaw are laughable

Ahmir did not sign up for this

>Double penetration

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American ads are all a fucking joke. Sometimes you don't know what product is being advertised until the very last second. It's bullshit.

Because marketers are incredibly out of touch

why dont blacks have empathy?
>so yeah thats the thing im incredibly insecure and worried about


So it's like with the Greeks and Romans in that it's only gay if YOUR on the bottom?

look up trannies getting a fourchette follow up procedure to create a realistic looking vagina after it heals, its all the craze with the discords considering its a race to look as close to a woman among all of their kind.

Blacks have their survival instincts kicked up to 11 compared to other races. They don't have the time or energy to give a shit about other people's problems.

SeeIt's everywhere.

Doctors are a means to an end. They take the money and create the neovagina. They also know biological differences and are hindered by trannies calling themselves women and lying on documents when entering an office. Medical science differentiates medicine for men and women because of our differences, and they will scold you for lying and ruining your mind and body. Doctors are against trannies when money isn't involved.

They don't have elephants in the rooms in africa

>Ahmir is just now finding out about the vaganus

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its actually totally normal to fuck little boys because it doesn't violate islamic law

Ahmir wants pre-op ladyboys, not post-op.

Well that's definitely the consensus of Arabs in general, but I think there were trannies in Mecca. I know in Iran gays become trans so they can get away with gay sex.

>I'm creeped out

>surprised ahmed finds his genital mutilation disgusting
>ahmed was expecting a tiny peepee to suck

Would you?

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>Jeanette having a lunch break with the producers
to fill up the episode
>Passes it off as "talking to friends."

Where are you guys watching this?

This table is a fucking witch coven. Everyone sitting there needs to be burned at the stake.

boomer women should get the rope

drama ebegger with no personality

Is Ahmed just retarded. What did he think the dialators were?

These disgusting cunts all forced their loving sons into this physical and emotional abuse.


Holy FUCK why is Charlie unironically hot

If Jazz were a real woman calling "her" vag a disgusting surgical patchwork would have been a huge fight or even grounds for breakup, but he just lets it go lol.


...you do have cable, right?

>the new wave of kids
fucking lynch mode

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lol Jazz is the Noelle of this group

>I know in Iran gays become trans so they can get away with gay sex.
It's either become a tranny or get hung from a crane

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>I thought you were dialating your asshole.

>mfw them getting the surgery will accelerate their suicide

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>the tribe
She said it.

Holy shit I want to fuck Charlie's guts so hard

face surgery. started hormones at 11

>kids with microdicks who can't get regular dick inversion surgery
>these are, like, the new wave of children!
Absolutely Lynchian


>user is a pedo for little boys in makeup

>surrounding themselves with pussies because they have none

That mom put her 11-year-old on fucking botox? CPS!

what if Charlie was in every episode wouldnt that be weird haha


Coincidence? I think not! /ourgirl/ is a DC fan.

>not a single dad supporting it
The eternal roastie strikes again

he probably expected her to be like bailey jay

Hold on a minute, are these all male?

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Shazam is a kike. DC is owned by kikes. Jazz is a kike. Kikes support kikes.

That blonde fag a cute, i would do him.

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that's probably what he thought
>look how big my anal dildos are TEE HEE

Yeah but I don't wanna go sit down in my living room

holy shit. he thought it was a boi pussy, not a frankenwound.

You never really know on this show you gotta use caution and take everything you see with a grain of salt. Funniest moment for me was the blind dating in the dark, they turn the lights on and Jazz's other tranny friend is also in the room. Was like something out of a comedy movie

>yes you are gay

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Is Amir's mom /our girl/?

Black moms are so badass. Makes the kike hag's neck hair stretch out after being called out on her BS.

uncle joey would also sniff the sweat under Jazzes man tits, he has no shame

>let me tell you this nigga you gay
my fucking sides so based

holy fucking rekt

based mom

>ahmed's mom calls him a fag

>yes u ar gay

Mrs. Amir is the only sane person on this show

And since she's black she can't do shit.

>my chromo zones

Amir blown the FUCK out

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>kike pulls the bigotry and hate card

based woke black woman

amir is now a faggot.

yes you ARE gay

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Wait did she call Jazz gay or Amir?


Ahmir's black mom shutting down TLC's gay indoctrination narrative established over 3 years in 2 minutes

he thought she had a feminine penis, that's not gay

>amir is a homophobic trannyfucker


God, I hope we get an episode where Ahmir takes Jazz to a family get together and he's just getting roasted by his relatives the entire time


>nobody has a comeback
>hang up phone
>immediate cut while they rebrainwash everyone
my fucking sides


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wew lad

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what sort of dimension did i just fall into lads

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>jaron laying on a bed under covers again

>going back for round 2

why would TLC even air this? no sane person disagrees with based black mom. their narrative is dead.

>now Ahmir's mom is calling out Jazz's victimization bullshit
God damn, she's dropping red pills left and right

Black mom calling out tranny kike's victim blaming narrative

Give her a show!

Dang, that's a big bed.

nordcucks, everyone

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jazz absolutely btfo



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>how come i gotta accept you when you wont accept me

more red pills being dropped by amirs mom.

>normal people should stop attacking me!

they exist in every corner. clean your corners user

>I'm not a victim, my people are victimized all the time


will ahmir fuck jazz in the frankenpusy or is he just gonna go for the boipucci

Red-pilled mammy 2. Ladyboy kike 0.

>we're victimized
What group isn't nowadays? Don't talk about victimhood to a black woman, kike.

these so much shit happening in this I don't know whats going on. are the dudes fags? is this some fucked up love triangle? theres so much degeneracy here that I dont even know how to process it

how do we get that cell phone number so we can call while they're filming?
>Amir being homeless
will Jazz adopt him now?

>Jazz gets invited to the cookout
I'm fucking lolling

When you hear a black person saying "hmmm" in response to your dialogue, you know you fucked up.

the woman is the fag couple's surrogate

>and heres another thing how come they doors were wood, aint no wood door stopping no gas

>Noelle's body at the beach

we'll never see that nigga again

This was a pretty amazing episode. I hope Ahmir's mom is a recurring character.

wouldn't it be crazy if Ahmir and Jazz ran off to be homeless together?

how much you wanna bet he posts on pol


is there still going to be the stream on cytube tonigt?

>coworker comes in during tranny gathering scene
>”damn those are some cute girls you’re watching user”

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>Jazz yelling at a black woman about victimized communities

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he's the blacked poster

Calling it now, Jazz calls itself polyamorous next episode

Even blue-pilled moms think Jazz destroyed his body. Can't spin this trans narrative forever.

at first i thought he meant kikes

>hol up how can zix millium julz be geting gassed if there wasnt dat many julz in germuhny
>it dun add up
holy shit

did you tell him the truth?

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>My people went through the Holocaust. 6 million died.
>White girl, it wasn't 400 years, and your people control the banks. Stick that white privilege up your ass, fag.

inb4 amirs mom posts on pol

>and now we have lizard people

yep, the breakup is inevitable.

>Nigga I'm jus sayin maybe they's a reason y'all been kicked out of a hunnid countries in y'all's existence

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>You think deez crackas oppressed you? Ya'll were doing just fine before the supplies were cut.

>Wahh a real woman is telling me I'm a fag in a dress
>I can't handle reality bloobloo

>Imma axe you sumthin, Jazz
>Why the Nazis build pools and soccer fields and that kinda shit if they was supposedly gassing yall?

The people on this pimple show are more of a victim than Jazz ever will. Jesus Christ.

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I love the way jazz wants to be a girl but is so unfeminine. No sense of mystique. Nothing unknown. Nothing to be unlocked or conquered or discovered. Those are the qualities which draw men to pursue the beautiful modest women. While jazz talks about her destroyed gash hole 24/7 and cant stop living life as if her "vagina" is her own god.

Yep. He didn’t care, said he’d still fugg