The Orville

how did you react to Alara leaving the show?

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Eh she could be back

We knew well in advance but it's still sad. Talla is ok though.

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with mild apathy

That identity episode was stupid, when the union ship is blown up after the 13 button salute why wasnt earth alerted?? Why would they continue to let a kaylon be on the ship when he betrayed them and was responsible for many deaths?

Sucks because of the work put into the character. I do think they should have picked a different person/alien for the new Chief of Security. Not that I don't like Talla, but if they establish that Xelayan's are rare in the military, why throw another one in the same exact position?

Do you really think so user?


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The show was obviously never going to rise above Seths shitty humour and characterization or star trek rip off scripts, so all Alara leaving did was make it an easy choice to drop the show for me and the millions who have.

>Talla is ok though.


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i like her more

>Be Seth
>Cast hot young chick in your show
>You have no self control, and decide to shit where you eat
>Start fucking a co-star that's young enough to be your daughter.
>You don't offer her up as fan service, but instead work hard to develop her character to the point that her character becomes one of the most popular things on your show
>She starts fighting with other cast members on set
>Break up with her
>She leaves the show
>Don't wanna risk hiring another hot young girl in her 20s because you have no self control
>Fuck over the fans once again by replacing her with some past her prime brown 30 year old who has the raspy voice of a cigarette smoker

Thanks Seth

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Terminators won.

>I do think they should have picked a different person/alien for the new Chief of Security.

This. They had a chance to either promote a side character or bring in someone entirely new but chose to go with "Alara, but older and not as attractive." Baffling desu.

Is this what happened, or just rumors?

He fucked her.

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I fucked her

It seems the actor playing Dan slayed all the pussies in the show, Doc included

I though her exit episode was so good it was worth losing the character for.

now you'll stop making threads about this hackjob show?

Who? What show?

>She starts fighting with other cast members on set
I thought she publicly cucked Seth and that's why she had to go.

Sure, Mike. Of course we know about that.

Thats my boy

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just look at how cute that little retard is being proud and shit


i liked her character for the most part but the acting and how she was written and looked always seemed at odds, always gave off this it girl bitch vibe in my opinion

I miss this strong little retard so fucking much bros.

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Kinda glad for it. The show was at times looking way too focused on her and having her be the main "good girl" saving the day.

With someone new in the seat they can give up on the Mary Sue aspect of the Xelayan character being super strong but often having her and others question her strength only to be shown she really is super strong. It was a black mark on the character that was starting to get old.

They probably had written episodes based on the character still being around and didn't want to change the scripts that much.

On good episode isn't worth losing a shows life force.

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Why do both Alara and Talia look far more attractive than the actresses who play them?

Have you actually seen the actress who plays Alara in real life?

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>Not Seth here

Alara was too Harry Potter

Security Chick from heavy Gravity Utopia needs to be ballsy

Who cares; They fuck each other all the time without knowing who the next Jobs/Gates/Bezos will be . . . . .

All my these's:

Is it any wonder why Seth couldn't help banging her?

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Didn't really care. I like the show, and while she's kind of cute, I don't understand the obsession.

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>So Vanilla

>shows life force.
what are you talking about? Teleya still shows up from time to time.

My fagboi Bortus and based Isaac are way better than any of these whores.


She has nice titties but thats it

Go to bed, Seth

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>but thats it
She also has a pretty face.
Pretty face + nice tits = heaven.

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Yes. She's very attractive but somehow more so as an alien. B'Elanna Torres was a similar story.

Wasn't until I had six episodes of DS9 left that I realized Kasady Yates was Claire. Honestly think she's hotter now.

she has an unmistakable qualities of a jewess succubus

I now understand why FOX kept this episode from airing as part of season one. The show would not have gotten renewed and they knew it.

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Identity was pretty fucking great.

>dat ending when Isaac is taking a picture of home

Can't believe some Seth shit almost made me cry.

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>americans think this is 10/10
if only they knew

was this show just one big joke off star trek?

you all crying about Alara and ignorint the shows best waifu

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I thought there was rumours about Seth being gay?

Oh, we know, but Hollywood does't cast 10/10 hot chicks anymore.

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I don't understand why they replaced her with whatever this old thing is supposed to be. Why not just cast a new hot chick in her early 20s?

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mommy gib milky

meh. am mad that her replacement is some 40 yr old quadroon

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Man, the escalation of stakes in those last two episodes, going from one crew member dying in an accident to thousands dying in a space battle, fantastic. Battle itself was the sort of thing you'd see on Deep Space 9, logh, or Babylon 5, and the cgi was brilliant. I like this show.


shes not coming back to the Orville, and shes not going back to school. only one option left

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>when the union ship is blown up after the 13 button salute why wasnt earth alerted?
Why would a ship being lost without a distress message would alert earth of an incoming threat?

Is STD still a heap of shit? I dropped it somewhere in season 1.

Also, when is Orville actually airing? I always see it like a few days later...

A 60 year old black granny in a wig, who use to be on ds9? Shes all yours bro.

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I don't know, I didn't make it though the first episode.

episodes airs on Thursdays I think

std is hilarious. watch recaps and crack vids on youtube for laughs

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Personally I'm enjoying season 2 of Discovery more than 1. Pike in particular has been great and I love evil Michelle Yeoh running around in Section 31. Still too much Tilly being Tilly but the other bridge crew are getting more screentime to counteract it. I'd say try checking it out again.

what's going on in here

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>only one option left
Become a naughty Christmas Elf, and make money on patreon ?

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Yes, STD is still shit. They traded in comfy, and episodic for generic space lazer fights. Micheal's actor couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, and it's straight up distracting. Instead of a cerebral series of mini stories about exploring the nature of life in outer space, we get one drawn out war story with mirror universe shenanigans that breaks protocol with every other series. What made it worse was the shit fest in the modern "entertainment media" with all that shit about the lead being a black women, like anyone cared. Trek is being run by toxic feminists, sjws, and 70 year old business men who couldn't give a shit beyond profits.

A new Picard show that promises to give Picard the humiliating Luke Skywalker treatment is supposed to make up for a trash grimdark Michael Burnham show that spits on Roddenberry's grave, and Star Trek's legacy? I wouldn't even waste my time watching it for free.

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what a SLUT

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>Is STD still a heap of shit?
It's worse. Lorca was the one saving grace of the show and they killed him off. Every week I make the mistake of watching it after the Orville and it sucks the fun out of me.

Also, continuity wise they've attempted to retcon their Klingons as all having shaved their heads last seasons so now their designs have awkward looking wigs that don't suit their designs at all.
Also, I know the JJ films and such have already messed up Section 31 but we see Section 31 have their own special badges they wear openly, and openly show who they are to the crew. Amazing how in the future only admirals and relevant people knew about Section 31 given how loose lipped they were during discovery.

Kelly's way hotter anyway if you're anything past 14 so I think we're good. I do miss the character though.

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I miss the nice or daughter relationship she had with the crew.

God, I've never had an account but every snippet I see of Reddit makes me hate it more. Can't compare a currently airing Trek homage to a fucking currently airing Trek show.

>so now their designs have awkward looking wigs that don't suit their designs at all
kek, that almost makes me want to watch that shit to have some good laughs.

how the fuck does he do it?

Not backtracking at all. What a shitshow.

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fuck, my sides

ugly af

this goblin doesnt even need makeup

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>Shatner blocks Isaacs
Oy vey what an antisemite!

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>That identity episode was stupid, when the union ship is blown up after the 13 button salute why wasnt earth alerted

The only thing a blown up ship can do is not send a signal. There must be a massive variety of things in space travel that can cause that.

>Why would they continue to let a kaylon be on the ship when he betrayed them and was responsible for many deaths?

This conversation was in the episode. The real question is why it only took one guy in a purple shirt to say yes.

>how did you react to Alara leaving the show?

Happy, since her character was "thousand year old dragon loli" tier. She was an obvious waifu character.

Besides, everyone knows Doctor Finn is best girl.

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Didn't care. If only seth would leave

Teleya is best girl

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>going balls deep in your enemies cloaca

That's some next level diplomacy.

how fast is he moving, here?

He was only actually in the view of the camera for three tenths of a second.

are you anons blind? Thats a guy in a suit, Seth is just a myth

You're the only one mentioning Seth. The filename says seth, but you didn't quote him. He asked how fast the man in the image was moving, I answered.
Everyone knows the real Set died thousands of years ago.

They had a blonde crewoman or whatever she was talk to Gordon in the mess hall in some episode. I think she was charismatic enough to be a regular.

Seth never existed, is a term the CIA use when they refer so sitcoms designed to control the american public


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>Seth never existed
Exactly what the CIA wants you to believe.

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lol /fit/ would throw a fit at that form

Aliens have different biology, anatomy, or some such shit. It's perfect alien form.

what does a naked xelayan look like then

Four pusys

sideways pussy for start

four tongues inside her pusy

I like how the first thing all of us thought was rhe pussy

All I can think about now are those trips.

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> I said no cake, bitch!

I would live inside the simulator

I love Isaac but I'm annoyed that it seems he'll be still part of the crew.

y doe?

trips don't lie.

He's a fucking robot in case you didn't realize

Looks like Rocky from Mask


Back the same way Denise Crosby would come back.

Pls tell me there is proof of this.

wtf is wrong with her face?

I only come to this board for the /trek/ general and I've tried to watch this show. It started promising but has turned out to be nothing more than a vehicle for bad to mediocre writing. It's filled with modern identity politics garbage too, just carefully layered in it.

Doesn't feel like Star Trek or even good sci-fi.

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Alara was boring like most of The Orville's cast. It suffers from the same problem TNG (and in some ways Voyager) did in which it has some great episodes but very few good characters.

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prehensile vagina. Can grab cock from 5 feet away

None of us want you here. Fuck off back to you-know-where, tourist.

Orville does sci-fi better than Discovery and is far less identity politics driven too.

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